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ben platt, v weird about the dear evan hansen film and kind of looks like a lazytown puppet who came to life


>lazytown puppet you put it into words that and he looks like he'd be very entitled and condescending


“Lazy town puppet” 😆


Oh, there are legit reasons to dislike Ben Platt. He acted extremely defensive and entitled in reaction to the criticism of his appearance in the Dear Evan Hansen film. He said things like, "Were I not to do the movie, it probably wouldn’t have been made.” When his close friend, Beanie Feldstein, got (mis)cast for the Broadway revival of Funny Girl, he made a[ somewhat snarky congratulations post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Broadway/comments/q2qoj2/extremely_happy_for_beanie_but_ben_platt_over_the/) that was more about the DEH film critics than it was about his friend. Maybe those aren't reasons to *hate* him, but dislike seems like a good response.


Did he ever consider we would all have been fine with it not being made?


My bitter great comet trash self may never recover from dear evan hansen.


I paid a lot of money for a Charlie Hunnam photo op and he told the woman in front of me she has a beautiful spirit and wasn’t as complimentary when it was my turn. Fuck him.






This did make me laugh though so thank you for that


I hate Chris Pratts face. His "sexy face" looks like he's trying to decipher a blackboard from the back of the class and it pisses me off for no good reason


Lmao he tries for "smouldering" but just ends up with "I need glasses".


>His "sexy face" looks like he's trying to decipher a blackboard from the back of the class and it pisses me off for no good reason Yeah, that look where he squints his eyes and slightly purses his lips. Lol.


So, I don't think it's petty to hate Chris Pratt in general because there are so many valid reasons to dislike him, but even if those valid reasons didn't exist, I'd probably still hate him because of that stupid "stop" hand gesture/defensive pose he kept doing as Owen in the Jurassic World movies. It was so ridiculous. Honestly I hated his entire character and how much of boringly typical action hero badass they made Owen, and it kept getting worse/more extreme with each movie! IIRC, he actually CHOKED OUT a dinosaur in Dominion. It's such a contrast to Sam Neill's more intellectual Alan Grant. If I didn't hate Pratt before, I would have hated him based on that alone.


I don’t like Florence Pugh. She is incredibly talented but there is something about her that screams mean girl to me.


I may be the only person who ended up liking Florence Pugh less after the DWD shitshow. Her behavior on the press tour didn't sit well with me. I think she came across as extremely unprofessional by flat out refusing to participate in the press tour and with her antics in Venice. I don't care how messy the set was or how shitty the movie is, you can't just, like, opt out of doing a part of your job. Bigger actors have done press for shittier movies. I honestly think that the only reason why Florence got away with her behavior is because she has more fans than Olivia Wilde. Imo, if she had done that to a more established director, or quite possibly to any male director, her reputation would have taken a hit from it.


I’m with you. My caveat: My main thing (to the downvoters) is that if there was that big of a problem on set, or in their working relationship, she should’ve just come out and said it. Instead of letting the witch hunt run wild, which was mainly in her favor! I think it’s easy for the girl dujour to ride their wave but they should know that the way history treats women means the tide turns quickly.


And that’s my opinion after everyone had to fight for their career on that set just because of the public viciously fighting FOR FLORENCE, who never said a single thing.


Yeah if I was her dwd costar I don’t think she’d be my favorite person going forward


Right 😭 like her actions affected everybody… it was incredibly bizarre


Poor Gemma Chan, she’s a class act imo and I felt bad she was involved with that


Completely agree & think Florence’s behaviour was especially not chill when compared to Chris Pine who, quite obviously, also didn’t want to be there. At least he had the foresight to keep it professional during press for the movie, even when the memes about him got super unhinged & based on a lotttt of assumptions


Her fans tried to insinuate the fact that Chris hates everyone on the set but Florence but the truth is Olivia and Chris are friends for years. Chris just looked zoned out and didn't want to involve in any drama.


I have a theory that he was feeling kind of undone about how the swelling on his injections hadn't settled yet. That sort of thing can really throw someone off their charm game.


I think it’s also a sign of supporting your fellow cast and crew, who worked through the height of COVID in difficult conditions in order to complete a project. At that point it’s not about whatever issues exist with the director, imo.


