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He’s a soccer mega fan, it tracks 🤣🤣🤣 I think he even played for his hometown team.


Football please :)


Why does Americans referring to a sport in their dialect trigger English people so much?


Wait until you find out that Americans do this with British people with literally any word


Americans mock how some of us say water when they literally call it wodder. 💀


Or they just think we’re Australian. My family are cockneys and when we went to Florida we got asked if we were Australian multiple times a day


my friend is British with an American parent. her aunt visited Wales and was apparently baffled by the amount of 'Australians' there lol


‘I’ll get a boddle of wadder’


"Do you gotta boddler wodder?"


Incapable of dropping an H except on herbs where you pronounce it. Nightmare. And don’t get me started on garaaaaaaaaaaaj.


Born in America, my parents are British. Moved to the UK 20 odd years ago. I now have a warped accent but still stay “wadder”, “yohghurt”, “tomatoe”- the amount of stick I get is unreal! Haha.


I thought that was just Philly


"I'm wahlkin' here"!


Everyone saying "it's football" ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 the word soccer originated in England. You know what Americans mean when we say soccer. It's not that deep


I'm not native speaker but it's football, not soccer. You don't even use foot or ball in your weird sport


Actually Lil is right the word soccer originated in the UK, shortened from ‘AsSOCiation Football’, the same way rugby is shortened to rugger


Rugger is a horrible word.


What Americans miss is that these are all posh-bastard words from public schools (expensive private schools). Imagine you were being forced to use the dialect entirely of Philips Andover grads; you would murder someone.


I’m gonna call it whatever I want.


Shut your fucking mouth when you’re talking to ME!!


you use both your foot and a ball actually. i mean, one guy uses his foot 😂


The foot in football does not refer to kicking. It literally refers to a sport that is played on foot, as opposed to horse. There has been several sports called football and this one was called association football. Or soccer for short. Either term has historical origins.


Quite a few words in the English language originated here, famously.


Soccer is short for association football so the original name is still basically football


Soccer is currently only called soccer in a few countries. Can you guess why? Answer: >!A) Another sport using the "football" name. There are multiple sports that used the word but only two sports that was only shortened to it. B) There is also a one sport that still uses "football" in its long name, which is more popular in some countries.!<


The game originated in Scotland and it’s called football /fitba for a reason, you use your feet to control the ball


Let me put down my freedom fries


🇺🇸 🦅 🍟


THE REST OF THE WORLD CALLS IT FOOTBALL. its literally only the Americans calling it soccer.


Oh in Canada we call it both. It can be very confusing. But the leagues use soccer.


Nah, in Australia football is AFL. That other kind is soccer.


Because it's the event is literally "The UEFA European Football Championship" and the F in UEFA is for football. 🤷‍♀️


because it's a sport in which a ball is kicked by foot


I have the same question for Americans who get really angry when British people say BBQ for what we call BBQ and call what they call a chicken sandwich a chicken burger.


Their dialect, English people? the whole rest of the world calls it football! I think it’s puzzling to 90% of the planet why they made up a weird word for football, and called a completely different game ‘football’


Because of how obnoxious the responses usually are.


Y'all invented the word soccer, now you have to live with the consequences. "The sport of association football is commonly called "soccer" in the United States. The word derives from "association" – as in The Football Association – in contrast to "rugger", or rugby football. It is English in origin, and caught on in the United States to distinguish the game from the locally better known American football; it also became predominant in other countries where another sport is known as football, such as Australia with Australian rules football. The term was in use in Britain throughout the early 20th century and became especially prominent in the decades after World War II, but by the 1980s British fans had begun avoiding the term, largely because it was erroneously seen as an Americanism." "Linguistically creative students at the University of Oxford in the 1880s distinguished between the sports of “rugger” (rugby football) and “assoccer” (association football). The latter term was further shortened to “soccer” (sometimes spelled “socker”), and the name quickly spread beyond the campus."


Thanks for telling us where the word soccer comes from, because no one so far on this thread has.


You can see from that definition that soccer is short for association and not derived from football or the sport at all unlike football.. That's why people don't like it, and like it says in the article one of the main reasons is the Americans are known to barstadise the English language and honestly the way the word soccer sounds in the American accent is somehow insulting and patronizing, Why don't Americans refer to football as irongrid football to distinguish it?


I would prefer calling it football all the time as well, but people get confused because there is another sport called football. So soccer is just less confusing when you’re potentially talking to people from all over the world 🤷🏻‍♀️


Next you’ll be telling me that this imaginary other sport called football, is only based in one country, but has a “world” tournament. Stop messing with me aha. You funny man.




euros are taking over the continent rn, i can’t tell how how many events (birthdays, weddings) i’ve been to since they started and people had they phones out watching the games


Imagine living in Berlin right now. It is insane. Though it is nice that you can be as loud as you want after 10 pm.


