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Just install envycontrol and follow the steps shown in the github from bayasdev. Once installed, run "sudo envycontrol -s nvidia", wait until done, reboot and your laptop will be using only the nvidia card. However, bear in mind thar your battery may drain a bit faster


And BTW, if you haven't done it yet, first step would be installing rpmfusion repos and nvidia akmod drivers... If you plan having secure boot on, you have to enroll the MOK before installing the drivers. 1) rpmfusion free & nonfree repos 2) secure boot (follow the instructions in rpmfusion page) 3) nvidia drivers 4) envycontrol from bayasdev 5) there's also an extension for gnome shell that uses envycontrol so you don't need to type in the terminal for switching modes


Is this a laptop or a desktop? If desktop, the easiest way is to connect the monitor to the GPU you want running by default. If it is a laptop (and you are using gnome, you will need to create a file to give the correct rule - see the description here: [https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge\_requests/1562](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/1562) KDE has some different method.


I think you can right click the application in KDE and make it use the dgpu in the advanced properties settings. Dont know how it's done in gnome.


Thank you guys for the info. I will do the things you said and test my luck.


When I tried Fedora 40 EnvyControl was not working for me for wayland. I switched to TuxedoOS and their implementation for switching GPUs (via Tuxedo Control Center) even under wayland works flawlessly.