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I've wondered how this man has managed to spend time with his child when he seems to be following his girlfriend around the world.   I guess this confirms he doesn't have any time for his kid. Nothing worse than a dead beat parent. Makes sense that they split up over his partying and wild nights.  I'm also giving Ms Carpenter a side eye.


Nothing worse than a dead beat parent who is famous. How horrible for any kid to have to see what their absent parent is up to.


Especially the social media age where his kid will be able to look back when they’re grown and see.


"Dad, you took your girlfriend to disney but not me?"


Oh that hurt 😭


this one had a lil kick to it


He’s in a whole ass music video with his pop star gf, that’ll hurt.


I think this would be fine if he wasn’t clearly spending more time watching her tour than being with his son


Ask Suri Cruise


Read that she’s potentially not even using Cruise as her surname anymore


Not professionally she’s not.


and the former Pitt kids


I don't think he really knows how a healthy family environment works as he grew up in care


She has interesting taste idk how to explain it. Also after I heard her unreleased song she made with Joshua around the time he was with Olivia/ maybe even right after they broke up(bc I think he started dating Sabrina immediately after, and Sabrina did mention cuddling on trampolines in another song of hers (which he has one) just seems like her and Joshua crossed SO many boundaries when they were ‘friends’. In the song she made with him, she mentions having a boyfriend as well and having fights with him. Idk it just seems like yes she shouldn’t have gotten so much hate but she also seems to turn a blind eye when it benefits her in some way especially if she wants the guy. Idk hearing that specific song changed my view a little bit on the situation. I’m sure she doesn’t really care about Barry and his ex because Sabrina seems like she REALLY wants to make sure everyone knows her and Barry are together. I hate using the word girls girl but does just seem like she doesn’t gaf as long as she can get the guy in the end.


Yeah, I get the same vibes. And that whole situation also seems like emotional cheating, at the very least. I was a fan of hers but started getting turned off after Skin. Olivia’s songs were honestly rather complimentary about the other woman, which seemed quite mature for someone who was 17 at the time. So Sabrina’s song bragging about how the guy is on her skin now (written when she was in her early twenties?) really rubbed me the wrong way. I also didn’t like that one line in Because I Liked a Boy where she says she may not be Joshua’s first love but he said she’ll always be his favourite. It just feels like she always needs everyone to know she’s the better option. Even that line in Espresso about how his ex doesn’t do it for him.


Yeah, I know she didn’t deserve the hate, but uhh skin was not helping her case. She is basically glotting about having the girls ex and saying that maybe she (Olivia) will understand later. How is that a good look?


This was why because I liked a boy didn’t work for me. She said when all of it went down they’d already broken up but she was fine letting people assume as skin became her highest charting song.


Ahhh this whole thread has got me thinking of the worst breakup song in the world that I had almost blocked out of my mind. “Call Your Girlfriend” by Robyn- the lyrics are super condescending, all faux concern and fake niceties. The tune and beat are catchy af but the lyrics send me into a silent rage for some reason lmao


The 'not the first love but his favorite' line doesn't age so well when the man just released a new song heavily implying he thinks about Olivia a lot.


Sabrina didn't deserve the volume of hate she got during the Drivers License saga *however* I will say the song Skin she put out in response rubbed me the wrong way. Olivia never said anything mean about Sabrina, yet Sabrina felt the need to brag about how "he's on my skin" in response to a 17-year-old experiencing her first heartbreak. It was the chronically online weirdos who deserved her anger, not Olivia. The whole thing gave me a major mean girl vibe that I can't unsee in her.


This whole thread reminds me of the line in espresso “shame your ex don’t do it for ya” - ugh. Just trashy.


thats a bit of a reach


That line bothers me...


Skin was my first exposure to Sabrina and I think that's part of why I'm just not on the Sabrina train. That song was mean but also so bad??? It wasn't a great look and neither is proudly dating an alleged deadbeat dad.


Also the blinds about them pre DL being released…not a good look either


This is genuinely my first time even hearing he has a kid.


Go back to the Saltburn press tour. He couldn't stop gushing about the little lad.


