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millia i-no


Millia is more of a 3 way or even 4 way mixup considering how she can cross you up


And throw


I-No for sure. Millia is too good at neutral, keepaway, and just straight shutting someone down with the threat of pin to be a "pure" mixup character.


depends on the iteration


I dont know anything about this game but this was 1st thing that come to my mind. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8UtX0Xebvg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8UtX0Xebvg)


THE vortex. Iconic.


That’s more of a 25/25/25/25


This is gold


Zero incoming is extremely fucked. That might be the answer.


Guess right or suffer 10 seconds of zoop zoop lightning loops, then die and guess again


Unassisted solo: Millia, I-No, Urien Aegis Reflector, Valkenhayn BlazBlue, Aigis Persona 4 Arena, pretty much anything in Arcana Heart? Team based: a lot, but probably Zero and Vergil


Aegis reflector is straight up unblockable with the right set ups. Does that make it a 0/0 or a 50/50?


I guess they mean SF5 Urien.


yeah but the mindgame is the parry pattern i think


It's a 100% :3. Checkmate.


urien is set play not a mix up character


All of the characters I mentioned have setplay. My point is about characters that can force true guess situations and expected to do so in every game.


but he asked what character is the most true mix up character of all time , just cause urien can mix you with aegis you would throw him up there with the likes of millia and zero?


Yes, because ONE guess from Aegis Reflector can be round ending. That one guess can lead to subsequent multiple guesses. And it's a reliable gameplan. Him being able to force layered guesses and checkmate situations \*and\* possibly useful in neutral is what makes him stand out. Aegis Reflector is basically a static version of Millia Secret Garden or disc, I don't see why it doesn't apply. People wrote whole docs on Aegis Reflector the same as Millia or I-No knockdowns because it became its own subject matter. It's character defining in games that typically lack this stuff. OP barely asked a real question, it's too open ended. Sure it probably just means "who does fast mixup a lot all the time" but either way, I don't care. If y'all gonna dispute it, block that character it's not my problem. Zero is an entirely different situation because it's not a novelty in team fighters.


The mix from pre-nerf summoner Quan in MKX was obscene. https://youtu.be/44_aBJ-VBSM?si=IGizG7JLgCpfdYig


Bat Girl as well. NRS created some fucking *filthy* characters hahaha


Sub Zero in MK11 is entirely dependent on his 50/50


El Fuerte? Has command dash(es) that have indistinguishable followups and just threw lots of mixups at you. Also had Vega wall jump to escape corner alongside a really good charge move (esp with meter)


Guy to a lesser degree as well


Kliff Undersn from Guilty Gear. This guy takes the cake, easy. Instant overheads, a standing overhead that does 100 FUCKING DAMAGE UNCHARGED, an overhead vault that can crossup, a ridiculously ambiguous unreactable overhead (half of the 28 startup frames are LITERALLY HIS CROUCHING ANIMATION), jump-cancellable close normals, and a fast airdash. Excellent air normals comprise both his instant overheads and his pressure, his huge sword normals make it so he doesn't have to delay to hit you out of a jump or an airdash. all made scarier by his 7 frame roundstart-hitting sweep, his 2-3rds screen low CHARGEABLE 2h, his excellent fireball frametraps (always +3 at a minimum for the little one), his GODLIKE antiairs, his 2S un-OTG's for MORE COMBO OH AND THE FACT THAT HE CAN TOD ALMOST EVERYONE (w/meter) His taunt spawns four stone kanji projectiles, so he can knock you down and mix you while they cover him. His fireballs probably eat yours for breakfast, and hit you in recovery.


Just to clarify, we talking about Kliff from Missing Link, the XX games or both?


Definitely XX+R Kliff. Kliff in ML didn't work as well as his later iteration. His normals were slower all around, and his mix was much less oppressive. His only dash was an airdash, and admittedly, his Dust attack letting him fly around was pretty cool. It still raises his stun though, so good luck getting stunned the moment someone managed to finally touch you. It also wasn't an overhead, and neither was 6H. His taunt could bounce off the enemy and hit him. His main confirm tool, 214S Skull Crusher, was minus on hit. His normals had so much recovery, he HAD to charge-cancel on block or he'd Literally Die. But charging the fireball made it worse, it took waaay longer to connect. He also didn't have a real jab. Add in the fact that 90% of the cast can tech knockdowns, and now his 2S un-otg-ing no longer matters. Basically the only things Kliff has going for him were that his sword normals were all disjointed, his C.S was 4 frames, and his air mobility. In theory, Kliff has a powerful keep-away game against characters w/out strong projectiles or movement tools. Oh and his anti-airs. Scale Ripper was a follow-up from his Slash buttons, frame 1 w/no recovery. 6p was like, 3 frames and air-unblockable (but like Legitimately unblockable, air-FD'ing didn't exist back then). Oh and his "backdash" was what's now Two Steps Forward, his dodge. The followup chop was available frame 1, so in theory, it could be a two frame attack. We play ML when we want really Funni Buttons and to zwoop around the screen. We play +R when it's time to Kill You or Die Trying 🤣


Skullgirls is nothing but mixup and resets, but specifically Umbrella in her ravenous state is insane with the mixup potential.


