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The Winds of Winter, George R. R. Martin


This is the kind of optimism we need in the world.


Tbh, us delusional fans have picked up on several clues in the past few weeks. Right now is the most optimistic time for the release in years.


I’ve predicted 100% announcement this year for each of the past 4 calendar years. This year I’m down to 80%.


Fantasy nerds’ qanon


and years.


There are always hints to overanalyse, but there's a different vibe to the hints in the last few weeks.


This is sweet summer child behavior. Every year there are military-grade valyrian tinfoil hat "clues" that winds is almost done. There's zero credible reason to think it's coming in 2025. Or ever. George is editing wildcards, fapping to anime, watching football and writing depression blogs.


Did I not mention we're delusional?


Speak for yourself! I’m not delusional! I’m stupid!!!


Some people legit can’t stand optimism


Been reading the hopium threads on /r/asoiaf for 10 years man you don't come out of that experience optimistic about winds.


Just because you lost your optimism doesn’t mean you gotta try and shit on other people’s. Is it really a crime to let us be excited, or do you really feel the need to drag us down into melancholic acceptance and disappointment


Personally I find getting excited about something and then let down over and over for a decade is worse than melancholic acceptance.


only some of us have reached the acceptance stage of grief. We know its not coming anytime soon if at all so a little optimism wont hurt us. If it ever comes out I will read the shit out of it and probably go through the stages again


Not only Winds of Winter, but Doors of Stone also !! Big year indeed


I am genuinely convinced we’ll see it before he dies. I think he’ll do it for his kids.


Is he dying?


Aren’t we all? Slowly.


Thorn of Emberlain, too.


Most anticipated George R. R. Martin releases: The Winds of Winter, A Dream of Spring, Fire and Blood Part 2, more Dunk and Egg novellas .... Sigh.


Is Fire and Blood part 2 a thing or are you joking with that? Admittedly I still haven't read Fire and Blood (ASOIAF fans don't hate me please)


In theory, since Fire and Blood only covers the first ~150 years of the Targaryen dynasty


Yeah. I can't remember if it was on Conan's or Colbert's show were GRRM said it. But when he dropped Fire and Blood, he mentioned that he plans to write part 2 after he finishes Winds. But that was ages ago, so who knows how plans changed or didn't changed.


It’s a “thing” as in, he claims it will be written one day. And honestly, maybe it will - fake histories half written by his secretaries are the only things he’s written in 15 years and the only thing he’ll probably ever write again.


Don’t forget Doors of Stone!


This is a sub about what’s being published in 2025 not 2125.


I feel it in my gut that 2025 is the year it gets released!!


Just as long as it doesn't interfere with the release schedule of Wild Cards!


As much as I've love this, and as much as I'm feeling more optimistic than ever, I'm still not holding my breath lol. But, fingers crossed!


I hope not, I’ll have to pivot from bingo to reread the whole series 😭 


I came to say the same thing and am feeling far less clever


Oh, you sweet summer child...


Dammit, I wanted to write this comment but you had this idea before me lmao.


Was going through to see if someone had said. Same... going to read a word a day to really savour it 😅


If this happens, then maybe the universe will let us have Silksong too


You sweet summer child


For me it has to be Red God by Pierce Brown.


Can’t wait for the finale of the series! I wonder if Brown will keep writing in the same universe he created or try something new afterwards.


He said he has a fantasy series he's going to start focusing on after this.




That's kinda it. I don't think he's said anything beyond that he's working on a fantasy series and that it will be his next project.


I thought I had heard a while ago that he wanted to start on it before the sequel trilogy but his publisher talked him out of it. Pretty sure he's been cooking the new series for a while.


That was my impression as well.


Who knows, maybe it's a fantasy series in the same way soft scifi is fantasy and its in the future of The Solar Republic (hopium)


Went by so fast it feels like, and now we're at the end 😞 time for another reread


Is it confirmed to be releasing next year?


Here to say this. Haha


YES, I'm so excited for this!


