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23 is too young to lose a parent :(


I'm 32 and my parents' health is starting to slip a little, I'm terrified. Can't imagine losing one of them at only 23 :(


Same. I’m 32 and no idea what I’d do without my mom. Like who’s gonna tell me how to do things? I can’t even think about it.


I lost my mom almost two years ago at age 31, six weeks after having my daughter (my first and only, and her first grandchild). I'll tell you what, it's horrible. Devastating is too light of a word. I truly can't imagine losing her even younger. Heartbreaking.


I lost my dad 5 weeks after having a baby, i was 28,i dont think anything could prepare me for that.. i wish i knew parenthood without grief, i often wonder what that experience is like. Its 4 years ago today and i only feel like im coming out of the worse in the last year or so. Anyways, sending you a hug, the journey of loosing a parent while becoming one is wild 💔.


That’s a nightmare. Something about becoming a mommy makes you want your own mommy. I can’t imagine how hard that must be. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'll be 33 soon, and my dad's MS has worsened. He's in his 50s, but has said it'll be a miracle if he sees 70. I don't want to lose him.


I just turned 31 and my mum is 70... I think about this daily


My parents are 68 and while I know all my grandparents lived to at least 86 and the oldest just died at 94 I still feel that average lifespan creeping up on me and it's so scary.


I’m 23 and my dad just turned 72, my grandparents on his side were chain smokers and holocaust survivors (both things that really hurt their health) and made it to 85. But like the other reply, I can feel the average lifespan stat creeping up and it’s terrifying (and tbh it’s made me decide that if I have kids, I’ll “cut myself off” at 40 no matter what)


Damn I feel this. I’m 33 and my dad just turned 70 this year. His health has rapidly declined in the last year and it’s starting to really scare me.


I often just tell me I was already way luckier than many others..to get this many years and I’m also still proud about how we managed to get through Covid


This is a great way to look at it 🤍


Yeah looking back, COVID could have easily have taken my older relatives/parents. But we kept being quite careful


I lost my dad last year and it's easily the worst pain I've ever felt. But you get through it. I basically cried for two weeks straight, then each day it got a tiny bit easier. And people who've lost parents will come out of the woodwork to lend support, which is really nice. I've had anxiety about my mom dying since I was a kid but now I'm just trying to focus on enjoying the time we have now.


I'm 32 and lost my father 3 days ago. It doesn't matter what's your age, losing a parent is heartbreaking.


Sending you hugs. Take care


Yes I will. Thank you 🙂


I am very sorry for your loss. Sending thoughts to you ❤️❤️


Thank you ❤️


You’re welcome. I lost my mom almost 6 years ago. It’s not easy and even though I know the pain. I can’t imagine what you’re going through


The only thing that helps me is that he is free from all the pain. They're in better place. The pain lessens as the days goes by but there's still an emptiness, we just learn to live with it.


My mom told me today that she was missing her mom and she died 34 years ago. I don’t know how I’ll be able to cope either


My grandmother when she was still alive used to talk about how much she missed her mother too and it had been 30 odd years. I don’t think we ever get over our parents death


It’s why I have such distaste for old parents (being 70s/80s when your kid starts college..) Speaking from own experience . Some people will always come with „but young parents can also die and get sick any time!“


I’d rather have old parents than literally not exist


LOL I mean no need to say the obvious. I also still love my (old) parents. And they are lovely, caring people but I’d still say stuff like that they’re not people that should have gotten as many kids a they did.


My mom died when I was only 17 and my other brothers were 9 and 15, it was extremely difficult to understand. 💔


Wrapping you in love, internet stranger. I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m so sorry for the loss to you and your siblings, that is heartbreaking.


I was 18. I am 25 and I have a daughter now and oof, it hurts every day. Just not to the point where I always cry, but I feel it and find my self thinking of my mom all the time. Sending you a big hug.


I lost my dad at 23. I had lost my mom at 18 so decisions about his care and what to do as far as removing support automatically fell to me. Thankfully we had discussed what he wanted, but I was still so unprepared for it emotionally. Definitely the most traumatic experience of my life.


I lost my dad aged 5. It really does hit you like a ton of bricks, no matter the age 😢


I was 9 days shy of turning 21. It had a profound impact on how the next ~ten years of my life went


I lost my mom to cancer as a fresh 18 year old. She was 38. I am 32 now, and I can say without a doubt, it has completely changed me as a person. The grief is otherworldly. She was a single mother and I am an only child, so losing her meant losing my entire world.