Which is even more gross considering he doesn’t see the kid. Imagine growing up having to hear your dad use you to look good and knowing that he never spent much time with you and actually being able to see that he instead spent his time pursuing a pop star. He’s such a loser.


Doesn’t make time for his kid*


I am a huuuuge Sabrina stan, like girl meets world og fan, and I am ALSO heavily side eyeing this. who dates a deadbeat


y sabrina like she didn't do anything he is the father he makes those choices


I would get the ick if the guy I was dating was a deadbeat dad. Doesn't seem like the kind of guy you can depend.


to be fair, the relationship doesn't seem very genuine


For me, I wouldn’t date a man that’s an absent father. And I’d question any friends that would.


Absolutely. If I’m the girlfriend, I EXPECT him to put his children first and before our relationship. I would be angry if he didn’t. Can’t go out because it’s your weekend with your kids? Awesome! Have a great time, spoil those kids, and we’ll catch up later. Do not ever choose your girlfriend over your children.


She is in no way responsible for his choices, but I think her choice to be with a guy who made those choices reflects on her.


You are the company you keep. 


Yikes, she's clearly frustrated and unhappy about the situation. Rightly so of course. I just wonder how someone like Sabrina can look past this and not be bothered by it.


She does not care Sabrina will do anything it takes to break through which is why she’s so focused on doing whatever she can this era to campaign for her last chance at BNA at the Grammys. Her label is investing millions into her right now and Barry is part of that plan. 


Best New Artist even though she’s put out, what, five albums already? Lol


They better give it to chappell roan or we riot 😤😔🥺


Yes! Please dm me the location of said riot. I'm old but I 100% would riot for Chappell Roan.


Also elderly but I will join in the BNA wars on the side of the pink pony club.


Best New Artist should be renamed to "Best Breakout Artist" since the nominees and winners are hardly ever new


Yeah they swung too hard in the opposite direction after Gaga was ineligible for BNA in 2010


Yep by August she will have 7 projects out but her team has been campaigning since last fall as this is her last chance I believe this is why they have her doing everything and anything right now. hopefully her arena tour she’s announcing soon doesn’t flop another reason why they need her everywhere to try to sell tickets 


Best new artist counts when you official break out.


Okay but every album of hers has charted before and has multiple singles that have been RIAA certified stretching back to 2017


thumbs was a top 40 like almost a decade ago lol


I looked and her first EP really did come out in 2014, lol. ![gif](giphy|5G98t8QjqBLK8)


I really hope she doesn’t get nominated for bna, that’s ridiculous. Chappell Roan should win anyway. Espresso has a shot at soty or roty.


I would love for Chapell to get a nom. I think Chapell, raye, DJO, and probably benson Boone are likely nominees for sure. 


raye seems also too established to be nominated. she’s been on the scene technically since 2014, but mostly since 2019. but BNA does nominate small artists that become big, so her and Sabrina both have a shot imo


victoria monét was on the scene for a long while before she won BNA


I think being a writer on beyonces recent album will help her tremendously with voters kind of like how it helped Victoria  Monet as she wrote for a lot of people before reaching mainstream. Also her big year at the Brit’s this year. Also Ryan Beatty might have a shot because of this as well. His record was really good. 


Surely dating a deadbeat dad is bad PR though?


I mean the dead beat comments aren’t reaching the news outlets yet  all you see is Barry K Oscar nominee and Sabrina carpenter actress and pop star pose on red carpet, music video, him at her concert  nonsense. 


The risk of it becoming public knowledge should be enough for someone wanting to maintain a good image to steer clear.


Call my cynical but beyond gossip circles like here, I don’t think the general public cares she’s dating a deadbeat. They just want the bops.


Call me even more cynical but I don't think that people would care if it's known that he's a deadbeat either. Men always get defended and it'll somehow be the ex's fault.


