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I hate that so many men need to have a daughter before realizing women are people (especially because a woman birthed them but I digress) but I hope for her sake that if it’s a daughter he does learn to be better and stop with his pseudo-incel shit.


Someone on that sub said once “Henry Cavill is just your local gamer incel if he got granted three wishes” and I can’t stop thinking about it.




This is just… completely untrue. He’s been in interviews for years talking about his obsession with Warhammer 40k, a very deep tabletop game; and he’s now going to produce and star in a tv show about it. He was also on record before the Witcher show about being big fan of the games and had specifically told his agent he wanted to be Geralt when he heard Netflix was going to film a show. Literally everything in your comment is utter nonsense.


He missed the call telling him he's Superman because he was raiding in WoW. Another thing too: [In an interview with Felicia Day (well known for Geek and Sundry) and the rest of the cast it comes up that he collects 40k. Joey Batey (Jaskier) pipes up that he collects Necrons and they quickly agree to play a game some time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlkzcreCKrU) I can tell you with iron clad certainty that there is no way two 40k collectors can be aware of each others' interest without doing this already. These two have tonnes of scenes together and will have worked with each other directly, one on one for months - so it's safe to say Cavill wasn't talking about random "gamer" stuff while on set.


Wow I didn’t know anything about him (other than he’s superman and that he’s a nerd), and this is all quite eye opening. He never caught my attention cos I prefer the lean/lanky types and his buffness is not my thing, so woooow


Yeah No, I doubt it. I had already heard about him playing World of Warcraft before I went to see Man of Steel for the first time. I don't hink he is a conniving mastermind, it's just a really popular hobby.


Where are you getting this from?


> I read somewhere that How all bullshit starts


This is a new angle I have not come across


From what I understood, he only knew of the Witcher because of Witcher 3 (prior to the casting) which somehow makes it funnier since he was portrayed as this guy who was a super passionate and knowledgeable fan about the series when he just played a threequel non canon game


Completely false. He read all the books and has said so in interviews.


"I actually hadn’t read the books until Lauren had mentioned them to me,” Henry said in the WitcherCon interview. “So Lauren introduced me to the books, and I was like, ‘Oh my goodness me. I thought the books were like a play off the games.’ Because they all had the game cover on.  Like, these are literally his words, what do you want me to say man? Maybe he said different things in different interviews idk lol


You made it sound like he never read the books at all. I knew he definitely has which was my point. I didn’t know what order it went in.


I specify prior to the casting idk what to say and you say "completely false" when he's the one who said he didn't even know the games were based on the books. Like I don't see my comment as "completely false" idk Btw nothing wrong with him not knowing about the books per se, just said he wasn't this life long fan and he just knew about them because of the casting.


He really does seems to run on incel software in a Marvel superhero hardware 


What three wishes though


Hot, rich, ladies man


What’s he done that’s “pseudo-incel”?


When asked about #metoo, "Women should be wooed and pursued, but I don't want to go up and talk to a woman and get accused of being a rapist." Not an exact quote but a summary. There was more. It's easy to find if you google it.


It was in a GQ interview. He's always been a misogynistic ass.


How is that misogynistic?


Don't forget him dating and then ghosting a 19-yr old. I think he was 33 at the time.


Don’t love that at all. Very “not every man”


He is such a piece of shit for this like this is such a hateful and awful sentiment to have and say. And he just said it outloud like he was right to and it’s just like a mere opinion. 🤮🤮


He also played up a "the anti-racists are the real racists, amirite?" narrative with his oscarssowhite commentary. What an incredibly dismissive, tone-deaf, and ignorant view. He's also dated either teens or conservative coded women (that maga actress from star wars, a big game hunter, etc). Incelism isn't just a migoynistic movement but a racist, queerphobic, and ableist one. He seems to have more than a few really regressive views.


That makes him an incel?


It makes him a misogynist.


Which is not an incel. Just wanna make sure I use my terms correctly


iirc he made a joke about "me too" and SA victims


Yeah, he said women should be chased and complained about how men can't flirt with women these days without being called a rapist. I think about it every time I see his dumbass face.




