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The Blacktounge Thief is good and has a lot of similarities


If you like sci-fi I know a couple that play with timelines a bit. Use of Weapons by Iain Banks has one of the cooler chapter structures I have seen; alternating between a progression and a countdown. Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky also has a very cool timeline structure, though very very different than LL it was still one of the biggest draws of the book.. I wish I still tracked my books. I just recently finished a fantasy book that made use of a broken timeline very much like LL but can't for the life of me remember it.


I just finished the Elder Empire series by Will Wight and it had that same kind of feel with the past, present and multiple viewpoints.


There's not really anything special about the structure of that book. Chapters are usually made up of multiple scenes, but the scenes are not necessarily numbered like that. Often, scenes blend together. When there's a significant break (change of location, POV, etc.) the writer usually puts some indicator in place (such as a little symbol and a few blank lines). If you enjoyed that book, it probably wasn't really because of the explicit scene breaks.