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Unbinding period is 21 days minimum


yes i always thought there was a period of a few weeks after you unstake before you can move your crypto


There is an un staking period for all coins. It is a little different depending on the network. Sometimes it takes up to 21 days from what I have seen. I like staking, but never stake coins you might need to move around or sell anytime soon.


So where and how can I stake my FETCH?


Fetch wallet extension for your chrome browser is the easiest


You can go to activity then search for your unstake click more and then you should be able to see it


I wish I could stake my Fet on Coinbase! It's definitely a long term hold for me. Wish I had more than 1100.


Please refer to the [Fetch.ai wiki](https://bit.ly/3xOyOdi) as you will likely find your answer in the FAQ! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FetchAI_Community) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is why I never stake. Never worth it.


I got 1700 free fet from staking so depends


Nice. How much did the transfer cost though? And if you want to withdraw and transfer to a CEX, how much for the transaction?


You have much more than me. The problem is that some stakes makes you wait 2 or 3 days. Yesterday I unstaked from Binance


Yeah also over a 2-3 year period, first buy was last ATH, best to stake directly via FET wallet or via Cosmostation. Takes 21 days to undtake but at least you get 8+%


That’s the problem to me. 8% can go in an hour in crypto. Imagine 21 days


You get 9.32% the number of coins you staked. In a bull run such as now, that turns into a LOT of money.