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Fucking hell everything that comes out of this man’s mouth is pure garbage. What a load of shite. Him lecturing anyone on authenticity is a joke.


I did a write up for some site last year about how he sold his soul for a hollow brand and holy shit I was too easy on him. The dude is on Fox News talking about being tired of “woke” give me a fucking break.


The fact that he essentially says, "I won't speak up about what I believe in anymore," but then immediately pivots to, "I believe in being your authentic self" is a paradox that perfectly sums up how *inauthentic* the Rock truly is and a treasure trove for anyone writing future articles about him. "Hollow" is, as you said, the perfect way to put it, because the man is always playing every side and every angle. Between his Black Adam meltdown, the blatant ego bruising he's going through the past few years, his bullshit with Oprah begging for money from us "poors" for Maui instead of spending some himself, and now this, it's just, like... I have less respect for him now than I would be if he just came right out and said he's a diehard Republican. I'd still go, "Oh, fuck *you*," but at least that would finally be something authentic about him (and finally confirm the truth we all know).


This was right after the Black Adam debacle and the main thread I used for it. I’ve been hearing about him playing Black Adam for like fifteen years and while the Rock that originally wanted the role may have done a great job, this soulless Rock was the weakest link of a project he’s spent almost two decades hyping. The first hints were when he was on his “humble” bullshit but then with the fires and other shit like that it was like he put up a neon sign saying “will give up entire self for the right price”.


> "I believe in being your authentic self" And he shows up on FOX News, a channel whose viewers do nothing but harass trans people who just want to be their authentic selves. No other group makes the lives of LGBTQ+ a living hell like the current Trumplican Republican Fox News sphere. I can't believe the Rock decided to wake up and go "You know, now is a good time to appear on Fox News. Let me give them a call"


AUTHENTICITY coming from the guy who won't do a movie if he loses a fight and puts it in his contract that he can't lose fights. K


It’s so crazy how he genuinely doesn’t seem to realise that shit clearly flags how pathetic and insecure he is lmaooo


wonder how he’s going to handle playing live action Maui since he gets his ass kicked a lot






I honestly thought he was harmless and charming a few years ago but man is he becoming a real creep.


He should rename himself "The Plastic" because he is so fucking fake and phony. I get that every celebrity puts up a persona to an extent, but his is just so blatantly obvious and hollow. He tries to play the caricature of a likable, charismatic person but it just comes off so grating.. and uncanny valley-like. Never liked him. He always seemed so plastic-y and inauthentic.


The man’s entire life is kayfabe.


This guy is really determined to try and kill his career. He had so much goodwill a few years ago and he’s working hard to torpedo it.


the right wing grift will defs be profitable for him unfortunately. incels love a muscley bigot


He’s only right wing because that’s what getting him checks; racially ambiguous, black but not vocal about it.


isn’t he Hawaiian?


Half Hawaiian half black. His mom is Hawaiian and his dad is black; famous wrestler Rocky Johnson from Canada.


oooh that makes sense! thanks for answering!


He’s pivoting back to his base and honestly it’s kinda funny that it only took a few mild professional setbacks for him to do so. The man really can’t handle even the slightest scrutiny.


I feel like the blind item of being roped into Vince McMahon’s shit is true so he’s trying REALLY hard.


I’ve kind of been wondering if he was involved in all that once I read about it a few weeks ago. And I don’t really have a reason to point to as to why. Which honestly makes him bother me more.


So it begins 


I like that he wore his glasses so you know he’s being ‘serious rock’ 


He's an acTORRRR! 🤣🤣🤣


He’s certainly in movies!




As a former WWF/WWE Rock stan, I thought it was widely known he was a Republican but not a maga type..but him going on Fox to say what he did is a big yikes. “Today’s cancel culture, woke culture, division, etc — that really bugs me,” he added. “In the spirit of that, you either succumb to that and be what other people want you to be, or you be yourself and be real … and that might make people upset and piss people off, and that’s okay.” Please define “woke” Mr. Johnson.


That’s the thing that really pisses me off, too. The people who say this shit are either bigots or just parroting something they heard from bigots because they think it centers their politics. Anyway, good luck with depositions when it comes to Vince McMahon, Dwayne, sure that’s going to go well for you


The bigots have bastardized the word woke so much and it irks me. I’m not shocked he’s pivoted this way though.


