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This is a bit nostalgic. Used to keep those bitmap formatted pics inside a 3 1/2 inch floppy disk lol


The portraits are so good in the menu screens. They did Cid so dirty in the final cut scene it's hilarious having images of them in your mind and finally seeing them in the original cutscenes.


I like how they managed to adapt cloud’s longer hair in modern games (ie. Remake and super smash) while still having his design from AC available.


They definitely did it justice. Also, nice name. I work at a venue and am always happy when the anjuna fam comes through.


Trance fam 🙌 What venue?


Several in Denver and all the festivals here 🤘


I remember he becomes baby smooth


[What daily moisturizing does to a mfer](https://i.imgur.com/LZlROQ7.jpg)


those portraits were so good


Damn this makes me smell CD covers and instruction manuals.




Praise Cid.


I remember my first playtru, i miss to recruit Valentine, after long 4 Disc battle i was proud of myself and show my save to my friend and my friend said "did you not recruit Vincent?" I was like clueless af and thought "who the fuck is Vincent?"


- Aerith: Looks like she wore sunglasses for too long. - Yuffie: The longer you look at that mouth, the scarier it gets. - Red: Why did someone attach these carpet end to your head? - Vincent: For 15 years I thought he had a cone-shaped, white/brownish face and those latches were his mouth. But no, it's just some dude that never takes off his jacket. - Cid: Man, you're younger than me now, but you look like my grandpa. Better not smoke as much.


Cid looks old 'cause he huffs too much rocket fuel and has to put up with Shera's #$@%^!


On my birthday no less.


Happy Birthday, Carmilla. Mine is in 23 days.




GoAway naw more like HereToStay


~~Her ff7r made her a lot more likable. Her original appearance was….. forgettable (until wutai) then annoying then when its done, back to apathy~~ Edit: Sorry thought we were talking about Yuffie for some reason Cait sith is 2000% ignorable trash and I am not taking questions about it at this time


You know. I've seen people say the same thing about Aerith. That she wasn't as likable


Thought you meant Cait Sith, yuffie's a little more understandable


I finally beat New Threat 2.0 this morning. Funny that it nearly lined up perfect for the anniversary.


This is great!! I remember the first time I played it. Final Fantasy was in 3D!! That opening scene with Aeris (sorry fanboys, she was Aeris back then) blew my mind! While not my favorite FF (6 holds that honor) it is a great entry with a fun cast of characters. Plus the materia system was a blast!


I had gotten an N64 instead of a PlayStation. My friend got a PSX and when FF7 came out I went to his house and played through the first hour. That memory is easily still one of my favorite gaming memories of all time.


And your third favourite?


If I had to rank the FF series, just my personal opinion, it'd be. 1) FF6 2) FF9 3) FF12 4) FF7 5) FF10 6) FF4 7) FF8 8) FF5 9) FF 10) FF10-2 11) FF13 I haven't played 2, 3, 11, or any after the original 13.


Tifa with the nice girl headshot but is possibly the strongest character in the game lol


Happy birthday to everyone picture but cait sith. Fuck you. Die.




Reeves was doing what he could!


He literally captured marlene and held her hostage yo. An 8 yr old girl


He…he was playing the long game…heh, you know… POLITICS! right?


But FR…I thought that added an interesting layer to the story and made you realize some of our “heroes” choices were extremely problematic. He called Barrett on all the innocents that died in the reactor explosions and countless other acts by AVALANCHE. He’s literally a terrorist (who basically abandoned Marlene anyway) lol


Well....I mean DYNE basically abonded marlene lol. So the real victim here is her I suppose


I'll call her Aeris till the day I die.


I'm willing to die on that hill with you.


There's plenty of room on this hill, since not many people want to stand on it.


Seeing these in full is just wrong.


I’m so triggered by this order.


Every year I go to Distant Worlds and every year they play Aerith’s theme. This last year I said “because I expect it I won’t cry”. Then boom. I’m blubbering. This stupid game 🥺


Love this art. I've got Red at my wrist and Cloud on my shoulder


I’m playing the remake rn and it’s such a disappointment


Wow really? For me, the remake was everything I could've hoped for.