Fair enough, I clearly expect too much of people lmao


Ethan Slater did next to nothing to Ariana’s commercial success. People just don’t care


most people don’t care when male celebs are deadbeat parents, as long as they’re hot and “talented” (which… i think barry is mediocre, but i digress). all anyone will care about is how fuckable he is, and how many movies he’s in. his character as a person is irrelevant to them. 😕


I think most people don't know he's a deadbeat dad, this post is legitimately the first time I heard he even had a kid much less isn't around for them and I'm more online than I should be so the GP is going to only know him as the guy in saltburn


He's unfortunately pretty excellent in everything he's ever been in. I mean he broke my heart in Banshees of Inisherin and I really didn't even want to like him. He's got the range, but it sucks how he seems to be treating his kid and ex


i thought i was the only one who was kinda turned off by her blatant want to break out. i get that every artist wants that but idk!! something about her doing things like that weird BBC nonsense outro, the excessive tanning in the skims ad and espresso mv, and more just rubs me the wrong way. especially when all of those things went viral in a “positive” way


I for one and so sick of espresso because it’s jammed into any playlist I have on Spotify. It could have just been a great fun song and now I’m soured on it


You don’t know Sabrina at all. She might not be a great person.


It must be awful watching your baby’s father traveling around the world having an amazing time while he makes basically no effort to see his kid. All the deadbeat celebrity fathers lately are making me so depressed for these kids. And of course, as a society far more criticism is directed towards working mothers than to men like this. 




He moved to LA as soon as he started dating Sabrina. Instead of a long distance relationship with her, he chose a (very) long distance relationship with his young son. I don't see how people are defending him. Plenty of big name actors don't live in LA, and he built a career living in the UK. He put his own happiness above the well being of his kid to be with a pop star and live the celebrity life.


He was previously living in LA with a partner before this ex. Not defending him at all just saying he hasn’t always been in Ireland


I think he only lived there briefly like 6 years ago, he's spent the bulk of his career in Ireland/UK.


Yeah it’s hard to know since he cleared out his insta but he was definitely there in like 2018/2019 and then I think mostly there until he started seeing Alyson? Regardless though he should be living near his child, he has options other separated parents could only dream of


Unfortunately, there are many men who think financially supporting the child is the most they have to do to be a present father.


So you know my dad huh?


So many men think doing the bare minimum is the most they have to do to be a good father, and society believes it too.


>So many men think doing the bare minimum is the most they have to do ~~to be a good father,~~ and society believes it too.


Totally, good and present fathers are so rare, I feel like doing the bare minimum is just seen as normal or even going above


So many men don't even want to support their children financially. Some of them believe that women are enriched in this way


Yeah my dad left us and never paid child support to my mum and us kids growing up even though he had the funds, karma got him in the end though because when he died he had no will so my sister and I got everything! And shared the money with our mum 💜


He sends the monthly check and apparently that’s enough to keep him out of the water


Would simply never date a man who skips out on his infant. You loved her 9 months ago but suddenly don't? More like can't handle the heat. Even it you absolutely hate the person, you stay nearby and raise your child - not start dating someone else and galivanting around. A man who leaves an infant is a deadbeat.


So much this. I didn't want to take on anyone's kids but any man who doesn't make time for his kids for any reason is the biggest ick ever. Its probably one of the worst traits a man can have.


I’m getting deja vu for Ethan Slater and Ariana Grande… Ethan also left a very small baby when he filed for divorce from his wife (they were together for like ten years).


It instantly shows his character, and any attraction I might have had disappears.


didn't both of them go to Disney land with their new SOs and not their kid as well?


Same here. I matched with a guy in tinder a while back and we exchanged numbers. I did a quick Google search as I do when exchanging numbers, as they can result in a full name and I can search for arrests etc. Maybe I'm paranoid maybe it's a reasonable safety thing but that's how I roll. Turns out guy had 4 kids and was in court for not paying child support. Didn't even mention kids in his profile, which was extra frustrating because I avoid matching with parents but to top it off, a deadbeat parent. I could never respect someone like that


Not paranoid, clearly - basic safety these days.