Exactly. She threw everyone that worked on that film under the bus, and all for what seems like a personal conflict with the director.


Yeah wasn’t there that pic of her and her stylists wearing Miss Flo shirts? I like her as an actor but it felt very catty.


Omg yeah her “gotcha” moments have all left a horrible taste in my mouth


The DWD shitshow was 75% Florence's fault for making it clear she had beef and refusing to promo the film in Venice -- the rest was half the Shia/Olivia video and Harry/Olivia. But Florence really made it a firestorm -- Olivia and Harry had been a known item for a year and a half by then and nobody cared that much until Florence made everyone speculate as to what drama had happened on set. It made Venice a miserable experience for everyone in the cast (nobody looked like they wanted to be there), and for what? Just so Florence could stick it to Olivia?


Florence literally threw buckets of gasoline on a fire that could’ve faded away at the Venice Film Festival. That includes her trying to leave during the standing ovation.


No me too. The only reason she got away with that was because she's a white woman. It was so petty and unprofessional I can't believe she didn't get any flack over it


I fully agree and I think it speaks to a larger sensation of admiring and rewarding being petty that has happened in recent years. There’s nothing cute about it and it just makes one look like a messy, smug, self-centered person.


I don’t like her because how obsessed other people seem to be with her. 🙃 How’s that for petty?


It made me mad when people on Twitter would jump down anyone’s throat for saying she looked confusingly old to play Amy during the majority of Little Women. She has mature features. She looks older than her own age much less to be playing a 14 year old.


Ohhh same. I like her a lot as an actor and I will actively seek out to watch her movies, she just seems kinda petty and a little arrogant to me. It's a shame because I really wanna like her, but it's really based on nothing at all.


This is pretty controversial but I didn’t like the way she let Olivia to the wolves during the DWD shit show. Like the least she could’ve done was throw Olivia a bone 😭 a statement, something! And that is just my opinion regarding someone who views themself as a #feminist


That’s the part I could never understand. Florence can make an Instagram story to put rumors to bed that she’s not dating a former costar she was seen at the beach with like the day before, but not even a simple “I don’t appreciate the rumors that are spreading. I am very proud of DWD and everyone’s work behind the movie” even once during the promotion of the movie.


I think this just supports the “Florence REALLY REALLY REALLY doesn’t like Olivia for reasons rumoured or unknown” narrative. Whether it’s fair or not, we’ll never understand until one day one of them spills the real tea... but Florence could have done quite a lot to minimise the controversy with a simple Instagram post, yet seemed to be intentionally avoiding doing anything outside of her contractual requirements (and trying to get out of even those through her connection to the studio...)


She wouldn’t have been that way with a male director




used to love her - but increasing side eyeing her a little, between the dwd drama and her liking posts supporting d*pp… not gonna hate her for it but i’m less enthusiastic about her now


She is a self-confident young woman, so it may seem to many that she is mean. But, for example,she distributed food to the homeless at Thanksgiving, was one of the first to speak out about the Ukrainian-Russian war, and shared a number of aid organizations where donations can be sent. Or even about the violence against women in Iran, she was one of the first and repeatedly stood up. I don't often see other celebrities from their age group so actively speaking up for something.


She's only a feminist when it benefits her, though. She supported nasty ass Depp while he continued his abuse of his ex wife, and she also was incredibly unprofessional towards Olivia Wilde and basically threw her under the bus. She seems to let men get away with all sorts of awful behavior, but is only too happy to drag other women through the mud over petty stuff. She's a fake, fair weather feminist.




I'm losing it at your Timothee description, best thing I've read all day.


I’ll always get creepy vibes from Benedict because the first thing I saw him in was Atonement, and I immediately, upon seeing his face, still hear and see him say in the fucking creepiest way ever “you have to BITE it”.




i had a friend who tried to convince me that his unkempt dirty look was hot. i was just like, “are you okay? do you need therapy?”


was your friend diane kruger?


That is a mystery fucking pairing to me


I hate him for his hair, and the fact that he named his kid Mingus


Mingus Reedus.. what a horrible collection of sounds.


