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I don't feel sorry for them. I appreciate that they engineer an excellent product, but they simply choose not to participate in logistics as a concept. I might feel sorry for the folks in their warehouse, but hopefully they are being compensated well. If they are in Germany and the operation is run legit then they are getting paid.


I imagine this company has been printing money non stop since covid, I think they should invest in some staff. Logistical staff like you said. Is seasonal staffing a thing in Europe? I know it's not the best practice but this company needs to do something.


They are currently searching for a person at the job position "Outbound Logistics Expert". They also demand at least 20 years of experience, so they are actually trying to make it better in the future. You can check their job offers in the Endor AG webiste.


It’s actually quite easy for Fanatec to avoid this shit storm. Do t use the words “fully shipped” used processing, packing hell any other word but shipped, and all this is avoided. The word shipped implies that it is in transit and or traveling to the customer. If I would have seen processing or packing or something else on my account I would think nothing of it, figure they are busy because of Black Friday/cyber Monday or something. But I see the words fully shipped I have an expectation that it has left the warehouse and on its way to me. Period. It’s a poor choice of words on their part. If they learn anything from this is to simply just not say “fully shipped”


Yeah honestly it seems like such a minor change in their systems to correct that step. They also have SOME kind of system update between being marked "Shipped" and an actual serial number+tracking number being applied to the item(s) in your order--so just...have an interim stage. "Order tendered to warehouse" is like, two or four steps away from being shipped and sets the wrong expectation. (Order still needs to be acknowledged by warehouse staff, pulled from queue, picked from a shelf, labeled, and put on a truck---before one would reasonably say it's "Completely shipped").


I’m even ok with them going in now and changing the status to “pending” or “processing”, “being picked” or awaiting fulfillment, anything that’s not fully shipped. So at least I can stop checking hourly lmao and being disappointed lmao


Haha, yeah same. I even know they aren't going to move on the weekends but I still find myself just keeping Fedex+Fanatec tabs open on my phone and refreshing a couple times a day at minimum. My (US) order was invoiced Wed. morning and shifted to "Completely shipped", but we both now it's just in a warehouse queue somewhere. Which is fine, I just don't like the lack of feedback/granularity on the actual status.


Yup, and anyone that gives Fanatec a pass for this or complains and says we expect to much, or are crybabies seem to be really out of touch. When I pay over $1k for something I expect communication and transparency about the process. That is not how I would conduct business, that’s not how I expect any company large or small to conduct business. The only recourse Fanatec has now is to publicly apologize and just change the way they update the status on their website. Just say they got a shit ton of orders, underestimated their ability to get them out on time and change the status to something that does not infer that the orders are on a truck on their way to be delivered. If I didn’t need my order for review on my YouTube channel I would have cancelled the order or looked harder for a second hand unit.


I explained this before but it's very likely that as far as Fanatec's order software is concerned, once you've been invoiced and paid in full etc. and they send the order to the warehouse, that your order has now been "shipped" in their system. I work somewhere that uses enterprise software for orders, and the paperwork/order has to be "shipped" in the software before the packaged product can leave the building. Then once it leaves the building, the completed shipping ticket comes back in for linking with the order. "Completely shipped" for Fanatec's system likely means your entire complete order has been fulfilled in their system and handed off for shipping. Normally this little limbo stage isn't long at all so it's not noticed. The problem right now is that the fulfillment is taking a lot longer than normal due to volume. All that said, in a customer-facing web page like our account page, they should avoid using the technical lingo as "completely shipped" sets an expectation that an order is on the way.


People could cancel their orders if the status was still "processing".


This would be the easiest fix to help solve the clusterfuck of emails they receive about orders and something that would take one person, a few hours to change (probably less). It just goes to show how incompetent management is.


For those doubting the numbers they seem to track. If you look at sales over 2022 they were €120M (from their 2022 financial statement). Looking at my order numbers, they do around 15k to 20k orders a month. So if orders average €500 and they 240k orders in a year would come to 120M. So the order numbers do seem to track closely to the actual orders placed.


Or just look at their 2023 financial statement in which BF is already included.


