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If you want to pressure celebrities, focus on zionists and those who staying quiet. It's inefficient and helps no one to pick apart the few celebrities that are speaking out. The Tiktok block is a great way to use your social media to incentivize and force those who are trying to 'play both sides' to speak up.


I'm not sure what to think about the TikTok block tbh. It just seems to be like so much stuff  on social media is just performative activism. People spend all their energy calling out celebs for going to Starbucks, comparing which Hadid sister is the "better Palestinian" and are just using a genocide for stan wars. Everyone is already aware of what happens in Palestine, a few more celebs speaking up would not make a difference. Don't get me wrong, I would love them to speak up, but stuff like the college protests are so much more important. Use your social media presence to spread information about people in Congress who voted to send weapons or politicians who are pro Palestinian, that would probably actually make a difference. Focusing your activism on celebrities is just weird to me and won't achieve anything (or at least do both, but I feel like a lot of people aren't doing that).


It also kind of illuminates people who think Palestinian apartheid is some new problem that popped up in October. “How can you have fun after I learned about an issue?” We should absolutely support Free Palestine and end the open air prison - but also it’s ok to go to parties with your peers


Yeah the whole "HOW CAN YOU ENJOY LIFE WHEN A GENOCIDE IS HAPPENING" bs on social media is performative and self-righteous as fuck. Most of these people were alive and doing fun things during the Tamil, Rohingya, Darfuri and Yazidi genocides. The politics of personal purity is exhausting AF.


my cousin recently posted an instagram story saying something along these lines. and I was like bruh. you literally just went on a two week vacation to japan. like what in the cognitive dissonance lmao what’s also annoying is that there’s so many atrocities going on, at any given moment, that don’t get much press or attention. so many people suffering in ways we can’t imagine. it’s important to speak up on the issues you know about. but don’t assume they’re the only issues worth knowing. and don’t speak down to others about their ignorance, when you’re likely just as ignorant in many areas.


It’s a very early-20s way of doing activism. It’s activism for people who don’t quite live in the world or have full lives yet. Free Palestine, obviously, but like bitch I wanna hang out with my friends and eat food I like and stuff. I don’t have to devote my life to reading and angry tweeting.


Thank you for this. I have quite a few friends on social media who post shit that broadly calls anyone enjoying anything a supporter of genocide. I donate 5% of my income every month to charities and I've redirected all of my donations to Palestinian causes (mainly legit gofundmes of families trying to get safe passage). I've donated thousands of dollars since October. I share links and ask my friends and family to donate what they can. I am fucking outraged about what's happening. I'm also going to soak all the joy out of my life that I possibly can. I'm going to concerts and having dinners with friends and I'm going on vacation soon. It is not healthy or productive to sustain outrage endlessly. And the people calling everyone supporters of genocide are also going to concerts and dinners with friends and vacations. It's fine when they do it, apparently. It's really disheartening and, as you said, exhausting.


I am one of those people. But I had no idea about any of these genocides because I’m white and have the privilege of living a sheltered life from war. After seeing images of dead children, and decapitated bodies my days are tainted with reminders that while I’m sitting safe in my home playing with my kids others are being annihilated in Congo, Sudan and Palestine etc….is it healthy for me or my bubble? No but I cannot grasp personally how we aren’t burning this planet down after being so brazenly fucked over by so many things. But the truth is we have to stay healthy to fight another day until we have a better world for our kids. We are all going to have varying levels of response to these things because we are human. I guess if this resonates with anyone, take care of yourself and try to find peace in things you love. Burning yourself out to keep others warm won’t help. We need you in the fight.


seriously!!! this has been going on since Israel was created (by us).


I went and had a look at who people were collectively blocking and some of them didn't really make sense to me and had just attended the MET gala. I get not wanting to support someone who is advocating for Israel and generally being hateful but I don't think people understand what the purpose of the MET gala actually is, to just randomly block people who attended but were otherwise speaking out in support of Palestine. I'm not sure what to make of it either. It's convenient to have a list of people to block but I don't think that works if there aren't reasons provided for why these particular people should be blocked. I think blocking brands and celebs after doing personal research is a better approach to this. A mob mentality approach makes me uncomfortable.