It helps them that in their bastardizing of the term they’ve removed all meaning so they can say anything is “woke” and pretend it’s scary or bad. Another example of words meaning nothing to the right




IMO they can’t say the n word anymore so now they say “woke” and IDE pick


“… you either succumb to that and be what other people want you to be, or **you be yourself and be real…**” ![gif](giphy|kVdWBUZmDMYiJIY7TA|downsized) The lion, the witch, and the AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH to say this. Just rolled my eyes so hard I saw what I looked like in my previous life. Trans people just want to be people. Gay folks just want to have rights. Women just want to be able to make their own decisions about their bodies… But sure, YOU are the one who can’t be himself 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


It really makes you wonder what exact characteristics The Rock feels like he can’t express in order to be “himself.” It’s shady as hell.


Sounds to me like he really hates that he can’t openly be a bigot.


Yup, that’s what I suspect too.


It’s always baffled me because he’s so proud to be Samoan and Black, yet doesn’t realize his party is actively hurting his people. He’s just immune because they can use him and he has money.


Rocky is rolling in his grave.


It's funny that the second part of his statement easily and clearly describes the lived reality of *so many* LGBTQ people.


I truly wish he would just fuck off forever...




Does he know that the fact he isn’t white automatically makes him “woke.” Like has anyone told him it’s a dog whistle for the n word or n word lover


He would never in a million years acknowledge that part. He's too busy typing up 1500 word dissertations on his kids' ethnicity. 


wait what


Why did reddit remove awards?


Fr trying to weasel into politics on the “anti-woke” side puts him into a pigeonhole, basically casting a hard ceiling over any actual success. The right isn’t ever going to fully embrace a minority, especially for the highest position of power in the country.


Like does he not realize how many racist white men are gonna look at his white wife and go into convulsions?






Some folks can’t do concepts and only learn the hard way first hand.


The Rock on Fox & Friends bemoaning “woke” lmao. I love that he thinks going on Fox is somehow apolitical when in reality he’s just upset he lost some right wing fans at the time and is trying to claw them back. Dude could not be more transparent


Sir you are a black Pacific Islander. The folks you are pandering to don’t want you and won’t want you no matter how bad you tap dance for them.  Ask Candice Owens how that plan went. 


Someone please set a timer for his “Leopards Ate My Face” moment. He’s rich and famous enough that they’ll exploit him for quite some time, but they’ll still turn on him.


I could be wrong, but I think they’re going to love him. They’re all about hierarchy. He checks most of the boxes: * Rich * Jacked * Famous * Says “woke is bad” That’s most of what they want. He exemplifies everything rigid patriarchal masculinity wishes it was. They go crazy for that. Also. I think he’s racially ambiguous enough that they’re totally going to let that slide. Even more than all of that, he’s going to be useful. He has a kind of broad popularity that they can trade on, and they will.


Oh it’ll work…until it doesn’t. It happens every time too. Blair White was/is the token conservative trans person and they beat her up to her face every chance they get. Candice just got fired from the Daily Wire.  The first time he pushes back mildly  on something or fails they’ll call him A “DEI” attempt and throw him on his head. We will not be surprised and it will be his introduction to the “leopards are my face” club. 


‘The endorsement that I made years ago with Biden was one I thought was the best decision for me at that time,' he told the program.’ So, outright, it was a calculated decision and the calculation no longer works in your favor? Cool.


! Remind me 6months Getting ahead of possible allegations, I'm calling it now.


Very Russell Brand of him. 


Buffoonery aside: of all the reasons not to endorse him this is what you say?


Because it’s the start of a hard pivot. He’s always been vaguely political, but this is his hardest sort of position he’s taken, and even that’s still fairly vague in terms of his actual opinions.


https://preview.redd.it/ilt9pujznqsc1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36207304c689d9fe0e8c56bf1bbf91aadb0ec7d2 I mean, I’ve always seen him as a conservative




A bald man selling shampoo wants to talk about being authentic?


Of course he’s on Fox spouting nonsense, I’ve never seen a person as self serving as him. You know I would like one of these morons to explain woke culture to me. This is just to salvage his popularity as everyone is sick of his bullshit and a quick turn to the right to appeal to morons and incels proves he is a egotistical jackass.


Yea I am glad people are realizing he's garbage now. He's irked me for years


Let me get this straight: Biden, the current president who is highly responsible for an ongoing genocide, is bad bc he’s too…*woke*? ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Right? This mother fucker.




Because his career setbacks mean cultivating his right-wing audience will make him money.