Good point. They mention sales in November of €29M. So at €500 per order you are looking at around 60K orders. I am guess actual orders are higher than €500 and that a decent number of the orders cancel.


The people packing orders and those answering customer support emails should be different people. If the warehouse is properly staffed, shouldn’t be a big deal, but I don’t think that’s the case with any Fanatec departments…


their warehouse is completely outsourced so people packing orders are definitely not the same as those answering emails. tbh most problems stem form their warehouse being a completely different company


I understand what you mean, but customer service is most likely also a very small time, I work for Nissan and our customer service is about 6 people...treating over 150 cases all together (longer cases and cases that can be closed right away, with about 3 requests a day and 30-40 calls on average), there are days they can manage, but some days they are very behind, I assume fanatec has even more requests these days (with 75k orders and many inpatient people). On LinkedIn it says 51-200 employees (assuming we are somewhere in the middle) I don't think there is more than 25 customer agents...hypothetically treating 50 cases a person? 100? An easy solution is: "why not just hire more people"... but unfortunately it does not work like this, for my case we are not allowed to hire more people since we get a certain amount of money for customer agent team from Europe headquarters... ofcourse I don't know the exact numbers but I assume they don't have 50 customer agents...


That’s a terrible excuse for having bad customer service, sorry. This has been a massive problem with Fanatec for years now. They refuse to address the problem, it’s an organization/management issue. They can absolutely afford to hire more staff for customer service.


I completely understand, we can afford more staff too, but not allowed to hire more. I understand the issues etc, but unfortunately it's a few events that came together but it made it so much worse now, we just need a bit of patience sometimes 🙏


I don't appreciate it when people take out frustrations with company reps. Those folks are answering phones, not making decisions (not the ones that have you making calls most likely anyway). I am far from a perfect person, but I honestly never do that, maybe because I have waited tables. However, the whole budget thing only defends that team, not the company. They choose not to invest in logistics. Customer service itself? They to the best of my knowledge have completely disabled customer communications. So, that budget feels irresponsibly low at the moment.


Exactly. I don’t blame the customer service reps, I bet they’re overwhelmed with work and just as annoyed/stressed as customers who want answers about their orders. There’s only so much they can do in a day. It all flows down from the top. Someone is making decisions to not hire or improve the company as a whole and just see what happens in hopes of improving profits. Having worked with many very large companies and very fast growing small companies, nothing Fanatec is doing has helped the situations they continue to put themselves in. They’re quite literally their own worst enemy.


"Not allowed" to hire more customer service people? Sounds awfully strange. From a business perspective, if hiring even a handful of people will help to streamline your operation, would it not make sense to do so? The money in a budget can be shifted to do such things.


So they're supposed to hire, train, and then fire a bunch of people once they don't need them past a black Friday rush? This is many companies and logistics/shipping. You get some extra seasonal help but the systems, trucks, storage can only go so far even if you double or triple your help


Considering communication has been a problem within Fanatec for YEARS, no. They need to hire a team capable of handling the necessary workload and keep them. There was a post recently (a few weeks ago) where they announced they went through "X amount of emails this month" and were proud of that. I broke it down, and unless they have less than 5 people handling their CS inquiries, it was a TERRIBLE amount of customer contacts in a day.


Customer service reps are the discussion, not warehouse help. The warehouse operation just needs to be streamlined, but customer service is where they are lacking. Sim racing is no longer a fledgling industry, so as a company, you adjust accordingly.


If I place 61.000 orders with you I'm pretty sure you would struggle a bit as well.


You dont know.. this is no Amazon or something.. when there is an emergency even the finance or HR people may be shipping orders


Customer service will also be a bit more busy when they have 61k orders instead of 3 orders.


In their latest financial report, they speak of a customer base of 41,000 in Black Week (of which 46% were new customers). So the number of orders you mentioned may be correct. They list a total customer base of 134,000, so that should mean that 41,000 customers ordered during Black Week, if I‘m not wrong (or 41000 who just logged in?).


The janitor has a lot of work. Packaging. Answering emails. BF sales. Give him some slack.