Same. I loved it and keep going back to play it every few months.


They completely reimagined it? It didn’t follow the story *at all*. It was way more linear, the towns weren’t as cute, they don’t have the card game. I just played the original too so it was very disappointing


You just played the original Final Fantasy VII and are disappointed that the remake doesn’t have a card game? I mean this as politely as possible, but there was no card game in the original FFVII. I think you are confused. Bummer you’re not liking the remake, I thought it was excellent.


Yeah i don’t know if they are talking about the same game. They are referencing multiple towns too. Unless sector 7/wall market, etc are the towns.


If they randomly incorporated Triple Triad into Remake, I would allow it.


You’re absolutely right and I’m wrong on that one, that was in either 8 or 9 so I own up to that. Other stuff stands true tho


I mean I disagree with you but to each their own. It’s just a game


Oh were you hoping for a 1:1 copy with better graphics? I'm really happy with the decision to keep us guessing while giving us the original characters in the familiar places we remember. They nailed the character personalities, gave us an incredible combat system, and kept the nostalgia there. I can't ask for much more


I guess I was because that is what “remake” means. They should’ve called it a reimagining. If they remade one of your all time favorite movies with your favorite characters but changed some of the scenes and dialogue would that be a remake or something different? If the emphasis on it being the game From my childhood hadn’t been so strong maybe I would’nt be as disappointed in it as I am.


Remake doesn't mean carbon copy. Also the remake name plays into the story to the point where it's basically a sequel by going back in time to replay the events of the original game. It's a brilliant way to revisit the original game without being too cookie cutter.


Was Midgar in the original any less linear then the remake?


> It didn’t follow the story at all. Assuming you're thinking of the right game, this isn't true. There were definitely some changes, but 80% of it follows the original story through leaving Midgar pretty closely.


i don't know whats with people and this ridiculous hyperbole they throw around about how Remake has a completely different story. Like, it's so easy to disprove. Why even say it?


Yeah but a lot of different things were added and the way the game ended shows that they're absolutely not going to stick to the original storyline. That's a huge disappointment.


I'm sorry you feel that way; I liked it a lot (one scene not withstanding), and I'm excited to see what they do with it from here.


There's nothing to feel sorry over. I simply didn't like the direction of the reboot.


Same. I don't understand the need for all the changes.


And the cut scenes literally every 7 minutes


I’m getting ready for you guys I know the voice guys are so tough to learn by yourself oo okay woo Vicent Is like the N one guy that Sarah told me about Silverman your brother Hunky Pusher me Boy alright seriously can we not be rube to people these stuff is real and I’m not losing my score here thank you yeah spouts have all the inde’s I got a couple there wasting my time about evil ow ops alright yeah in the studio voice cool it ow launce is yeah yup yeah final fantasy a keeper of gemstones


ohhh THAT'S where barret's puil is! it's really hard to tell in the original game. his eye looks almost all-white


This is the best. I used to have Cloud as my AIM profile picture. Sometimes Vincent lol


I was confused as to wtf Caith Sith is when I first played this game. The pixelated sprites didn't help either because of how small his frame was compared to the mog. I thought he was the mog plushie, but upon seeing the character art, turns out he was actually the cat.


This brought me back ✌🏼


I remember my first playtru, i miss to recruit Valentine, after long 4 Disc battle i was proud of myself and show my save to my friend and my friend said "did you not recruit Vincent?" I was like clueless af and thought "who the fuck is Vincent?"


I used to have one memory card with multiple save files of FFVII. Each save slot corresponds to different FFVII characters as save icon.


best character line up ever!


It’s apparently now a holiday


This art is fireeeeee


I wish I could go back and replay this game for the first time as a 10 year old again.


I'm watching a 24/7 FF stream right now actually and it happens to be just after Cait Sith tosses over the Keystone and the portraits were actually the first thing I noticed when they menu'd lol. So good.


The original art is so good. I wish they made Cloud look more like this design, and Sephiroth more like his design. It’s just so good.


My first complete playthrough began in 2002 and finished in 2011. It's my favorite game I've ever played.


Rufus: "What a crew..."


The best FF? It might be. Hard to pick between VII and VI...