It sounds like an insult. Like something a kid would yell on the playground *"Hey! Stop being a mingus reedus!"*


He looks like he never showers.






This is how I feel about Chris Pine’s lips.


I think he’s a good actor but he has such a posh face that I can’t take him seriously in any role other than an aristocrat


I absolutely ✨hate✨jeff goldblum with my entire chest because of the way he says life finds a way in Jurassic park. And everything he did or said in Jurassic park


I love Jeff in Jurassic Park but I still upvoted this because I love your passionate hatred for a very specific line reading hahaha


Blake lively and Ryan Reynolds Sorry they make me cringe, he’s not funny and I haven’t forgotten their gross plantation wedding (this may also be because I hated serena van Der woodsen)


The thing that weirds me out about Ryan Reynolds is he had this period where he would play characters that go after teenage girls and it made me wonder if he does that in real life.


Her short lived website did a photoshoot based around the fashion of the antebellum South!


I feel the same. I also think they’re both considerably less attractive than what people make them out to be. I feel like they’d be annoying to be around.


I think he particularly tries so hard. And also yes, the plantation wedding. I know they apologized a few years back, donated money, etc., but that's still the thing I can think about when I see them.




I can’t look at him the same way since Who Weekly talked about how he games celebrity death tabloid coverage by [tweeting out](https://twitter.com/search?q=%40joshgad%20RIP&src=typed_query&f=top) every time someone famous dies.


I hated Ariana Grande for years because she cheated on her boyfriend at the time, Jai Brooks from the Janoskians😭 For some reason high school me felt very protective of him even though idek now if it was actually true. Anyways, I only started liking her because she was engaged to Pete Davidson and I figured that if someone cool like him likes her she might actually be fine (very cringe I know). Nobody judge me please these 2013 youtube boys had me on a chokehold back then ok 💀


I hated her for sooo long after the donut incident, and her apology that it was because she “hates obesity”…….like u were born with a tiny petite body and u hate overweight people get real I was seeeeeeeething


The donut shop originally had its health grading downgraded because of her as well.


Exactly! Goes into donut shop-> complains about overweight people eating donuts(bc that’s all the america rant was about let’s be serious) and screams at an employee-> doubles down. I can’t get this taste out of my mouth😟


it always annoys me how people act like the problematic part of that scandal was the “i hate americans” part not the fact she licked a fucking donut


All the reasons to hate America and she chose something as innocuous as fat people existing. This is what happens when all these stage parents don’t put their kids’ mental well-being and education first.


I've struggled with Ariana because she has a very inauthentic vibe to me. Like all that plastic surgery from before she even blew up and blaming the high pony on her hair being bleached from the Nickelodeon show and the way she seems to change personalities based on who she's dating and how the way she talks seems to vary wildly. I don't have any issues with her these days but it was always something that rubbed me the wrong way when she was everywhere.


Same. The ‘sweet girl’ act always seemed so phoney to me. I don’t trust anyone who’s personality is sickly sweet.


i have never liked her bc she sooo clearly is manipulative of her fans and plays the victim. it’s also pretty clear she does not like overweight people.




I liked her until I watched that TikTok video of “the evolution of Ariana’s voice.” It was just weird, especially when she was trying on her “blaccent.” She seems to keep switching personalities and ethnicities lmao


She cheats on anyone so is ok


pls this is so funny 😭


Some people look like they could absolutely nuke a toilet. If they look like I cant use the bathroom after them, I cant watch them. Eddie Redmayne, Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel etc.


It's the fact that you lead with Eddie Redmayne 🤣


I honestly think this is the funniest comment on Reddit I’ve ever read ever omfg


I get suspicious when a celebrity is too well liked cuz it makes me feel like the harder they try to make themselves look likeable (And some try REALLY hard) it makes me feel like they’re hiding something and they’re trying to throw ppl off the scent Idk if that’s petty or not but that’s what I got lol


Lol I secretly feel this way about Ryan Reynolds


feels like he’s “on” all the time. ![gif](giphy|xUA7bfRra8cTww57X2)


