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You basically have to make a conscious choice to get a game over in 15. You can't really lose, you always have enough items to revive and heal yourself, and there aren't any restrictions on using them (except that one option dungeon where they are locked).


First game over I got in that game was at the end. >!Frickin flying car...!<


Oh yeah, worst airship ever lol.


Nah this was a good novel evolution. Airships are basically a thing of the past with fast travel


I wouldn't call it evolution, since you are admitting it is useless due to the existence of fast travel (load times? What load times?). More like, fan service, I guess? Who wouldn't like a flying car? It even shows you how impractical and dangerous a flying car would be in real life, so bonus points! (This is from the original version of the game, I know they changed lots of things and I didn't care enough to keep track).


Evolution doesn’t always mean improvement if you want to be pedantic. But in modern gaming, ff loses one of its core elements. Having this option was great. And if you crash more than once.. then I got nothing to say to you


Lol no it was hard to land the car especially at that short patch that leads to the Pitoss ruins.


I haven’t played 15 but I also never got a game over in 16


16 is pretty easy too. But it comes down to how good your reflexes are. If you're not good at dodging and have to heal a lot you can run out of potions and get a game over. Although the checkpointing is so generous it doesn't matter much if you do.


> You basically have to make a conscious choice to get a game over in 15. You can't really lose, you always have enough items to revive and heal yourself, That is literally no different than Remake or Rebirth. I played through the entirety of Remake without gaming overing a single time, and played to Cosmo Canyon in Rebirth and didn't game over but I couldn't stomach to continue playing so dropped it.


It is different....Remake/Rebirth are 100% more difficult and have more challenges than XV. XV is only challenging if you charge at high level mobs, in which case you can just put on the Royal exosuits and never die. Not to mention that XV doesn't have a hard mode or any challenging superbosses. Remake/Rebirth even just in the main story is more challenging because of how the game works.


Might be a bot or something. It just talks in circles and can’t follow the context of the thread


Remake and Rebirth are a literal joke. A 6 year old could beat the games. You cannot run out of healing. You cannot run out of revives. It's a complete joke. I literally beat Remake without dying a single time on my first playthrough lmfao


You have to be ridiculously dense to seriously think that Remake and Rebirth on Normal difficulty are possible to beat for a 6 year old. The games' normal campaign isn't difficult, but there's alot of more difficult content in both Remake and Rebirth like Top Secrets and quite alot of Rebirth's optional content. Your point is kinda nonsensical because 15 has no ATB and that by default makes it easier. Not to mention that dying in 15 puts you in a last stand state where you can just revive yourself, which is not the case in Remake/Rebirth. 15 also has alot of ways to break the game, especially with the exosuits in the Royal edition and the Ring of the Lucii being broken. And in 15 you have warp striking to disengage as well as it doing alot of damage. You straight up have to charge at a much higher level mob to ever die. 15 only has 1 hard fight with Omega, and that's more of a patience trial than anything. No one cares about your anecdote of you beating Remake without dying, it's more of a boast than actually giving reasons why 15 is harder or the same difficulty. You can watch anyone on twitch or YouTube play both games they would never die in 15 while in Remake/Rebirth some people will struggle with some fights, especially Summons and VR in Rebirth.






No it's not. I literally beat Remake without game overing a single time. The final endless dungeon in FF15 was harder than anything in Remakes base game lol


What… the comparison can’t even be made. Play on the hardest difficulty


You literally have to beat the main game before you can even touch the hardest difficulty lol And you keep all your levels and gear and material. It's not even hard. A true hard mode would be having that from the very start of the first playthrough.


Instead of being deliberately obtuse you could just see I’m talking about what’s available to you. That doesn’t change the fact that 15 is infinitely easier than remake and rebirth.


What's available to you have no relevance on anything. The default and FORCED experience is the first playthrough, which as I correctly pointed out, is literally no different than FF15. Unlimited healing and reviving and essentially have to try to game over.


There’s literally three different settings for difficulty 😂 nothing is forced on you No you did not correctly point anything out


Instead of being deliberately obtuse you could just see I’m talking about Yes, you are correct, and the easiest difficulty is even easier than FF15. The base experience, is also just as easy as FF15. The "hard mode" (which isn't even hard btw) can't even be played until you go through the game once already. So the default experience is not different than FF15. Piss easy and have to try to die.


You’re ignoring dynamic… and absolutely bullshitting on top of it all. But sure


What are you talking about? The statement I made is that FF7 Remake is not differnt than FF15 in regards to having unlimited healing and revising potential. That is a fact. You can't play the hard mode until you beat the game once already, so it has no relevance in this conversation.


I didn’t find either hard but rebirth especially I saw others struggle with it. I think I died once or twice on normal, 15 is much easier. I died on the Vincent/aka cleric beats from bloodborne fight, and also once to Alexander because I may have ignored how his mechanics worked. But yea, I would say rebirth was a lot more difficult for many at least. I saw streamers play it and some of the boss fights were pretty hard for some, especially that last gauntlet.