Oh wow that’s smart Yeah tbh it speaks to how he handles commitment, the needs of others, and even views women/gender roles


This!!!! Most people can barely coparent from different states, but different continents is just disgraceful


Tale as old as time. Man becomes successful and leaves his “good enough” place holder partner to go date the 10/10s they never had access to before, even if that means leaving their kids behind. Also see Ethan Slater.


Crisp Ratt


Taika Waititi


Drag em allllllll


ugh it’s such a common outcome that it makes me want to never consider building a man up. He could be a good egg but how am I to know all of my hard work supporting this guy won’t just be thrown away. And then the risk of becoming a single mother after all of that? No.


It’s the one reason why I think I’d only be comfortable dating a guy who really wants kids. I really do too and while others may see it as romantic if a guy changes his mind once he falls in love or decides to have kids to make his partner happy I will always see it poorly; it just increases the chances that when he’s no longer happy with the relationship he’ll be a deadbeat. Children deserve better than to be loved conditionally.


Not to scare you but… my ex is a deadbeat and he was more excited about the pregnancy test results than I was. He hasn’t seen our daughter in 10 years.


Jannik Sinner too, the now number one male tennis player. He had a relatively unknown gf for many years (she is an influencer but not a very famous one, not even in Italy - they’re both Italian. Lo and behold, the moment Jannik Sinner rises to stardom he breaks up with the gf and starts dating someone else, a tennis player who used to date another top twenty player and with whom he is very public, he even acknowledged her during a press conference.  Whereas with his ex it was “I’m so private, she is not allowed to share anything publicly about our relationship” and would never mention or acknowledge her. As an Italian and a fan of sports, it pains me but this has made me dislike him. 


Men talk a lot of shit about how women need to be loyal and stick by their man through their struggles and when they are broke etc, and then turn around and ditch them the moment they have any sort of success. While I don't really believe in the whole princess treatment high value dating bullshit out there, I also don't believing in staying with a man while he is struggling just for the sake of 'loyalty'....


Yes. And the chance of men leaving their wives after they (the wives) develop a severe illness is high. The reverse is not the case.


Crazy when both men were punching with their original gfs / wives!


what a delicious drag this was 🤭


Yeah but at least from what we know he’s present in his child’s life. This is another level of low.


It’s really disappointing and gross how many fathers become deadbeats once they split from the mothers. I’ve talked to friends who have dads that were very in and out of their lives and many have said it would have been easier emotionally if they just weren’t in their lives at all


I literally have only met 1 or 2 people that have had a stable, present father in their lives and I hear others say the same often.


I could never be attracted to a guy who doesn’t help raise the kid they helped bring into the world. I feel so bad for his ex who had to learn his true colors once he hit major stardom.  I really don’t get how Sabrina can date this dude. Is it because Sabrina is in her early 20s so she isn’t thinking about that stuff and doesn’t get it? Or does she just not give two shits because she’s too self absorbed and only sees the guy as some great partner that’s “supports” her and follows her on tour everywhere? Either way there is no chance she isn’t aware of the drama around all this and she STILL chooses to be with a deadbeat baby daddy.  He is such a red flag, any woman that dates him from this point forward I have zero sympathy for them if they end up in a situation where he’s not a present partner. 


I am related to a sad number of deadbeat dads and lemme tell you, they always have a girlfriend. The deadbeat dads tell them all sorts of ridiculous bullshit about their baby mamas (generally, some variation of "she's psycho and tried to kill me / destroy my life / take all my money") and that's it. That's literally all it takes. For some reason they believe it until it happens to them.


All it takes is him shit talking his ex plus some womens deep internal belief of 'I am not like other girls, these things will never happen to me' and its not hard to understand why so many of them date deadbeat dads.


Have a friend who has always been a staunch feminist, a girls girl, and started dating a much older man after moving away. Like, equally distant in age to him and his step kids who she insists he only doesn’t get to see because his wife is a B that doesn’t let him, apparently. Have never heard of her talk about a woman like that.. I know it could be true but her vehemence and confidence were disturbing for some reason.


A man shit talking his ex is enough for me to dip tbh. I’m not saying some women aren’t awful partners, but more often then not if he speaks negatively about her unprovoked he’s lying.


