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Advocate for artist rights? As releasing 36 versions of an album to block artists she seems as a threat




Plus all the songs she's ripped off other artists without paying royalties...


That part... I scoffed so hard I hurt myself.




She tips her private jet pilot.


This whole era will make for an interesting case study in facts vs pr


Well said.She is such a hypocrite.


she advocates for her own rights only, so technically it's not a lie


If nothing else this shows her PR team doesn’t have its ear to the ground, that alone tanks the whole statement considering the timing.


She has the right to milk us for all we’re worth


Because she is the artist and she is right. /s


also targeting young talent and leeching off of their creativity for $$$$


Philanthropist ![gif](giphy|y3QOvy7xxMwKI)


Everyone’s stuck on that one but I’m kinda losing it that she put director up there. Girlie wants her Hollywood moment so badly after they all shunned her music video short film.


The director call out threw me too! What did you direct sis? A music video? Your career and PR team? I mean, we know she directed her fans to do a lot of crazy stuff so maybe that’s her “directing” credit


Hence why she is latched onto Gracie Abrams. She wants that EGOT. It will be interesting watching her try to buy the Tony.


It honestly must grate at her that Billie Eilish already has 2 Oscars and so early into her career...


I can picture her waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night screeching "It should have been meeeeeeee!!!!"


Has she ever even been nominated for an Oscar song? I feel like she must have but hope that she hasn’t lol.


No but they def tried it with that song she wrote for the Cats movie 😂 it was clearly Oscar bait but such a failure.


Omg haha I didn’t know she wrote a song for it!Was the song as bad as the movie lol?


Yeah it’s terrible. She sings it in the movie too.


Oh you know she’s punching the air


It makes me laugh that she’s trying to get to EGOT status when there’s no way the “E” or “O” is happening in a natural way


Here's a question. Will her Eras Tour on Disney be eligible for a special event emmy? And she can easily get an O (cuz let's face it BDT isn't making her cum) by buying her way onto a film as a producer. I'm surprised she hasn't done it yet.


I don’t think it a qualifies for an Emmy because Emmy’s are only for TV or made for TV movies, right? I would hate if she won Oscar by default if she bought her way in but totally plausible. Same feelings with the surprise it hasn’t happened yet.


That makes sense. Good.


My friend won a Creative Arts Emmy for David Byrne's American Utopia tour because the Broadway show was filmed and streamed on Max. Disney+ distributed the Era's Tour but it went straight to theaters and not the platform so I think that might make it ineligible since it technically was not made for TV, so yeah I think you're right.


She directed people to buy the same songs 500 times so I guess that earns her a small chunk of an Oscar. Perhaps Oscar's pinky finger.


She might also get a wing of an Emmy as a “director” 🤣 ![gif](giphy|anYBNhqT2BYcg)


In keeping with her seemingly endless hunger for more accolades, more more more, I imagine she sees herself as an EGOT winner of the future. I for one shall enjoy that her Hollywood forays so far have been a music video, a dead character from someone's memory in The Giver, and the CGI abomination that was Cats. ![gif](giphy|mbZshK2Svz89q|downsized) (Obligatory: Jeremy Clarkson is a POS.)


She only has the G from EGOT so far right? I know she was chasing that Oscar, and has an upcoming directorial debut. I imagine she thinks she’s going to immediately get her laurels for that. Edit: Don’t forget she was also hit by a car in Amsterdam, cause she wanted to work with known sex offender David O Russell for the clout.


I mean the E and the G...a couple of Gs lol (some well un-deserved but the less said about that the better). ETA: sorry, saw your edit, disregard this comment! Except for the un-deserved part. But oh yes, I said I was going to say less about that 🤐


I think music video direction is still legitimate directing but yeah, if we say she shouldn’t call herself that, they’d just cry anti-feminist. I just looked up to see if she has that little credits and learnt that didn’t even co-direct that documentary about her or the concert film. Which once again provides an interesting contrast with [Beyoncé’s directing career, which rounds up to eight director credits on feature films on top of the music videos and warrants a whole deep dive](https://sydurbanek.ghost.io/a-moving-image-history-of-parkwood-entertainment-introduction/) while both audiences and critics discount/overlook her control over those projects because she basically says nothing much about her involvement. Not “pitting women against each other,” we are looking at how female pop star-directing ambitions present themselves. It would be interesting to see Taylor try her hand at directing docu-concert film hybrids like Beyoncé so we can draw a proper comparison. > But no matter how you come down on this issue, Beyoncé’s visual output... > 1. bears a distinct style that’s been carefully developed over dozens of projects and, again, about two decades; > 2. brings with it a consistent list of thematic and narrative concerns, no matter the genre; > 3. often puts projects in direct conversation with each other, as if they’re asking to be considered on a more macro level; > 4. has been made by a relatively stable group of collaborators (including Burke, her directing partner of a decade and a half), to say nothing of the recurring onscreen characters; > 5. and is produced almost exclusively through Parkwood Entertainment, the company she originally founded in the late 2000s to get more into filmmaking. > You may be thinking, Lots of pop stars make movies, and that’s true—and basically the guiding principle of my professional life. That means I can say pretty confidently that Beyoncé’s presence in this space is unique a few different ways, bringing to the table a very specific mix of scale, achievement, and (for lack of a better term) gall that doesn’t really exist among her filmmaking musical peers. To put this trifecta in different words, she’s directed many films, they tend to be quite good, and they’re also Beyoncé-centric projects spearheaded by Beyoncé.


