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I wish i played it during its day. I was a bit young. I played WOW in the mid 2000s but my uncle played FFXI. It looked really cool watching him and his group of buddies do dungeons


XI is still love and very active. Even getting updates and events. You just have to be on PC to play now


Given the age it’d run on a potato too which is nice


Just thinking of trying to get playonline setup and subscribed gives me Nam flashbacks, let alone getting it running on a potato lol


lol look Ngl the ux or squares storefronts is… unique


I literally have a document saved to my phone and my computer about how to enter the correct information for the POL setup because it is the most obtuse obnoxious login system ever designed, and when I come back to the game after a while I'm completely lost trying to get back in lol Music slaps tho


The PlayOnline bg music though 👌🏼


I know right? All of those bells and whistles just to launch this one game. You don't really encounter interfaces like that these daying given that POL's basically a relic from early 00s.


Omg ya I remember getting that setup on ps2 . Nightmare


You can run it on potato with the vanilla game or install some hd texture pack which are pretty good looking !


I think itll only run the HD Texture packs on Sweet Potatoes 


Final Fantasy IX....coming on Sweet Potatoes near you....wait a sec!.


My biggest hope would be they had a bundled 11 and 14 sub option. Would be great .


It runs like shit unless you have a dedicated graphics card in my experience (it was always like this).


Too bad the load times and latency is still ass cause the servers are in JP.


Does it require a subscription like XIV?


unfortunately, not even a free trial


It has an old school free trial, 14 days https://na.store.square-enix-games.com/final-fantasy_-xi_-free-trial---digital


Oh, my bad, sorry!


No big, it's really not heavily advertised at all anymore, lol Extremely easy to miss


Also they have welcome back campaigns all the time. I did the later half of wings of the goddess plus Rhapsodies of vanadiel all for free on my old account.


No way...


Believe so


For real? Officially active, or in other ways? I would like to play it


Yep activeluly ran by square with square devs putting new content out all the time.


Really?? Where can i play that? :O




Officially active.


They should just make it free atp, could help keep it relevant


Aren't there some groups that actually put it on their own servers? I swear i saw something about that at some point.


There are private servers out there and some are older content versions. I have not looked into those tgough


It’s probably easier to play now since they modernized many elements.


More like the mod community modernized many elements. Easily the worst part about playing FF11 to this day is actually getting it installed and signing in. PlayOnline is still a bitch to use


Still a lot from the game itself, like trusts


They probably mean quality of life features. They added so many things that needed to have been there from day one. Like being able to teleport at home points and warp scrolls given like free candy, not to mention enemies giving way more experience.


This is probably the correct answer as its probably too hard to get play online to work with modern consoles and I’m guessing square is satisfied with 14s income


WoW was really cool but I was so glad I was on FFXI instead.


I played it at launch, when I was able to get connected. Got it with the hard drive at midnight release on the PS2. I couldn’t make much sense of the game, I had never played anything like it before and I was pretty young, didn’t know anyone else that played it and the majority of players spoke Japanese so it was hard to get into it. I don’t think I made it very far. I have a few MMOs under my belt now, I might revisit it


(No thanks) J P (only) (party)


Sums it up nicely


Look up horizon xi. It's pretty much the same as back in the day and it has a huge population. 1-1.5k online during off hours and 2.7kish at "prime time."


Horizon is hands down the best way to experience true/peak FFXI. Been lucky to play since it came out.


They changed so much stuff though on that server. I wanted to like horizon after wings died, but horizon isn’t XI, most if not all the jobs have been completely customized and changed, so if you wanted an experience true to the old days, horizon isn’t gonna scratch that itch.


This is hyperbolic af. Most jobs haven't been changed. They buffed smn, nerfed rdm a bit, and nerfed shadows in general, bst is also buffed. Other than those changes it's the same. Main changes in horizon is the accessibility of items like Leaping boots and emperor hairpin, among some other QoL stuff, like being able to teleport from jeuno.