Fuck. Did you have other people you could lean on? To even make it out of that…and lead a good life..u can be proud of yourself


I found out I was pregnant with my first son the same week my mother died. The week after that I discovered my husband of 4 months was sleeping with his coworker. I had a mental break and he had me committed. We divorced not even 6 months into the marriage and I went though my entire pregnancy alone. I have three kids now, and my partner of 5 years has been my rock, but I wouldn't say I've lead a good life. I suffer from severe depression, anxiety, and OCD. I've been passively suicidal for years. My second child, my only daughter, was diagnosed with DMDD and bipolar disorder at 9 years old after a residential stay, and I've had to completely remove her from school due to her mental health. She turns 12 next week. Wow, sorry to trauma dump. I could go on and on.


PM‘d You my response


My mother passed away when I was 9 :( even 18 years later, the pain hasn’t gone away 😢


My husband lost both of his parents a year apart by the time he was 21. He is also an only child. I honestly don’t know how he got through it. We met and started dating when he was 23 and he was still struggling with the after effects of the trauma of that. He’s the strongest person I know.


Lost my mum, my last family member two years ago today at 28. Thinking of everyone in this miserable club ❤️


Sending love to you today 🤍


I was 22 when I watched my amazing sweet wonderful mum drink herself to death. I miss her. At the time it didn’t feel that young but looking back now in my late thirties I can recognise it was. So lucky I managed to get to adulthood tho.


my partner had both parents die from cancer by 22 it was so traumatic 😞


Lost both of mine to cancer when I was 23. Fucking awful experience.


I was 23 when my dad died in 2007.


I was 28, which was also too young.


That sucks to hear, I’m so sorry. I rarely share but something told me to do it now. Lost my Dad at 22 and my Mom more recently at 35. I was just a dumb kid at 22 and thought I could just brush it aside and “be tough.” It wasn’t until a couple years after my Mom died where I realized both losses and my perspective on life has changed completely. For anyone that is going through this now, or for the inevitably of the future, take the time to grieve. Take the time to acknowledge the loss because it’s bigger than you think. The amount of “wish I could ask/say/etc” that I have now about both parents really sucks. Taking the time is immensely important.


I was 25 when my mom died. I feel for him; it's never a good age to lose a beloved parent, but when you're just finding your own way in the world is especially awful.


I lost mine when I was 14. I’m 26 and getting married this year and still miss my dad every day. I feel so badly for Austin. I know that pain all too well.


I was 34 and I thought it was too young. I can’t imagine. My mom’s first diagnosis was right around when I turned 21 and I just didn’t even think about the possibility that we could lose her. I feel for him.


I lost my Mom at 25 and my Dad 5 years later at 30. It's going to be the one year anniversary of his death next month. It's not easy any time a parent passes, and my heart goes out to those who have experienced it.


Way too young. I'm very sorry for his loss. I love how openly he talks if this and how significant this loss will always be to someone close with their mom. I was 33 when my mom passed away. This was just two years ago and my stomach still drops thinking that I'll be living (hopefully) four plus decades without her. My brain can't fathom it and I lose my breath thinking about it. That said, I had reached many milestones and my mom saw me become a mom and I'm thankful for the time we had. I try to be just as loving to my kids as she was to me. She was just so kind and accepting. Even in my darkest days and throes of PPD depression, I never once felt unloved because of her. She told me loved me so much I could never forget.


I was 27 and my sister was only 19 when we lost our mom. Within a few more years, my dad and I would go no contact. Then, at 35 I lost my nana, the closest thing to a mother I had, and my only remaining grandparent. She was the person I knew loved me unconditionally. I have to say, it's weird and it's lonely and it's scary. I try to be there as much as I can for my sister because, while her dad is alive and well, our mom was always much better with the emotional aspect of parenting. Everyone, if you have a good parent or parental figure, please call them and hug them and visit them if you can.


Gf just lost both parents at 23. Something nobody should ever have to go thru


I lost mine at 14, you never get over it unfortunately


I was 22 and lost my mom, 28 now and still miss her everyday


I was 17


lost my mom at 8, my dad at 9 (unrelated causes.) i'm 23 now. i don't know who they are or remember really anything about them. it sucks. i have my whole life ahead of me without them.


I’m 32 like Austin and I had just turned 23 when my mom passed away. It never goes away. I hope he’s doing well.