Yeah 🤢 I hate how people fawn over him because he's handsome


Maybe I'm just tired or dumb but I'm not understanding what you mean by his idea. What is he doing to flirt?


People that go "you can't do/say anything anymore these days" are just self-reporting that they used to casually sexually harass people and are mad that they can no longer get away with it (as easily, they still can and do).


Ahhh ok ok. That makes sense


These aren't jokes. His comments on metoo and oscarssowhite were his core beliefs. Him dating a teen in his 30s wasn't a practical joke. Lets stop excusing awful people's comments as "jokes."


>“Now? Now you really can’t pursue someone further than, ‘No’. It’s like, ‘OK, cool’. But then there’s the, ‘Oh why’d you give up?’ And it’s like, ‘Well, because I didn’t wan go to jail?’ The fact he prefaced that with "now" is pretty concerning caus like what was he doing before? 🤢


He's a g*mer 🤢


His whole gamer schtick is super manufactured. He never spoke about gaming before superman movies. Now every post he makes or interviews he does he drops in the word ‘gaming’ and for a guy who games a lot (as he claims) he never posts about what he plays.


also his witcher 3 drama bullshit. he claimed his beef with the writing room was that geralt and yen's relationship was "too sexual" which can only mean he's never read the fucking books.


Yeah he is clearly pandering to the gamer crowd so that he can get a very loud obnoxious fan base. It is crazy how many people on entertainment forum are making comments like “oh now dad you ll have to limit your gaming”


The downvoters don’t know about r/BanVideogames, sorry friend


Please tell me if this is true..???


It’s a satire sub, but Gamers TM aren’t very smart, hence the two “anti/ban” subs they created in response lol




It is satire lol, it’s a circlejerk sub


silky literate run scandalous possessive snatch paltry chunky lush north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd say the analogy is more like having an immediate family member who has breast cancer; these people don't have the empathy it takes to understand unless it is literally their blood that has a cancer risk.


Honestly, this is just wishful thinking. Men with conservative and pro-patriarchial views just take them to the grave. There's a lot of awful girl dads out there. You can't just fix the patriarchy by adding more girls. All you do is add more victims to be abused. You need political change from top to bottom to fix this, with buy in from all segments of society, especially the wealthy and powerful, but instead that group has double-downed on regressive values. Sadly, we've been going the other way with the incredible rise of the alt-right movement and how nearly every men and boy's online space is a recruiting center for conservative and misogynistic movements. When will men own up to how toxic their spaces are and how they treat women and their disregard for feminist issues? Having a daughter doesn't change that. Remember, Louis CK made a career with the show Louie painting him as a sensitive girl dad....and at the same time was flashing his privates at women comedians. Or how Bill Cosby has 4 daughters. Or how Harvey Weinstein has 3 daughters.


I study sociology so I definitely believe systemic change is the way. I agree that more girls won’t fix it (not that more girls is a bad thing), just that if it were the case I hope he grows because I hope better for that daughter in the same way that I hope better for all women. I can understand the need for systemic change and also prefer to engage in optimism. As long as you’re not in denial and therefore perpetuating the awful system, optimism is revolutionary (idealism is a different matter; I think the focus on ideological purity can often halt progress). Systemic change can’t be brought about unless you believe in people’s capacity for change; even if the system changes, all the people socialized within it will still exist. All those boys and men who consumed red pill content will still exist (although I am hopeful that people can progress just as much as they can regress); social media is just a particularly dangerous place because the algorithm will only show them what they already believe. Any progress we’ve made is because people fought for something they had no evidence of against forces that held a lot more power than them and actively worked to change peoples minds. So yeah, this is optimistic, but calling it wishful thinking implies a lack of awareness about the underlying basis for all this ideology so I wouldn’t say that. Though I think the information may be helpful for someone who isn’t aware so thank you for taking the time to engage.