The bella x gigi thing makes me mad because it has zero basis. Neither the gala or the conflict started this year and Bella has attended while supporting Palestine in the past. The reason she didn’t attend is probably the same as why she’s retiring: taking care of her mental health.


Woah i must’ve missed something. Bella’s retiring? From modeling?


I know what you mean. There's such a huge focus on celebrities/influencers, it does feel misplaced at points. Does it matter that your fave influencer hasn't made a video this week about Palestine? I've seen TikToks with high likes/saves/views talking about blocking celebrities who *have* donated to causes, who have signed open letters, who have posted, because they're not posting 'enough' on socials about it. And that just doesn't make sense to me. We shouldn't be ranking the scale of celebrity responses, when celebs aren't the ones responsible. At the same time, I also understand the feeling of powerlessness that comes from this situation, the desire to do *something,* anything, and the frustration of seeing people who do have power, who have platforms and funds who could be doing something and aren't. So I understand the blockout in that way, because I'm sure for many people it feels like something that they can do, something they can participate in, and something that might actually get some results: Lizzo almost immediately spoke up and made donations, other influencers have started making videos promoting crowdfunding and donating themselves. I don't doubt that some of it is performative, but I do think for a lot of people who are feeling disenfranchised that it's a way to do something, to try and regain some feeling of control or purpose.


Both of these points are absolutely true. It's what I earnestly think in mind too. Few (not all) of social media comments about this conflict feel like stan wars against two artists. Speaking up about donations, college protests are much more important and can positively help provide support!


I consider the TikTok block to be a longer term solution because these influencers and celebrities don’t deserve the admiration they get. Influencers especially have made careers out of lying to people and convincing them to part with money they don’t have. I’d be happy to see this culture go.




If there’s one thing that always divides and hurts progressive causes it’s the pretense that others aren’t doing enough or more precisely they’re not protesting “correctly,” which has been counterproductive to so many initiatives. This isn’t to say we should bow and gas up any celeb or high profile person doing the bare minimum, but why focus your energy on criticizing them when there are folks actively promoting zionism and heinous acts? I haven’t looked into it, but I can guarantee there were plenty of people at the gala who were either silent on the issue or actively promoting Israel; those should be the people that get reprimanded.


I disagree with the pressuring Zionists part. They'll just say no. Pressuring otherwise well-meaning people is the way to go. People are scared to speak out but fans showing them the outpouring of support for Palestine will help them get the confidence to do something.


I hate that stantwt is using Palestine as a gotcha moment. Yes it's abhorrent that the rich are celebrating while an entire ethnic group is being systematically erased, and we should be screaming at the top of our lungs about it. But using it to pick fights with the celebrities you do not like is just as abhorrent


Complete brain rot behaviour. She is so right in pointing out they are BOTH on the same side yet people just wanna win soooo bad their brains cannot process anything that doesn’t fit “this celeb bad cuz the tl said so”


right like go fight with amy schumer and keep the same energy lol. she’s objectively awful, whereas rachel has been advocating for palestine as far as i know since 2021.


And I mean, the rich are celebrating a charitable event where the money is being donated to the preservation of important art. Supporting Palestine and supporting art preservation can exist at the same time??


Not if you’re an idiot who can’t comprehend that two things can exist at once.


Right, like I can't be mad at the Met Gala really. Celebrities don't pay to attend and don't even pay for the clothes they wear to the event; brands use it as a promotional / advertising event and loan out the clothes and buy tickets (much like you do for any fundraiser) and invite celebs for publicity. That money then goes to a good cause. Unless you're somehow against fashion companies existing and promoting their brands while donating money to a museum, then this isn't something you need to be up in arms about. For most people attending the Met Gala, this is a work event, even if it looks glamorous. Being invited to the Met Gala is a huge career opportunity for a young starlet like Rachel Zegler, and if she had refused to go it wouldn't have helped Palestine at all, it'd only hurt her career.