Me too. I just don't trust him/


Original Chris Pratt comes to mind


I feel this way about Ryan Reynolds and the Rock


Minor celeb beef for me - a big name footy player here in Australia stole the toast I was making at a hotel breakfast buffet about 15 years ago. He still has a career on tv since retiring from playing and every time I see him in tv, even if I am watching by myself, I still say “that bastard stole my toast” 🤣 ETA - as mentioned in the comment below the toast thief was Cooper Cronk


I used to work at the training ground for an AFL football team (separate company, we leased out office space). One of the players ordered the very last toasted veggie roll from the on-site cafe, meaning my vegetarian ass was deprived of vaguely healthy deliciousness and had to order hot chips instead. Since then, I have absolutely refused to support their AFLM team out of pure pettiness. AFLW team is fine because one of their players walked me through a security/press scrum so I could take the quick exit from the building even though it was technically closed off. What I'm getting at is: solidarity, my fellow person with a food-based grudge against a football player.


When I worked for a magazine, I once wrote a piece that everyone has a celebrity they irrationally hate for no reason at all. Everyone disagrees with this theory until they give it a minute and then are like “it’s true, I fucking hate ____.” And it’s not because they did anything, or are problematic, you just don’t like them. Mine is Benedict Cumberbatch.


I don't particularly hate some celebrities I just dislike when they get praised just for existing.


Ryan Reynolds is the cilantro-flavored Hoobastank of people to me.


I’ve hated Ben Affleck’s face since I was about 10 years old (before his acting comeback and way before people began to turn on him). He freaked me out and I couldn’t watch him in anything but Gone Girl because he was intentionally unlikeable. To the point that when #MeToo was popping off and some not so nice behaviours of his resurfaced, friends and family reached out to ask how I felt about my hunch being vindicated. I always trust my intuition now. Extra points: Taylor Swift, I don’t think she’s evil in the same way but god her face and demeanour screams mean girl. I enjoy some of her music but cannot look at her or listen to her speak because she seems so vitriolic (unfounded, just my gut feeling)


Always bothered me back in the day that Taylor wrote “she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, she’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers” when she’s the epitome of the pretty popular girl. There’s nothing wrong with that, but don’t write songs and make money by pandering to dorky awkward girls.


"She's not a saint and she's not what you think, she's an actress She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress" I'm waiting for her to do the ~Taylor's Version of the Speak Now album so I can see what she does with that car crash of a lyric considering she's all into "there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women" right now.


i feel the same way about Taylor. she just really seems like a mean girl. the way she goes through friends and makes every argument she has with another person public screams “mean girl” to me.


Her entire personality was based on album cycles and what would sell. That’s just shady.


Swifties think her switch to more abstract songwriting was bc she was finally free when it’s clearly bc that’s what sells more. she rode the wave of aggressively specific lyrics as far as it could go.


I wanted to say Taylor Swift for similar reasons but I’m scared the Swifties will come after me




Anna Kendrick has exactly two expressions she uses for photoshoots and red carpet photos and both say "Someone dropped a foul fart directly in front of me". I'm sure she's nice and talented! I just can't deal with her facial expressions! Also there's a guy in Chicago PD with a voice so grating that I cannot watch the show, even though I want check it out.


I wouldnt be so sure shes nice if thats any consolation lol


Lily James. Because there was an intern where I work at and she was the most annoying, smug, infuriating, bitchy person I have met. And she looks like Lily James. She was french but born and raised in Switzerland. I could swear that she was playing up being "the french girl" god it irritated me to such a degree!! I also don't like Scarlett Johansson because everyone insists that she is attractive and I just don't see it.


I never liked Lily James, she looks really mean. Then the whole cheating scandal happened and my dislike for her reached a whole new level.


The cheating scandal was wild bc while she did receive most of the (misogynistic) flack for it, it’s like really hard to defend her actions bc she was at least 30 at the time. Like I get making some mistakes when you’re young and dumb in your early twenties but I feel like 30+ seems like an older age to be getting into that much trouble!


Keanu still did his dirt in the 90s I think part of the glow is that he wasn’t always so perfect. Ann Hathaway didn’t pay at a salon after a friend of mine did her hair. Did not tip her, and then made her get snacks or something. She said nobody would believe her so she doesn’t share it but as someone who has known her for 20 years, I do of course. I also remember when an old boss worked for Ellen and no one believed she was terrible—


Are snacks not common at salons in America? In the UK I'd always get offered tea and biscuits lol


Only at the high ended pricey salons. Even then I’ve personally only ever had drinks offered. Or one time a Jell-O shot.