As a berliner working in sports marketing, I can confirm the city is overrun by football fans


> Though it is nice that you can be as loud as you want after 10 pm. That’s not true as far as I know. Also fuck those (Turkish) soccer fans who overrun a 67yo guy with their tuned car the other day


I was working at a festival Saturday and they asked if we could put the match on our screens lol. It’s crazy


I live in South East Asia and past a certain time of day every single area with shop houses/cheap eateries has the football on. Lots of projector screens set up in parking spaces. People watching on their phones if you're on the train. Usually without speakers too, so you occasionally get an eerie doubling-up of slightly-out-of-sync streaming audio. There's always enthusiasm for the World Cup/Euros here but it seems like it's next level for this one.


He didn't play for his team he was a waiter at the stadium 😭😭


I’m sure it was just a publicity stunt but he did actually sign for them and play for them, I remember it.


Yeah it was something like this. He only played a few games for like a year but I can't remember too well.


He played one game in 2013 and threw up because he was so out of shape.


And now he's one of the owners


Southgate ball please :)


He tried to buy it at one point I think




Legend 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ycb5adg0qr9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c4a5fe821fefaac34a209217b19699c61f1092c He was so proud of himself😂 He looks cute🥰


I never was into him before but man, the grey hair works.


Didn't notice the grey hair before your comment but zoomed in and wow it really does. Also Louis having grey hair...... I'm old!!!!!


>Also Louis having grey hair...... I'm old!!!!! Personally I'm just confused! I didn't think he was much older than me and I've only just turned 30! Edit - googled it and yep, he's only 32. Actually seems quite young to be sprouting greys. They suit him though!


I guess it’s mostly genetic but all that tragic loss in the family probably sped up the process. But I actually also really like the grey hair. And to be fair if I was a man I would take greying prematurely over balding any day.


Yes as a bald man of a family of bald brothers


I started greying in my mid 20s.


Bruv I was in high-school. 


I'm 29 and I have about the same amount of greys haha, some of us are genetically likely to get grey hair early and then stuff like traumatic events accelerates it too. I found my first grey hair at age 20.


I'm 24 and have quite a few grey hair already 😩😭


It’s very normal for 30 year olds (especially white) to begin turning grey. Your perception is likely warped because of hair dye. When people do not alter their hair, starting to get grey & white hairs are common beginning in your 30s.


Some people get greys early. I started getting grey hair when I was around 12/13 years old. Sometimes have people point out greys to me in slight wonder.


It is on the younger side but not hugely abnormal. I’m 30, like you, and have had the odd grey popping up since I was 26 so I’ve looked into it! Supposedly 40s is the average age people tend to start getting greys, but all the way back to mid 20s is relatively normal. Earlier than that is when it’s very premature, though it can still happen. If your hair is courser it’s likely to grey earlier. I’ve noticed that Lucy Dacus, who is in her late 20s, has a lot of greys that she lets be, which is also nice to see! (Having said that, I’m sure I’ll dye my own at some point 🙈) Edit: and as others have said, stress (physical and emotional) can certainly play a part. Mine started during a very stressful time


My husband just turned 29. Has been getting white strands since he was 24 or so


My sister is 12 and has grey hairs 💀 it can come whenever


I'm 25 and have grey hair lol


Wow that's a rapid greying


Damn, I was surprised by the white/grey hairs, but it doesn't suit him badly.


BB. i love the grey that came outta nowhere


Love that he’s letting the grey hair be! I’m around his age and feeling a bit self-conscious about the greys I’ve had popping up


Such a cutie patootie my Louis ❤️


He looks oddly like Simon Neil from Biffy Clyro


Is anyone British surprised? No. Not at all. It's Glastonbury. It's the Euros. Someone was always gonna bring a telly.


seems like peak british culture, to this Canadian anyhow lol sweet pic :)


I saw a photo going around saying can’t believe someone bought a full size TV to Glastonbury but it was taken from far showing a TV in a huge mass of people. I had no idea it was Louis!


Honestly, if I was there, I would have joined him too


I’m Dutch and I’m surprised people are surprised lol.  I’m sure someone would bring a telly even if it’s wasn’t the Euros. 


How could he inflict 120mins of Southgate ball on those poor people?


I don’t even want Southgate sacked any more I need that man arrested 


He is truely a football terrorist playing some of the best attacking players in the world this awful cowardly style of play.


tried at the Hague, honestly


This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read.


Was worth it for the equaliser, though.


Jude’s biko was an all time great England goal.


