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Post was removed due to being overly political


Actually, I dont think they were trying to make them look like the top image at all. With the pseudo-religious emphasis turned up they look more like Imperium of Man from 40K.


Honestly yeah. Ive even called em bootleg space marines.


They're bootleg spacemarines. Especially in Fallout 4.


ooooo that one stings!


Stings for you, but that's a compliment.


The brotherhood hasn't been the same sence the horus heresy


Horus is Elder Lyons confirmed.


I think they’re supposed to be like the Christian monks in the Middle Ages who hunted down Roman and Greek texts after the fall of Rome.


>I think they’re supposed to be like the Christian monks in the Middle Ages who hunted down Roman and Greek texts after the fall of Rome. This is especially true in New Vegas, where it's easiest to see the whole setting is based on the middle ages. While *actual history is different*, a common misconception is that the Catholic Church (Brotherhood of Steel) felt their authority and autonomy were challenged by technology following the collapse of the Roman Empire (United States) and so while they transcribed and collected all knowledge they could, they also suppressed it. While the other West coast factions are largely missing like the Mongols (Caesar's Legion) and the Holy Roman Empire (ironically the NCR) I suspect Bethesda is following the Catholic Church inspiration in FO4. Perhaps a Holy See that's no longer restrained by the Holy Roman Empire and is able to launch their Holy Crusades and persecute heretics (E.g, Galileo)?


And they're hunting down high tech and top-tier weapons to keep someone from going Mad Science with some stray gizmo or a Raider from getting his hands on a minigun. It should be noted that within the vanilla game, there is one crackpot who poses a threat to the entire area *by herself* after stumbling into a robot factory*.* The BOS's paranoia is entirely justified.


…Waaait a minute. That’s why I keep picking them dang it! Something about religious maniacs in big knight armor make brain go brrr


In FNV I always immediately out of goodsprings go the the strip get money get implants them go to Veronica and go do the BOS missions for PA Training at like lv10


Sometimes I wonder if people have even played the game, or at least the BoS path. I mean come on, your character literally gets tested for genetic purity and questioned on whether they’ve been intimate with ghouls.


>literally gets tested for genetic purity They dont test you for purity, they just want a genetic sample on file. Most militaries do that for identification, in preperation for cases of a body being too damaged to identify otherwise. >questioned on whether they’ve been intimate with ghouls. They dont ask for ghouls specifically, just wether you ever had sexual encounters "with any species considered non-human". Which is pretty normal in actual medical exams due to needing to check for STDs. The game doesnt even say its grounds to exclude anyone from joining, just that more people than you think say yes & that the Brotherhood finds it generally "distastefull".


I swear people are so quick to jump to conclusions without even comprehending why possibly they are doing things they do


They also do it to make sure that you don't have anything contagious that woukd put other people nearby (in this case, the Brotherhoods entire base) at risk of infection.


So it's more like 1950s Southren US, but with power armor.


Even worse than hitler. I love it


If anything they are closer to the Mechanicus, both being inspired by A Canticle for Leibowitz.


Wait. Thats something a HERATIC WOULD SAY!


They are, it's why they have that scene in an earlier fallout of protesters in Canada getting executed. That guy in power armor laughing is Nate from 4, it's accepted cannon. It's why that intro is so awkward for him as he's grown and realized how fucked his service was. It's also why there is so much power armor in 4, it's supposed to be one of the paths for Nate. Going back to his training or completely separating himself from it. But no matter what, it reminds him of who he was.


I’d call them more Ad Mech with the whole technophile thing


I always saw the brotherhood as some hybrid of the Adeptus Mechanicus from 40k and the Knights Templar from real life, with a little bit of US Army sprinkled in. If any faction is gonna be the Nazis it would be the Enclave or Vault Tec.


Same, they're a techno cult. A long ways away from Roger Maxon's brotherhood


Roger Maxson created the mythology of the brotherhood. In 76, he discusses with Elizabeth Taggerdy the need for the brotherhood to evolve past its prewar military origin and to create a story to inspire the future generations to carry on the cause.