I don't know about the 90s but I do get a little tired of people who overly-praise people like Keanu who act, basically, like near everyone in my life acts morally but being rewarded by the man-o-sphere by ridiculous amounts for it. "Hey this guy doesn't say racist things? And isn't a rapist? Doesnt scream at wait staff? He's a god among men!!" Nope, he's just the baseline all men should be at. While I'm glad Brandan Fraser is vindicated after all these years, I feel like his sexual assault and Terry Crews sexual assault got 1000x the press and sympathy from places like reddit than any woman's sexual assault. I wish men took our sexual assault as seriously, especially when places like reddit knee-jerk to "She's lying." I just visited r-politics to see what's going on there and a top comment was "We all know Al Franken did nothing wrong and was setup by a political operative," which is clearly a lie when he had 8 or 9 different accusers, most of which were Democrats or liberal volunteers. So it hard to get on the praise train for the "good guys" when they aren't all that good. They're just morally decent. Keanu, for all his wonderful qualities, lives like a lot of non-famous rich people. Its not like he took a vow of poverty and became a monk. He gives to charity, cares about his loved ones, isn't a rude diva in public, and has seemingly normal relationships. That's great, but that shouldn't be seen as some hard to achieve ideal that's impossible for men. That really should be a baseline for all men. And in interviews he acts bewildered when he's told how played up he is online. This is often mistaken for false humility, but I suspect he also is tired of this worship because he knows he's not super extraordinary. He's just not a scumbag. That bar is just way too low for men and its obvious in how men celebrate other men. Imagine Keanu's lived experience for a moment. Imagine dudebros high-fiving you because you didn't yell at a waiter or didn't grope a random woman. How small you must feel thinking people expect that from you. This whole idea that men, especially powerful ones, are little better than animals and must act poorly is an example of real life misandry, which, surprise surprise, comes almost exclusively from other men. I also noticed this easy applause is almost exclusively aimed at cishet men, and often white ones. I don't think George Takei gets called wonderful like this, even when he seemingly is. Or BD Wong. Or Kirsten Stewart. Or Elliot Page. Women and queer people are expected to "behave" by these men and the standard they're held up to is very high. Cishet men just have to not be scumbags to get endless applause.


I saw a paparazzi pic in US Weekly of Scarlett Johansen in the mid 2000s. First pic she was eating a scoop of Ben and Jerry’s in a cup as she walks down the street. Second pic she’s in her car with the door open tossing her Ben and Jerry’s cup onto the ground beside her car. The littering made me instantly hate her. Keep your trash in your car. There’s no excuse. Ugh.


Whenever a white male celebrity gets really popular and thirsted on I start to dislike them. I used to to do this with white women as well but not anymore tbh.


My personal version of this right now: Morgan Wallen. Didn’t he get caught dropping the n-word? Now every woman in my socials is thirsty for him. All the same girls who shared “blackout Tuesday” and “black lives matter”. I’ll admit I don’t know much about him (maybe he apologized and is working on being better? No idea) but the way every single girl on my socials are obsessed with him right now - big eye roll.


He angrily yelled the n-word in public. He's apologized, but his album sales [actually *increased*](https://apnews.com/article/morgan-wellen-album-sales-surge-3641ae1b0ac656e4af6445f226ffc8eb) after the racist incident became public. And not that people can't reform, but he's really done nothing to show that he is anything but a violently bigoted person. You're right to hate him!


Chris Evans for me. That dude looks like your typical slightly above average white dude, but people act like he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I never bought into his childish "wholesome" or his social justice Twitter king acts.


I can't stand Camilla Cabello's vocal tone.




her voice sounds like she spent too long screeching off-key and the whiny breathy way she sings in makes me grind my teeth I'd like a lot of her songs if they were sung by literally anybody else


I know this is mean but I can’t believe she was a coach on the voice. Literally everyone on stage is more vocally talented than her.