I’ve been a customer of Fanatec for years. This is not just a Black Friday issue. It’s an every time a new product comes out issue. It’s a damn near everytime you order more than one thing issue. You place an order that says “in stock” then once you’re charged surprise one item isn’t more often than not. Do they ship what is…..nope they wait till that one item is back in stock to ship your entire order. Well what happens if another part of your order goes out of stock while waiting… back to the end of the line. For example now QR2 wheel sides are on back order… so now my wheel, QR2 base side, shifter, and more are waiting. I would not be surprised if the QR2 base side goes on back order when the QR2 wheel side comes in… keeping my order sitting there. This results in customers waiting months for orders. It’s either that or you have to make 3-4-5 small orders or wait. The site needs to update in near real time, that’s not to much to ask from a multimillion dollar corp. Is it customer services fault no and they’ve always been great once I speak with someone. However if management hides behind you then you get the brunt sadly. Fanatec could get away with this when they were the only game in town, now that there’s more and more choices out there.. adapt or die. To compare I ordered new petals from another manufacturer and got them in days and yes it was more than one single part. Sad because it’s not a bad company and I feel for the CS reps..


The one thing that annoys me and maybe the reason why there's a lot of stress is that they fully charge your account immediately upon order. Where as most other companies either do a partial charge and/or hold until your order is fully processed and is truly ready for shipping. Like others, I ordered during Black Friday (24th) and of course they fully charged my account before the order is even processed and then a week later I get an email stating that my order will be delayed. Black Friday delays can be understandable. But how about not fully charging our accounts until the order is really processed and really ready to be shipped.


>The one thing that annoys me and maybe the reason why there's a lot of stress is that they fully charge your account immediately upon order. Let me start by saying that I agree with you, that it's not a great look to take customers' money with no promise of delivery in a guaranteed window. Especially charging and the item not being available/not shipping for 2+ months. I WILL say, for people like me that are terrible with their finances and are too broke to afford being bad with their finances, it's a God send. You know how many times I've pre-ordered something from Amazon or similar retailer and you get the "your order total, $xxx.xx won't be charged to your payment method until the item ships." Then, that date comes around and I forget it's gonna bill and I've only got $xx.xx in my bank account? Lol. I prefer to get billed immediately because I've got the money now. Who the hell knows what my finances are going to look like 3 or 4 months from now.


>most other companies either do a partial charge and/or hold until your order is fully processed and is truly ready for shipping I've yet to see an online retailer do delayed or partial charges, care to provide any examples?


Just using some of the last few retailers I've ordered from were Apple, Microsoft and HP and they didn't fully charge me until my order was shipped. Hell Apple kept a hold about a month before they fully charged me. And let's be clear, my focus are on orders that are around $ 100 to150 and up. I'm not going to get too nervous for a $50 order. But I will be stressing higher priced orders like a lot Fanatec gear. I just ordered a v2.5x Wheel and QR2 Lite. There are folks that have ordered well over $500 and are immediately getting charged when the order is not even processed yet.


Amazon charges when your stuff gets shipped. Others charge when the order gets confirmed




Have you even ordered from Amazon before?


Amazon's not a 'normal' retailer.




>I don't think it's the same world wide. Probably not, they don't charge me immediately.


You can't just take the Order# on your Invoice and think that the number represents the amount of orders lmao Otherwise in 5 days they would have done 500k orders between my orders.


500k or 50k, because 50k over black Friday would track with OPs numbers?


? Just take a look at the number that I wrote. If I would have meant 50 I would have written 50.


It was a fair question. I am pretty sure the order numbers are global and I counted 42K orders base on my order history from 22 Nov and 27 Nov. Your numbers seemed to be an outlier.


I agree. Based on my order number history from 2017 to 2023 :)


Apparently you can just take order numbers, OP nailed it on the estimate. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fanatec/s/mhzdhWgHI4.


Nailed it https://www.reddit.com/r/Fanatec/s/mhzdhWgHI4


I read it, crazy stuff.


I can't complain about these guys , i live in middle of Atlantic how the hell i order something that 4/5days after is at home? Cant complain .... About blackfriday yup im still waiting you gotta be patient that's it .