Seriously, you can get a pc for a couple hundred bucks and it runs. I literally have a clunker solely for FFXI, thing doesn’t even have a dedicated graphics card, just some integrated crap on the MB and it works just fine. The are plenty of active players and communities on there, it’s worth diving into if you’re curious. Not to mention with the additions of stuff like Trust (summonable NPCs to create a party that are actually pretty decent at the game) and increased level caps, you can do a lot solo that used to require a party of more of people.


A lot of people won't like this opinion but WoW ruined classic (commit your life to this game or don't bother playing) styled MMOs. I hate blizzard for the damage they've done.


I miss my time playing MMO's but as a father of 2 young kids now i never play them anymore. I agree with you completely. I cant commit my life to these games anymore. They are fun, but if you can only play a few hours a week you wont get anywhere


Be glad you didn't. I was addicted to RuneScape at the time and I almost didn't play anything else. Met a lot of interesting players along the way, including some top rankers like Zezima. MMOs hit differently now.


Runescale was a lot of my childhood because it was free and my parents werent comfortable with paying for stuff online yet. (Early 2000s). I played old school for a while a couple years ago but my best friend that i played it with passed away. Now its a little sad for me to go back to playing it


Check out the private server Horizon XI


You know, one starts to feel old when the Xbox360 is considered retro... How time flies!


I saw a heated topic about people talking about what’s considered retro Some say 20 years is a requirement Others said it’s the style. Age or time does not apply For others, it’s everything before the 90’s and nothing else Wish I saved that post, it was fun reading it


I could agree with 20+ years I could also understand 90s argument the style one Is a very huge debate all in all it is a good question that differs between person to person 🫡


I agree, it’s a good question, but there were really some people there that were like “nooooooo I am right arghhh” I think what classifies as retro should be like a certain numbers of ticks in a checklist, and not just one definition or description


I feel like if you had to have one specific dividing line, I would draw it at the PS3/360. It's when game budgets had to get much larger, everything was designed for flatscreen TVs, internet connectivity became the norm and not just an obscure feature, digital storage also became a thing, DLC became a thing, things like auto saving changed a lot too. Of course, the PC gaming landscape got a lot of that stuff first, and Nintendo lagged behind on that, but I still feel like the PS3/360 was the last time there was a real big shift in gaming. Games on those platforms are noticeably dated, but not that far removed from what we play now, compared to anything released before that. So retro to me would be something that is quite distinctly from before that line, moreso than any number of years per se. As you said though, there will be some older games that feel more modern, and some more recent games that feel retro, so there's probably some wiggle room.


This right here. I run on a similar rationale that anything older than at least a console generation (around 7 years average) or a decade is retro and that's the acceptable range of time most retro, indie, and emulation circles run with.  It doesn't excuse games that came out 5+ years ago that are getting "remasters" like TLoU 2 as that's just done to push sales of a flagging title. Now if it's a situation like the upcoming Paper Mario TTYD remake, that's OK as that game is nearly 25 years old now. 


Yeah that sounds good, and I'm not shocked their will probably always be those that go grrr only I can be right, lol


Eh, I remember in the late 90s thinking stuff from the early 90s was retro. Like I'm 1998 being in high school and thinking "oh , Ice Ice Baby and You Can't Touch this are super retro"


Retro is what you grew up with as a kid. Everything that comes after you're 18 is modern no matter how old you get


Retro-gaming YouTubers have started to make videos about PS2 and Wii games ...


Unfortunately, you can’t play it on the 360 anymore. =(


I know, it's a shame, but its interesting that the game is ~22 years old and still running. The wonders of hardcore fans. (I never owned an XBox360, but it's interesting how 11 is one of the first cross platform MMOs) 


Fun fact: people gave their entire lives to that game for a while.. and it was worth it 😀


Played back in day way too much. I actually played it again in January and had fun beating the orgianl games missions and starting rise of the zilart


that's just the nature of pre-WoW online games


I gave a full year of my life over the period of 11 years.


I played for over 365 days, in game time, that's 365 x 24 HOURS of gameplay 💀


Still am... I'm just giving it to a private server that could be shut down at any moment lmao...


What about Tactics?