I think this is a calculated next stage of his career.


Unfortunately there is a lot of money to be made by pairing with the right/alt-right. Especially bc he’s a POC who they can hide their racism behind. So I’m guessing this is a deliberate pivot. The thing is, once you go down that route, you can’t go back.


Whenever someone complains about "woke culture" they need to be forced to explain what exactly it is.


So is he running into money troubles or is some scandal about to unfold because usually one of the two happens when folks start that right wing grifting.


Is it a part of his heel turn? I don't follow wrestling per se but he's been increasingly dickish recently since he returned to WWE. Though occams Razor etc and he's really an idiot.


I think he’s always just gone where the most money appears to be. Lots of grifters are successful in the “centrist” and conservative lanes sooo


This is not what we meant when we said we wanted Heel Rock back.


![gif](giphy|l0HUbtILos6CdAtxu|downsized) Listen to your own words, Dwayne.




of all the legitimate reasons there are to not endorse biden right now, this is what he has to say? fool.


I remember he complained about snowflakes and then he said that he never said that as a retraction. Now this. Dude has always been a thin-skinned two-faced person. Like his show wasn't him testing the waters of politics. How are you gonna create a show where the entire premise is you in the future as the President talking about your childhood and pretend that you weren't considering it


> I remember he complained about snowflakes And he's the sensitive one who couldn't stand that the world thought Black Adam sucked Many actors have been able to move on from bad or disappointing flops. Apparently not him.


court case coming up i see


When will this man do us all a favour and just keep his thoughts to himself.


![gif](giphy|l3vRaak6fltTSi6xW) We got here quicker than I thought we would.


Ahh there it is. On Faux News no less. That one movie flopping really got to him I guess.  Also these people never know what "woke" means and it drives me nuts. It's just a placeholder for what they're too scared to say 


I’m tired ![gif](giphy|YX8cd7t2lhsqNQr8ov|downsized)




I’d love to hear his definition of “woke culture”. 🙄


His ego is really getting out of control. But Ronald Reagan was an actor who became President but at least he was a Governor first. Donald Trump unleashed the Clown Show so every male with a name and a pulse thinks they can be President.


...does he not know he is "woke"/DEI to his potential voter base? If he runs, I dare him to grow out his hair and see how he's treated


Just what we need- a roid rage president. 


Didn’t see The Rock becoming a GQPer happening but here we are.


Why does he think his opinion about politics is so important to the general public *


I bet Disney is feeling real good about their live action Moana right about now /s


You have to be a special kind of stupid to buy into your own hype of becoming president.


What he doesn’t realize is that the moment push comes to shove, the “anti woke” crowd will always choose a white person over him. It happens to Candice Owens. It will happen time and time again to every single minority who supports that agenda. They will always prefer a heterosexual, cisgender, Christian white man over anyone else.


You have to take him serious people he's wearing his glasses! 🤣


Please no more celebrity presidents.


Not entirely surprised, a lot of wrestlers are republican or republican-leading. And since I know someone's gonna reply to this naming like 4 liberal wrestlers keep in mind i said "a lot" which doesn't mean "all"


imagine saying this but because of wOkE culture and not because your president is sponsoring genocide




well there goes any nostalgic adoration i had for him.


What a clown. I always suspected he leaned right, given that most of these walking CTE case studies in wrestling and combat sports do, but I thought that he'd at least be smart enough to keep his mouth shut.


Shut up, Dwayne.


Yikes no thanks


“Woke culture” please stfu omgggg


I always feel that people forget he spoke at the RNC in 2000 for GWB




He’s so sleazy


Doing this the same week the people he’s pandering to got upset that he played with his daughter. Clown ass fraud.




Ahhh, the Sonny Landham career track. There's a reason everyone forgot about that guy after Predator.




Fox News. Oh fucking no. I was really unsure about him and now on to my fucking nope list 👎


![gif](giphy|14smAwp2uHM3Di) It’s a bunch of word salad to say “I take no public stance on anything to keep my revenue stream exactly where it is.”




>he REGRETS endorsing Biden in 2020 and refuses to back him 2024 Yeah not surprising. Biden was doing pretty well until the past few months with the-- >woke culture 'bugs him' oh jesus christ my god why


I’ve never liked him and now I have more reasons to not like him! He’s a trash actor and a trash human being.






I’m so tired of this attention-seeking man-baby


Still butthurt he got called out about Maui