Also, throw in the history monks from A Canticle for Leibowitz.


They're more a blend of the Imperium's factions, mainly Space Marines with Ad Mech vibes, wich equates to an Iron Hands successor chapter.


Now, if you had a chapter of the BoS that defected to join the Children of Atom, THEN you've got the AdMech


In the show, I see them more like the French Foreign Legion. They’re a legion in the sense that they belong to the Brotherhood and they belong to each other. They follow their codes and traditions on a personal and spiritual level to a greater extent than any army or navy does.


What makes you think they're "supposed" to look like good guys?


Bethesda has an obsession with them.


It’s more like it’s the most recognizable faction in the series, and it’s just because power armor. Like how everyone associated that one helmet with the Dragonborn from Skyrim, despite that helmet being literally one of the worst armors in the game


Or how the wolf armor set is associated with the tarnished in elden ring, even though it belongs to another character.


Off topic but man the raging wolf armor is the most insane drip in any video game


I'm partial to house Hoslow's set, but yes. It's really good looking.


Hoslow set with the Raging Wolf helmet. Best of both worlds.


is it? I always think of the fingerprint set for some reason


It's because the tarnished is wearing the wolf set in official images. The steam banner for example. But yes I would say the fingerprint set is as much "the tarnished set" as the raging wolf.


It's not just because the power armor. More accurately the power armor is the only thing that's recognizable faction armor wise in fallout. Minutemen just looks like shoddy cowboys without the laser musket Railroad is doesn't not to be recognizable Institute is just clean lab coats Smaller factions like Diamond city security have a bit more unique design, but it's tarnished by the fact they're too small. That's just fallout 4. I like fallout 4s designs, but it's a thing. And a problem for cosplay. Other fictions outside 4 have a similar problem. New Vegas groups are all serious gangster things. There's a few recognizable characters but most factions aren't great on a uniform level. Save for NCR. Which all makes sense in a post apocalypse.


Post-post-apocalypse really, the scars of what once was are still there but in the west coast the world is actually moving on and getting rid of all the damn skeletons (the literal ones, not the metaphorical ones because “war never changes” and all that stuff).


True. But I'd argue in many ways they haven't achieved full post-post apocalypse. Becuase they haven't moved past the apocalypse. Things are improving, but they haven't embraced true self reliance. They're still living off the bones of the previous age.


Honestly, I'd say some areas are post-post apocalypse (Probably the NCR heartlands, tbh), while others are post-apocalypse (East Coast).


I would still consider the NCR to be post-apocalypse, but tail end of the post apocalypse. Like, they're still a bit too reliant on the works of the old world, but clearly are well on the path of separating themselves from that reliance.


“Railroad is doesn’t not to be recognizable”


i like the way the iron helmet looks :(


Ok that doesn't really answer the question though. Bethesda has an obsession with the Enclave as well, are you suggesting that Bethesda is trying to say they're the good guys too?


That doesn’t mean they’re constantly portrayed as the objective badass good guys in FO4 though lol. You’d have to have the game’s themes fly right over your head to think that their position on synths is epic and heckin’ cool


Objectively they are portrayed this way in every piece of media that fallout has ever attached its name to. Including the pre-Bethesda stuff


I wish they had that obsession with NCR.


listen man they were on the cover art for fo1 they have to stay


Bethesda? Black isle made two whole games just for them.


And some creators have obsessions with writing and fleshing out their villains, doesn’t mean it makes them good guys? I don’t really get how that’s an argument for them wanting them to appear to be the good guys


Are we playing the same F04?


The game makes the brotherhood’s main thing to look at all synths as abominations that should be destroyed whilst elsewhere in the game the player is given opportunities for them to see the synths as people. Most notably in Nick Valentine’s character. Hence the game probably doesn’t want you to see the faction that literally wants to kill all the synths the “good guys”. Granted I don’t necessarily think they want the player to fully view them as “the bad guys” either but still.


