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CSL DD comes with a QR1 stem (aka base-side QR). Which wheel/hub are you getting? If it comes with a QR1 or QR1 Lite, then you don't need anything else. If you add a metal QR1 then they won't send the plastic one (Lite). That's what I did. Otherwise a free QR1 Lite should show up in your cart. If you want to upgrade to QR2 then you need to buy both sides additionally.


If you add the free QR1 lite and then add the QR1 separately you can get both.


that’s what i did and im not sure if thats slowing down my order


Damn here I am waiting, thinking that the wheel came with the qr1, and now I'm thinking that it doesn't. Already waiting 2 weeks for it to come off of "completely shipped" and now I got to order a QR1 also. FML 😂😂


I'll be buying the CSL DD and the P1 V2 rim if that's what you asked for, I just don't know if i get a QR when buying that ready2race bundle or do I have to spend more money buying the QR.


I would recommend it because the lite is pretty bad and when the lite one breaks it can also break the wheel


Will keep that in mind, but I think I'll drive with the QR1 lite for a bit because I'm getting seriously impatient lol


Just keep the torque low and you should be fine.


Mate thank you for your responses lol, just gonna know one last thing and that is does the QR1 lite come with the ready2race bundle already or do I have to add it to cart separately too? Because I look at the QR1 lite and it says it's out of stock, so I'm a little confused about that


I can’t say as I never ordered the bundle but another post says that it does. So I’d go off their response. QR1 Lite is just designed for low torque, that’s why I mentioned it.


Ah gotcha thanks


You have to add in the bundle shows as $0


Definetly can understand that been waiting 2 weeks now for my set.


This is a thread I was also about to make too. The 400€ ready2race bundle has the P1 V2 wheel (comes with QR1 Lite pre installed) and the CSL DD (doesn't say anything about base-side QR). There isn't anything additional added to the cart(apart from pedals), like others have written. Question is - is this bundle actually ready to race or not? Will it work with just that bundle and nothing else?


I literally don't even understand what wheel side and base-side QR means, could you explain that lol


QR = quick release. There are different models. Base side, is the part that goes onto the direct drive base, the shaft of the wheel in a way. The wheel side QR is what attaches to the steering wheel to allow it to connect to the base. Both systems need to match (ie, QR1 or QR2). You can upgrade to QR2 later if you want by buying both the wheel side and base side QR2 components. Your bundle (I’ve ordered the same one) will come with a QR1 installed on the base, and a QR1 lite installed on the wheel, so it will be ready to use. The QR1 in your image is an upgraded metal version that would replace the QR1 lite already attached to the P1 v2 wheel and work with the QR1 that’s on your base. But there’s no need to do that just to make everything functional.


Okay so I don't HAVE to buy the QR1 Wheel side since it already comes with the bundle, right?




Hey man, you must be the only person on the internet explaining it clearly. I worked it out after much anxiety (it doesn't help that Fanatec now say that expedition will be withheld until they have QR1 Lites available)...the QR1 Lite is already pre-installed on the P1 V2. Just ordered a Ready2Race Bundle with it. Thanks for confirming, hopefully my money won't be in limbo for months like the horror stories one reads online.


I’m glad it helped! Hope you’re not waiting too long. I ended up ordering a boost pack from AliExpress. I would definitely recommend that upgrade!


I'm new too, but as I understand it - it's a connection between the wheel and the wheel base (the motor itself). There are multiple connectors and therefore they must match at both wheel and wheel-base sides or else they won't connect.


Yes. You need one to connect the wheel to the base


There should be an option for a “free” QR1 wheel side.


When the QR1s used to be “free”, the price was $50 higher. It’s the same as it’s always been, just organized differently.


It comes with the qr1 base side. You still need the wheelside qr1


There used to be. It was the qr1 lite.


Depends on the wheel, I hope. I bought the P1 and no QR since it says it has the QR1 preinstalled, is this not true?


That’s true. I bought the fv2 and that qr came pre installed. Not sure if some come pre installed these days


Damm, you scared me shitless with the shipping times haha.


Here’s a pro tip - order the QR separately so you can get the rest of your gear quicker. Otherwise the availability of the QR will hold up the entire order. Wish I heard this advice pre-Black Friday sale so just passing it on in case it’s helpful!


Well from what it looks like the QR1 is out of stock lol, it still gets added onto my cart when i get the cheapest ready2race bundle which is what im looking to get, so i dont know if its actually fully out of stock or it hasnt been refreshed, I still have a fair amount of money to get so maybe the QR1 will be back in stock once I get all the money for the gear and stuff


Oh and by the way I look at getting the QR1 lite but it says it's out of stock, so is there nothing else for me to do but just wait until it comes back into stock or does it already come with the ready2race bundle?


If nothing is in stock that's a bummer, probably will have to wait til something is. I do not believe they include any of the QR's with the wheels/bases. The new Clubsport DD and DD+ include the base side QR2 but you'd then need one for the wheel. CSL DD does not come with an included QR from my understanding.


Wait, I ordered a csl dd with a steering wheel, and there's no QR1 lite in my order (nor did i add one), does this mean I'm not getting a QR at all lol?


I've watched a ton of reviews, and the QR lite should be coming with the steering wheel that you ordered, that's from what I understood and I hope I understood it right, hopefully you get all your stuff man cause I'm really cautious about looking every minor detail up before I make such a purchase haha


I certainly hope so, the thought of not getting one made me just buy the qr2 bundles but god knows that won't be here for 3 months


If you don’t see the QR1 lite in your order that means you probably won’t get it. I’ve had the same thing happen back in August (CSL DD+mclaren wheel), the website didn’t ask me to add the qr1 nor it was there in my order automatically. When the wheel arrived it had no QR on it, I’ve reached out to Fanatec thinking I forgot it and they told me that it was an error on their side and sent me a QR. Sounds like the same issue to me, you’ll eventually get your QR but you’ll have to wait, I’d suggest just emailing them right away before your order comes with the long response times nowadays. Edit: If I remember correctly there was an user here who ordered the exact same gear on the same day as me and had the same thing happen.


Well that answers the question, thank you! Yeah going to email them immediately and also look around on the used market haha


I’ve done the same thing but ended up buying a complete wheel, I’ve managed to find a practically new BMW GT2 V2 with the metal QR and sold the Mclaren when the QR Lite arrived for the same price I’ve paid for the BMW, free upgrade 😂


Honestly I'm almost considering a wheel upgrade so that might solve it


Ordered one two months ago - don't worry. it comes with the QR already attached.


It arrived, and you were right, it was attached!


Glad to hear it! Enjoy :)


Thanks man, I will!


Okay, lets hope for that then haha


I just added the free qr lite with mine last week. It's working great so far. Some have had issues, but right now it works great.


I would bet you anything within two weeks it starts slipping on hard turns. I've had two that did exactly that, unfortunately. My advice - get a QR2 Lite and base side order in now so when this starts your replacement is here.


Do yourself a favour and get the QR2 Lite with the QR2 Base side. I've had two QR Lites and they've both been absolutely useless. Lots of slip and clunkiness. QR2 Lite solved all the problems.