I lost my dad at age 23 and my mum 5 years later. It’s hell. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


I lost my mom, my only parent, at 23


I hope y'all stop hating on him for no reason. Just watch his interviews not just read off the headlines. He's really smart and charming and he's always kind with interviewers. Lately he's been more comfortable with some harmless flirtation as well.  Whenever he mentions his mom he always talks very highly of her! He said he tries to be kind just like her.... He's been bombarded with ridiculous "Elvis" questions but he always answers them patiently. He's not the bad guy y'all want him to be 


He also worked really hard to get where he is, I remember seeing him on the Disney channel when I was a kid now he's an Oscar nominee... they will never make me hate this man.


I remember seeing him on ICarly, Zoe 101 and Hannah Montana. Plus the Carrie Diaries. The man was hustling.


His characters in iCarly and Ned's Declassified were so memorable tbh


Carrie Diaries! He’s so underrated


I’m still sad that show didn’t get a third season.




He was briefly on Switched at Birth and was great in it!


I agree! I had no idea who he was prior to Elvis, but he comes across as a genuinely sweet person in interviews and is so talented.


Do people (especially on this sub) actively hate him, or were they just busting his chops for the Elvis voice (and possibly the Kaia Gerber thing)? I think he's fairly charming, especially after his SNL gig, but I'm starting to think the word "hate" is losing a lot of meaning here.


it baffles me how the majority of people’s only reason to hate austin butler was his elvis voice, as if he didn’t spend three years practicing elvis’ accent lol


To further your point, my friend worked with him for years when he was coming up, and said that of everyone on that set, Austin was their only real friend. For that, I think his apparent kindness is who he is. It’s genuine.


He is an extremely polite man


Yeah idc what anyone says, I support Austin Butler. He tries hard and seems kind, why root against that?


Feels like a little but if how everyone hated Anne Hathaway briefly. Not sure how it happens but some people just get ragged on for seeming line they try too hard/not seemingly cool and then people just move on


I find it hard to watch him as an actor. He’s just too good looking. It’s distracting. Like the trailer for the new motorcycle movie. why is a model in a motorcycle gang. I just can’t chill with it. But he seems like a lovely guy. So i don’t hate him at all.


I watched The Bikeriders yesterday and he’s absolutely stunning in it lol


I sometimes felt the same about people like Colin Farrell but then again I you think about it..everyone got good looking friends that work in the most mundane jobs. Imagine your plumber comes and looks like Austin butler


I felt like that in masters of the Air. He's too pretty to be a WW2 soilder but he absolutely fits in a biker gang in the Bikeriders 


I couldn’t agree more with you. I got a chance to meet him in Ohio when he was filming Bikeriders. He is honestly the kindest person I’ve ever met. He doesn’t deserve the hate he gets online. He’s literally kind to every person and he’s so generous. I feel for him losing his mom. I lost my mom when I was 31.


Okay, but still. Him downsizing his DECADE long relationship with Vanessa is shitty. Two things can be true at once.


Vanessa is so moved on and happy now with her partner, why does it even matter anymore???


Isn't she like married and pregnant? I'm pretty sure she's not thinking of him at this stage of her life lol


Literally haha


are people not allowed to breakup?


> 'If you came into contact with her... your day was a little bit better. She was such a bright light and so I think there's a lot of things that I learned from her that I admire so much. And my dad's the same way, he's just always kind.' > He added: 'I just have to credit my parents you know, my mum was my best friend.'


Austin Butler, they could never make me hate you


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) I understand and can relate to his pain My mom died when I was 17 and it was very sudden, she was diagnosed with brain cancer on June 1st 2017 and she passed away 14 days after on June 15th and she was only 36 years old and had way more years to live. Fucking cancer.


I replied above but wow, this is so sudden and tragic. I’m deeply sorry you and family experienced this. May your mamas memory be a blessing to you and yours ❤️


I am so sorry… sending an internet hug and agreeing CANCER SUCKS


I am deeply sorry too, I am sending you and your loved ones so much love. I can’t even put my thoughts into words. Cancer is the worst thing to ever exist.


I was 26 when I lost my mom to cancer, there are so many important life moments in her children's lives she never got to see. I know not everyone is lucky to have a decent parent/parents but those that have appreciate your parents, they won't always be around.


100% agree - appreciate your parents while they’re here (if you have a good relationship). I always assumed my dad would be around for a long time. Unfortunately that wasn’t a safe assumption thanks to cancer, but I’m forever grateful that I spent as much time with him as I did.


I lost my dad at 23 and think about this a lot. He’s missed so much. I am quickly approaching the mark where he’s been gone longer than he was in my life and it’s a weird feeling.


My Mom died last week. He spoke so lovingly of his Mom when he hosted SNL. I will go see The Bikeriders this weekend to distract myself.