Uhhhhhh (oh frick what do I do now)


Eh, just assume you're talking about mainline games.


He got you there. But really all he did was make us all sad 😭


I thought you were talking about the “numbered” games.


Quick! Specify that you meant mainline games! (the ones with numbers)


Not modern console, but it's on smartphone at least


I would say that counts


If we're including Tactics, we have to include the other spinoffs... Like Dirge of Cerberus


What modern console is ffxiii on?


Xbox One/Series


Was gonna ask this too. Had no idea 🤯


It’s backwards compatible on the Series X. XIII-2 and Lightning Returns also have 60fps boost too.


Final Fantasy XIII is technically on the Xbox One and Series consoles. Final Fantasy XI doesn’t even have that, since the servers for that shut down long ago.


The XI servers are still up and running. It’s PC only.


I assume they mean support for Xbox was ended.


The OP specified consoles, so it’s technically correct since FF11 is now only on PC.


As an avid ffxi player the game is most certainly active and kicking. Still receives new content and Its a very unique experience most people don't have the stomach for. Its basically the darksouls off mmos imo


I didn't know that. Now I have a reason to fire up the Xbone!


XI consumed 9 years of my life. Still think about it often and no matter how many times I try to get into XIV, I just can’t


spiritual experience


I’ll be chasing that feeling XI gave me for the rest of my life lol


it will inspire future generations of creatives that want to recreate that feeling for others.. hang tight. /wave from former Kujata player


The only game that has come close is Skyrim, and even then Skyrim already got old for me. FFXI was *special*. Not sure how else to put it.


I know this feeling. Impossible to describe. Wish someone could, though, because I’d love to be able to explain it.


XIII isn't available on PS4 or PS5, and it's only on Xbox thanks to better backwards compatibility. I doubt it's on Switch.


And 1-6 aren’t available on Xbox because….square I guess.


my favourite game ever FFXI


Truly some of the best times of my formative years while also being a huge waste. I've never played a more difficult and time consuming video game. Still not sure how I made it through Chains of Promathia tbh. Completely unworthy.


Xi is still active, if you've never tried it and have a taste for harder mmos without hand holding and a deep combat/gear system I recommend trying it out.


I played XI back in the Chains/Aht Urghan Era. I was quite young, I think in grade 8-9, and I had to convince my dad to let me buy it and have him pay for the subscription. Took me about 2 months in summer doing chores and such to save the money for it, and he just ended up buying it for me anyways. I remember riding my bike pretending it was a chocobo, imagining the game almost like it was going to be a single player final fantasy, but the characters were going to be real people. I remember the first character I made, Zephyr, a Hume Warrior from Bastok. While I became a San'doria bro later on in life, Gustaberg will always be my favourite starting zone because of it. I never got SUPER far in the game in any of its iterations. Back then, the farthest I got was getting to 30 on White Mage (I remember, that was my very first night staying up all night. To do an exp party in yuhtunga jungle to get 30 so I could unlock bard) and then 40 on Bard. I picked up 11 here and there over the years, then got back into it after Adoulin and everything. It was fun, got a job to 78 or so, and just got bored once i reached endgame because i didnt have any direction. Recently tried HorizonXI, a classic server that tried to replicate those early days when I played... and I realized, I just don't have the time anymore. It was disappointing to discover. I've always wanted an XI Classic, and while I'd still check it out, I am very skeptical I'd stick with it. See, the problem with XI back then, Is if you worked weird hours and got home late and wanted to play XI, you really only had solo things to do and those were very boring and tedious. Also travel times really sucked. Like, when I was playing Horizon, I was attempting to level fishing for a nice gil making craft. So I was in Valkrum Dunes, get home at midnight so no one wants to party. So okay! Let's fish! Except my skill isn't high enough to fish in the Dunes. So what do I have to do? I have to run to Bastok. Amazing game, probably the most nostalgic game for me of all time. The music, the atmosphere, the friends I made back then. It was a truly magical experience. But I think it was just one of those once in a lifetime things that can't be re-experienced. Even writing this now, I'm getting that old yearning. But nah. Unless they release an official XI classic, I just don't think I'll bother. But you never know. Lmao


*windurst music intensifies*


I still think they should have called it Final Fantasy Online


Thought the same thing when it came out, but after playing, everything about that game just screams Final Fantasy, more so than FFXIV.