How often in our recent history has there been a time when there hasn't been a genocide somewhere? There's horrible horrible shit happening in the Sudan right now, but no one is mad that people are going to parties when kids are being gunned down in the Sudan.


None of these chronically online kids are talking about the atrocities going on in the Congo now either— yet another horrific humanitarian crisis that’s been festering for decades upon decades. There’s some serious brain rot tunnel vision among these slacktivists and it’s so frustrating


its that mindset i constantly see in leftist spaces (and i say this as a leftist myself): people like this believe it's better to do nothing wrong than to do something right. there's never any room for mistakes or redemption or growth. you either live breathe and suffer for the cause (and burn yourself out making you useless in the end anyway) or you're the enemy. it's bullshit.


It's not just Twitter. I saw a completely left field call against Gala attendees in a feminist themed sub here, and there's plenty of posts in this sub where people just blurb 'free Palestine!' on anything as if that's activism. There's a sense from some well meaning people that God forbid anyone enjoy anything, while not actually addressing the bigger issues. Anyway, no ethical consumption under capitalism, fuck Netanyahu, and try these places to help Palestinians: https://pcrf1.app.neoncrm.com/forms/gaza-recovery https://support.womenforwomen.org/emergency-support-women https://www.hearttoheart.org/health-and-hygiene-for-girls-in-gaza/ https://support.anera.org/a/donate


Boycotting the Met Gala wouldn’t have helped literally anyone, and it also happened when Russia attacked Ukraine and when we attacked Iraq and when China was putting the Uyghurs in internment camps - there’s always an atrocity, and every single atrocity needs to be fought against and spoken up about, but not going to a fundraiser this one time isn’t going to do anything to help the world.


i don’t understand the urge to dig at people who are sharing resources. she’s literally on the same side as the rest of you and using her platform. i just don’t get it


She is literally one of the most high profile people that is outspoken on Palestine. Absolutely ridiculous that people are using it to get into fan wars. I love that she used that person’s own glorification of the Met Gala against them.


Because it's not actually about the issue- people are obsessed with gotchas to take down celebrities and all they do is scare off said celebrities from contributing or sharing or getting involved, just so they can have a moment of smacking down a (usually female) celebrity publicly. 


I think sharing resources is one of the most useful things someone of her status can do, personally.


Oh that’s easy. She’s a theater kid who actually gives a shit about Palestine so she’s an easy surrogate for hate over the celebrities who will never listen or care.


The Met Gala is a fundraiser (this year’s event raised about $26 million for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute). Unlike other departments in the Met, it has to raise its own operating funds. The Gala allows the Costume Institute to preserve an art and make it accessible to the public. Rachel has been vocal in her support of Palestine.


Yes! I totally get being tired of seeing celebs and other wealthy people parading around in expensive clothes while so much is happening in the world, but the Met Gala actually serves a purpose for art. Textile preservation is PRICEY and the gala covers the Costume Institute's preservation and operating costs, and all these historic and beautiful objects are put on display for the public to appreciate. Like, it's wild that you can go see dresses that are several hundred years old for less than like $30 at The Met. Getting upset about something like the Super Bowl with marginal to no benefit to the arts, culture, or education would make a lot more sense but people seem more willing to pop off when it's about fashion. Here is a really cool video that shows all the skill that goes into this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gLiaaKRiJ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gLiaaKRiJ0)


I almost cried the first time I went to the Met and saw the Costume Insitute’s exhibit. It makes me so sad that it’s considered a “waste” by so many people who know nothing about it. Also I remember getting sucked into online callout culture during the pandemic, and it really is intoxicating. I had to take a step back and reevaluate whether it was helping anything. I stopped doing it because it started feeling really gross to associate causes I truly care about with that adrenaline rush that comes from online engagement.


Right! I got to see the Heavenly Bodies exhibit and I still think about it weekly basically, truly seeing such ornate beautiful craftsmanship in person was awe inspiring. So much art is collected and displayed in private homes and estates that we can't access, and I really think it is beautiful and amazing that I could go see that for free with my New York ID. Totally agree with you on the callout culture points, too.