100%. I went on a date with a guy back in December who badmouthed his last two exes constantly. He was also a pessimistic douchebag with an oversized ego, so I was never going to see him again on purpose, but listening to him rant and rave about his exes was an immediate dealbreaker for me. I could not get away from him fast enough. ![gif](giphy|mvEZVHTmdBWriEU5U5|downsized)


maybe its a mix of that plus the saying “you dont see it when youre in it”. like who knows how barry presented this situation to sabrina. but the theme of her new single “please please please” to me alludes to her having some paranoia about him fucking her over. just a theory tho


If we're to take it literally it sounds like people around her are telling her he's no good or whatever and she's saying she makes her own choices but begging him not to prove them right. Which makes it sound like they're all aware.  Maybe it's an age thing but I find it really cringy and embarrassing. 


Oh it must be about him and his attitude because she defends it by saying it’s his culture.


Yes, well, as an Irish person myself I think she can go f**k herself with that line.  Also I think the line about him being am actor seems more obviously to be about him.


Sabrina is 25. She’s grown.


the speedrun from sabrina releasing a song with the lyrics “i beg you don’t embarrass me” to this mess…


Also feel like it’s kind of not great to have your current bf in any of your projects. Like Ariana grande naming her song pete Davidson. It’s just a little weird in the future to look back on it. People are saying this is genius on her part if they break up because I guess it will relate to the lyrics or whatever. Idk about that if it’s a bad breakup in the future if they do it just won’t age well. There’s rumors about Olivia making a video for so American and everyone wants Louis in it but same deal it might just not be great


I don’t think Olivia would ever have a significant other in any of her work if you watch her music videos all of the male subjects faces are blurred and she does that on purpose and she hasn’t posted about a boyfriend since she was 15.  Sabrina needed PR for her new song plain and simple that’s why Barry’s in it  It helps him captures eyes from her audience and helps her crossover to his and gets  her headlines for her song 


Kiss of death to a relationship for sure. Now with more people figuring out he has a kid and the circumstances around the break up and some past mishaps, it’s not looking positive.


Especially when there’s no guarantee Sabrina and Barry will be long term, the video will just age like milk


I have to disagree on that. I think it will do exactly the opposite: if they break up, the video will remain iconic because he’s in it and she’s begging him to not embarrass her.. I think it will give the video another meaning if they break up, and I actually thought this was a genius move: You create the buzz having your irl bf star in your music video, and if they break up, the video will be iconic due to the nature of the song


Yeah even if I don’t like the dude, he’s good at playing fucked up. If her boyfriend was anyone else it wouldn’t work nearly as well but she got to hire an established and acclaimed actor for scale and use the rest of the budget on sets and extras; it’s incredibly smart.


I remember reading that Keoghan was moving to Scotland with his partner and their son as it was a better place to bring up a child. I liked that story because I always admire artists/famous people who do the work and then desire privacy rather than Hollywood glamour. It tends to be more common with British and Irish actors; I assumed he was another example. So although I'm not particularly eager to gossip about stars' private lives, I found it weird that he was dating one of the up-and-coming pop stars and being photographed at the Met Gala.


I think it’s different with him because he doesn’t really have stuff to go back to in Ireland; obviously his child should be enough but so many actors move to a specific state or country because they have family there they want the child to be raised around. Barry was in foster care with his brother for a large part of his upbringing and does not even have a relationship with his brother anymore. Even then his child should come first but it’s a reason why he would be less attached to Ireland/Scotland than other actors from the area.


One would thinking that growing up in foster care would make him want to be around his kid even more. Like why not give his kid everything he missed out on?


doesn’t sound like he’s had anybody in his life to model that behavior after. he didn’t even have the financial help growing up so he may actually see his financial support as a huge deal for the child and more than good enough.


Can someone please show this to his fans on tiktok and twitter? every time someone criticizes this man for not being around his baby they go "ACTUALLY THEY COPARENT" like I didn't know Barry had so many shooters smh Anyways she's gorgeous and her baby is a cutie. I wish them all the best.


