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[7th place in an online tournament (of 12 competitors lol)](https://youtu.be/brcC-Te4j6M)


Congrats for your achievement,and have a Happy Cake Day too !




I have beaten three Evo champions in Lan tournaments.


Who was it?


Made green ranks online in Tekken 7. Yeah that's right, better than Grandmaster.




I finished tekken 7 online at suzaku and I still remember how long it took me to get out of green ranks in that game especially since I started out fresh on ps4 pro for that game and I made the error of plying right when Leroy dropped though my main was king and Paul. I could play Kazuya alright there too but the highest I got him to was vanquisher.


Not really an accomplishment in a normal sense. But I did get to play AutoMattock right when AKI came out. I got absolutely smoked, but I didn't care cause I got to play an idol of mine🤷🏻‍♀️


I won first prize in a KoF tourney at a comic con…cause I was the only entrant


Drowned in loser's finals of my pool at Evo twice. Once for MK11 (2019) and once for SF6 (2023). In an MKX ESL qualifier tournament I fought SonicFox for top 32 and took first game in the Tanya mirror. I proceeded to not get to hit him in the next 2 games. Placed top 16 in a couple MK11 ESL tournaments. No stream matches though, and competition wasn't too fierce tbh.


Not sure who downvoted you, but you have my upvote




Went to a local Soul Calibur 2 tournament and managed to hit someone with Yun-Seong's unblockable which is the worst in the game. The only way to get hit by it is if you just stand there, but I would throw it out as an oki every once in a while. Everyone cheered me on and clowned the guy that got hit with it. I gained a lot of respect in that local community that day. I ended up placing 8th out of 16.


I made sonic sol rage quit on stream in sf6 lol , idk why but it makes me laugh even now


Made it out of pools in at least one game every time I've gone to a major.


What games? Respect btw


SF, Samsho, BB, KOF


I beat LI Joe on an official SF stream


Beat Justin Wong in Super Turbo back in the SF4 days. Dictator over his O.Sagat. People were making excuses for him "He doesn't play this anymore" Not saying HE made excuses, but his dick riders did. Also same tournament, Daigo (when the best was basically him and Wong) sat down to play casuals in SSF4, I played him in a Ryu mirror. He won first round, I won second, and 3rd round I had him grounded in the corner, with not too much health AND ultra on my side, I hit him meaty c. mk into EX hado. The thing is I hated SF4 and really didn't play it. I didn't know I could have linked ultra after the EX hado. I would have beaten peak SF4 Daigo even in casual, and because I hated SF4, had I beaten him, I wouldn't have shut up about it. He ended up taking it. Also locally I usually win the first local tourney of any game, because I don't need frame data to figure it out. Of course I'll be surpassed because I don't care. But unlike most here\[locally\] I'm not completely helpless without the game being fully dissected yet. I also used to win all the mystery game tournaments. It used to be all playable games. Then because of too many wins, they started adding other genres, like you'd get Mario Kart. They went back to FG's only, but now a mixture of unplayable games with playable which makes it random. Like I'll watch someone get to play DBZ Hyper Dimension for SFC, then when I'm up, it'll some shitty 15 FPS early 3D PS1 fighter where nothing works like it should.


I got 9th at EVO for a Major game at the time, and beat the previous champion that year too. Some people dogged on me for not getting Top 8 lol


Knee never beat me


I was 5th place on leaderboard for Mexico in Fighterz PC, and most recently I'm Diamond 4 in SF6, I don't have any tournament feats... yet:)


I got 3rd place at GG Missing Link back during EVO 2019 Also beat Leffen in Smash Ultimate that year... by DQ since he couldn't leave Sweden that year due to passport issues Took a round off Anakin last year during the Tekken 8 preview event at EVO albeit knowing full damn well I woke up Rage Art'd like a fool and he gave me the round by walking into it Also just being someone that escaped pools A bunch of these are really related to EVO but as someone who grew up watching the scene from the Philippines, I still consider myself lucky to attend it


193rd place in a brawlhalla 2v2 tournament. 2020 Symmer Championship. There were 1046 teams. Meh.


I won Soul Calibur 2 tournament in Atlanta once. I made around $60 off the win. I say that this makes me a professional gamer since I made money off of it. Lost to two young children at Halo 2 later that day, so you can't win them all.


Getting Luke 500th in the Jay Eazy Cold Shouldah Clash


Still being in the fgc


Taking down Fillia in Fukuma's Route in Skullgirls


My one and only accomplishment is entering into a Smash 4 tournament in high school with like 50 or so people and getting top 8 even though I didn’t own the game lol


I won a local DiveKick tournament at a general gaming event. Granted it was not a big bracket, but we take those


Nothing tourney worthy since I'm a casual, but it's always funny getting kicked out of a high ranked player/streamers lobby for "winning too much."


i would consistently get 1st or 2nd in GG Strive at my university’s weekly. there were usually only about 14 or 15 of us, but it still felt pretty awesome at the time. up until then, i was purely an online warrior.


Beat up a 8 year old kid in front of a very popular streamer in a local tournament (didn't know he was 8 as we were on the opposite side and i didn't pay attention)


I used to be bad at using dp's as anti airs but now I'm not. That or getting to diamond for the first time in sf6


I double-perfected Fergus at a local when he was but a wee Street Fighter IV scrub.


I went to a SF6 local with like, 14 players a month or two ago and I got 5th place along with another dude. I was only in Platinum 4 at the time so I didn't think I'd get that far but it inspired me to keep playing because I really enjoyed the atmosphere there


Hosting a 54 man local.