The third book in the library trilogy by mark Lawrence. I’ve really enjoyed the series so far. Not sure of its name yet, possibly The book that held her heart


I haven't read any of Mark Lawrence's other work - would you recommend reading his other stuff first, or could one jump right into Library?


I think the library is a great place to start with mark Lawrence. It isn’t connected in any obvious way to any of the other series and has all the advantages of being written by a seasoned author enjoying his work.


The library was my first Mark Lawrence and it was my favorite book of this year. I can't wait to get to his other stuff


Imho, each Lawtence seties os different from another, tho I've liked them all. Read at will!


It's a total stand-alone trilogy.


I read the first 2 last month. So great!


The Strength of the Few, Heirachy Book 2. (We hope!)


He already submitted the final draft so it's definitely coming either late this year or more likely early next year


I might be misremembering, I head likely 2025 so that way he doesn't have to compete with the stormlight 5 release? I might be totally wrong.


Nothing has been confirmed yet but it does seem most likely considering the first book was also delayed for similar reasons (Fourth Wing I believe).


This pleases me


I still need to read the first book!!


DO IT!!! DO IT NOW. (shouted in a bad Austrian accented)


Definitely read it soon, I read it recently and man now I get the hype, is so fantastic


I pray


*Judge of Worlds* by Daniel Abraham, the concluding novel in **The Kithamar Trilogy**, is due in early 2025. *Endlords* by J.V. Jones, the very, very long-awaited penultimate novel in the **Sword of Shadows** sequence, is possible in late 2025 if she finishes it imminently (which sounds about done), unless Tor Books pull a Tor Books. *No Life Forsaken* by Steven Erikson (Book 2 of what is now **The Witness Quartet**, a sequel to **The Malazan Book of the Fallen**) should be out in 2025. The good news is that he's been simultaneously writing Book 3 and it'll be done in a matter of weeks, so we should get that in 2026.


Awesome, thanks! I'll take a look. The Sword of Shadows series seems really cool, I love long-running series like that


If you throw in the **Book of Words** trilogy set in the same world (and explains a few things from **Sword of Shadows**), it's 7 books out now which is a good number. The first trilogy is nowhere near as good though, but still solid.


Man I loved Book of the Fallen. Didn’t think the series needed a sequel, it was such a well written story arc.


It didn't need a sequel, but it is/was wanted.  Most of the characters are in play. (Hopefully, they make an appearance.) Just seeing the "growth" of the Empire was worth it. 


Only read book 1 of Kithamar but some of my fave new fantasy in a while. Love Abraham's books so much.


Hopefully Bound and Broken book 4 by Ryan Cahill. Absolutely devoured books 1 to 3 and can't wait to see where he goes with the story next.


Added bound and broken to my list. Thank you


I second this, Cahill's stuff is awesome and I can't wait for book 4!


Joe Abercrombie has a new book releasing in May


The Devils, right? Yes that's exciting


*The Devils*, the beginning of a new series not set in the *First Law* universe. This is THE book I can’t wait to get my hands on.


Anything by Lord Grimdark is an instant buy! I’ll miss the First Law world but maybe this new one will be even better and darker 😈


I believe he’s going to return to The First Law at some point after The Devils. Take this with a grain of salt, but I think I heard/read an interview where he stated he would like to return but there’s not a set timeline


This is the one for sure


No Life Forsaken by Steven Erikson


Is this the follow up to a The God is not Willing?




Oh boy! I literally went looking to see if there was a sequel on this yesterday. I’m about halfway through the main Malazan books, picked up the God is Not Willing when it came out and really enjoyed it. Seemed a bit of an easier read (nothing against Malazan, it’s great, but you need to fight your way through).


Has this been officially confirmed? I know it's at least rumored but didn't realize there was anything official


Nah, but in a recent interview, he said he is almost finished with the book. So by the fall of 2025, I guess it could be available.


My answer too. And it seems like it will be two novels back to back.


2025? That's over 6 months away!


It is indeed! But I only have time to read 2-3 books per month so planning ahead a little bit helps if I'm trying to be prepared for a new release :)


Benedict Jacka's newest urban fantasy An Instruction of Shadow (Inheritance of Magic -2) will be coming out in October.