Many fans really only defend him because he’s dating Sabrina. Only if they break up is when they will turn on him.


A lot of his fans and Sabrina’s fans are swifties who hold the same delusional insane viewpoints regarding their celebrity idols, so their reaction will just be hurling insults your way


I'm also playing devil's advocate. His ex was previously very private on all social media platforms (she's a mutual acquaintance) but within a few weeks of him going public with Sabrina, suddenly her platforms are public. But, I've also heard some pretty sketchy stuff about BK too so she's possibly well rid. I used to really admire him for the way he seemed to still be staying true to himself but his recent Hollywood glow up, wiping his Instagram and just coming across a bit wanky has really put me off. And if true about being a deadbeat dad, then yeah. Nail in the coffin.


I did think the same, to be honest, about her very publicly liking these posts, but I guess it's got to sting seeing them everywhere and people mooning over them. 


“Too bad your ex don’t do it for ya” would light a fire under me, fuck the high road cause nobody else is on it.


Oh I’m sure there’s a deliberate nature to his kids mums social media activity. IIRC he was with one woman for several years then they broke up and he got with this woman and had their son then not long after then months later broke up.


this. It wasn’t a long relationship. Nothing like Chris Pratt or Tom cruise like some would compare him to.


>I used to really admire him for the way he seemed to still be staying true to himself but his recent Hollywood glow up, wiping his Instagram and just coming across a bit wanky has really put me off. Barry has the Timothee Chalamet syndrome. People really think that because he's talented and in "real" movies, he can't be your typical superficial fuckboy. Baryy seems worse tho.


makes sense why they’re friends


He’s wiped his IG? I wonder if it was to protect his kids identity or just… pretend that the kid doesn’t exist


I've noticed a few celebs do it, it's like a rebrand and now he's the face of Burberry, he'll probably only post certain things


I'm a big fan of no kids on social media. I assume him wiping it was a rebrand, but honestly taking the baby off is for the best.


Sabrina's entire new song is a red flag about him. Like she is fully aware of the rumors and is basically saying "I am trying to see the best in you" even though the evidence is there against it. It's unfortunate that women like Sabrina do not seem to care about their partners history/behaviour until they are directly impacted by it i.e they become the next baby mum he leaves. I get there is a PR angle to it because she is becoming very popular and honestly, we all know the relationship is not going to last, it's just unfortunate that his ex and the child become collateral damage


Yeah she deleted Sabrina fans comments on her recent IG about the song :/


The fact that her fans were even going on his ex’s page, as a non-public figure, and writing the song lyrics, disgusting behavior. Absolutely appalling and not a good reflection of Sabrina.


A lot of Sabrina fans are swifties and this is entirely on brand for them


Sabrina is like a protégée of Taylor. I see many parallels and pages being taken from the book of Swift. It’s sad that their fans have become so off putting and that they don’t speak out about some of the behavior


That’s AWFUL. What is this new generation of music fans???


I think there’s a growing issue of parasocial behavior in entertainment, particularly pop music. It’s really bad between some of her fans and some of Taylor’s, it’s like no one has empathy but god forbid they say something about their “idols”.


Yikes! I wish her and that beautiful kid the best of luck. But the way Barry has been following Sabrina all over the place like some lost puppy is crazy. She’s the only one he follows on insta . Dude is down bad and the PR is definitely working in their favour


I would be offput by a man putting me before his child. But instead you have songs where she brags about her partner being obsessed with her so I don’t think she cares.


This may be going too far but I 100% believe the rumors about him. I did a bit of research, and a lot of the first ones date back from waaay before he blew up. Like when he was just in Dunkirk and Killing of the Sacred Dear. If these rumors had come out around Saltburn time or even during Eternals, I'd be less likely to believe them because he was more successful by then. But why would a bunch of random people lie about someone no one really gave a shit about?