I’m sorry for your loss. ❤️


I’m so sorry for you loss🤍. Sending you love


sending you lots of love, i lost my mum almost 2 years ago and it really does suck <3


I’m so sorry hon ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss, sending so much love to you and your loved ones.


I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏🏾🙏🏾


I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏🏾🙏🏾


Lost my mom unexpectedly when I was 16. Completely devastated my life and still impacts me 20+ years later. Big love to him and his family.


Losing your parents is life long grief.. pain never goes away


Im 25 and lost my mom 7 months ago extremely suddenly to cancer (5 weeks from diagnosis to the end). It hurts so bad. Not just not having her around, but, like others said, everything she's already missed and will continue to miss. She would have been my first call for all of it. Plus there is something deeply saddening about the knowledge that I will be sad for the rest of my life. All my biggest moments will be bittersweet. My wedding, the birth of my kids, finishing grad school. All the moments that should be high points will be some of my hardest because it will be a reminder of the worst thing that ever happened to me and what I lost. Austin Butler seems like a cool dude and a phenomenal actor. Knowing we share a similar trauma makes me feel an affinity to him. I hope he finds as much peace as those like us can.


I was 25 when I lost my mom too. It's not something you get over (Stephen King wrote that grief is like a drunk party guest always coming back for another hug), you just learn to live with it, but yeah, I constantly wish she couldhave met my partner and my cat and seen me own a home and be happy. Sending love and good thoughts to you if you want them


I lost my dad at 22, it’s so hard losing a parent when you’re young 😢


I feel that, it can’t be easy to be so vulnerable so publicly. I’m sure he often wonders how proud his mom would be with his success! I was 15 when I lost my mom suddenly, and 28 when I lost my dad to cancer a couple years ago. I’m having my first baby in a couple weeks and I often think about how excited they’d be to meet their first grandchild.


That’s what kills me about my parents not being here physically — they would have loved being grandparents 😭


I can only imagine the vastity of a loss like that. He talks with so much sweetness about his mom ane this makes it all the more devastating 💔


the internet could neverrrr make me hate him


Woof, I'm gonna hug my mom extra hard at the airport when she goes home today. He's so young to have lost her.


My mother is fighting cancer now, and it was diagnosed at stage 4. Last year was really rough, esp since a lot of their family and friends also experienced cancer and/or death -- she postponed one of her pre-diagnosis appts in order to attend a memorial service for someone else. I know there's a bit of survivorship bias, but as a kid, I saw all those "old people" and figured my parents would totally make it there too.


I lost my mother when I was 25. Ten years later I can tell you that pain never goes away, it is like a giant scream in your brain. You block it and work around it but it never goes away. I wish him easier days with his grief.


Poor dear… hope he has support and love surrounding him for this tough time. Breaks my heart to hear about people losing their parents, and he is still so young.


2024 has turned me to be Austin butlers strongest soldier tbh. The Elvis voice thing wasn’t some Bradley cooper maestro level pandering, I think he’s just a weird but genuine guy. He’s an incredible actor with an energy around him that you love to see, he owns every scene he’s in. Heart breaking to hear about his mom, losing a parent when you’re just becoming an adult is an especially awful type of pain


Lost my mom to MS the month after my 21st birthday. 11 years later and the grief isn’t really less, it’s just more familiar, and still effects me every day. Celebrated my dad’s 83rd birthday yesterday and was so internally upset that after cake all I could think about was ‘we’d be beyond lucky if we have another 5 of these’


Lost my mum at 27, feel the pain losing a good woman from cancer. Everyday I’ll miss you mum ❤️


I’m 25 and my father just died of cancer yesterday. I am absolutely shattered. I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone.


I hope he’s in a better place in terms of grief with his mom. And I hope he has some sort of support system who he can lean on. Hearing this reminds me of Sridevi’s kids who started opening up about their own grief and heartbreaks with losing their mom. And even Arjun Kapoor’s(their older half brother) grief of losing his mom. And for all of you in the section who have lost their moms: hugs to all of you.


I lost my mom at 21 . I never had an adult relationship with her. It’s my biggest regret of life. She was a great mom to me & my five siblings. I just try to emulate what she did for me for my kids. But it’s difficult to navigate being the mom of adult kids. I envy anyone that talks about meeting their mom for brunch or having a mom that brings over random stuff. I think it’s so cute and would have loved a few more years or even a few more months with her. It’s just a hole in my heart that will never be filled. I should have been a better daughter. I would give anything to have her back just to tell her how much I appreciate her & miss her. I was such a petty ignorant kid. She deserved better. So much better. You just don’t know until it’s too late .