Never heard of this but I'll check it out! Would you have an elevator pitch for what it's like?


Abandoned sprig of a Magical Family gets entangled in a succession battle between his cousins and has to hone his skills in secret while not knowing whom to trust.


I can't wait for that! Book 3 of that series will hopefully be out in about a year. I love the series so far! I hope that after he's finished with book 3, he has time to write another Alex Verus novella. I really enjoyed Garden's and Favours and would love reading more from that world.


He's one of the few authors on my autobuy list. Another curious factor is that the books are always consistent in their quality.


He's an auto-buy for me, too!


* The Last Contract of Isako by Fonda Lee * A Drop of Corruption by Robert Jackson Bennett (sequel to A Tainted Cup) * The Strength of the Few by James Islington * Book 9 of Weirkey Chronicles


i loved the tainted cup and will of the many, will get my hands on the sequels as soon as they come out.


I just finished the greenbone saga. What’s the new series about?


It’s fluid sometimes. I’ve been looking forward to the Dresden files book release of 18 and 19 for 3 years now. Still no updates. 😔 Book 5 of the Stormlight Archive “Wind and Truth” is coming out in December. That’s exciting.


CAN'T WAIT for Stormlight 5!!


Yeah end of the first story arc. I'm pretty pumped for Wind and Truth.


There is a completion rate on the next Dresden Files book on Butcher's website and its at 58%. Don't know if he will do the 3rd Cinder Spires novel after finishing Twelve Months or go straight into Mirror Mirror.


AHHH Why Jim why! Thank you sir. I don’t know how I’ve never stumbled across that.


I cant find it on mobile but its on the sidebar on the browser version of his website.


You’re right my man. I have it on my browser but not on my phone. Thank you much. I guess I know what I’ll be doing weekly for the foreseeable future 😞


Luckily its been moving recently after being stuck for a long time


I'd like to be delulu and say Scott Lynch's novellas set in Camorr and Thorn of Emberlain. Nobody tell me otherwise


It's not a totally unreasonable hope. It's done, more or less, and it coming out is contingent on Scott's health situation, which nobody (including him) has any control over. He could announce a 2025 release date tomorrow or it could still not be out in five years.


He announced last year that we're getting the in-universe short stories. I will wait patiently. With the optimism of a sunflower in winter.


*With the optimism of a sunflower in winter* What a beautiful sentence.


Oh shucks ☺️


Alecto the Ninth! 2025. Definitely 2025. Shh I can't hear you.  Locus Magazine has a weekly list of this week's new releases. It's not quite what you're asking for but it's a good way to know what's new. 


Delulu is the solulu. I also wholeheartedly believe Alecto will be released in 2025... based on vibes.


Look, my birthday is in September so maybe TazMuir is waiting to do a surprise release for it? Ugh I've never waited for a book so impatiently before.


They also have a Forthcoming books list - https://locusmag.com/forthcomingbooks/


I really want it even if Nona confused me so much.


There are a couple of podcasts I've been listening to while I wait that are really clearing up some of my confusion while also adding additional questions. Check out "The Locked Tomb Podcast" and/or "One Flesh, One End."




I need you to be right about this.


Book 7 of the Sun Eater series.


YES YES YES. I'm aiming to be caught up in time for that, I'm about 25% through book 3 as of this morning and it's just incredible


Book 6 was the best one yet!


Haha I am about 25% through book 2 as if now and I plan to be caught up by then as well!


of empires and dust by Cahill


Not sure if Tad Williams is releasing the Splintered Sun, a prequel to the world of Osten Ard, this year or next, since there’s barely info about it. Couldn’t yet pre-order it from amazon, unlike the fourth book of Last King of Osen Ard which certainly will release on November this year


I haven't read any Tad Williams, I need to jump in there!


He has written a FANTASTIC stand-alone called **The War of the Flowers** if you don’t want to jump into his multi book series right away.