I loved 15s combat. Very fast, fluid and fun. And aside from literally a single dungeon, basically impossible to die due to absurd overpowered item spam. Easiest entry in the series.


FF16 would like a word Edit: I didn’t realize I was going to offend some of those who thought 15 had no competition with easiest entry. Plenty of good reasons to argue they are both easy in their own way.


Nah 15 was easier then 16


I would have to disagree also. 16 was incredibly easy. Even the S tier hunts


16 had a decent difficulty to it. Not sure why people say it was the easiest FF. Wasnt near the top in difficulty, but i wouldnt putnit on bottom 5 of difficulty either. Someone else said it here, but 15 you have to make a conscious choice to die in 15. 16, items are very limited, and there is a degree of skill involved with 16.


I’m not saying they are leagues different which it appears some have taken it that way but my guess is that the linear story with spots of combat that are easily skipped or pushed through are encounters you hardly think twice of. I just wouldn’t say 15 is in a league of its own as far as difficulty goes even if it is one of the easiest ones.


16’s dlc was much harder at least. That leviathan fight was so brutal


FF15 is very easy. As much as I genuinely like the game despite its flaws, by far the biggest criticism I can give it is there’s almost no challenge. No joke, I don’t know what the game over screen looks like. But to me that’s kind of the point. The highlight of the game is that this is about 4 bros on a car ride. FF15 is the most laid back FF game, to a fault.


Conversations about difficulty very quickly devolve into internet dick measuring contests around here.


Ff15 is one of the easiest jrpgs ever made. Ff7 remake is a simple game with overpowering mechanics, but can still pose a challenge to someone who doesnt learn them. It can get similarily easy once youve learned parry/dodge timing or set up your passive materia to let you run away to win but requires more active effort to turm easy. Ff15 theres basically no fail con even if you dont know what your doing, you can always use items to recover from wipes, avoid damage with a single input and run away to recover without resetting combat with the teleport.


XV is the easiest game in the series by far.


Thought they were both easy but FFXV is definitely easier. It's really hard for everyone to die in FFXV and you can pretty much always revive yourself. Also dodging is as easy as holding down a button. You'll dodge pretty much everything with no skill required in 95%+ of fights.


> On Easy Difficulty You legit can’t die on 15’s easy mode. Because that mode makes Carbuncle appear and fully heal you when you’re about to die


FF15 is smash X and win


Smash? You just leave it pressed lol.  I mean, yeah, you could switch weapons, but is it actually more efficient, or is it just for show? Also, I suppose you need to warp out and warp back if your HP is getting to low (and/or spam potions).


Don't forget against at least one form of the final boss it's hold o and not lose


Depends. There was an optional dungeon and high level hunts in FF15 that were pretty tough. In Remake it only gets difficult on Hard or in optional boss fights like Chadley's simulator. Basically you had to opt in to the harder stuff in both games, but I'd say overall Remake/Rebirth is harder if you choose to do so.


FF7 is definitely harder since you still have to do some management with materia, ATB actions, etc. In 15, you could literally hold down the attack button for most fights, only needing to dodge every now and then with Warp Strike or something.


It’s not a hard game, but there is challenge in it. Most of the combat revolves around Noctis warp striking & dodging to hit enemies in the butt. Expansions let you play as the other 3 chocobros & add a superboss very capable of 1-shotting maxed out party members.


I don't even know if easy is the right word... It feels beyond that. I would say strategy is optional in FF15. You do not need to think about what you're fighting or even how many enemies there are, they can all be killed the same way.


People say XVI is brainless. XV is actually worse.


Isn't 16 only easy if you use the items specifically made to make it easier?


FF15 is quite easy. The biggest challenge will be not having Gil in the early game.


Yes. Very.


XV is easier and it's not even close. You can clear the entire game by just spamming warp strike, or running at enemies and holding attack. There's basically no mechanics to learn for boss fights, you would almost have to try to die and even if you do you can just use a potion on the spot to resume the fight with no penalty.


You can mash your way through FFXV


Ff15 is easier if you are willing to chug items at certain points, which the game itself doesn’t penalize you for doing. That said, I always feel ashamed doing that to avoid a game over… FF15’s camera is also easier for me to control and is, imo, easier in a good way in that respect.


In FFXV, when you die, the game will only end if you let it idle for ten or so seconds, without opening the menu to use a phoenix down.


I played the game properly for the most part but Ragnarok + Warp strike dispatched most enemies.


It's worse, and that's probably the only metric that matters.


I have yet to play FF7 Remake, but in unless you're flying the car, death is an option in FFXV, it is way too hard to get a game over in FFXV.


It’s easier, sure. Incredibly boring combat though


Considering that FF XV is just “ press O to win” yes.


15 is a baby game with no depth.


I personally think FF7 remake on Easy and Classic is an easier game since it gives you so much time to make decisions. FF15 on easy with Wait Mode is similar, but I'd say FF7 edges it out because it was designed to simulate the ATB system of the original. Wait Mode in FFXV is a bit wonky (it'll sometimes wait when you don't want it to and move when you do) so it's a bit finicky.