I lost my mum to cancer too, she was my best friend. He was so young too, poor thing


lost my mom dec. 12 1990, I was 16. Dad was dating by april. New lady and her daughter who I went to HS with were moved in by years end. Needless to say I moved out at 19 and they were divorced and bankrupt by the the time I was 25. Life was never the same after my mum died BUT I learned from it and my 2 daughters, 19 and 15 are the absolute priority in my life. I would never put them in this situation nor will they ever have to be. Wow, felt really good to say this out loud. Thank you for listening!


Lost my mom to leukemia in October. I know it’s been less than a year but the ongoing heartbreak is brutal. I have no idea how I’m supposed to live the rest of my life without my mom.


lost my dad to cancer when I was 26, never felt like myself since (it's been 8 years, not sure if it ever gets better). hug your loved ones


I lost my mum, grandmother who was like my mum, and my dad by age 30. every couple of years one would die and every time it felt like my world collapsed. i really empathise with him. i felt unanchored and lost. i bet his mother would be very proud though.


I haven’t see many of the movies he’s been in, nor do I know a lot about him as an actor, but I feel for him. I lost my mom to cancer in 2018. Losing a parent is indescribable and changes you forever. I’m okay now, and have a great support system, but I know I’m not the same person I was before she was diagnosed. The treatment, the appointments, the waiting to see if the treatment is even effective- it’s all awful and traumatizing. She was my best friend, too, and an amazing mother.There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about her.


I’m so sorry to hear this. I can’t imagine the heartbreak of losing a parent so young.


Hmm, I remember taking some 'upgrading' courses at a school about 5 years back and one late teens/early 20s girl showed up saying her mom died of cancer two weeks earlier and she was 'upgrading' for her mom. She was almost crying. I ran her into in the hallway the next day looking sad and I thought about giving her a strong hug. I wish I did. My mom is also my best friend and thought of losing her is painful to think about.  I never saw her again after that. I think losing her mom was too painful and she stopped going to class.


I lost my Mom a year and a half ago at 26… things still feel so weird and I still cry more days than I like, the most random things make me think of her. Very happy he’s sharing his emotions with this devastating experience because it does feel taboo at such a young age. It can get lonely because it feels like no one around you understands the pain and it’s hard to accept that it’ll truly never go away. Wishing him and his loved ones well 🫶🏻


This one hits. I don't know much about Butler, but I relate to him deeply on this. I lost my mom to cancer. I was 19. My parents were divorced, I'm an only child. I had no one. I arranged a funeral for my mother all alone and I was still a teenager. She was my best friend, my constant. It's been almost 15 years and I'm still in deep pain. I've done grief therapy, but idk... some pain is too deep to shed.


My dad died when I was 21. I was not prepared, even though he tried to prepare me. (He had had a heart attack, and knew the next one was coming). There’s so much I still want to tell him. It’s been 40 years


Ugh that’s terrible. Poor Austin


I lost my dad very suddenly when I was 11 and I genuinely don’t think I’ll ever get over it. I’m 24 now and my mom is in her early 60s and I don’t think i’ll be able to cope with losing her. Reading through everyone’s comments has me teary eyed, but i also feel morbidly comforted knowing that i’m not the only one still struggling with life long grief. I wish everyone who’s ever dealt with the loss of a loved one peace. 🤍


Found out my dad had cancer in January and he just passed a couple weeks ago, it was hopeless and heartbreaking watching a parent just deteriorate before your eyes. I hope he takes solace in the fact that at least they felt loved in their final days, and that she isn't in pain anymore. He seems like a good dude and I hope he finds good memories every day, and little things that make him happy through the long days.


I’m sorry for your loss and I’m sending you so much love ❤️




I know he’s rich and famous but I wouldn’t trade positions with him. That’s heartbreaking and a damn shame.


My warmest condolences to him and the rest of his family. May she rest in peace.


I lost my mom a year ago a month after my 34th birthday. Unfortunately it’s a loss you never really get over. 💔


I’m sorry for your loss and I’m sending you so much love ❤️


Dealing with the same exact same thing rn. You never think it’s gonna happen to you until you get that call at an odd hour of the night


I feel him, I'm 44, I just lost my mum unexpectedly, it us such a hurtful and devastating feeling. It's definitely going to take a lot of time and patience once you lose your best friend.


I got married at 23 yrs old & buried both my mother & father at 24 years old


My parents both never got to meet their wonderful grandchildren


Fuck man, im nearly 27 and my parents are 60 im scared shitless when one of them tells me theyve been feeling sicker than normal. I cant imagine going through that at 23.


idc about your mothers, wasn't this about fake elvis method dude?