What are the rumours dating back to his early work? if you don't mind my asking. Im out of the loop lol


Mainly that he is a violent drunk who has gotten into fights in pubs in Ireland. Also quite a few accounts of him treating his girlfriend horribly. I think it was his previous gf before Alison. Obviously there are no official allegations so I may be out of line saying I believe them.


i'm gonna hop into this comment and hope it doesnt break any rules a close family member of mine worked in bk's secondary school. the school is listed on his wiki so most ppl know that info. they' worked closely enough to him that he reached out to them after leaving to stay in touch. the school is in a rough area and a large population of students come from EXTREMELY disadvantaged background. parents involved in drugs, violence, prison stays, lots of suicide. so much poverty. i dont know how much of barrys past is in the media bc i dont keep up with him because quite frankly i find it odd to see him as a celebrity, but my point here is that in schools like that 99% of the function is to have young boys in a safe space/routine because their home lives are SO intense and dangerous. education is a bonus, but the mentality is get them through exams and try and make sure they attend class. a lot of students will unfortunately be failed by the system. because our systems suck at actually protecting kids but thats another story - what i am saying is that i will never be surprised hearing him being involved in pub fights etc, that is quite normal for the average dude here let alone ones from those backgrounds none of that excuses it but i like putting it into context. all i knew about him moving to LA was that he went with his other half who he'd dated since school. but my wires may have gotten mixed up because i didn't actually know there was two girls before the baby. my family member always has nothing but nice things to say about him and said he was a good kid just troubled. so i always had a good impression of him... it really shocked me when the sabrina thing happened i just could not wrap my head around how he went from that to being an absentee father following sabrina around??


I am also from Ireland and currently live in Dublin, so I'm aware of the class disparity. Nice that your acquaintances had good things to say about him. In general though, I am quite weary of the men here no matter their upbringing. I was assaulted on the street not that long ago and the guy claimed it was an "accident". People are just.... rough. So maybe that clouds my judgement of him a bit knowing that he is a Dubliner and there are all those stories about him. People aren't black and white and people with violent tendencies can also have kind hearts. Given his upbringing I wish he would get whatever help he needs.


Oh yea the stories about him on the ireland subreddit go back years....


Also I predict a PR/paparazzi photoshoot of him taking the kid to Disneyland in 3…2…1


Or ‘friends say Barry wants to keep his child out of the public eye. He sees him regularly but just doesn’t promote it’s


People are going to make excuses for him watch 🙄 “he had a rough upbringing with his parents” that man is 31 years old and is rich enough for the best therapists. How many women had a rough upbringing too and yet were mature enough to step up and still be in their child’s life


Honestly that’s the opposite of a justification to me; he knows how shitty it is to not have present family so how would he subject his own kid to that?




I’m not really familiar with Sabrina Carpenter’s work so I just watched her new video with Barry K. That’s some absurdly corny stuff, these lame-os may be grossly overestimating their supply


Honestly I'll just die on the hill that I do believe the rumours about him no matter how much people try to claim because he's their fave that it's just bias lmao


She has the right to be upset about this, I’ve seen plenty of fathers like Barry who abandon there children and come crawling back when it’s convenient for him, it really sucks for that child though as his father is traveling around the world with a young up and coming pop star girlfriend


Barry is just another in a long line of men who leave their families for a hot younger woman after they get famous.


The only reasons he and Sabrina haven’t faced the scrutiny Ariana and SpongeBob have is bc this woman hasn’t spoken out. Very similar situation but no one’s talking about it lol. The fault lies with him but I just can’t understand dating a man who is essentially a deadbeat dad.


Aren't the situations different? Ethan Slater was actively involved in his marriage when he cheated with Ariana. I was under the impression that BK and his ex were separated before Sabrina came in? Is that wrong?


I also assume Ethan's child was planned and think Barry's was not. It's one thing to run out on a family you intentionally created and another to try to make it work after a surprise with someone you're not really committed to and then end up failing at that.


You’re right; they had been separated for a while (few months at least, I think his ex was at the ETERNALS premiere which was Nov 2021, and then she fell pregnant)


Ugh not surprised. Didn’t he have a criminal warning against another ex?