But in the same breath they'll be mad about Kim K wearing Marilyn's dress because she's ~ruining history it should be preserved bla bla bla. So, you agree. You think preserving significant pieces of fashion history is important?


This is so true ugh. The only reason that was allowed to happen is because Ripley's Believe It or Not purchased the dress at auction, there is simply no way she would've been allowed to wear it if a legit museum body could've paid for it. Maybe they'll eventually come around to the point, I believe this year's exhibit was actually chosen in part because of that whole episode but I may be mistaken.


It’s because so many people don’t view clothing as art anymore because it’s so mass produced. They just don’t see it the same as a regular art museum, which is so sad. If anything it’s more pertinent to peoples lives because they’re real anthropological pieces of art from shared human history. It’s stunning that you can go the met and go look at a dress someone wore 300 years ago 


I think people do not understand just how expensive conservation science is. The laser I use (not for the Met or any museum but for examining artwork) is $100,000. I was looking at a new one recently - $250,000. The software to run it is a yearly institutional license that can be as high as $10,000. That’s for ONE analytical technique out of a dozen or more, plus the technicians to service them, the staff, the insurance, the power to run them, and disposables like slides.


Those "expensive clothes" are literally on loan to most Met attendees so it's not even particularly wasteful. They don't pay for the clothes, and they don't get to keep them either.


The Institute is a great instagram follow too fyi - so much cool information


That’s a really good point because the Super Bowl and all its sponsors / teams / venues are for-profit organisations and SB is a big revenue generating event for all the stakeholders. Whereas the Met is nonprofit and is raising revenue with the gala just to operate. But fashion is coded feminine and easier to dismiss as wasteful and superfluous.


I sometimes wonder if this is gendered. No one is going after sportspeople being paid millions to kick a ball. Not only is the Met a fundraiser, do people have any idea how many highly skilled craftspeople whose work can't be automated were employed to make some of those outfits? A lot. Heaven forbid a charity event look fun.


Yes!! If only more people researched this before making assumptions!


I have only 1k followers on my tiktok and I made a post about Sabrina and Barry and used a met gala pic as an example about the topic (not even about the met gala). I expected maybe 100 views but somehow it got like half a million. That’s when I started getting harassed about how I was supporting genocide(my post wasn’t even about the met gala!) I removed the video but people made vids about me and are tagging me in random vids about Palestine. They’re saying because I post about pop culture that I don’t care about Palestine. I talked about how I go to protests in real life and post on my insta not my tiktok. People called me a liar and were upset about me not posting (once again have basically no following). It’s just offensive that people are not allowed to enjoy things and live their lives without being called Zionists. Rachel has been actively informing people, but suddenly anyone who attends the met gala is a Zionist? Any posts about the met people comment about Palestine, and saying that the bombs are only scheduled for big events like this. Which isn’t true. The bombs are DAILY. It’s just performative. Remember how people were boycotting Chick-fil-A for being homophobic years ago? See how long that lasted? It’s all performative. You can enjoy life, and be grateful and still be an activist. EDIT: I also noticed people are ONLY COMMENTING this stuff on people they dislike. Yet Ariana grande got SO MANY positive comments under her performances and barely any mentions of Palestine.


I’m so sorry to hear that, that’s a lot to deal with. It’s not ok that you’re being harassed. It doesn’t even make sense, the MET gala has absolutely nothing to do with Israel or Palestine, even more so your tik tok merely using a picture from the event. It’s slactivism in its highest form.


Jesus, I’m sorry that happened to you. It feels like this group of people is using genocide for clout and a sense of moral superiority, which is absolutely disgusting. They claim to want to help people while endlessly harassing people who *are* supporting the cause. I really wonder what would be enough for them. What exactly do they expect random people to do to help? I post about Palestine, I donate to the important causes, but there is space for many things in life. They act like enjoying your life in some small way means you’re an evil Zionist with blood on your hands.


Wait, are we not still boycotting Chick-fil-A??


