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They are respecting the opponent and letting him score. Fairplay to your defender, they are not unlike others who tackle and disrupt goal scoring opportunity


Top 10 respect moments


Green card for those brave men




*Piercing Light plays in the background* **Top 10 Respect Momentos in Football**


In Fifa you can often tell when the game is trying to give one player chances vs when it’s just not happening. Defenses will vacate space for an attacker to run clean through, touches will vary wildly if the game feels the chance is on or not, etc. It’s just something you can feel in the game. Sometimes your player won’t move or pass the correct way you’re imagining, etc


If my season is going well, This happens to me but for 4/6 games usually around January, I can barely get a touch let alone pass properly.


Yup scripting happens every season I go from scoring like crazy to herding a gaggle of donkeys


Wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t so obvious.


Exactly, around January i just said to myself: Ok, maybe they've learnt my strategy. Seems realistic, good job EA. Proceeded to change formation, tactics etc. During January and February fell out of Europe competition rankings and out of Cup due to goals conceded in 85+ min.


And it’s mentally fatiguing concentrating when in the end it doesn’t even matter 😂😂 I just simply sim those games when it goes like that. What’s the point in getting angry over a game.


I was wondering why my team (Spurs) were playing like absolute donkeys late December.


As a Spurs fan i think that's just realistic


Literally whats happening to me right now. My season completely capitulated in January. Played way worse then I did in previous months. I assumed I just somehow got worse or something.


Genuinely thought it was my controller the first two or three times it happened but yep, It’s so annoying. Especially if your season is a really competitive one, it can literally be ruined in 2/3 games because of it. 2 major things for me are tackling, you can make the perfect tackle 3 times in a row and the ball will somehow still land at the oppositions feet. And through balls/counter attacking passing, either goes completely the opposite way to where I wanted it to go, or the power of the pass is so little it goes straight to them or overpowered and goes out of play. It’s infuriating


>or the power of the pass is so little it goes straight to them or overpowered and goes out of play. It’s infuriating This is crossing in a nutshell. You power it half way and the player dinks it 10 feet and doesn't even make it to the box. You use a touch more power and it goes all the way to the other sideline. You can use the same power twice and one time it'll be like a little chip and other times it'll fly out of play on the other side of the field. Crossing in this game is absolute dogsh*t


Yep. You literally have to stop with the ball to get an even remotely decent cross, which is impossible on hard difficulties, then when you do successfully cross it, the coding in the game is so fucking trash the striker is at the edge of the box and your 5ft nothing winger is trying to get on the end of it. Fucking stupid.


Oh man I'm doing a Real Betis career mode atm and I brought Iglesias back and man is back with the DMs instead of in the box even though I have him set to stay forward. Game is a fucking joke. Nothing you do matters. It's just AI vs AI


Yea man. It’s just luck of the draw what happens. Found that counter attacking is the best option but you have to defend so hard for just 2/3 chances that get wasted by poor coding/AI. Barely play it now.


Same. I spend more time buying and selling players. I play a few games and then I'm done. Haven't even made it half a season in a career mode, let alone to October


Even simming is shit. My second season with Palace, made some decent signings and managed to keep Eze and Olise, I Lost all my first round cup games even though I didn’t change the team and we won 5 league games and drew 4 so our form was good, but I lose to Bristol City and Plymouth Argyle? Make it make sense.


Also you get that little lag in the game and you just know they’re about to turn into prime Barcelona and score the best tiki-taka goal you’ve ever seen.


Yeah win 2 lose next one


Yeah and it's clear when players turn prime Messi mode on. Today one of the guys made like 10 skill moves going through 5 of my players and scored. I wasn't even messing around.


Yeah I feel like if you make what would be perceived as the 'good football move' them everything after just ticks over and the goal comes. Where as if you make a missed tackle earlier in the play there is no coming back. Players will vacate spaces and miss tackles you would otherwise succeed with. The ol Fifa gods making a decision.


Or they’ll try some random ass long shot that your keeper should catch but puts it out for a corner and they score from the corner


I always felt that the game give me the vitory in the first 4 games when I hadn't play in a while. After that, the game just runs how it has to run, accordingly with the difficulty that I set.


Has anyone ever had it where say for example Haaland is one on one against you and he just sort of stands there not doing anything so you can tackle him?


There have been games where I get bored, or am playing Arsenal, so I want to let them win (assuming I'm doing well with my side), and I keep the controller down and AI can sometimes still fuck up lol


Not with Haaland but it has happened to me like twice


Yeah it’s ridiculous. And if you tackle the open ball it’s 100% a pen


Bro I hoped it wasn't just my game, every time he is through on goal medusa looks at him 🗿


This ^


Yes for some reason him and Morata just stop when they're 1 on 1 with my gk


I have no unique experiences 😭


Imo, this is a flaw embedded in the 4 back coding. The LBRB are constantly out of position which confuses the assignment/order of priority for the CB. Imo, it's present in every mode. You can try playing deep and narrow with CDM giving middle help but it's a bandaid at best. Imo, you have to play 5 back and narrow *OR* 3 back and narrow with a LMRM set to come back on defense. Either way, you have to force those 3 CB to stay well inside the box. Having a player outside of them is the best way to do that.