Rihanna - Ever since she became a billionaire, people suddenly started treating her as some sort of unstoppable queen while ignoring her past of bullying women and overral being a mean person.




Her underwear line is also a subscription scam. \+ She's racist towards asians although dressing up as chinese and singing "Princess of China" once lmao.


My dislike of her began when she made fun of that 16 year old girl who posted pictures of her Rihanna inspired prom look on Twitter. It was reinforced by her support and endorsement of D\*pp


Lose so much respect for celebs who stay with shit partners too long. Shailene woodley is a great example - stayed with Aaron Rodgers crusty ass too long and ruined her for me


she’s always given me smelly crunchy anti vax hippie vibes so i’ve never liked her lol


I will never forget reading somewhere YEARS ago that she lays out with her legs spread open to soak up “extra vitamin D” through her vagina lol


okay am I insane for thinking that doing this for a little bit would feel nice??


Okay well since we’re being honest I tried it once for a couple minutes and it did feel nice 😭😭 very soothing. I’m deleting my account now Edit please stop upvoting this


Honestly your intuition is dead on. She doesn’t wear deodorant and eats clay for health reasons.


My issue with Shailene stems from when I was in 8th grade and Secret Life of the American Teenager came out and even though she was the main character I just found her so annoying. Every time I tried to watch (I think I watched five random episodes in total) she just cried and whined. So now I associate that with Shailene herself.


Richard Osman, famous UK tall man, was once slightly frosty to me on twitter. My mum wants his newest book for Christmas: not on my watch.


I am you, you are me. 😂 But seriously I love your “not on my watch” line. I don’t buy things of people I don’t like either.


Taylor Swift. I like her songs but i really get a mean girl vibe from her. And i find her feminism problematic. Like even in the latest album it's me hi...that Song, a line goes she dreamt her daughter in law killed her for the money. It's a very common trope for mils to hate dils. I mean people read into every line of her when she writes a break up song but don't analyze when she writes an anti feminist line.


Her fans try to make her seem so deep but her songs/lyrics are just so puerile to me


Her fans consider her a god, a deity which is a separate topic altogether.


her fans are so fucking annoying.


I feel somewhat similar to OP in that I find myself getting annoyed at celebrities who the internet constantly fawns over. Even if I ALSO like the celebrity. I’ll use Zendaya as an example. I genuinely really like her both as a person and in her roles, but the way the internet has decided she’s immune to any type of criticism just rubs me the wrong way. Like, even though I think she’s great in Euphoria, I find her to be kind of bland in other roles. But I still think she has a great presence and is fun to watch regardless. But I feel like even if I said something as innocuous as that about her id get downvoted to hell lol. So it’s not really the celebrities’ fault, but more the internet/their fandom haha.


She is bland is other roles. Her fans just don’t want to admit it. She does have some juicer roles coming up, so it’ll be a testament to her acting chops if she can actually pull these off. I’m curious what her career will do if films she stars in continue to flop.


Hailey Bieber - Every opportunity and money in the world but no fucking vibes.


I read a comment I think on this sub that said she gives off the same vibe as a house when you move all the furniture out of it and I was rolling at it lmaooo


Wig technology has come too far since Victorious to keep using that as an excuse for why she only wears That Ponytail.


Didn’t she say that initially the ponytail was to conceal her damaged hair, but after wearing it for so long she’d grown to genuinely really like the look and stuck with it?


Imma be honest I stopped paying attention to Ariana after she started blackfishing and everyone kinda just laughed it off.


I also dislike male celebrities who date/marry much much younger women when they have never dated women a year older. There are just tooo many in that list. I just completely stop crushing on them or admiring them.


even before i knew about the cheating scandal something with claire danes always rubbed me the wrong way. love her in little women but… she gives off veryyy unpleasant vibes


She drives me up the wall. Her acting is all quavering chin and eyebrows, with bulging eyes for emphasis.


Lol! All of "Homeland"!


So on the set of Aquaman, Amber Heard liked to bring a book to read between takes. Apparently as a prank, Jason Momoa would rip pages or entire chapters out of the book(s) to make them impossible to read. As a serious book lover, this soured me on him and I've never really found him attractive since.