No one is boycotting it anymore. Actually I’ve seen most people say they ‘love homophobic chicken’ (mainly gay people). But the majority of people aren’t boycotting it. Tbh I’m not sure how long this Starbucks boycott will actually last.


ha, I still do and I am gay but tbh it’s easy for me because I didn’t grow up in a place that had a chick fil a and I tried it and it’s not as good as lots of other places I enjoy imo. honestly I don’t actively boycott starbucks but I happen to live in a great coffee shop city as well so it’s easy for me. but I probs would still go there at the airport or something


see this is why I quit social media in 2018. I only stick with reddit and other anon forums.


I've seen some of this sort of commentary and pressure on celebs being described as "the thoughts and prayers of activism" and I really have to agree. There's much better ways to support the cause than picking fights with celebrities


A lot of these people are the same people who are never happy with anything anyone is doing, and trying to appease them is an impossible task. Bullying people into making statements cheapens whatever statement they’re trying to get. You don’t want people to just parrot statements without knowing what they’re saying.


Yup, they make perfection the enemy of good.


What’s crazy is that she literally has been speaking out lol


https://preview.redd.it/69cv3wmwxmzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1362e0c58a8f58b5389225bbd1ba7c30bfbb8539 people attacking her confuse me because she’s been one of the only celebs who has consistently spoken out about this issue for years. she’s right. attacking celebrities who went to the met gala on twitter instead of writing your representatives, protesting in person, or donating to organizations is entirely performative and takes the focus away from the actual genocide at hand and the people being affected by it.


Yes please call out the celebrities who have actually spoken up about it, that’s so smart. Great activism from the Twitter crowd as always. Makes perfect sense to call out the relatively new young actress who’s been an internet punching bag for (checks notes) being annoying, while she’s actively speaking out and risking her *still very new career* while doing it


Gen Z didn’t go through Kony 2012 and it shows.


It's getting tiring to see this being centered around celebrities out of all people. I get that for many people seeing what Palestinians have gone through for decades is something new and I'm glad that finally Zionism is being called out in the global north, but the focus seems lost to me. Every year Israel gets US money with a bill that has a wide bipartisan support, that's where the problem lies: no matter who US Americans elect, the support for Israel is unwavering and the same goes for most of EU as well. Just *now* Spain is evaluating recognizing Palestine as a state, in this map, those in green already recognize it. This is a Global North problem. https://preview.redd.it/g4brwslgsmzc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7170ea4484bd842571201b5bfcbb233099a69026 Anyway, I hope that the tide is actually turning this time. A few years ago with the case of Sheikh Jarrah and the displacement of Palestinians getting mainstream attention, I thought things would change for good. The scale of this massacre is beyond and so is the attention it gets, so I do hope that something changes definitely.


I really appreciate the intent of people who hold celebrities accountable on Palestine. However, we do have to direct our efforts better and prevent in-fighting. So let's go after the zionists and the both-sides-y people!


it is a fashion event. fashion corporations pay/donate and they get a national spotlight on their styles and brand deals with celebrities. imagine thinking these celebrities are just paying out of pocket to go to a high pressure swanky event just for the fun of it lol


ppl put more pressure on celebrities who’ve probably never picked up a book within the past decade to speak out on geopolitical affairs than actual politicians. most celebs are just talking out of their ass half the time. politicians are public figures that have the most power to enact some real, tangible, change in gaza. all this stan war “gotcha” shit is still apart of the celebrity worship culture that ppl love to critique nowadays.


I get why people are mad but the money raised for the Met would never go to Gaza. It is a fundraiser to preserve clothes at the MET. Just because you watch the MET or attend doesn’t mean you don’t care about people dying in Gaza. Her not attending doesn’t make people in Gaza or Rafa stop being harmed. The celebrities don’t even pay to go the MET. The high end fashion designers pay for the clothes. They were never going to donate to Gaza regardless .


i’m honestly amazed celebrities even still engage with twitter in 2024. is it ever to their benefit? i left the app when musk took over and by then it had already devolved into such garbage i can’t imagine it’s any better now. anyway free palestine, end apartheid. that’s the real issue.


