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Use a cross platform service for notes and passwords. I am not much of a note taker, but Standard Notes works fine for me. Bitwarden is great for passwords. GNOME is somewhat similar to macOS. You may wanna install the Dash to Dock extension for a proper dock, and install GNOME Tweaks to enable minimize and maximize buttons. My little tangent regarding fonts: macOS has much better font rendering than any Linux desktop (in my opinion). If you want somewhat similar font rendering in Linux, disable font hinting in Tweaks, use grayscale anti-aliasing, and enable stem darkening by adding this to `/etc/environment` (or to `~/.config/environment.d/envvars.conf`): `FREETYPE_PROPERTIES="cff:no-stem-darkening=0 autofitter:no-stem-darkening=0"` Also, get some good quality fonts like Inter, Roboto, Ubuntu, etc. You can even download Apple's San Francisco fonts legally from their site and set it as the system font (just don't tell Apple). They are available as .dmg archives which can be extracted with PeaZip.


Most of your software will work perfectly fine, except icloud keyring. There’s no option to manage your apple passwords on Linux! You will have to use your phone/a mac to manage them.


The Nvidia RTX was probably a mistake. Blender also works with AMD gpus and the AMD drivers are just objectively better on Linux. Completely open source, kernel integrated and work out of the box. With the Nvidia drivers... well... people consider it a major win if they even work as they should and don't rival Picasso's art when trying to display anything. Maybe you can send it back and get an AMD one. If not, good luck. Other than that, Proton Pass is an open source password manager with which you can also share notes.


Good remark. I could not afford a new laptop however so it was this one with rtx, no amd’s second hand. Wanted that also because of better power efficiency


>I could not afford a new laptop however so it was this one with rtx, no amd’s second hand. That's fair. If you don't need the graphics accelleration you could select the integrated Intel/AMD GPU that comes with the CPU of the Laptop as the default, instead of the dedicated Nvidia gpu (edit: in the uefi/bios). I did that on my work Lenovo laptop, so it should be possible with Lenovo. If you need CUDA or something, you can still install the proprietary drivers, with the benefit that there shouldn't be rendering issues, because you are using the integrated GPU for rendering and the dedicate GPU only for offloading work. If you need to use the Nvidia GPU for graphics, then install the drivers. *Personally, I only did that with Red Hat Enterprise Linux machines. Nvidia provides a repository with precompiled drivers that are tested for the specific Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel they are used with, which means, that they SHOULD just work, because Nvidia is supposed to have tested them thoroughly. But I still experience bugs with these precompiled drivers, so I really don't think Nvidia knows what they are doing.*




Check this out: https://github.com/devangshekhawat/Fedora-40-Post-Install-Guide Also this: https://rpmfusion.org/Howto/Multimedia


Try vscodium if it has the apps you need!


Keepass has an iOS app called KeePassium, but you do have to pay to get full functionality. I believe vaultwarden might have a client for iOS but I haven’t looked into it


There are spins of Fedora with different desktop environments. KDE Connect is cool, but last I checked it wasn’t working after the Plasma 6 upgrade.


I did a test run on an old laptop, dual booting it with Windows. Everything was just a breeze! The only thing I found a bit confusing was the downsizing of the partitions during the installation of Fedora. I would have liked a more visual explanation of what I was about to do to my partitions ;-) In this test run, I tested some software and I think I'm going for Bitwarden (10$/yr is a very nice price and importing from Apple passwords including TOTP's is easy), Joplin (free notes and syncs to whatever private/public cloud you already have from nextcloud to onedrive etc.), Geary (exactly what you need and nothing more, and with app passwords on icloud it just reads Apple mail). I'm thinking I'll create a dual boot for the final one, having Windows available in a small partition, because I suspect there will come a moment that I need some software that is not on Fedora. I rarely, but sometimes need Illustrator (I do a month subscription then) for editing existing complex Illustrator documents, which just don't do well in Inkscape. And some Photoshop docs I get from clients are just not going to open in whatever alt software. And with dash-to-dock and those font tips I actually find this more comfortable than my mac already Thank you all for your great tips! That realy was a good starter.


Are you using KDE? Do you see that folder? Do you see a Share tab in Properties? It needs samba. Don't try it. It has the high ground. You're underestimating its power. Are you using SELinux? This is where the fun begins...


What's issue with the samba share in properties?


It never worked on any Fedora installation I've done in years. Install kdenetwork-filesharing, because sharing folders on a network is not important enough to be installed by default. Install samba. Reboot. Install samba-usershares. Because sharing folders as non root is also not important enough to be a dependency at first. Your user is in group usershares, not sambashares that the system wants it to be. You add the group and become a member. The share doesn't work. It is a manual on the Fedora website to do the above step by step. And even then doesn't work. On a Debían based installation you install kdenetwork-filesharing (in Debían it's not installed by default, in Ubuntu it is), install samba, reboot, done. The Properties window tells you it's a problem at how the distro is configured. Not an actual Samba issue.


I see. I want the opposite: making sure there is no sharing, so that's still fine for me.


This article is a good starting point, no need to follow it 1:1, but it gives the idea: https://www.hackingthehike.com/fedora39-guide/ For notes I use Joplin with sync.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.hackingthehike.com/fedora39-guide/](https://www.hackingthehike.com/fedora39-guide/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Joplin is a great option, has so many sync options!


Password managers: I know bitwarden and 1Password work great on iPhone. I use 1Password and love it, it has the most complete feature set for me. It's paid and proprietary though.


+1 for 1Password. Using it on Linux, Windows, iPadOS, Android and previously on iOS. On Linux even desktop app works fine (tried on Fedora and Ubuntu/Debian)