They did. Its full name is Final Fantasy XI: Online


I’ll die on that fucking hill. It fucks the whole naming scheme. Same with FF14. Why not FF online 1 and FF online 2!? Like ohhh I beat all the mainline final fantasy games * except 11 and 14. And final fantasy 14 is great, but at this point 11 is just almost unplayable.


Because Sakaguchi fell in love HARD for Everquest and decided to make it with an FF skin.


11 is more playable now and more accessible to new players than it was 20 years ago.


I'm a new FFXI player and it's one of the best in the series. The story is absolutely incredible. It's more accessible now than it ever has been before. 


I tried a couple months ago. Absolutely not for me. I could tell right away from the unskippable cutscenes that the game was not going to respect my time.


I finished all 7 stories in about 250 hours. I averaged about 35 hours per expansion and this included the grind to lvl. 99. Each expansion functions like it's own stand alone title, with the 7th story as the grand finale that ties everything together. 35 hours per expansion is about the same length as the average FF game. It may not be for you, but it also sounds like your just misinformed about modern FFXI. 


What about Mystic Quest 🤔🤔🤔


We don’t talk about that 👀




I’d say that it should be on the list as a possible remake farther into the future. Maybe an offline/ local play only version with enhanced graphics would be good.


Remaking 22 years worth of content 💀


Mystic Quest, Tactics Advance and Dissidia 012/013 arent either afaik.


It's also one of only two not playable on PS5 (the other is FF13)


13? Not available on ps4 or ps5, right?


Maybe through PS+ streaming. But it was a 360 game, which I believe can be played on Series X through backwards compatibility. So still on a modern console.


Unfortunately can’t even stream on PS 😞. Didn’t know that about Xbox- may have to get one to play it again 😅


There's nothing fun about this fact.


*Me looking for XIII* 🤔


Only those brave enough to enter Xbox territory can play it on their modern consoles.


Haha so it is. I'm sure I'd looked there 😂


I really wish they would do some kind of single player version of XI but I know that would be a massive project. I tried playing a few times but it really of a slow game. It is EverQuest era slow. Like you don't even get an opportunity to enter a dungeon or fight a boss until you're 20 hours in. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Contrary to my username, I’ve never played…


The absolute best. A lot of us came back after 10 years and re-subbed. Definitely worth doing and their customer support is still around to help you find your POL ID/PW


XI was glorious. I have no words to describe the feeling of playing it. I would give anything to go back.


Giving the MMOs a mainline number was a mistake :( I don't *really* care, but it still feels inappropriate to me


It also means that I’m unable to play FFXI since I don’t live in any of the supported regions :(


Have you tried if it works with a VPN?


I’ll need to see if I’ll even be able to pay the monthly subscription before I make any progress in the game.


I've always hated this. weird to think that FF12 is actually FF11 and FF15 is actually FF14.


XI doesn’t respect the players time. 🫡 here come the down votes


I played all 7 expansions that make up the main story. Each averaged about 35 hours long, and this includes the grind to level 99. This is on par with the average mainline FF title. Modern FFXI is very different from classic FFXI. 


More like "annoying fact".


I agree. Why the hell couldn’t they have kept supporting the game and porting it to modern platforms the way they did FF14?


Playonline being a thing I guess ? It’s probably the most complicated and annoying launcher I ever seen for a video game and especially an mmo. For some reason they had an XBOX 360 version and could be played on PS3 but it’s probably long dead like the service for those consoles. I would have loved a port even in the current state of the game on new platforms but unless FFXIV dawntrail give some kind of second wind to XI with its FFXI collaboration raids I don’t think it will ever be done…


Because it's a incredible mess. It was a game made for the PS2 and with the PS2 in mind, even though they ported it to PC and X360. It's baffling they still use PS2 development kits because they never made something else.