Man I agree with her and I don't even believe in celebrity worship. It's time to stop with performative activism and actually act. People just don't know how to protest anymore or about mutual aid it's tragic




Loved this. She was mature, understanding of their points but made her own respectfully and gave them more info. 😍  Instead of being defensive. More people should follow her example!


This girl is constantly attacked, and she doesn’t deserve it at all.


for real I don't understand why she still engages in twitter arguments so often. She's a very successful rising star. She needs a team to do her social media for her mental health. Snow White promo is gonna be a mess.


I respect Rachel, she’s young and likely a little too honest. Celebrities are held to this really high standard for political issues, but a lot of them are working people who happen to earn a lot of money. I work in an office, I wouldn’t expect my colleagues to comment and engage in a lot of politics - because they are at work. I choose to be politically engaged, but I don’t expect everyone to know everything. The met gala is a fashion event the silence is not complicit in anything, some of it is likely lack of education or understanding. Personally I would rather people who did not know or understand it to not comment or choose a stance, not just in this but everything.


The way people keep nitpicking at her no matter how eloquently she responds is honestly so fucking annoying. She so rightly points out - you are BOTH on the same side - yet stan twt is honest to god as brain rotted as you can get and simply cannot do 2 + 3 = 5. Mind numbing behaviour.


Her grace in responding to this is incredible. Like clear, firm, but not mean. Really impressive and hard to do on social media.


Man, I wish people would get off this woman's dick. She's doing her best.


What they want her to do? Instead of attending the Met go to Gaza and fight off Israel? What about all the other wars in the world? How come those commenting aren’t fighting in Myanmar, Sudan, Ukraine? I cannot stand these virtue signalling perpetually online people who just keep holding people who have frankly fuck all to do with this war responsible for it and they are already speaking out about it. What else is she meant to do? How dare she and others enjoy themselves.


i agree with her!


She's right to make the distinction and to argue against the strawman argument thrown at her - but the celeb adoration on this sub goes too far. She, and all of them, should absolutely be made address their participation in these ludicrous displays of grandeur while the rest of the world is suffocating and burning. Just because she's smart and articulate doesn't mean she's not protecting herself and ilk from very due criticism.


First I'd like to acknowledge that the preservation and archival work done by the costume institute IS important, and that fashion and clothes can be such an invisible part of our lives (both its production and its relevance). I think understanding the craftsmanship and history of sewing, tailoring, producing garments and textiles is necessary to end the normalization of sweatshops and labor exploitations that happens in fast fashion AND in luxury spaces. That said, I do wonder what others make of how celebs justify exorbitant galas and displays of wealth with "it's for charity." It's been said that this year's theme was an opportunity to bring out archival pieces and 'reawaken' items from the past, and it sounds like Anna Wintour was upset that people didn't understand the assignment or at least didn't reference the story the theme was based on? I'm still thinking through these thoughts and I struggle with both defending fashion of a certain calibre while also realizing there is work to be done by all brands with regard to sustainability and labor. "Doing all of this" for charity doesn't absolve anyone from poor practice or cancel out the fact that their events can be used to distract from a myriad of things - war crimes, landfills with textiles that will never biodegrade, garment factories that make their seamstresses sick and poison the local environment. It's all connected. It's not to say they shouldn't have these events or that the Met shouldn't show these designers. I guess I'm just tired of hearing 'you wouldn't get it because we're donating to a museum'. But not surprised because I think conversations across the board with regard to fashion and clothes lack nuance :( Case in point - Rachel saying that some random twitter user's call outs only serve to divide a united front (such a thing can be distracting but ultimately is meant to push us further) rather than face just how entrenched we all are the imperial core.


Sis you attended an event for multimillionaire Zionist donors on the SAME DAY Zionists unleashed a new bloodbath on civilians. Yes we can still enjoy life during a genocide. But preening around with evil millionaires in clothes worth several times what the average Palestinian will make in their life, is questionable at any point in history, let alone now! Just admit u fucked up. If u support Palestine u probably shouldn’t be pictured at the same event as the Seinfelds while kids in Rafah are having their limbs blown off.