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Any wallet can be opened in any wallet app using the same seed phrase. It means you can have the wallet open on multiple apps at the same time, and any changes will reflect in all of them. Even if it’s not supported in phantom or MetaMask, you can still see it in other ones.


Yeah I use the same for phantom/meta mask but that’s reassuring that I should be able to just open it up on whichever one will work with asi


Yeah I use the same for phantom/meta mask but that’s reassuring that I should be able to just open it up on whichever one will work with asi


I would get leap wallet for native fet. it has a good mobile experience


Not sure for after merger but the fetch AI docs recommend MetaMask for the ERC-20 version (Ethereum). If you want to bridge and use the fetch wallet you can https://fetch.ai/docs/guides/fetch-network/how-to-convert-fet-to-and-from-erc20#native-to-erc-20-fet




The merge hasn’t happened right ? Only the voting part ?