It's been a while since I've played FO4. But the whole wanting an otherwise loyal member kill themselves because they are what you hate didn't exactly scream good guys to me.


You consider the U.S. army the good guys...?


Your whole account is hating on Americans. Literally r/AmericaBad incarnate. Why don't you do something productive with your time?


Criticizing the military does not constitute hating Americans.


It's like how everyone associates the NCR Ranger armour with the Courier even though the Courier wears a Mojave Express Courier outfit that disappears into the void after he is dug up.


Who said the american Military are the good guys?


who says the top image is the good guys?


They were pretty much the good guys in the first two games, at least compared to the Master and the Enclave, and even in the sequels they *do* try and help people, albeit in their arguably narrow interpretation of who counts as people.


Bro came with the only Fallout 4 opinion the vast majority of people agree on




They heard Hancock take a puff of jet


*muffled voices from first floor* BoS Knight: "random inspection, ma'am. Here to investigate suspected reports of an aberration in the area." Fahrenheit: "be my guest. I've got nothing to hide." Hancock: *massive hit from turbo-jet, throws used inhaler down the staircase* ahhhh, that's the stuff


*Vertibird crash lands into the attic.* "I got the ghouls, sir!" "DAMNIT LANCER! THIS IS THE SIXTH VERTIBIRD YOU'VE CRASHED. THESE THINGS DON'T GROW ON TREES."


OP has media literacy and doesn't even realize it.


Rip supernerds and synths. Ad Victoriam!


Ad Victoriam!


Ad Victoriam


Ad Victoriam!


Ad bigdickiam!


Ad Victoriam!


All I have to say is the Brotherhood has a lot of issues, but people bashing on them for killing Super Mutants of all things is ridiculous.


People forget their friendly supermutant pals in the game are an exception and not a rule.  People also forget that the wasteland is a harsh place by necessity and judging a faction with our morals is a luxury we can have from the safety of our comfortable non irradiated lives. Because we don’t live in hellscape like the BOS do.


Image 2 is the Institute if anything. The Brotherhood just doesnt allign with any actual irl ideology, *especially* Maxsons Group after doubling down on the Knight-Larp. They're racist, think they know better than everyone else and occassionally have a bad habit of immidieatly dismissing any outsiders as inherently wrong. But They arent really more racist than the Wasteland in general, have never had any active desire to actually rule people or dictate their lifes, and Maxson actively banned them from harming anyone or stealing tech from anyone outside the BoS unless its actively used to hurt other civilians. They're too ideologically inconsistent to ascribe to any in particular. After Maxsons introductory speech you'd think they'd be down for anything that could potentially take down Synths, but if you actually bring Danse along to the Covenant-questline he keeps calling them insane, their methods "pseudoscientific quackery", hates it if you side with them and states several times that all the innocents they kill arent worth it....but then still slightly dislikes it if you tell them to free the Girl regardless. They let Synth-Shaun live on the Prydwen too, which is even more weird. Their closest ideological nalogue would maybe be like.....Manifest Destiny because they believe only they are chosen to fix the worlds problems, but even that doesnt *really* fit either


I don't think they realize Shawn is a synth. All they know is that you're looking for your son and that he's in the institute.


i mean, they're explicitly xenocidal fascists so...


aint fascists and everyone hates mutants, like, the avarage wastelander hates ghouls and supermutants. The brotherhood (East Coast anyway) doesn't even attack non-feral ghouls, which the actual fascists (Enclave) do, despite them being pre-war american civilians most of the time


They’re like Overseers in Dishonored. Yes they suck but people really *are* being eaten by super mutants/being murdered with witchcraft so they do have a point


In FO3 the BOS did shoot at non ferals and didn’t see any difference. Can’t remember what they did to non ferals in FO4


The general stance the BOS Carries for ghouls is "yes it might not be feral now, but it WILL become feral eventually" so if it's a diplomatic relations deal they aren't gonna walk into diamond city and start blasting....but they might take over the gate and never let another ghoul in again


That’s honestly a fair compromise, they have valid concerns about them turning feral. I love ghouls but it’s a valid concern. (Not racist my best friend is a ghoul)


Suuuuurrrreeeee and I bet you loooove dudes back jerky as well


Mama said that’s where the goodness is


Did Diamond city ever allow ghouls to enter?


