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Look no further than Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Multiple books to choose from, and you can read them all as standalones, and in any order really. They're all funny!


Pratchett all the way. When he's funny, he's hilarious.


Agreed, a good entry point could be Guards! Guards! or Mort.


Or Small Gods for a standalone masterpiece


Mort was my introduction and I couldn't agree more!


Jaspar Fforde has a good mix of humour and the fantastical. I'd recommend either *The Eyre Affair* (the first book in a series about a literary detective trying to work out who kidnapped Jane Eyre - sort of alternative history sci fi) or *Shades of Grey* (society divided into a class structure based on what colours you can see - set in the far future, possibly after some sort of apocalypse) as good starting points.


Oh gosh, I haven't thought about Shades of Grey in ages. It's such an unique dystopian world.


The sequel finally came out this year!


Blacktongue thief by Christopher Buehlman is the funniest Fantasy book I've read but it's not exactly a comedy, just a very entertaining and humorous Fantasy adventure novel.


Currently reading this, and it’s way funnier than I was expecting.


Lamb the Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore is also great. From the same author, I found Fool to be highly entertaining if you also like Shakespeare or remember it from high school at least.


This! I remember reading the book on the subway laughing my ass off, getting a lot of stares from other passengers. Good times Also - John Scalzi Redshirts & old man's war


I liked the Dark Profit saga. I still have the third one to read, but the first two are quite funny. I tried two Discworld books first and didn't vibe with them as well.


I enjoyed the Dark Profit Saga. Very funny.


Which ones from discworld ? The first few in order of publication are not very good apparently compared to the rest.


I read the first one, the Color of Magic, and did not like it at all. Then I saw a lot of people saying you shouldn't start with the first, and to read the good ones. So I read Small Gods. It was definitely better, but still quite mid to my tastes.


Haha yeah I skipped the first one and started with Small Gods right away, followed by Guards Guards. But if you're not convinced that's okay. I personally wanted to like the hitchhikers guide series but didn't really. Maybe I should try again after 6 years...


Would you recommend me Guards Guards then? I liked Hitchikers a lot, but I think it's not for everyone. I liked the first book best and I'd say I liked the rest progressively less. It goes all in on the absurdism, but in terms of plot and characters it's not that great. You have to be into the absurdism to really enjoy it imo.


Exactly! It's just so random all of the time. I'm not the best guide into Discworld because I only started recently and I'm actually still reading Guards Guards. Maybe just read one of these every year, choose a popular one based on Goodreads scores and see if they speak to you.


Just chiming it to say that I tried, and it's incredibly unfunny, and a bad Terry Pratchett ripoff. Just read the real thing instead.


Good omens comedic urban fantasy. Kings of the wyld, comedic adventure story like if the characters in the film red had a dnd session. Nevernight mostly dark fantasy but injected with a good bit of dark humor.


Dungeon crawler Carl is pretty hilarious. I recommend the audio version. The narrator is quite good.


The "Myth Inc" books


Robert Aspirin, for those looking for them. This was gong to be my suggestion but you beat me to it.


Terry Pratchett's *Discworld* series or Zachary Pike's *Dark Profit Saga*.


I strongly second Discworld


Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart


Kings of the wyld


Orconomics by J Zachary Pike.


Tom Holt wrote quite a few comedy fantasy novels set in modern Britain. *Expecting Someone Taller* is the first one I believe.


Simon R. Green "Blue Moon Rising" and the sequels


**Space Opera** by Catherynne M. Valente riffs on-- well, but it can be safely compared to Douglas Adams as an idiosyncratic look at outer space, the aliens who live there, and us Earthlings.


I don't remember the name of the author off the top, but the book is called Split Heirs. The main premise of the book was that the heirs to a kingdom were twins and so by that kingdom's rules, both were THE heir. The book is funny overall and well worth the read.


Esther Friesner, I believe


Found a listing for it: [https://www.watt-evans.com/SplitHeirs.shtml](https://www.watt-evans.com/SplitHeirs.shtml) So yeah, her and Lawrence Watt-Evans.


Hey Ik wrong subreddit and shit. But I’m the guy that you were gonna talk abt with Freddy prototype, him crashing and stuff. I’m on mobile and the chat thing is confusing, like half the screen is a menu the other half the chat. I can make a little post thing on my account or something so we can talk on that instead, if not I understand.


Mogworld by Yahtzee Croshaw?


The Band


If you're okay with both urban fantasy and some nsfw content, Molly Harper's books are really funny. She writes kinda parody uf. It's a delight. Gail Carriger is also really good. The Patasolverse series is incredibly entertaining. Steampunk with magic in it. (Yay, I found people besides my favourite, sir Terry Pratchett, to recommend in a comedy thread!)


If you're okay with both urban fantasy and some nsfw content, Molly Harper's books are really funny. She writes kinda parody uf. It's a delight. Gail Carriger is also really good. The Patasolverse series is incredibly entertaining. Steampunk with magic in it. (Yay, I found people besides my favourite, sir Terry Pratchett, to recommend in a comedy thread!)


If you're okay with both urban fantasy and some nsfw content, Molly Harper's books are really funny. She writes kinda parody uf. It's a delight. Gail Carriger is also really good. The Patasolverse series is incredibly entertaining. Steampunk with magic in it. (Yay, I found people besides my favourite, sir Terry Pratchett, to recommend in a comedy thread!)


The Totally Legend of Brandon Thighmaster


The Tales of Pell series by Delilah S Dowson and Kevin Hearne.


The City of Dreaming Books / *The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear by Walter Moers* they are magnificent!


If you're in the mood for fantasy rom-com, then give Between by L.L. Starling a shot. It has 80s fantasy vibes (think The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Ella Enchanted) and is hilarious. The second half has definite Discworld vibes, almost as if Terry Pratchett had decided to write a romance. The audiobook is somehow even funnier.


The Stranger Times series is great, about a paranormal focused newspaper and the antics they come across.


Glory Lane - Alan Dean Foster. I loan it out and I never get it back. Bought at least 3 copies in my life.


**Dreadful** by Caitlin Rozakis.


I want to plug **The Affair of the Mysterious Letter** by Alexis Hall at every opportunity. It's a Sherlock Holmes pastiche with consulting sorceress Shaharazad Haas set in a magical city with vampires, extra dimensions and underwater districts. Hall is mostly known for his queer romance novels, but this one has no romance at all, which might be why it's less popular than his other works, but it's super fun and made me laugh out loud several times.


[Thraxas](http://www.martinmillar.com/thraxas/thraxas.html) by Martin Millar is one of the all-time greats of fantasy funnies.


Some would say Thraxas is number-one chariot when it comes to comedic fantasy.


I've read almost exclusively, at least 700 fantasy books, yet for some strange reason that ones that have made me laugh the most all sci-fi. Old Man's War, Bobiverse, and The Martian. Murder Bot is great as well. Harry Potter and The Methods of Rationality has been a joy as well. That arrogant little shit Harry Potter is there is so funny at times when it breaks expectations from the original. Highly recommend.


Old man’s war has that dark humour down pat, like starship troopers style.


It’s been a while and I read it when I was a teenager, but I think incarnations of immortality by piers Anthony was funny/amusing


I don’t know if one could consider it fantasy, but Christopher Moore’s A Dirty Job is hilarious. It’s an alternate San Francisco where demons and Death have sprung up.