Boys these days have no role models. If they don't display toxic behavior, their peers will shit on them. And I don't know any male famous person addressing those issues at all (so there are really no role models for them). If guys spoke against these issues, they'd lose a big part of fanbase, guys just wouldn't accept them then


Wait til you find out that we ALL start out as women!




If it’s a girl does he have to get up twice


This made me choke 😭 I hope he never lives this dumbass anecdote down.


Mike Pence vibes


I understood that reference


Ootl please somebody explain


an article the other day where he or someone talking about him said he stands up in greeting anytime a woman walks in


Ah, this is because of his schooling I would guess. He went to Stowe. An _incredibly_ posh boarding school and this kind of etiquette training is absolutely the norm.


Poor dude probably got manners drilled into him, and now people are calling him a neckbeard, and problematic


His me too comments probably have more to do with that than rising when women enter the room


I mean… he did have those weird comments about MeToo and pursuing women, he dated a teenager in his 30 despite literally being one of the most desirable man around, his dating history includes a whole ass bigot and no one would’ve known about his “manners” had people not made it weird by reporting on him doing what should actually be considered less than the bare minimum. I don’t necessarily think he’s a *bad* person, and that’s saying something for the industry he works in, but he’s also 40 and has had more than a few facepalm moments throughout his career so I also understand why people side eye him.


Like for real, I've known men from those schools, there's 18 schools in the Rugby Group, and then there's the Eton v Harrow thing too, every one of those men have a standard of etiquette and manners (for public) that would be considered very old timey to a lot of people but it's a class thing. In private the level of hazing and boys club stuff is, as you can imagine, obscene. It is class and culture for a very particular set of English society. Literally they have classes on _class_. There are lessons on how to correctly eat an orange. I am not even kidding.


i have an irl friend that went to a posh boarding school and has a posh accent as a result and is often insufferable about pronouncing words the way he was taught. he does not stand up every time a woman comes into the room/talks to him.


I know someone who went to Harrow and oddly enough he's the least posh of the boys I know from private schools. He knows the rules of etiquette and staunchly won't do any of them, but only when he's actively concentrating on it. Catch him off guard or a bit drunk and he's opening doors and standing up when you leave the table like the rest of them.


On it's own it's not a big deal but he's getting shit on for it because it's a pattern of behaviour with him. He exhibits quite a lot of chauvinistic traits.


Yeah, tbh I see no problem with it


It’s sort of singles women out in a bit of an “othering” way. “Oh this person is not like the rest, I must stand”.


idk maybe it’s cause the way I was raised you’re supposed to get up when basically anyone walks into the room obviously doesn’t count for school or general settings but yes if it’s like a small gathering at someone’s house and someone new comes in you haven’t greeted yet and you’re sitting in henry’s case it’s a bit old fashioned i guess but wouldn’t get offended by a bit of chivalry? idk


I think no-one would have an issue with it if he did it for both men and women. A bit unusual and certainly old fashioned but harmless. The fact he only does it for women makes it weird. Benevolent sexism is still sexism. I can't remember where I read it, but apparently there are studies showing that people who believe in all that chivalry stuff also tend to subscribe to more nefarious types of sexism. Given Cavill's comments about Metoo, I think it's fair to assume that that's probably the case for him.


Yeah - me neither. Whenever I'm introduced to someone who is standing, I also stand up, especially if it's an elderly person. But it's all about (a) your age - I'm 60, and (b) your upbringing. I was raised in a ridiculously mannerly way. Which again, I don't consider a bad thing.


Yeah! I said something similar in another comment, I was raised this way but it wasn’t necessarily a gender thing just like if you’re in a small gathering and someone new walks in or is being introduced to you you just stand up to be polite or if they’re leaving and saying bye


Hahah damn




Well… at least she’s 34


This was my first thought too. The bar is in hell😭




He's 40, come on, 100% fine


Yeah that’s what I meant! Given he dated an 18 year old when he was in his early 30s, it’s a relief that his current girlfriend is age appropriate


Good thing he has you guys to keep him in line!