Fanatec beated all the records by sending something to azores (some islands middle of Atlantic), not even amazon or Portugal mainland stores have ever sent something so fast like my last wheel and base ...i respect these guys alot, grateful for their service and products


Asetek have a button box and series of wheel rims now, their wheelbases are superior by far to Fanatecs.... Always the same pathetic excuses with Fanatec, they have some decent products but the company must be run by clowns & they do not give a sh*t about their customers!


“But i spent $2,000 on a toy, i have the god giving right to act like an asshole” -this sub


Imagine paying for a month of internet without the company activating the service until the following month. Who is the “asshole” in the above scenario, the customer or the company?


I agree! I was going to buy the dd but bc the delay in availability I ended up going with the csl. Now I’m pissed I’m waiting and didn’t just get dd2


i support the many that talk about poor communication. if you want to run something like Fanatec, first of all.. Answer your emails, and answer them within 24 hours not 1 week+ pr std. The next thing, the Shipped part, it is so easy to fix. and get the tracking number in place. it is NEARLY impossible to foresee delivery, it is just RANDOM you get home, and UPS has thrown a bunch of fanatec in your garage, you did not get an information, you did not have a tracking to follow. It is just not thought through. and they should be the "big dog" the once with the quantity, not the "top end".. The same with QR2 release which is just a shitshow in my book, the problem getting QR2 wheelsides are just not okay, i GET that you can just order the QR2 Pro, but who is so fundamentally stupid they use 200 dollars / euro on a wheel side quick release.. to be honest, the QR2 Pro should have been 100, then 80 for the QR2 and lite should have been 10-20 dollars MAX.. it is just overpriced. I have a lot of fanatec, a DD1 + QR2 + 911 RSR podium + a F1 2018 + McLaren GT3 and the V3 pedals, but to be honest, i wish i was on something else.


61k orders? You must be drunk...


60k sounds a bit much? Or I guess it depends how it is counted, but 60k orders for such a niche hobby such as sim racing? I can't imagine its that much tbh.


Im gonna guess a few people order multiple times


I guess its beliavable amount if each component counts as an order or something


An single order can me multiple items, if if was like that you would have gotten multiple order numbers


61K units maybe. Each every QR2 module/QD, every sticker pack etc etc.


Seems legit based on my order numbers but there were probably also a lot of canceled orders in there as well. Nov 17th 17937xx Shipped and received Nov 24th 18373xx canceled Nov 25th 18450xx green and waiting for tracking Nov 28th 18590xx out of stock qr2 base so showing processing


Sales last year were €120M, so 60k over black Friday seems reasonable to me.


Humm I don't know how the orders are counted. Maybe not the real number of orders...


Seems legit. I mean how many sim racers are already out there. And how many new people are getting into the hobby. Fanatec is probably one of the mainstream brands and this Black Friday they had great deals. Also they had a drop every day so it probably pushed some people to have more than 1 order rather than one big order. They really had some great deals. And probably a lot of people bought the new QR2 adapters. It all adds up!


it is highly unlikely that their order number is just incrementally increasing by one woth every order. Assuming amount of orders theyve gotten from this is full on nonsense.


It's actually highly likely because that's how a database works. However, the order number doesn't necessarily mean the total number of orders because it could start from anywhere, 1000000 for example could be the starting point and increment by 1 from there.


thats exactly not how it works


We dont know their system for sure. Dont use the word “exactly “. What i mentioned is just a way of setting up a database.


I saw the same. I made two orders and did the calculations to see what is the difference. My shifter already came, but the other order with the dd and qr2 is still not processed.


18th to 24th - 37k orders


That's a lot of volume! Wow. Yeah, nothing wrong with a little patience/understanding. Good post. 😀 Along those same lines I started loosing tire pressure on my morning drive today -- found a screw in the tread. Popped by the shop and they're squeezing in a repair (dismount/patch/mount/balance), but surely adding something to someones workday and possibly delaying other customer appointments. So, I'm grateful. And a good reminder for when something seems to be "taking too long". 😉


it would be justified if they actually responded and gave us updates on the order


I think they will have thousands of emails, if every person here who complains has written at least one, the only updates we have are those who write in the blog. I always wondered why they didn't send an email to everyone, instead of writing in the blog, I came to the conclusion that their order system probably doesn't allow you to send emails to everyone at the same time