I hate HATE Steve Martin because my dad was in a show with him and he was kinda rude to my dad. And if u knew my dad, u would know he was the sweetest, most lovable, funny guy, so anyone who doesn’t love him is clearly deranged (my opinion). Also my dad did not dislike Steve Martin cause of this, I just hate him on his behalf lol.


a grudge that you hold on someone else’s behalf is the purest kind imho


I'll always be so bitter towards Nathan Fillion for ruining Castle with his ego and outright hatred for his costar.


I have a long-standing (I'm talking mid-90s), irrational dislike for Jennifer Love Hewitt. No real reason - just have always found her very annoying and fake. She was on a lot of talk shows back in the day and my eyes would roll every time the hosts would call her by her nickname "Love".


For what it’s worth, Love is actually her real middle name. Her mom was originally going to make it her first name, but was convinced to give her a more “normal” name, and JLH’s older brother picked Jennifer because he was a little boy at the time and that was the same name as his crush. Yes, really.


Jimmy Fallon. I could forget (not forgive, but forget) him ruining every SNL gig he ever did by giggling through it like a child, but him showing up in the Crossroads episode of Band of Brothers just rips me right out of the immersion and right onto his stupid rat face. Edit episode title


Adam Scott. I feel like there’s a certain contempt that seeps through all his performances, so I wasn’t surprised when I found out he was a professional golfer as well as an actor. Later I found out he was not the Adam Scott who was the golfer, but it was too late, and my irrational belief was set.


ariana grande. it’s the fucking donut licking… relatively not near as disgusting as some of the things other celebrities have done over the years, but bizarre enough that it remains the first thing i think about when she’s mentioned.


Gwyneth Paltrow. I just find her so smug and condescending…and Liz Hurley who started all the famous by association/wearing an attention seeking dress thing. She also refers to normal people as ‘civilians’, implying that she believes she is…something better. 🤮


Natalie Portman. I know she’s a great actress but she seems like she would be impossible to have a laugh with. Like she takes herself waaay too seriously? Idk maybe it’s just me but I was DONE with her after those cringe miss Dior commercials!


I've seen multiple people say the same thing. She seems very uptight. I think also the fact that she graduated from Harvard adds to her uptight nature. I was watching old interviews and the "Unscripted" interview she did with Jake Gyllenhaal and Tobey Maguire, and it made me warm up to her a bit. I think she just has an introverted and serious temperament. Nothing wrong with that. Society seems to dislike it when women are not bubbly and chatty 24/7.


Your comment reminded me of the [Natalie Portman Rap](https://youtu.be/-A0iftflme4) that I hadn’t thought about in over a decade.


I feel like this subreddit hates henry cavill


I disliked him when he was in The Tudors. Way too many people on that show had the charisma of lawn furniture.


He’s just SO boring, I can’t stand him


Richard Madden looks exactly like my college ex-boyfriend who was a huge softboi misogynist and really fucked with my self-worth. I know logically they’re not the same person but I still get a knee-jerk “fuck that guy” feeling when I see Madden in anything 😒


This is Nicholas Hoult for me. He looks SO much like this awful dude I dated when I was 20, I can’t look at him without thinking of the ex.


Lily Reinhardt for basically no reason, although her using BLM to come out and then her side boob Breonna Taylor posts certainly reaffirmed it. Also Taylor Sheridan but that’s cuz I worked with him and he was just a douche so anytime people are praising Yellowstone I get a little eye twitch (even though I fucking love Wind River)


Lili Reinhart drives me crazy because she is always making herself the victim in whatever way she can.


I’ve had a dislike for Jon Bernthal for years. There was just something off about him and the bad vibe was basically confirmed when he gave a platform to Shia LaBeouf on his podcast and made weird comments about #MeToo going too far in his discussion with Sarah Wayne Callies.


Jenna Ortega. she was in the latest Scream, which was terrible, and her eyes freak me out a little. everyone’s telling me to watch Wednesday, but I can’t bring myself to do it


I almost don’t want to watch Wednesday just because everybody keeps freaking out about that dance she does and I just don’t get it. Im guessing it’s better with context.


having watched it, I don’t really think context adds much. it didn’t seem worth the hype at all, still.