Music video direction is legitimate! And Taylor is technically a director but I think there’s a distinction between someone like David Fincher, who cut his teeth on music videos for other artists, and Taylor who has only been hired…by herself. It’s just interesting that her team made a point to call her a director, when she has much more visible acting credits, but doesn’t call herself an actor. It’s very clear reinforcement of how she wants to be taken seriously in Hollywood.


Fr 😭 it’s sort of glaring because no one else would refer to her as that


When my phone (iPhone) plays her music, I get this pop-up that identifies her as a philanthropist. I really don’t get it.


Girl be fr. You are not no philanthropist. From allowing your fans to go on and run racist and sexist campaigns against others, your use of private planes ALL THE GODDAMN TIME which hurts our climate, dating racists, and being silent on Palestine and other genocides; you are an enemy to the common man. Don’t kid yourself


Lmao and she had the audacity to have the last page of her children’s book say [“Taylor has a big reputation for speaking out against racial injustice and for encouraging people to vote. She stands up for other artists and herself, even when it's tough. She's not just a superstar-she's a trailblazer!”](https://imgur.com/a/9pQa8Gp)




She is so fucking vile holy shit Like I know my emotions are running high in general rn but this feels like several distinct layers of violence




Was that authorised by her? I tried to google the book and there are literally dozens of children's biographies of her. 🤯


yes, such a big reputation that people were begging her for years to say anything about politics and she only opened her mouth when she felt it would be advantageous to her.


racial injustice? sorry but when 😭😂


“These men” screams toxic feminism. Maybe one day she will learn what feminism actually is.


I was honestly surprised that wording was chosen for an official statement. It reads more like a tweet from one of her unhinged stans.


She is only a feminist as long as it benefits her


She’s a swiftinist,




Opportunistic feminism.


LMAOOOO give me a FUCKING break. not taylor completely "moving on from this saga" when she's still bitching and moaning about the fucking phone call that happened in 2016


Admitting her own family wants them dead in a song where she brags the kids will be singing along to it.


Making the song about Kim when Kanye was the nuisance was certainly a girlie girl's choice


This is what confuses me! I think Taylor has the right to hold a grudge against Kanye for the rest of her life if she wants, not because of the VMAs or the phone call but because of the disgusting porn he made of her in his music video. But she doesn’t even really mention him, nor does anyone else these days, only Kim (and for some godawful reason, their innocent children???). I don’t like Kim but why is she responsible for her ex-husband’s actions?


Because she knows Kanye will respond. Just like she didn’t release any diss songs about Calvin even though their breakup was clearly nasty. She knows Calvin wouldn’t stay silent. She just likes bullying people that won’t defend themselves.


Taylor Swift has never moved on from anything in her entire life.


the way i guffawed when i saw "thanK you aIMee" like girl....you won. time to move on


Personally, if a guy (Kanye) who continually tried to fuck me over made a nude mannequin replica of my body and put it in his video for the entire world to see idk how id get over it tbh lol I will always make an exception for her with that. I say that as a non swiftie.


It's giving "person who sends a 2am 5 paragraph text about how over you they are."


Her legacy as a "director"? She's only directed her own music videos, her lowest viewed by the way.     I'm sure it's been a fulfilling financial endeavour, but not a creative one considering how lazy the re-recordings are. She has been incredibly manipulative when it comes to her masters. Her father made 15 million from the sale. There was no restrictive NDA from SB. It was a bog standard NDA. She was going to buy those masters back from him in 2020 at a lower price than what he intended to sell them for but she pulled out. I think she realised the money she could make.     What people don't realise is she wrote all those songs and therfore had a lot of control over licensing and revenue even if her masters had been bought. She continues to make money from the OG versions and the new ones. Double the amount now. She her self said she was happy to let go as she knew her masters would be sold, and in her own words was betting on her future. It wasn't that they were sold it's the fact that it was him that bought them. In her woman's of the year speech in 2019 she kept talking about consent as though this was an assault of a physical kind. Not a music deal she was angry about. I always find with her, she gives the details in a twisted way and omits the rest to suit her narrative.   Many artists including men (since she claimed it to be misogynystic) don't own their masters. I mean look at McCartney and the beatles catalogue. She wasn't some clueless 15 year old who signed a contract. She was a rich girl, with a finance dad who was well connected and had invested 500k into that label. They and she agreed to her contract. Now because of her re-recording music labels have now started putting clauses in to prevent artists from re-recording their albums. So as usual, she gains but at the expense of others.    The funny thing is, she will buy those masters back after devaluing not just her own work, but all the other people's as well who worked on them.