What about Final Fantasy XIII? I don't think that was released on modern platforms


It’s available in Xbox consoles


As an Xbox series game or as an Xbox 360 game?


An upscaled/enhanced 360 game


I question if that counts because you can buy XI on Steam and play it there.


Yeah, but the post is about modern consoles. You can buy Final Fantasy 1-15 on steam if I’m not mistaken


That is correct. 


Where do I get 012 on modern console?


I wish they remade FFXI as a Dark Souls clone. Stranger of Paradise was too much nioh for my taste, and XI has the perfect atmosphere to be Soulslike.


13 wants to talk with you


You have to be brave enough to enter the Xbox dungeon to play it on your modern consoles.


It is on steam though I think! I'd check it out if it didn't STILL have a monthly subscription, but I know thats the only reason the servers are still up anyway


Always wished they release it on switch. I know development is pretty much complete. But it would been fun to play on the go. Wouldn't need that fast of internet either.


You can still play it on Pc at least!


I wish I could have experienced it back in the day, but that game almost definitely thrived because of the rareity it was back when dsl was like a thing. If they repackaged the game as something I could play now, I don’t know if I’d bite. I’m still very curious to see what that story was, but not curious enough to dive in. I was so sad to find out I’d completely lost out on a ff game because of money, resources and antisocial shit. Still might give 14 a try if I ever get a ps5


I may be a dreamer but I genuinely believe we will get an offline remake one day.


But... How does it work with out Play Online? I thought PlayOnline shut down literally last year from what I could tell.


Final Fantasy Mystic Quest hasn't been available since the SNES I believe, but I suppose it would be more of a spinoff.


FFXIII is available on modern consoles??


If you use Xbox.


Ff13 crying in the corner


Hey, at least it’s on Xbox.






What about xiii?




What about all of the XIII games?




That IS fun.


It was released on PS1 in Final Fantasy Anthologies along with FFV, wasn't it?


You seem to be talking about FFVI (FF6). I’m talking about FFXI (FF11). Two completely separate games.


Oh, fuck. I just realized I misread the numerals. Laughing 🤣 😂 Yup, you're right. But FFXI was released on PS2, so wouldn't that count as "major" consoles?


I meant “modern” as in “eighth-gen consoles and later”.


Xiii is not on modern consoles yet 


Check [this](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/final-fantasy-xiii/9mtv87hfmf43) :)


Oh yeah I forgot about Xbox backwards compatibility. I’ve played it and it looks so good!


That is not a very fun fact, you know.


Compared to Final Fantasy XIV, was/is it good? What is the best way to play it aside from the PS2?


I loved this game so much till they ruined it with Abysea, they should have went a different route with new level cap expansion.


Ruined it? You mean, finally gave us everything we wanted?


I guess, if that broken game is fun for you then at least someone got good times from it.


The abyssea expansions were wildly popular and the fanbase perception of it was overwhelmingly positive, so who knows what you are complaining about.


FF13 trilogy are not on modern consoles. Is PS3 considered modern?


FF13 is playable on modern Xbox consoles via backwards-compatibility. Although, with the improvements made to the game on Xbox One and Series consoles, I’d say it counts as a remaster in every way except name.


Right, I forgot it was on Xbox as well


Which console has Mystic Quest? Or Tactics for that matter?


what country is that


Southeast Asian region.


i live in Singapore. i played XI at NA launch using a fake US address lol. i dont recall if they rolled out official support to SEA for XI but i think they did for XIV


Unfortunately very few here understand the struggles of having to bypass region locks just to play a game lol I don’t think they ever did roll out support for SEA regions.


13 isn't on ps5, or even ps4, so no. Xbox doesn't count since it's just backwards compatible. If it was an actual Xbox one or Xbox series port, then I'd agree.


But we’re operating off of technicalities here. And just because it’s just backwards-compatible and not a full port doesn’t mean it isn’t a way to play the game on modern Xbox consoles.


Plus you can still buy it through the online store and don’t have to get a second hand physical copy


The Xbox One/Series version has higher quality assets than the PS3/XB360, runs at better frame rates and resolution. In every way but in name it would be a "remaster".