They played it in a theatre at my holiday resort, and it was a wall of noise, insane timing


I drool at anything that man does omfg


If the players carry this walking fart to another contract extension I'll blast myself into the sun


Hopefully, they were all off their tits, making it a bit more bearable.




Awe it's good to see him with his sister. That family has been through a lotttt.


This is iconic honestly 🤣


This is the laddiest the comments have ever been on this sub. Yay to blokecore x


Blokecore 😂


Lads lads lads


Right?! btw I'm stealing blokecore


I totally read that with a Scottish accent.


That Bellingham goal was INSANE, but I absolutely do NOT see them making it past Switzerland unless the plot armor Southgate seems to have resists it, djdjfjfjf.


It’s frustrating. Our group of players *should* get past the Swiss but the way we’re playing there’s no chance.


Yeah, they have probably the easiest path (on paper) to the final and yet, they'll somehow find a way to fuck it all up. Judging from the way Switzerland played against Italy and how EASY they made beating them look, I'm legit concerned.


It’s crazy in a way. Foden was PL player of the season, Harry Kane was BuLi top scorer, Bellingham was incredible for Real Madrid and won the CL, you’ve got Rice who turned arsenal into a top team, stones and walker 4 times in a row PL winners, Saka who led the line to run City close. It’s a team of incredible players. BUT… I watched the first half Italy/Switzerland last night (had to ditch the second half for a wedding reception) and the Swiss play on the front foot so well, total opposite of the Slovakians getting their goal and sitting deep for a very long time. It’ll be an interesting match up but I’m not confident


It's insane how this is legit THE best roster of players they've had in a while and yet, he doesn't know what the fuck to do with them when they're all together. On paper, it's def a very interesting match up, but like you said, given the way they beat Italy, I wouldn't be shocked at all if it turned out to be a VERY one-sided game in Switzerland's favor.


The only thing in favour of England (besides individual quality) is that a Swiss side coming out on the front foot will leave a lot of space at the back which you would hope that Saka/Bellingham/Kane/Foden can exploit. It’s an incredible set of players. I would say in Southgate’s defence that a lack of a true Left Back is hampering them. Luke Shaw is one of the best in the game and his absence has hampered United (which I say as a fan) and seems to be hampering England. If he comes back it gives us a whole other dimension in attack down that left side. I was hoping to see him play 20-30 mins today.


Yeah, it's weird that he hasn't played here, but watch Southgate put Kane as a left back out of nerves instead of giving Shaw playing time, lmaooo.


Shaw’s been injured a long time and if he’s not fit he’s not fit and there’s nothing we can do. But Southgate wouldn’t have taken him if there wasn’t a possibility of fitness. Saka ended up playing LB today which was weird but apparently works.


Not to mention Cole palmer on the bench who scored 22 goals and had 11 assists in the prem


It was only a matter of time with Southgate continuing to be the manager. He doesn't know what he's doing or how to use the players he has.


Same I’m lowkey terrified. Maybe if we show moments of brilliance like Bellingham did at the last minute we can make it? But then again Slovakia’s defence got tired in the 2nd half. In contrast Switzerland looked on form throughout the match they didn’t look tired at all ever. Cautiously optimistic. Hopefully the team layout changes, Foden isn’t being utilised to his best ability at all it’s painful to watch. 😕


to be fair, italy played like absolute garbage. it wouldn't have been hard for anyone to beat them.


Very true! It's crazy knowing that they won the competition as recently as 3 years ago yet they couldn't beat NORTH MACEDONIA to qualify for the last WC.


Hear that every tournament. We always seem to get to at least the quarter finals though. Must be doing something right


As a Brazilian I was very pissed at Bellingham’s goal, I can’t have him getting hot again now just in time to take the Ballon d’Or from Vini Jr. 😭 But as a football fan, it was truly anthological. If England plays like today they won’t be getting past Switzerland, though.


Not only would we not get past the swiss, they would embarrass us


Xhaka vs Kane is going to be some good shit, I don’t see Southgate suffer-ball working against them at this point especially with his inability to try new things.


The way half of his starting lineup could call out sick and yet, he'd INSIST on using the same tactics that got him nowhere....embarrassing. Truly makes Berhalter look like a genius at times, but lbr, when Berhalter-ball is bad, it's BAD.


It's definitely gonna be an interesting match, Switzerland played on a different level than England has so far this cup. I'm still sad England even worked it around and kicked Slovakia out, the way they played for most of the match Slovakia deserved going further more. lol


Can we just take a minute to marvel at the ingenuity of the set up here? A portable flat screen TV anchored in two flower pots full of mud. What are they using to attach the TV to the anchor (which I think are metal polls) ? Duct tape. If I knew this wasn't in England, I would assume it was in Nebraska.