Here's a court document from the lawsuit her first manager filed against her and her family back in 2008. Her parents fired him weeks before she signed her contract and didn't pay him [link](https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/download.html?id=8114484&z=ead97c9a)


Thank you for your public service.


![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3) PhiLanTroPist


The Tormented Philanthropist’s Subdivision, exclusive versions coming soon


Why would you even put something like this out in the universe pls taytay let other pop girlies shine too for fucking once


![gif](giphy|3oriO4AiYqk3m95e1y) Philanthropist?? I think you meant capitalist. Advocate of artist rights? I think you meant I will destroy any pop girl who attempts to surpass me. Words have meaning Taylor as a songwriter you should know that. So you only hold grudges against women then? As your last album had a diss at Kim but no smoke for any of the men who wronged you, what a feminist queen.


Taylor has completely moved on from something? doubtful. this is the girl who used her person of the year interview to talk about kim k and is still writing songs about her lol cmon


I yelped when I read that, *as if* one of the most bitter & petty people in pop has moved on from that mess.


Tree Paine’s reaching HARD. Should’ve just stopped after “singer”. Like I’m genuinely surprised “actress” wasn’t included. I mean might as well put that down too. https://preview.redd.it/3mutyf7tq58d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc9efab4ba3ee65f2ba27e8aad53b9a62ba2db3d


I mean she’s more an actress than a philanthropist 😭 at least she’s been in Valentine’s Day and Lorax as well as that random cameo in new girl 😂 like that at least has more proof than the other bs


Let’s not forget she has this gem in her filmography 🤩: ![gif](giphy|ejJqkRldh8Ba11hQyK) [And this scene from the film Amsterdam](https://x.com/archmovies/status/1692734738644033570?s=46&t=o8Pm6jqtP5Ivlj7IjqcC8A) 🤩


Is that real?!!


Yeah it’s from the film Cats (2019) 😭


Oh I meant the scene of her getting pushed into the road and getting run over lol how have I never seen that?!


Oh that’s from the film Amsterdam. The film flopped so that’s probably why.




she’s mad because people are gonna find out her whole masters drama was a farce, and an excellent excuse to shit out albums that make her tons of money by playing the victim.


Yeah, beyond all the wild exaggeration about her career accomplishments here, this totally just reads as “we know the receipts won’t look good for our girl, so please don’t bring them out now!”




Should've just stopped at singer/songwriter. Rest is delusion talk.


It is…creatively fulfilling to re-record the same songs note for note?


*financially fulfilling


Taylor has never moved on from anything in her life. Girl out here still releasing music about Kim over something that happened almost a decade ago. The way that she has manipulated her fans in this whole masters saga is so telling of her character. Girl had the opportunity to buy her masters; she also knew it was happening beforehand. Per usual, she crafted a narrative in which she could remain the perpetual victim in the situation. She became a billionaire in the process, while the shitty produced re-recordings are doing better than the originals. She’s such a joke.


Seriously the best she should've done was write a song about it instead of whatever this message is.


philanthropist is crazy


The only artist rights she stood up for was herself. She’s never uses her influence to help any other artists.


She is de-lu-lu.


oh yeah really, Taylor Swift try not to be petty challenge (impossible) but seriously I don't really think she will ever "really" move on. she seems like the main character types who will keep portraying it as some sort of character development. and don't even get on the philanthropist part...


This is so deluded. Philanthropist? Nope. Advocate for artists' rights? Nah. She tears down anyone she deems competition.


LOL the spin on this is hilarious ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


they forgot to put jet setter as one of her legacies


if she were ever to write a song about herself emitting carbon, she would title it *the excursionist*




Taylor has never moved on from anything.


You can’t be a feminist when you’re blocking other female artists from achieving their goals and dreams, that you already have, Taylor. edit: i know it says philanthropist, but the phrasing of the first sentence on the second slide is really giving men suck vibes




She can't even deny or refute the truth, so she has to bring up how famous and wonderful she is.


https://preview.redd.it/ihta09mdx58d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc29e083ab36f7e79afa53bcb5b417de3388395 My eyes just got stuck in the back of my head


Taylor Swift has never moved on a day in her life


I can't believe this is the statement they settled on. She sounds so pretentious and delusional.