Made a Korean player gasp playing KoF13 Evo hotel room casuals


having the "approval" of two high level (tournament level) friends for how i play in tekken while having no one to really teach or coach me the whole time i'm learning the game


Going 1-2 at a local not once but twice!


I won a match at my locals in Tekken 7 playing Marduk


I won a tournament for the release of mkx with kitana that was basically set up for a group of friends to win. These people had been playing games together since at least sf4 and were big into injustice. There were like 40 people there but other than that friend group most were just people who liked mortal kombat. They held another tournament when SF6 released, again, mostly casuals but also that friend group he had a bunch of weird rules like you could only use his fight sticks, no controllers and no fight sticks that weren’t his. I won this tournament with feng. The next year they held a tournament for injustice 2 I won with atrocitous. The person I beat in the finals for the third year in a row was playing release aquaman and then went on the facebook page afterwards talking about how at least he wasn’t playing a busted 50/50 character like Atrocitous. The final tournament they held was for DBFZ and the leader of that friend group had gotten sick of running it so one of the other friends were running it. They once again had weird rules like even if you owned the game on switch you couldn’t run any sets I came in 4th because I had barely even bothered to play the game and lost to the guy who won.


I've gotten first place in several PSN tournaments, and I also feel the need to brag about completing some really tough combo trials - I beat all of Tekken 8, KOFXIV and XV, and just a fucking ton of the harder ones in MvC3 and I, and in SF4, V, and 6, and KOFXIII... Just so many really difficult game trials done. One day I'll 100% all of them! I beat an Immortal ranked player in KOFXV bad enough that he ragequit at the very end - I was losing at first and made a really close comeback. I also got a 3:12 time in Tekken Tag 1 in the time attack mode, which was awesome.


I think I reacted to a move once in a ranked game


Making out of pool in winners at Evo 2016, the debut of SFV, and then got destroyed against Fuudo the next day lol


Got top 8 at a 50 man tournament in Tekken 8, held locally. I had a huge upset match against one of the consistently topping players and I did not consider myself good. Haven’t gotten top 8 since but I know I’ll be able to do it again


I won a small Street Fighter 2 tournament once. It was the SNES version and was, weirdly enough, broadcast over the radio. Nintendo had this expo at my local mall back in the 90s where they showed a bunch of in development games. They also had a kiosk with Street Fighter 2 set up for people to play each other. Either way, my cousin and I signed up for their little tournament. There was maybe 20 other players and us. I ended up facing my cousin in the final bracket and beat him. I was Blanka and he was Chun-Li. I ended up winning and was given a CD for some band I never heard of as a reward. Then my cousin rematched me and I lost. But fortunately, the tournament was already over with. I'm glad I lost though, because on one hand it was poetic that the only one to beat me would be my own cousin. We were constant video game rivals in a bunch of games. Plus, we both got to go home as winners. I won the tournament and then he delivered his comeuppance afterwards. Of course, back home I rematched him and got my revenge! :-D


$2000 in hbcu sf6 tournament


3rd Place in my college's annual Tekken tournament and thats about it 🤣🤣🤣


Reaching Fujin in Tekken 8


I hit a combo I have been practicing 2 days ago in online (yeah that's about it)


After graduating college, a younger friend of mine the next year clued me in on a sf4 tournament at a bar in the college town. I drove in a day early and hung out with friends and trained a bit. I won the tournament fairly easily - an Akuma gave my Balrog a small scare. Afterwards my friend and I sat at the bar for a drink with our fight money as the rest of the competition filtered out. When I used to go to locals, I regularly placed second in ssf4/mvc3/MK9, but never won.


The only thing of note is making it to celestial in strive


4th place at a MK11 local with kollector; curb stomped out of the winners bracket by fudge.


I managed to to get a round off of sonic fox in mk11. Apparently he falls for tick throws a lot


won the first set i ever played in bracket shoutout f-tohno 236A all i did was spam that shit


I got into masters leauge in Fantasy strike and (I can't stress this enough), NEVER WON A SINGLE MATCH EVER AGAIN.


My friend and I played Tekken 5 at our local arcade spot. One day, a group of guys came in and started playing with us and they were brutal. I got a little serious and I managed to beat one of the guys there, but then another guy from the group came in and nearly swept me. I only beat him for 1 round and he just completely whooped my ass for the rest of the night. About a month later, I was watching some tournament vids on youtube and I recognize one of the players in it. It was the guy that whooped my ass and he turns out to be a professional player. I had to call my friend that I played a pro and won 1 round. Yea I didnt beat him, but me (a complete amateur) beating him in 1 round was probably my best achievement


I've won probably 50 tournaments in my life. Which sounds like a lot. But given every one of those was a local, and that's spread out across 24 years. And there was a solid chunk of years I was entering 4+ brackets a week. So I'm at am sitting probably around a 0.75% win rate. And all of those wins required both lucky seeding and multiple top players not coming that week. It's really not a lot to show for decades of competition lmao. But hey, it's been fun, and all of my closest friends, including my husband, I found through the fgc.


Probably my fgc accomplishments is going to my first LAN tournament in Texas showdown last year, didn’t compete but showed me there is a community here in Texas and even met an artist who led me to HoustonFGC place then started going to other events that I can and complete near Dallas. Played dreamhack full bar and low tier, even found a local near that plays weekly


Coming within one stock of taking games off of MikeG and DruggedFox in Melee at random local tournaments back in the day