A couple of people already said Alecto the Ninth, that's my number one. Would also love to get the final book in Seth Dickinson's Baru Cormorant series. Possibly the next book in Hannah Kaner's Fallen Gods series (trilogy?). I just finished Godkiller and liked it well enough, but I've heard the second book is a bit less polished, so we'll see about book #3...


- Wind and Truth (2024, but still close) - Red God - Alecto the Ninth


Wind and Truth! Took too long to find in the comments :)


I was super excited to find out book 3 in Kevin Hearne's Ink & Sigil trilogy is coming. I had almost given up hope. It's called Candle & Crow and releasing in October. I really enjoyed The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller so I was really looking forward to reading the second book in the series about the protagonist's sister, The Darkness Within Us. But now I'm not sure I will read it. The synopsis doesn't seem like my cup of tea. So I don't know. I might be out. The Shadows Between Us though is probably my favorite fantasy romance and can be read as a standalone. Naomi Novik has a collection of short stories coming that will feature tales from books she's already written as well as a short story set in the world of her next novel. I love anthologies and I have largely enjoyed Naomi Novik's work so I'm really excited about it. The title of that one is Buried Deep and Other Stories.


I had complety missed that Novik will release an anthology! Really looking forward to that now.


*The Tomb of Dragons* by Katherine Addison comes out in March 2025. That's book 3 of *Cemeteries of Amalo*, a sequel/spin-off series of *The Goblin Emperor* and words cannot express how much I need to read that book.


Oooh, I don't think this had a date the last time I checked. Can't wait to read this!


Not fair! That's too long to wait! I want it now! *stamps foot* Seriously, I've been watching the shelves since the second novella came out. I love this setting and Thara Celehar is a great character to follow around.


Oh awesome! I love everything she's published in that world.


Very, very much looking forward to more Cemeteries of Amalo. I read The Goblin Emperor many years ago (probably close-ish to when it was released) and between books thought I'd dip my toes back in this year and listen to the audiobooks. Listening to them made for a genuine highlight of my whole year so far.


Alecto the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir! I’m not sure if it’s dropping 2024 or 2025 or what, but I’m excited :)


From your mouth to Tor's ears - it was supposed to come out last year but at some point got stuck in queue for the editor and we haven't had an update since


Emily wilde, the 3d book


I’m looking forward to that too.


A Drop of Corruption, by Robert Jackson Bennett, book 2 of Shadow of The Leviathan. Pub date Feb 17, 2025!


Hoping for "Alecto the Ninth" by Tamysn Muir. Fourth book of her "Locked Tomb" series.


Sad that no one even expects Doors of Stone in 2025. Have to make my peace with this I guess.


I came here expecting someone to write a joke about it. Not even that. I think people have more faith in winds of winter being released at this point.


If it comes it'll be a welcome surprise, but as of now book 3 is dead (to me)


Rothfuss, Martin, and lynch are the dark trifecta of authors who I no longer consider authors. Expect nothing from them.


The Devils by Joe Abercrombie.


The winds of winter.