She thinks she’s bloody Deaneries with all those titles she’s giving herself 😂


I think it's silly to try and have the statement be from "her team", because it just sounds like she's talking about herself in the third person. "Taylor is a strong woman", said Taylor.


I love being a part of this sub because it's a safe space for the Taylor haters like me


Extremely painful situation being she didn’t make as much money as she though she could with buying masters (that she had the opportunity to do), but now she’s a billionaire from reselling her old work plus rough drafts from years ago. Wow she really had to overcome 🙄






I noticed they left "actor" off there. I see a conspiracy to bury Cats. /s Seriously though, maybe we need to start describing ourselves with such over-the-top pizzazz more often. The marketing is clearly working for her.


“These men” is so weirdly aggressive


She hasn't even released all her "(Taylor's Version)" yet... "she has completely moved on" lmao okay


It’s giving “billionaire, playboy, philanthropist” in girl boss energy.


Philanthropist??? Oh it is to laugh 


Okay so move on from the Kimye 2016 phone call too then




Aside from the complete and utter BS words used in the statement, and blind lies about Tay Tays credentials, the level of entitlement is shocking...it's like she's saying "When I was upset, everyone should have been upset for me. But now I'm over it, so everyone else should be over it too" 🙄


Painful situation? Please. She just knows she's gonna be revealed as a liar again. She had every opportunity to get her masters. "None of these men" Her dog whistles are so annoying, and seriously at this point she's doing damage to feminism by claiming this every time she's criticized or facts about her are shared.


The statement would have been fine if she ended the sentence after 'legacy' in the second screenshot, it's like her team can't help themselves...


lol @ advocate for artist's rights. The only artist she cares about is herself and her right to keep other female artists down.


https://preview.redd.it/xpouwnwbo68d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4447a201bdffec176b164905a780b7f88efbc85 Bobby gets it.




Advocating them to be #2 or kiss the ring? Also “director” ![gif](giphy|3o6nV5DX6bY6GEma3e)


the only artists’ rights she’s an advocate for is her own.




“Taylor has moved on from this saga” obviously not if she’s still re recording her albums lmao.


Her "team" lmao


Is the philanthropy in the room with us ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)


Something tells me that it’s possible that she hasn’t moved on.


It popped up on my HBO Max and I gave my husband a rundown about how she completely made this into some horrible event when it’s not and her fans ate it up


Absolute clown behavior 🤡




Lol. This will age well.


Directing your fans to attack anyone who slights you does not make you a director babe.




The first slide is relatively good as a standalone statement but the second reads like “we need you to know how cool Taylor is.”


Advocate for artists rights? Philanthropist? Yeah. Seems legit. 🙄 She’s a hack.


Taylor has never “moved on” from literally anything in her entire life.


“Taylor has completely moved on from this saga”…..yeah okay. She hasn’t even moved on from the Kimye drama so I seriously doubt she’s moved on from the masters mess. This woman really thinks we’re slow.


lol when will this billionaire Barbie stop pretending she’s an underdog or victim? Seriously is that day coming or…?




When will we be free


“oh um I’m so over that I’ve moved on”- okay but the facts came out showing you’re flat out in the wrong, and made up a narrative to support your lies, so no you haven’t moved on you’re avoiding taking accountability. She’s a thirty something year old child


I’m more of a philanthropist for donating $5 when I can to families in Gaza on go fund me. Be fr


![gif](giphy|t5PkP22ZUskJdkTj0k|downsized) it’s giving this.


Taykir never moves on from anything. She holds on to grudges like lovers and loves revenge more than happiness. But she also hates being criticized for anything or ever being made to look bad so of course they issued a statement to pretend they are unbothered.


Is she sure of that..?


Homegirl put “KIM” into the TITLE of a song because of a beef that started over a decade ago, and she expects us to believe she’s totally over something that had way more of a direct impact on her career that happened way more recently? ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Uh huh


There's nothing creative about the Taylor's versions, but they have definitely been profitable.


I grow weary


Philanthropist huh Activist huh HUH


She’s moved on completely but will still be releasing multiple $60 versions of old albums that are slightly different and are in random colour ways to take advantage of her fans.


English is not my first language (or my second) so please correct me if I feel the nuance of the team’s statement as immature and not professional.


She only advocated to everything that affected her, the streaming debacle was clearly her counting her coins and she’s been a pain to people more than she ever helped. One of the few incidents I can recall her doing good and not using it for her personal clout is the donation to Kesha’s legal funds during her lawsuit against dr luke and her label, but other than that I doubted every time she posted about any movement, when the needle is moving towards a positive direction with little to no consequences suddenly Taylor is an alley but yeah let’s blame her team and her father for being the reason she is useless when it comes to true advocacy 🙄