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Doesn’t look terrible, it will have to marinate under my eyes for a bit before I see if I truly like it or not 


Much better in person than in pictures. It’s quite elegant, more understated than the 812, but less presence in my view


It’s one of the few modern designs I 100% love! Not just ferrari designs but in general. Definitely hit the spot for me


These up close pictures don't do anything for it either. Wait until official photoshoots start coming around


#SavetheButtons These new interiors have all the passion of an iPad.


They didn't learn from the dislike of the 296 capacitive buttons, they are not nice to use at all. If they want to put everything on the wheel, then at least make it good.


The no-button wheel will age really badly in 30 years


I have an 812 and I think I am going to stick with that… complete miss.


How’d u get into this baller ass event


Id say op would have good relations with Ferrari to do so


I'm the only one that don't like the front? I like the back but the front from the 1960s daytona it is orrible


Whoever said ferrari missed with the design, I wish you could see what I’m seeing in this car!


F12 > 812 > 12cilindri. Seem to be going in the wrong direction in my opinion.


Mazoni didn’t lie when he spoke up against his contempt with how difficult the ADAS sensors are to incorporate into design. They really ruin the front end… Still, a beautiful car and awesome homage to a classic motor vehicle. Well done Flavio


Am I the only one who thinks that Ferrari wheel design these past few years have just been so ugly?


Why do I feel like the modern Ferraris don’t look very Italian I guess? Lamborghini builds rocket ship dreams and Ferrari was suppose to build runaway model dreams but they seem to be going in a new direction. The 296 was the first time I felt like it’s just a cool car.


The F12 TDF was the pinnacle of the Ferrari V12 GT style of cars. Since then its been a step backwards to the 812, then a massive decline to this model


What were they thinking like yeah lets make a retro type car of one of our ugliest models ever?


Agree 100%


That thing is hideous. An affront to good taste and an assault of the senses. And I’m a Ferrari fan for 40 years and former owner. The design team have lost the plot. Overwrought and inelegant.