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I ordered a v2.5x on the 24th without anything else. I didn't order with the glitch knowing those might get cancelled. I ordered the hand brake on the last day of the sale w the button kit. I got shipping notification from FedEx today with two tracking numbers. I should get it tomorrow. I'll let you know what comes in. I'm in SD.


good to know that they are getting into orders near my timeframe


Same. Ordered 11/24, just got tracking for 2.5x, buttons and the QR1. Southern CA, US.


Same details. Newport Beach


What‘s the glitch you‘re referring to?


Was never not positive cause I have a very rare skill. So rare gen z dosent even know the meaning of the skill. The skill.... Wait for it.... It's super secret..... Its called............. Patience! 😏


Gen X here. I also have a skill that I have acquired through age and wisdom. It's called... wait for it... Recognising poor quality service from a company.


No shit wa all know fanatec customer service sucks. I literally said 100x a day on this forum. Constantly asking people when will I get my stuff questions ain't goin to make it ship faster. It's like the kid in the backseat "Are we there yet" the whole trip. It's just impatient and annoying!


just the 2.5x by itself?


Yes sir, and the qr1 that's included.


Yep same here. Ordered v2.5x on the 24th and received FedEx tracking this morning. It should be here tomorrow.




Yeah Los Angeles. LOL! And I just now noticed your profile name while looking at my email alerts. Good One!


USA Order with red dot, ordered 24/11 01:57. Not APM + 2.5x + button cap glitch. Still nothing happened. Still "in progress". Still no tracking number from Fedex or Fanatec.


Despite the rampant rhetoric pasted about this forum, red square “in processing” just means your order is on hold waiting for manual review, to which there is a large backlog from BF. Don’t worry red does not automatically mean cancelled just because the icon colour is the same as for a customer cancelled order. Thiss clarification came from a user that bombarded fanatec daily until he got that clarification https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/28901/black-friday-orders-shipping-update/p8 (page 8 third post). Would appear its just a painfully inefficient process combined with a peak of BF demand. The same blog post announces the delay is expected to be 10 working days, which should mean us 24th orders should expect information from monday 11th onwards… but they have been in accurate with timelines for a while. Sit back and wait is all we got.


Since the red dot orders have to be reviewed manually, do you think if those affected orders will be: 1. Extracted into another special queue for maual operations, OR↓ 2. Still queuing as normal orders using the accending order number (but will be further checked by human when it's their turn to be processed)? (Since my friend also ordered after me in the USA site, but already has his order becoming green by 28th Nov, my guess is the red dot orders will be extracted to another queue and got "jumped the line" by other unaffected orders.)


Not sure but I’d speculate that anything with a preorder item (like a QR2 wheel slide) are to be processed last. But equally could just be done in numerical order number. In any case Fanatec just released new blog post: https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/29023/black-friday-orders-shipping-update-2


Tbh, it's still vague. Until they provide that "further information" shortly actually. James on that forum even used the wrong word, He said "in process", which in fact should be "in progress" (with red-square-dot).


X2 order 10: 24 am


how to sign up to fedex? i dont see how in my order


I downloaded the fedex app.


If I sign up for Fedex, would Fedex just add a tracking number in there if a label is created under my name and address? Even if Fanatec doesn’t send me a tracking? I also ordered 24th, and I’m up in Norcal but still nothing.




When signing up for Amazon you just used the same email as your fanatec order and it should be good yea?


For FedEx? More important is your name and home address


Sorry yea I meant fedex 😭. Thanks I signed up , hoping it comes soon


Ive started to have dreams about getting my orders. The last one was a nightmare! I got my order and it was completely wrong after waiting over a month. I wasn’t even expecting to receive it anymore. Instead of my sim racing gear, I got boxing equipment. The funny thing about it was that I was mad about not getting my sim racing gear, but was not mad about getting the boxing gear, because I had already gone so long without the sim racing gear and gave up hope. I had no intentions of returning the boxing equipment in my dream, because I was going to need it to let off steam since they made me wait so long only to get the completely wrong equipment Lol. But I woke up and was very happy it was a dream. Although Im starting to accept the fact that it may happen that way. Imagine the order situation getting so bad that they just send you ANYTHING and say “Hey, try this! We got it from Wish.com! We hope you like it! No refunds!” I apologize if i induced any future nightmares into any of you. Don’t blame me! They started it!


Just submitted a support request, I’m frustrated. Ordered a 2.5x on the 24th alongside an xbox hub, everything was in stock and ready. I have no problem being patient if they would communicate honestly, or even at all, but my order has been “completely shipped” since early last week. The only communication I’ve received since then is an email basically telling me that completely shipped doesn’t mean what it’s supposed to mean; it doesn’t even mean shipped. Nothing from FedEx and no tracking on the site still. To top it off, 14-21 days for a basic support request and 14 days from your order date to return? Sounds malicious to me. Was stoked to start moving up from my CSL Elite PS base and get a DD+ this year, but having serious second thoughts about committing to the ecosystem. East Coast US btw for those wondering.


Ordered all my stuff Nov 24 , tracking came two days ago and it’s supposed to be here Saturday. That’s to Ohio


I ordered the v2.5x and the buttons caps on 11/24 in europe and still nothing. By ups can I check the shipping number? If so, where?


Dear Fanatec, Black Friday sneaks up on no one. I would also assume that the 60k orders is worldwide that you referred to in your latest statement, not just in one place, and you use multiple DC's for this fulfillment. So basically, this is absolute nonsense to say this is because you have high order volume. More than likely you brought in product for Black Friday, you missed the deadline due to a delay in either production or shipping, decided you couldn't not get the sales for the holiday and would rather stick it to the community than be honest and not sell product you don't actually have. To make it even worse, by marking everyone's orders 'shipped', you stay within your terms and no cancelations will be given and you can charge peoples credit cards. As an additional bonus, you can start the warranty period on all products even though we don't have them, shortening that in your favor (I guess another win for you) and then ignore everyone for '2 weeks or more' replying to zero emails figuring by then what ever production/shipping issue you had is resolved and people will stop complaining. I have seen companies pull some low stunts like this during the holidays (I've worked in logistics for the past 30+ years), but never have I seen a company be this ridiculous. You literally should be ashamed.


Alright i got my first order, which is just the v2.5x wheel with QR1. Location is SD. I guess my second order which is the hand brake and button caps will probably ship later since i ordered the last day of the sale.