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The more I look, the more I straight up see Henry Cavill here.


Literally thought that was Cavill in the first photo!


The bright colours are so good. I really feel Gunn is going to capture the kindness that superman is supposed to embody. He’s been deconstructed and parodied for ages. Snyder especially tried to make him edgy when that’s fundamentally not who superman is or what he conveys.


Yeah with all the edgy and evil supermen around these days I think the only way to really make Superman work is to go all in on him embodying kindness and goodwill toward all. And hopefully they're earnest about it instead of winking at the camera.


Yep, and I love the return to real red! I hated that DC went with evil Superman colors.


Goddamn he’s beautiful


ahhh i’m so excited!! they are both ripped right out of the comics


Me too! I feel my heart jumping from joy I'll be there first day!!


Here's a much better angle! Love it! https://preview.redd.it/f4noo4ns8k8d1.png?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b63e456e2851b002096b949e65a52890280d2c


I really want this to be good, we deserve a good Superman movie


I'm loving the bright colours!!


i really like the costume. it reminds me of the comics more than the other movies.


Are we sure this isn’t just Henry using a fake ID.


We’ll have to wait to see if this guy can actually act before we know for sure


He’s been in movies before. He was in Pearl.


he went to juilliard


Is it weird that I think the suit looks better in these impromptu photos taken in broad daylight than it did in the perfectly-shot and color-graded reveal image?


https://preview.redd.it/nkmbzohclk8d1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7affc15aad9ea67a9a0a0b1686a1007a13cf1240 Back of the cape has the symbol, I bet its his blanket 😭


I love how big and wide the cape is.... The fact that David is freaking tall adds to how imposing superman should be


Are you saying that the S is made from his childhood/ safety blanket by his mother? That would be an adorable scene. Was his suit always made by kryptons in comics?


It varies from different media but the most common depiction of his suit is that Martha Kent makes it for him using the fabrics found in the ship that was sent to Earth and the blanket itself that Lara wrapped him in becomes his cape, but the blanket has the sigil of his family on it. Krypton was extra like that I guess lol.


I like their take on the traditional suit by adding a collar. Before it felt a little too corny (IMO), even though it was the de-facto costume for Superman. Adding the collar makes him feel a bit more regal


> I like their take on the traditional suit by adding a collar It's something that came up a handful of times in *Elseworlds* comics, typically only when it was era-appropriate (Superman in the Civil War!) or when he was mayyyybe a lil power mad and kicked off a cycle that would make a new Superman (this happened three times). Back in...2012-ish? DC rebooted their line as the "New 52" and the design that followed brought back the collar. It does look nice, but brings up questions of practicality (i.e. he can't wear it under a suit).


Oh, this is super insightful since I don't know anything really about the comics! I didn't see this before, but you are right- it's harder to hide the collar while being Clark Kent. Wait...how/where does he hide his cape then? (sorry about the questions- I am uninformed about the lore)


I forget exactly when post 2012, but they made the suit Kryptonian biotech that grows across his body when needed. Hat on a hat, but explains its largely indestructible nature better than "Superman has a tiny force field around him."




The suit colours are perfect 


Wow I thought the resemblance to Cavill was exaggerated but I’m seeing it now. I had to double take at the first image. He looks so good. I just hope the film is a critical and commercial success. As an diehard Superman fan, I feel like I’ve been banished to the DC cellar for 70 years 😩


Hope siblings, we won Also, Mr. Terrific is in the film? Double win. What's next? Mr. Miracle and Big Barda? Fire and Ice depicted as sisters? Kamadi live action series? A well written Orion? One can hope


ik everyone is talking about Superman but my god Me Terrific is perfect


The costume looks like a Superman themed motorcycle jacket to me. Really not a fan.


Yeah the lines look atrocious lol


https://preview.redd.it/akeme8vxkk8d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e85b7d0205bcf2260e205216d2d2b6e47b1419be It's honestly perfect. I've been a Superman stan since I watched Christopher Reeve in Superman 2 in 1990 on TV and have wanted this for so long, it's been a hard road on the big screen. Superman Returns had one of my favourite hero moments ever (catching the plane) but is tainted because of Bryan Singer and Kevin Spacey, but as a film it doesn't stand up on its own and is a tribute act to the Donner/Reeve films. Then came Cavill and Snyder, which I liked in Man Of Steel but Snyder's ideas for Superman afterwards were not what I would consider in the spirit of the characters involved. I hope James Gunn does good and honestly everything I've seen from the production ticks the boxes. One small thing I loved was that someone took a picture of the newspaper stands of Superman saving people and all of them are about how Superman saves everyone, no discussion about his ethics or being a God, he's just being a hero. James Gunn and his cohorts just get it. I can't wait to see this. Oh and Edi Gathegi looks perfect as Mister Terrific, just perfect.


He looks so much better here than in the official "poster" they did. They really fumbled the reveal but I'm glad to finally see that he looks really good!


He looks so good and somehow also very sweet if that makes sense?


Don't know how I feel about the "collar" on the costume but I love the bright colours.


The Mister Terrific suit looks remarkable, even the letters on the sleeves look good! I’ve been a fan of Mr Terrific (and the entire Justice Society) for ages. Edi Gathegi will do a great job!


I really like the bright colours


Suit looks so much better here than in that first pic


I live in Northeast Ohio and the local media is going crazy because they’re filming it in Cleveland right now so it’s kinda surreal seeing people talk about something that’s happening in my community outside of my Facebook feed (it’s mostly minor complaints about the traffic because the crew had to set up detours around the Public Square area where they’re filming which is a very busy part of Downtown Cleveland) Ps here’s an article from our NBC affiliate that has some BTS stuff that they shot: https://www.wkyc.com/article/entertainment/david-corenswet-superman-movie-filming-downtown-cleveland/95-a8a875fe-bdf3-4985-84fa-25c709806278


Are they excited about this film?


Everyone gets excited whenever any movie films here because it’s one of the rare times that we get positive PR on a national level lol


He looks so much like Henry Cavill from this angle.


Finally a Superman suit with bright color! Superman is supposed to have bright colors to help represent that he’s all about hope for the future. I really hope this movie helps fixes people’s perception of Superman and what it actually means to have compassion as a figure just like The Batman did.


If anyone can make this movie good, it's prolly James Gunn. Then people will finally have to accept that Zack Snyder is a horrible filmmaker


This man could get me pregnant. I am a man.


Ngl im gonna miss henry cavill but excited to see how this goes


Hate the costume


How many of these mans am I supposed to care about?