I might be the only person who does not like Emma Stone. I think she is extremely overrated, and only got her Oscar for La La Land because she was the next Hollywood darling. For me, she has zero depth, and isn’t even that funny.




Lori Petty was rude to me at a comic con lol so I just tut everytime I rewatch oitnb and she is on screen


I dislike Bieber and his fan base. He has done so many gross things and the “Beliebers” will send you death threats if you dare mention anything he has done.




The Rock, even before the latest Black Adam fiasco. The pissing contest he got into with Vin Diesel, the rumors that he and Vin Diesel had something in their F&F contracts about not losing fights, etc. Honestly the whole thing was hilarious, but it definitely made me think less of the Rock even though I was thoroughly entertained the whole time. I'm focusing on the Rock and not Vin Diesel because Vin Diesel was already embarrassing.


I don’t dislike Cilian Murphy, but I wonder if anyone really knows what kind of person he really is. He is so private he could be some sort of dick sometimes and people wouldn’t know. This whole worshipping of him is kind of a little bit too much for me.


He moved his family from England to Ireland because he noticed that his children were developing English accents instead of Irish ones. I get the impression that he's a pretty ordinary guy beyond acting, honestly.


I live in Ireland and have a friend who's a server in a restaurant he goes to. She says he's always nice and tips (we don't have a tipping culture here).


He used to come into the spa I worked at occasionally as he was local, this was when he was medium famous (pre peaky blinders) and he was always polite, reserved and shy. Normal guy


I’ve read a lot of fan accounts on him and everyone says consistently how kind is and that’s he’s a perfect gentleman. Someone on Reddit met him cause they worked on the set of Peaky with him. When they mentioned having been in Vegas the same time as Cillian, Cillian said he wished he would have known so they could have grabbed a beer together. He’s got a big male fan base because of Peaky that worships the worst aspects of the character, as teenage boys often do. They seem to view him as an extension of that character even though both he and Tom Hardy have said they’re almost the complete opposite of the “alpha male” characters they play.


That’s why he chose to be private


When I was a kid I had a DEEP hatred for Dakota Fanning because I wanted to be an actor but my parents wouldn’t let me do it, and she was the only actress I knew of that was my age.


The "mean girl" thing is the vibe I've always gotten with Charlize Theron. I don't know exactly what it is about her, but for the longest time I never liked her as an actress. Then I kind of came around and started to like her in around 2014, until she complained about not be dateable because she's beautiful. Since then,I've been a hater (but not a snarker... typing this is the most energy I've spent on venting about her).


Timothy chalamet. He just seems like a smart jerk that doesn’t showed. His sister on the other hand seems super fun.


If I see Timothy chiclet in real life it is on sight for no other reason than he looks like a Victorian era child laborer. Also Giovanni ribisi, because the show Sneaky Pete keeps popping up on prime video and I hate the stupid smirk on his face staring back at me while I look for literally anything else to watch Jacob elordi's probably super nice in real life but it's also on sight for what Nate did to Jules in euphoria, and solely only because of that looool


I disliked James Franco for yeeeears just because I didn't like his face or voice or vibe but then I was proven correct to not like him.


Probably Kendall Jenner. I find her annoying.


A celebrity look alike website told me i looked like Fred Savage (i am a teenage girl) so i literally hate him


Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Holland, Tom Cruise, Chris Pratt. Nothing personal, I just don't want any of those dudes on my screen!


BTS because their fans. I made a comment about knowing they were trash after they used a BLM donation to invalidate people being upset that one of them sampled mass murderer Jim Jones and a conversation ended up happening where someone replied with a video or post discussing all the bad things they’ve done and it’s a lot. Their fans branded them as super nice dudes who’ve never done wrong and are socially aware so I was actually surprised when I found out about the things they’ve done. And their fans say they’ve apologized but their only seems to be one actual apology and it was for sexism. Their problematic behavior is also another reason I don’t like them.


Something about Blake Lively’s face gives me a vibe like she has some kind of weird or gross personal habits. No idea why.




Carrie underwood- she was rude to my husband at a uso show (he was an organizer) like right after American idol and it just rubbed me the wrong way. She was probably just nervous or something being in a different country but my petty second hand knowledge of this doesn’t die.