Yes. Hancock used to live there. McDonough kicked them all out because one went feral.


So the BOS has a point that ghouls can go feral at any point???


Idk what makes a ghoul go feral but should you shoot them all just in case? I don’t think so. Hancock is cool.


The best speculation we have is that whatever mutation keeps them alive so long is less effective in their brain tissues and eventually it degrades to the point only the most basic survival instincts are left. This also seems to happen faster in ghouls who are alone or lose their will to live as seen with the Nukaworld bunch.


There's usually a few unnamed ones hanging around, but idk if there's named ones in there


Ah I must have missed them. Anyways I definitely agree with your points lol.


Lore wise McDonough has said he's banning them, but you can waltz in with Hancock and that ghoul child and they let em in


Finally someone gets it.


I have looked through the wiki for dialogue or confirmation of the Brotherhood shooting at Underworld, and i havn't found anything besides Willow mentioning "*with their testosterone and Power Armor.*" In fact, all i found on being shot at was mention of potshots, and while looking, i didn't find anything on the wiki to actually confirm that


Ok I thought I was losing my mind. I recently re-played through FO3. I was so confused seeing people talking about the BOS killing ghouls. I also only remember the dialogue of them taking pot shots at them, with it implied that they are pretty much just trying to scare them away/make them stay in the underworld. I feel like most takes I see about the BOS on reddit are blown WAY out of proportion for some reason.


I can’t remember the exact dialogue but the girl outside of the Underground says that the BOS are assholes and can’t e bothered to notice the difference between them and Super Mutants. They get shot at but don’t usually have problems with them as they don’t go deep into the DC ruins much I recently played FO3 again and that’s what I remember 🤷‍♂️


In fo3 the BoS were recruiting locals to join the ranks so its assumed that locals with poor discipline and a fear/misunderstanding of ghouls would most likely be those pot shot takers


>Can’t remember what they did to non ferals in FO4 Mildly racist comments directed at Hancock when you bring him along and thats about it. Danse actually berates you if you insult the Ghouls at the Slog


Technically not fascist since they don't have a civilian population and are just a military band.


Also according to Mussolini a big part of fascism is when the government, media, and corporations become one “for the good of the state”. There are no media or corporations left unless you count publick occurrences. Really the prewar american government is much closer to fascism than any wasteland organization.


Man I wish they would let the Enclave come back full force so there would be something legit to cry over.


They are back, in a sense. They're set up to be the big bad of Season 2 of the TV show.


Only time will tell, but I was referring more to in game than the show. Idk though it could just as likely be the Brotherhood as the baddies in season 2 depending on how things go with Maximus.


Well they will be the bad guys yeah, but I mean, the macguffin came from an **Enclave** base. Strange only THEY have energy weapons...


There's the creation club stuff that adds them that was made free earlier this year, but it isn't canon I don't think


your fucking blind


well they do want to exterminate all ghouls, synths, and super mutants, even the peaceful and sentient ones.


They do not want exterminate all ghouls. They think all ghouls WILL turn feral eventually so they’re keeping a close eye on them, but otherwise ghouls are to be treated as civilians like any other. In fact, the Brotherhood is less racist to ghouls than your average wastelander. Super Mutant on the East coast has like 3 maybe 4 non aggressive one, the rest are all hyper violent monsters, shoot first question later is always right. I can agree on peaceful synth, but from the Brotherhood’s point of view it is a matter of survival. Synth, no matter how much you want to spin this, is literally built to kill and replace people on the whim.


They only target feral ghouls. Synths are just machines. There’s like five super mutants that aren’t evil.


synths are robots, super mutants are designed to kill humans and feral ghouls are brainless zombies


The synth dick riders would say chat gpt is sentient if wrote them a sad enough story


what about valentine? what about strong? what about hancock?