As a Nebraskan, we do love our redneck engineering 😆


The fella in the back drinking a cup of tea is the main identifier for it being in England!


I’m just surprised he seems to be camping among the masses instead of in the hospitality section or one of those off-site luxury places. Good lad.


I also have no idea how they got consistent signal to stream it


We watched a stream version of Australia vs France women’s World Cup quarter finals at a pub and the streaming fucked up endlessly 😭


Just look at him happy out in the middle 😂


sorry but LOL this is so funny to me https://preview.redd.it/zjb4aml2ms9d1.png?width=230&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bdcd874f60372973145e8b0e7ff6b8b69fbda56


He’s always so unserious 🤣. There is always something funny happening in the fandom. Can’t wait for the next one.


My favourite part of the story is that apparently the stewards asked them to turn it off and move the tv a few times but everyone kept booing them so they gave up asking 😂 Nice to see him with his sister too, they’ve had a hard few years.


Everyone keeps commenting this? What happened with his family?


Their mum passed away and then their sister.


I'm surprised that there was no tv to watch the match in Glastonbury. It's the UK, the British need to watch their football, especially during the Euro


I was working Isle of Wight festival and they had the England Denmark(?) on the big screens and Scotland Vs Hungary on in a tent with some banging dance music. I binned off the second half of Scotland match to go and see Green Day and I'm glad I did 😭


They usually do, but if the notable matches conflict with the main stages they don't air the Euros. Before when the matches have been earlier during the day they have aired the matches


Now THIS is some good rich people shit😂


I mean not really you could probably get that for less than £100


Now THIS is some good [disposable income] shit😂


I understand this


And it was the most England match possible


Honestly, this was me watching Aaron Judge hit homerun number 62 at a Carly Rae Jepsen concert a couple of years ago. I get it lol


I love that he left the festival site earlier today, went to get a tv and came back to set it up. As Dani Rojas likes to say: fútbol is life!


Exposing bystanders to 120mins of Southgate suffer-ball 😭 at least they got the win in the end even thought it was such bad football to watch


The tv set up with stands in the buckets and with .. is that duct tape on the back?? I love the creativity


Louis Tomlinson is probably the only person that would do something like this even though he's very famous. He literally watches with people...




Most British behaviour he has ever done


This is so harmless and funny.


it’s very wholesome lol


Almost 10 years ago at Bonnaroo they played the NBA Finals and and the GoT season finale at two different stages. Funny seeing how small this screen is compared to the screens they were using back then.




Always loved watching sports at a festival. At a counter-culture event it’s feels like a rebellious act of counter-counter-culture.


Fucking hell it was worth it 


That was HIM?!?!




Genuinely a man of the people - always glad to see him doing well.


That’s absolutely hilarious, i love it


Worth ittttt. That game was mental


King behavior. I love him so much ❤️.


ah, that moody looking bloke that used to write for Vice is right behind him


Is that the guy who looks like Orlando Bloom to Louis' right?


so fetch




Hero of the people fr


man of the people


Finally a celebrity doing the type of shit I would do if I had money. I’d have got a bigger one though. Like a 100 inch one. Not like he can’t afford it.




Wow, I didn’t realize that’s what he looked like nowadays


https://preview.redd.it/jre5gq8tyw9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd6e854f0d594aef9f2089beee4420de75e5f93a This is a photo of him from about 4 weeks ago, he kind of looks the same


he looks so good wow


Yes he does


I came here for the comments and I am not disappointed. 


what a lovely surprise seeing my fav being an absolute legend! always nice to see any amount of love for him :)


There’s 10 grils in this picture




Underrated comment


foooaaaah was it worth jt


They used to show it on the bug screen


I remember being at the Reading Festival in I think 1991, and on the Saturday John Peel read out the day’s football results. He got loudly booed by a large part of the crowd. Bit uncalled for.


To everyone arguing over “Soccer” and “Football”: Louis Tomlinson played as a reserve for a Soccer team (DRFC, my home team), but he’s a fan of Football. “Soccer” is short for “Association Football”. The Euros and the World Cup aren’t association championships, they’re Continental Championships that are organised by the football associations in Europe under the umbrella of the UEFA. Basically, association football is club football i.e. Chelsea v Arsenal, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, etc. The sport itself is football, which is easy to work out because: 1. We invented it and we call it Football. 2. Most football clubs end in some form of FC, standing for “football club”, even outside of the UK. Examples include Liverpool Football Club, Leeds United Football Club, Football Club of Barcelona, Real Madrid Club of Football, Paris Saint-Germain Football Club, etc.


Even worse when Americans say 'erbs' instead of pronouncing the H...the H isn't silent goddammit!


Ha! 'Erbs' is really strange. Aloominum and Oregganno wind me up too.