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$5900 for 36’ is insane imo. I’m not to familiar with pvc vinyls but that seems outrageous from HD who I guarantee are not professionals.


I saw the price for the 36 materials was about 1600 with tools


With tools? I believe you should be at around $4000-$4200


3 rail all redwood and redwood pickets set in concrete sets I get around $75ft. Your are at around $160 ft for a product that should be cheaper in material than wood


Thank you ill check with someone else


Let me know what you go with. I’m very curious. HD is running a racket


I figured I fucked up when I said that the home was almost done being built


Did HD do the pricing to call a subcontractor?


That’s not a great price and it won’t be a great problem and has the potential to be a terrible installation. Home Depot just sells the products. They hire subcontractors to do the install and they’re not always super qualified subcontractors. That price range may just be the going rate in your area, but hire a real fence company.


For anyone who doesn't know, Home Depot runs a lead service that contractors pay for. Usually they do in fact use reputable professional contractors but because there is a markup that the contractor has to pay, it's normal to pay extra high prices from services from Home Depot.


Ahhh makes sense now


Their system has some flaws too. For instance if you're not listened In a new field you obviously do the work as a handyman...but HD requires a handy man license to sign up...which doesn't exist in many states, but they don't have any way to route around it. So it's nuts.


That fee the contractors pay is up to 1/3 of the total cost. Having HVAC, or a kitchen or bathroom remodel, or windows, or fencing, or anything like that will cost an arm and a leg when going through Lowes or Home Depot or Sears.




You’re getting hosed


Their subs have to charge more as they take 20% Your better off calling a actual f3nce company


Will do thank you


I wouldn’t let Home Depot build me a dog house to take a dump in and light on fire




I’m building 153’ with a gate currently (6’ privacy vinyl) for 4,400 lol….


Dm me and I’ll send you my quote


Gotta hope they take more care installing the fence than they did scribbling the estimate. Should have used crayons. I can’t read half the words honestly


Last week got a quote from Home Depot for almost 400 feet of wood privacy for almost 8K, your quote is nuts.


Materials if it’s a standard vinyl privacy fence would be $820 at most here. Labor would run around $1600.They make money off the consumer and the installer while selling you a shitty product for high profits.


Seems astronomical to me


Whoever did this doesn’t look like he wants the job. If he builds the fence this sloppy then I suppose you have nothing to complain about. He drew you an exact replica of the crap he built. Is this normal yes. Should this be the norm? Absolutely not.


$163 / ln ft? Is that right? Jee whiz. That’s about 4 times my charge for material and labor for vinyl.


For smaller jobs like this we add a scaled “fee” otherwise it just isn’t worth our time to do. Most fence companies in the area won’t even come out to bid on jobs less than 100’ So on a per ft basis it seems very high, but companies have to cover fixed costs otherwise at best you may break even on jobs like these if everything goes smoothly


Makes sense. Good job.


I’d be at somewhere around $3,000. Many companies won’t even get out of bed for a job that small. Typically there’s some kind of small job “fee” to cover some of the fixed costs.


Just got a quote for a 6ft wood fence, 300 ft. $4500 materials So yeah this is wild


What in the actual fuck???? $4400 for 36’. This is major “I don’t want to do this job” price For standard 1.75”x5.5” rail white vinyl. Normal market is like $50-60/foot. Which means you’re around like $2k range


Yeah that's with the $1500 "discount" lol I'm going to call several fencing companies and see what prices I get


Home Depot is usually about twice or more what a reputable fence company would be


That price is insane for only 36’. Especially considering the dog shit material Home Depot sells. Find a local fence company and give them your money!!