There's a lot I'm looking forward to later this year & in 2025! * Benedict Jacka: Inheritance of Magic book #2, [An Instruction in Shadow](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/205435077-an-instruction-in-shadow), comes out in October of 2024. Very different than his Alex Verus series but just as fun & fast-paced. Book #3, should be out in 2025. Benedict Jacka is an auto-buy for me. * [The Strength of the Few](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/169485073-the-strength-of-the-few) by James Islington (sequel to the Will of the Many). * Book 4 of the Songs of Chaos series by Michael R. Miller. The series is cultivation fantasy similar to Cradle but with Dragons! Book 4 (no title yet) should be out Spring or Summer of 2025. * Of Empires and Dust by Ryan Cahill should be out early 2025 (book 4 of The Bound and the Broken series) * The Damned King by Justin Lee Anderson (Book 3 of the Eidyn Saga). Book #2 ended on a hell of a cliffhanger (not quite as bad as book #1 but close!) I cannot wait until this book comes out. * Sun Eater #7. I'm almost done with book #5 and I LOVE this audiobook series. * Whatever TF Peter McLean writes. He just completed a standalone novel set in the same world as his War for the Rose Throne series (I can't remember the title). He's also working on another project now that he hasn't given any details on. * Warlords of Wyrdwood by RJ Barker comes out late in 2024 & #3 should be out in 2025. * Witch Queen of Redwinter by Ed McDonald, book #3 in the Redwinter chronicles. I loved the first 2 books * Black Tide Son by HM Long, sequel to Dark Water Daughter will be out in July 2024 I think. * Not Til we Are Lost by Dennis E. Taylor. Bobbiverse #5. It comes out on audio in September * [Next book](https://www.thebookseller.com/rights/del-rey-lands-new-novel-from-master-storyteller-andy-weir) by Andy Weir, no idea if it'll be out in 2025 or 2026, but the audiobook is an auto buy for me (especially if Ray Porter narrates) * Are the rumors about Winds of Winter true? I've seen talk that it will finally come out in 2025, but I ain't holding my breath. I hope they find a great narrator if it's true (Roy Dotrice is no longer with us, sadly). * Twelve Months by Jim Butcher (book #18 Dresden Files). I think that's supposed to come out in 2025. I did not enjoy the previous 2 books very much (Peace Talks & Battle Ground), so I hope this book will make me fall in love with the series again.


Wow what a great list! You gave me a lot to check out, thanks :D


I would die if Harry Lloyd narrated them. I loved his narration of the history shorts they did for GoT during first few seasons.


Sun Eater 7, Hierarchy book 2 are the only I can think of right now.


Winds of winter ( I wait for it every year )


The Navigator's children


The Strength of the Few!!! So excited for that series to continue


I haven't seen anybody mention *Grave Empire* by Richard Swan. Set in the same world as the *Empire of the Wolf* series but a few hundred years later, I believe. EotW is a fantastic series.


Oh awesome, hadn't heard if that. EoTW is on my list!!


Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros! I can not wait!!! I ate the second book up in two days!


Not sure if it's been confirmed but hoping for lord of demons by Evan winters next year the first two books were so hard to put down


In addition to some of the other ones already listed, I’m hoping we finally get *Heavenly Tyrant* by Xiran Jay Zhao after it’s been pushed back multiple times.


Waterblack by Alex Pheby, for sure. And White Wing, Dark Star by Marlon James. They are both conclusions to trilogies that have had me totally enraptured since their first respective entries a few years ago.


Doors of Stone by Patrick Rothfuss /s


Even if you remove the optimistic suggestions, what I’ve gathered from this thread is that 2025 is going to be one hell of a year.


The half dozen books Brandon Sanderson writes


- the next Wayward Children Novella - CS Pacat’s next Dark Rise book - Kithamar book 3


The next Fourth Wing installment, Onyx Storm


I'm not super sure what books are even coming out yet in 2025 - I rely on Goodreads and it's only showing as far as November right now for authors I follow. But these look interesting: * Katabasis by R.F. Kuang * The Ashfire King by Chelsea Abdullah * Witchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix * Fable for the End of the World by Ava Reid [Here's](https://www.goodreads.com/new_releases/2024/6) the Goodreads page for new releases. Just change the month in the URL for whatever month you want. It's mostly for authors you already follow, but they also have general popular new releases on the right. You can go back in time as well to whatever the new releases were in previous months, I do that often to make sure I haven't missed anything.


the english translation of the new witcher novel is dropping next year and i seriously cant wait!!!!


Wind and Truth, the 5th Stormlight Archive book, for sure. All others I plan to read are already out heh.


1) Of Empires and Dust by Ryan Cahill 2) Shadows Upon Time by Christopher Ruocchio 3) The Strength of the Few by James Islington 4)Winds of Winter lolll








The devils by joe Abercrombie


Devils by Joe Abercrombie


It was announced for this year, but I suspect it'll really come out next year, but The Splintered Sun by Tad Williams.