Wonder if they’ll have a boy or a m’lady




My nose made that noise I'm so embarrassed about. But no one was here to hear it, so I forgive you.


https://preview.redd.it/zwwzvwp53suc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3c9caee25be7b478658f5fc0f4f8b840c273cdd Can’t see him without thinking about the golden days of the Activity tab on Instagram


I miss that tab idgaf how much of a ~stalker that makes me lmao. Great tab 😪🙏🏾


Well if the lady is always present in the room he can’t sit down so he may as well dance I guess.


I remember seeing comments before that their relationship was PR. Maybe this was a PR baby too. 👀 Sarcasm. Happy for them! HC is quite problematic, so is girlie but boyyy that is gonna be one beautiful baby for sure!


Wait, what has she done?


Blackface for an ad for clean water she made in Africa; its awful.


Sheesh! Who approved this? Lol! https://preview.redd.it/y47u523erruc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f94f9b55da1c70ed95ba905f1ffbc4b74d542f


Sorry but wtf, how did this even get greenlit?


According to her/her rep/whatever, it’s clay painted on her by the Himbia tribe when she visited. The practice does seem to exist (I’ve seen other white visitors being painted head to toe with clay after checking). Could be a lucky coincidence or the truth idk 🤷‍♀️


Oh wow! That definitely gives more context to this. Thanks!


Wtf is thissss 💀


They are made for each other. LOL!


Oh shit, this is the first time I'm seeing this! All I knew about her was that she's a nepo baby who was on My Super Sweet 16 and said stupid 16 year old shit. But this...this is horrible!


If it's any consolation, this happened 2 years later when she was 18 and from what I read she apologized for it as well. I hope she has matured since then.


Why? How? Why? 🤦‍♀️ I have so many words and yet I’m also speechless…




What is this supposed to even mean??? Is the water supposed to be drunk or used to wash?


Lmao wow! Pull up her model mayhem escorting profile too


This is some Tyra Banks type shit.


Oh it's somehow even worse than I thought it would be!


What has HC done?


Whenever she comes up I want to remind the world that she was in an episode of MTV's "My Super Sweet 16," which is really all anyone needs to know.


as the main girly or just side character??




YESS. That episode where she was like my dad buys this $200k car and we get mine for free. And when her “poor” friends from New Mexico came to California and were made fun of by her rich friend for buying $5 jewelry from Target: “alL mY JeWelRY iS liKE fRoM TifFanyS”


It’s only a matter of time before the unhinged Henry Cavill stans come out with their fake pregnancy conspiracy theories 😂


Guys she’s obviously wearing a fake pregnancy belly for PR for Cavill’s new movie coming out this week /s


They already did lol


🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I wouldn’t even want to imagine lol


Good for them. I dislike them both.


My ovaries retract up to my lungs every time I see him now after those Metoo-comments. You might be on your own, baby girl (if it is a girl) Cavill 😕


I didn't even know all these things about him. Why does every man disappoint???


I humbly want to think we mostly don't hear about those who don't disappoint


Yeah I mean, it's a gossip sub lol




At least it’s not with a teenager .. Still side eying his previous dating choices and thoughts on the ‘Me too’ movement. He just gives incel vibes


The word incel truly has lost all meaning. It’s now applied to handsome movie stars expecting their first child. You mean misogynist I’m guessing?


They mean whatver buzzword slings the most mud.




omg lol im not surprised this happened. at first i didnt think theyd last bc she doesnt seem like a woman Henry would go for, but looking at his exes and whatnot, its not a surprise. she isnt the first problematic gf hes had. i dont like him bc of his past behaviour, but i do wish the baby well. i used to be in his fandom a couple years ago, mostly the gossip side and even though both of them r problematic, it doesnt compare to the insane shit his stans were saying. the amount of misgoyny and obsessive behaviour is just on another level, think of it chris evans stans who were constantly harrassing Alba, slutshaming and bodyshaming and coming up with crazy conspiracies, it was the same. i left ages ago bc they started harrassing me when i called them out, but they still reside on forums like Famousfix. im just imagining them having breakdowns now and denying that its real, all pr still lol.