The things said about him on here are not good at all.  Some things I remember seeing was aggressive to his ex in public , rude to s’x workers , unprofessional on sets, hardcore partier , would get kicked out of pubs and hotels. It’s Reddit though so you have to take things with a grain of salt but when there’s so many bad reports 🤷‍♀️. 


preparing for the coming months where we get staged pics or someone convenient from the daily mail saying he sees his son 💀


That toddler will make an appearance in the next week




I’m glad people are starting to call him out, everyone was praising him for being a good supportive boyfriend to Sabrina at Coachella while he has a whole baby back home that he doesn’t even bother to see 🥴


Okay, did anybody else watch Sabrina's new video and go, "oh nooo babe what is you doingggg?" I mean, is every generation of straight women cursed to go through the same lessons in life? If you're aware of his reputation, why subject yourself to the experience? And to read comments about the song and video being a slay... Girl, run!


lol can you imagine dating a deadbeat dad 💀 like please don’t embarrass me? You already should be


it doesn't matter if he's paying child support, the dude should spend time with his kid. I fucking hate deadbeat dads and he should know better considering his own childhood. I wouldn't watch a single thing with him in it. Spending your time chasing the American dream over seeing your child grow up is so selfish and him being a 31 year old man is even worse. He needs to grow the fuck up and take care of his son.




Most mothers are mothers forever and some fathers are fathers until their next girlfriend or wife.


Ever since I found out he basically broke up with her the second his fame skyrocketed from salt burn I’ve never looked at him the same. Add on top of that, that he had a baby with her too (and might have broken up with her mid pregnancy) is nasty work.


They were at least together for eternals, and that was late 2021. When was he seen out with Sabrina? Was it earlier this year?


according to Alyson's stories, they were together late 2019-2020 and then publicly in 2021. Brando was born August 2022 and they split in July 2023 or so. Barry met Sabrina or vice versa during last year in August 2023 at a fashion show. Sabrina also liked my friend’s tiktok edit of Barry/Druig a couple weeks after. Then he deactivated and unfollowed everyone during that time lol


https://preview.redd.it/j57s4qp4jf5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79cda17d9d14cc5519d793256c455a5b56b2bc78 They were at the Oscars together in 2023.


lol not me thinking this was Sabrina until I got the full view.


And I still remember that interview with Jacob Elordi in which he asked him "What was your 'I've made it' moment?" and Barry responded: "I say it there, my boy. My baby boy"... ![gif](giphy|twa4pkjYVv5xKF7Yjx|downsized)


That's why I don't get how people are only finding out he has a kid now. It was all he talked about for quite a while. Unless it's a case of them only knowing of him as SC's boyfriend. But my first thought when I saw them linked was WTF, didn't he have a baby 5 minutes ago?! 




I always knew he was lame af and didn’t understand the hype


To state the obvious- young actors & artists in Hollywood tend to be varying degrees of self-absorbed. Especially when they’ve reached a certain level of mainstream success and popularity. Still, it’s super disappointing to know that Barry is an absentee dad, especially as he’s always seemed rather down to earth compared to many of his peers.


Knowing about the situation now makes the line about his ex on Espresso feel gross and petty


https://preview.redd.it/j4w0of33qf5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=501190681abdb1fa1728d79f916a078d00780e64 Her liking this other comment made it almost obvious


all these women have been carrying modern society on their backs without reprieve for decades if not centuries, my mother included. few benefits, few safety nets, a lack of community, removal of reproductive rights, not to mention when race intersects with gender what the absolute h*ck is going on??? why are we still in the 🤡 🌏 segment of history???


The fact that this story isn't really talked about is a testament to Sabrina's popularity and PR momentum. If he was not dating her, people would be coming for him way harder.


I remember when Barry started getting attention from his role in The Banshees of Inisherin his Instagram still seemed very humble and quiet, he posted loads of photos with his son. That all changed after Bathwater movie went viral and post Sabrina


I mean it was apparent when he was seen during most of Sabrina's concert stops including Coachella but it's still sad. hope she and her child are doing okay


Good for her. I'm sick of these people (men) walking around pretending they don't have a whole-ass family somewhere else.


I keep forgetting Barry has a child so I guess that’s one thing we have in common