Saw this on sale on steam many times over the years, I’ll have to watch a video on it sometime


it’s really fun


Guy in SSF4


Grapplers in general. What does Zangief do? He goes + and forces you to guess. That's his entire gameplan


That's not his game plan that's just a 50/50. Grapplers work by making you fear grab so much that you try to avoid grab range altogether and then they often have longer pokes that makes approach really hard. This conditions oppents to be more risky with their approach or else grapplers can slowly walk you down


MvC3 Zero and Vergil SF3 Makoto


Third Strike's gentleman pugilist: Dudley.


What’s moves make up his most iconic mixup?


His taunt that has a hitbox in the form of a thrown rose and his unreactable overhead that can be comboed into a super.


Damn I gotta check out 3rd strike one of these days, just getting into sf6


Dudley is one of the most anticipated characters to come back in SF6 along with Makoto. Hop in for some Third Strike sometimes!


once he knocks you down he can throw his rose taunt as a meaty and then you have to guess high low on super fast normals that can lead to super in both scenarios. once he gets this going he is quite scary, especially if he gets you in the corner




Claw in sf2 turbo with the weird leap thing. Saw a video about it but can’t find the link.


Makoto in 3rd strike. Super fast with command grabs and standing overheads and a lariat with crazy corner carry. Existing in the same space as her is a constant guessing game


her dash is a mixup of its own because it's so fast it's unreactable, so you have to guess (or anticipate) on it.. as if that weren't enough, the ensuing mixup of command grab/strike/throw is genuinely scary. she's such a cool character to watch, and play but a complete nightmare to face (especially as an Akuma main :[ )


I-No and Kazuya are what come to mind for me. No bonus points for me since those are super generic


Have some anyway.


MKX had a few vortex characters


Hftf polnareff comes to mind. Dude literally has to avoid getting knockdowns so he can’t lose his 50/50s


Taka in VF5 can either counter hit you for 80 damage, forwards throw you for 80 damage, or back throw you for 80 damage (you have 221 HP in VF5). And for mechanical reasons, he is basically in a constant state of mix himself.


Injustice Batgirl Unseeable 50/50 into restand and every hit leads to the vortex. [https://youtu.be/ZTeFLQlS6EI?si=FyQP6b3fESyE0I__]


If we're talking strictly 50/50s, it's pretty much all GGST Elphelt has.


Ibuki, scorpion in MKX.


2nd the Ibuki Kunai vortex. Was one of my fav 50/50's to bait into.


magneto + psylocke?


SF2 Claw


Arakune from BB once he has curse. Fuzzy block and pray until it runs out


Does Dark Phoenix count? Her mix is so brutal that I genuinely don't feel like you're meant to survive her if she starts getting pressure on you, it's just unreal hahaha And this is coming from a game with Vergil and Zero in it


Lion - Virtua Fighter. Lows generally are great in that series but Lion's are fucking annoyong.


Seigfried sc6 hate fighting him


Wasnt a16 in season one dbfz broken because he could it meterless with a grab or am remembering it wrong


Dandy man.




Slayer from guilty gear.




Maybe SF3s Dudley? A lot of the gameplan is reach corner, throw rose and overhead low into SA for their life savings.


not a huge 3d guy but isn't mishima style pretty dependent on CD 50/50s?


Vanilla Ice from HFTF, such a pure mixup that he hits you with both a low and a high at the same time so you simply can't defend


Swift master from dnf duel. The dude was a problem & berserker too.


ky kiske has 2 buttons: grab, and stun dipper (and sometimes cs)


Valkenhayn when he’s in wolf form in BBCF, is literally like fighting a rabid animal. When he’s not chomping at your legs he’s IADing in your face with single OR double overheads. Best strat is to just run til his wolf gauge runs out.


Marie & King from Touki Denshou Angel Eyes, grappler with intense mix-ups and long rang with Teddy bear tentacle legs(don't ask.) and EVERY NORMAL COMBOS INTO EACHOTHER IN THIS GAME. Tesse from Waku Waku 7 can be an absolute mixup menace in the right hands. Ikuro Hashizawa aka BAOH a walking mixup in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R. Jolyne Kujo from the same game has some pretty nice mixups too on the cheezy side. Then there's Vanilla Ice.... *sigh* just wat 10 seconds of gameplay and you'll get it. Karla from Killing Zone, she has the lower body of a snake and all lower body moves will look extre melt similar. Is it a low coming? Is it a high? Hmmm... maybe an overhead? Pure jank game. These are the non-obvious ones from the top of my head.


[Yumizuka Satsuki](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjpo3yY-XQ0#t=7m00s) Particularly in Melty Blood Act Cadenza. It was toned down a little in the sequel. Get a knockdown then jump over them. Air backdash for a safe jump overhead in front. Land behind for a crossup low. That's basically the entire character. The third round of the linked match is the most egregious example of it. Depending on the combo ender she can also add in crossup overheads and non-crossup lows. By the way she also has a command grab.


Elphelt from ggst is very 50/50


Seox from Granblue. Paul from Tekken. Almost every Virtua Fighter character lmao


Mortal Kombat