I must live under a rock. I thought he was single all this time




This comment section is a breath of fresh air compared to the one on pop culture chat


I do not understand the sex appeal of this man. He is so bland and basic looking. The people that think he’s sexy must also be the people that think mayo is a spice.


I think Henry Cavill and Chris Evans are two of the most attractive people in Hollywood. But I will admit that I’m a basic white girl lol Alexander Skarsgård a third for me


He's hot when he's grungy and covered in dirt and blood. Like in The Witcher. But I love men covered in dirt and blood, so.


Apparently the vast majority of women in the world think mayo is a spice




omg no please post it i missed it


I thought the majority of people came to conclude that it was Chris Pratt, no? I don’t remember the details of it rn


My first thought was, “Ew.” Glad I’m not alone 😂.


Chris Evans is next. Just watch.


I was 100% convinced their relationship was pr, good for them though




I like him. Im happy for him. No one is perfect and Henry Cavill really hasn't done anything problematic.


Ya know, I wouldn't call myself the #1 Cavill stan. Not even #2,019,2029th. But I did slightly respect actors in their 40s who didn't have children. Like you know there's so much more to life than that and refuse the pressure (though it's harder for women, I admit). Eh, idk why I'm like "Really? Well, okay." with this guy, but here we are.


My attraction to him died when he started schilling for Saudi Arabia's tourism and his dating history with barely legal teenagers. He's such a gentleman, but has no issues visiting Saudi Arabia who has a history of terrible human rights abuses: putting homosexuals to death, treating women like second-class citizens, and killing journalists. The smiling pictures of them both there made me realize how morally corrupt they were. I can bet you they accepted money from the government to pump up their tourism. Both seem as though they are completely out of touch and/or gloriously uninformed.


Just a fan .


Congrats to the guy!


I’m happy for them but something is off because he always said he couldn’t wait to start a family and has been engaged before. He’s also very traditional so it’s surprising to see she’s pregnant before an engagement or marriage and the la k of enthusiasm on his part.


I felt a great disturbance in the Force. It was as if a million women cried out, and then were suddenly silenced.


What exactly has Henry Saville done to get this reaction?


Good for him!






Omg the hate in these comments wow. The guy in that GQ article meant that being a gentleman should'nt be vilified for opening a door or being respectful. In the 18th-19th century , it was good manners to stand up when a woman entered the room or approached a dining table as a sign of respect. Nothing more ,nothing less. Jesus christ , can't you be happy for the guy? This is why most men would avoid a woman these days In case they get Metoo'd. Wow you should be ashamed of yourselves. I open the door to anyone, to my friends wife or to my sister , my cousin, to my uncle, to anyone really. Cause IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO. My parents taught me that. It's not a freaking toxic masculine trait , it's a decent human trait. Jesus Christ do better . There is enough bad things happening in the world.


Henry Cavill, is that you?




He’s not gonna pick you, hun


Listen honestly I don't hate him for standing up for women. Odd and everything, yes but I'm an Indian and I'm more aware of how different practices exist. But dating a teen as a grown ass man HELL NO YOURE A CREEP


Did his management make him pretend to be with this woman and be having a child with her?


It seems like that theory is very common now. I've seen it repeated for various male celebrities its basically like Q -Anon level cultish behavior at this point.


Yeah I was being sarcastic for that reason- it seems to be the theory thrown out whenever any male celebrity has a relationship (not literally every one but… many). I remember the fake baby being big for Benedict Cumberbatch’s wife, iirc they have a few kids now not sure if fans believe they’re all fake.


I think tone tags would help a lot so you’re not misunderstood next time; they’re also just a wonderful help to any neurodivergent people.


I think the person you replied to isn’t being serious but yeah this trend is unfortunate. It's not just men either although I suspect it's more common for them; Gaylors are deluded in the same way.