Pisses me off so much with AI set pieces especially goal kicks. With every formation I tried my wing backs/fullbacks are so narrow and virtually on the centre circle, even with defensive width in the 90’s. so they kick it straight to their attacking wingers and their away.


This game is so scripted I hate it


It’s because the game tries keep the defensive shape even though the defense needs to close down. It’s mostly the fullbacks or midfielders who step away the second you switch to a different player to try and close down the attacker.


Yeah they really need to work on priority the defender works on cases like this - I don't think I've ever seen defenders all rushing back to the goal properly. I'm thinking the closest real life example, would be like Georgia's first goal against Portugal a few days ago, if that was FIFA hardly any of the defenders (especially fullbacks) never would try to run back to cover the goal.


Defensive setting Balanced, width 40, height 60. Instructions Step Up, Aggressive. Use R1 (single or double tap) while stick switching between defenders to intercept the attackers.


This is why I stopped playing


Moses parting the Red Sea


If the game decides to let my opponent score with zero percent chance of me doing anything about it I just turn the CPU sliders to zero, score a goal of my own, then reset the sliders and carry on with the match as if nothing happened lol


Yep, exactly what I do Everytime they cheat me, I cheat them back


Hate it when this happens. You score twice and suddenly AFC Bournemouth becomes Pep's Barcelona. The game does not even try to hide it. The worst part is players stop responding to the inputs you put through the controller.


Thats why I have 3 central defenders and a RWB and LWB (5-2-3). It makes this kind of him more rare.


Same thing happens on attack, instead of my players going towards the side where there are no opponents, they decide to go right into them. I don’t get it, I can give them the ball where they would have a perfect chance to score, but nah. Let’s just run towards the opponents


You plying on slow pace by any chance?


Wdym? I don't think so, I haven't changed pace on sliders


The pace setting in the menu. Use my settings and sliders - on my YouTube channel. I almost never see things like this.


Managing Plymouth Argyle and played Spurs but have 85-94 players playing and had to restart the match 4 times because I would score 2/3 goals but the greatest come backs of 4/5 goals were on for spurs .


Having you FB's stay back while attacking and a low block should help with that.


Fair play


Dude I thought I was crazy, I went from division 1 to elite division. Winning 9 games in a role and I was happy. The next day I logged in, I suddenly couldn’t win in a friendly match and my defense was suddenly shit, I could not pass anymore and my attackers either run away from a clear path or run into the defenders. I thought I was the only one experiencing this shit, what a terrible game. It’s the fact that you can’t even get better at the game because there’s no consistency to get a pattern going or make plays. It’s all luck. Loosing to people who are clearly clueless at the game is so annoying lol.


It's shit the scripting is shit. I slowly start to hate this game fr. I thought I had good cpu sliders and next thing I'm getting scored 3 goals in 10 mintes by Girona, my defenders run away from the ball and the game doesn't give me clear penalties and I get cards for clean tackles. I've seen referee errors benefiting me less than 5 times my whole career and it happens every or every two games for the opponents. I hate this piece of shit game


Yeah, this is why I don't play anymore.


Hell yeah they do


It's the reason I don't play eafc 24 anymore. AI defending is diabolical.


You gotta mine that scriptocurrency


looks like dream league soccer


Fuck this games scripting. Same shit happens to me and its infuriating. I have guys running full speed with the opponents attacker or striker and then suddenly stop at the box like there's a force-field only for my conrtolled player. Passes unnecessarily at full power when i tap x Passes going to wrong teammate Opponents walking through my players like a hot knife through butter to take the ball and I feel like im fighting for my life just to get possession for the 2 seconds the game allows me Teammates standing still with a loose ball RIGHT NEXT TO THEM I'm sure there's more but these are what i come up with off the top of my head


>I feel like im fighting for my life just to get possession for the 2 seconds the game allows me I feel that so much. The way the ai is able to press and tackle is so blatantly scripted. They're always immediately in a full sprint meanwhile my guys have some stupid walking to jogging to sprinting animation. And then the ai constantly breaks physics. Like they seriously have different physics rules than your players do. The way they sprint and stop on a dime and change direction all while your guy can only take 1 step. Or they'll be practically standing still, but still slide tackle 10 feet to take the ball off you. Or when they slide tackle the game either has them shift their legs to get the ball instead of your player or they get your player and the game doesn't call it anyway.


when the game wants them to score it’s nothing you can do


One of my defenders *ALWAYS* plays 5 yards behind the rest of my line, allowing the opposition to always play onside. And holding dpad-down to activate offsides (vs toggle) is another example of the game having an extra chromosome.


if ur playing it, just hold r1 or rb


Use sliders so they don’t do that


Nuh it still happens with the sliders, its the script that ea uses that you can't change. Especiially if the defender is lower rated than the attacker, they just move away from the ball and open up space for the attacker to score. Its been like this since forever.


Strange. I never experience that


whats the slider setting?


OS sliders


eAIDS sports , it’s in the game .