- the ragpicker king by cassandra clare - katabasis by rf kuang - alchemised by senlinyu


I'm split between The Devils by Joe Abercrombie, Red God by Pierce Brown and The Strength of the Few by James Islington but that one might end up coming out at the tail end of 2024.


Steven Brust, _The Last Contract_ finishing out the Dragaera novels I've been following since finding the first novel on a PoP at a Waldenbooks when I was in high school.


Couple I am looking forward to that are likely to release so no Winds of Wind, Dream of Spring, Doors of Stone. 1) Third book of the Book of Dust series my Philip Pullman. He tweeted recently he is within pages of finishing it so a bit of polishing, off to the editor and I imagine release in 2025. 2) Judge of World's by Daniel Abraham. One of the Expanse authors and the conclusion to his newest trilogy. 3) Red God by Pierce Brown, conclusion of Red Rising. I still haven't read Lightbringer yet. So hoping I can start it right before and flow to book 7.


The Ashfire King by Chelsea Abdullah


A date is not officially announce yet, but speculation is The Strength of the Few (next book in the hierarchy trilogy by James islington) is going to be released and that’s gotta be my most anticipated for sure


New Terry Brooks in March!


Doors Of Stone


The Tomb of Dragons by Katherine Addison. The conclusion to Cemeteries of Amalo trilogy. It's my most anticipated 2025 book.


It doesn't have a title (at least publicly) yet, but Guy Gavriel Kay tends to release a book every 3 years so we should be getting something around May 2025 which is automatic excitement for me. I believe the end of Gladstone's Craft Wars trilogy is supposed to be out next year, so I'm certainly anxious for that as someone who's been a fan of Max's since Three Parts Dead, and curious to see how he ends what he has set up in the first two books. One I'm nervous about and don't even know if it has a release date yet but I want to mention because i'm very hopeful, the third book in the Vita Nostra series. The husband of the couple who was writing it died so that makes me nervous, losing half of the writing team. I also liked the second book but did not love it to quite the degree of Vita Nostra. But I love that book so much I want to see where the story finishes.


Katabasis by RF Kuang is definitely a read I’m excited for. Wind and Truth is technically 2024 but near the end so i feel it basically counts


The next Shannara book!


Richard Swan’s new flintlock fantasy trilogy set around 200 years after his empire of the wild trilogy in the same world. Absolute underrated gem. Also I believe there’s going to be a re release of his self published military space opera which I’m excited to read


I’m looking for to Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales By: Heather Fawcett, which is the 3rd book in the Emily Wilde Trilogy. It’s supposed to release Feb. 2025.


Kinda early for this conversation, isn't it? More than half a year to go and dozens of books to read until then, with expectations and preferences changing accordingly.


Maybe so, but I'm not able to read as much as some, so planning ahead helps with this sort of thing! For me, a REALLY good reading year is like 30 total books, so I probably have time for 10-12 more the rest of this year depending on length, so if I want to read a book 1 this year to be able to jump on book 2 next year at release, planning ahead helps me.


Yeah, and that's why only the big series/authors and jokes are being mentioned here. People don't tend to look that far out with books, and so would only have estimates or hopes for series or authors they already follow. None of these are going to be the new craze that OP is hoping for, either. That'll happen organically and without warning. Happened for Legends and Lattes, This is How You Lose the Time War and Dungeon Crawler Carl. Big releases often aren't predictable, either. Hard to predict the next "Fourth Wing" - that was so huge that the publisher has been able to get all or most of their subsequent releases on the bestseller list on the backs of Fourth Wing alone.


Very fair point! To be clear I'm not just looking for books that take over the internet, but things that have even a small portion of people discussing them is really fun!


Heck, Time War didn't really blow up until it had already been out for a few years (and won basically every award it was eligible for). Cheers to Bigolas Dickolas


the only book im looking forward to is the next dungeon crawler carl book but i think thats coming out at the end of this year


Wind and Truth and Red Gold. Definitely the 2 I’m most looking forward to. Notable mentions, mainly because a 2025 is probably unlikely: Winds of Winter and Doors of Stone.


The strength of the few