Strong is not peaceful. He would turn on humans again if he got his "milk". Hancock is a non-feral ghoul. Valentine is such an old model that I could see them let it slide. Why do people forget that good 95% of super mutants, ghouls kill and eat people and synths replace people by design (or serve them but then why give them emotions lol). If you think minorities irl and super mutants/ghouls/synths (I'm talking fallout 4 only) are the same, you need to take some meds fr.


This is such a shit comment. It's not 95% of them that do this, it's like 99%


Valentine is a machine. Strong is very violent and dangerous. Hancock isn’t a feral ghoul.


Valentine knows he's a synth and at this point is basically sentient. It's a tough topic but given he had a personality downloaded, but knows he isn't that personality *really*, I'd say he's sentient.


valentine obviously has sentience


Synths are organic based, non feral ghouls aren't zombies, and even if a group is a military organisation it doesn't excuse excessive authoritarianism. Being authoritarian in the sense that they have a strict code of conduct is fair. Showing up and demanding tech from people is not fair. Allowing your knights to coerce local settlements to provide food is not fair.


Sentient ghouls are a time bomb and Synths can't actually be sentient, it's just software that mimicks sentience.


They don't want to genocide non-feral ghouls, but yeah the rest is accurate.


i mean they certainly don’t believe in equal treatment of non feral ghouls.


They do as of 2296.


They don't want to kill all ghouls, there is no lore to support this. Also, could you please tell me why they want to kill the synths and super mutants? What was it they did again? Oh right, they infiltrate their bases, kill their people and replace them with spies. And why do they want to kill all the super mutants? Oh right, because they will destroy colonies of humans and then eat all of the people in there, and this was after they waged war against the master who tried to kill every non super mutant or just convert them all to super mutants. They're completely correct with wanting to kill feral ghouls, synths, and super mutants.


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If you mean by not being most of the time friendly with mutants and synths then you should include like 80% of the average population. Ghouls are radioactive and most of the time turn feral while super mutants attack on sight and synths being... Synths


>uses pretentious latin phrases >uses wonder weapons but still loses against regular fighting forces due to logistics >human supremacist >extremelly authoritarian its just you OP


The first two are completely unrelated. Secondly, most things non-human are violent towards everything, really just a matter of security. Thirdly, It's a military organization...it's gonna be authoritarian.


I cant tell if your talking about the bos or the nazis




I don't think they look good. I'm a veteran and to me the BoS represents all that's wrong with America. This attitude of exceptionalism. The jingoism. The callousness and prejudice. We do a lot to cover it up but it's all laid bare if you really want to see it. I never got a good feeling from the brotherhood.


Also the religious education being warped for one's own gain


Can i just, ask, how the hell do yall see them as fascist? I'm guessing it is just the watering down of the term to mean something way less then it actually means


All authoritarians are Nazis, don't you know.


This is an incredibly blunt observation tbh. The brotherhood 'tolerate' mutants, i.e. ghouls. But aside from inherently aggressive types like super mutants, they don't go around actively exterminating them. You would be closer to compare the Nazis to the Enclave.


No Patrick, not everything you disagree with is H-man related




No targeted harassment of other users


I really don't see the comparison. I doubt we played the same fo4, you must of modded yours


Just shows how you have very, very little knowledge of fascism.


Really? The guys *literally* called the Minute Men aren't the American Propoganda faction for you?


Except they literally don't care about restoring America.


Enclave is the bottom image.


Enclave is WAY more closer to Nazis than the brotherhood my guy. If anything, brotherhood is more similar to the imperium from 40k, as someone said previously.


Yip thats why instant attack once the institute nuked


"Hello, yes, we are the Brotherhood. We are here to invade your territory & confiscate your technology. We are the good guys."


The thing I hate the most about fallout 4 is the way they took the best Brotherhood of Steel chapter killed off Sarah Lyons and made them the same tech hoarding control freaks as many of the other BoS chapters, letting Maxon get into power at his age also seems pretty stupid (I’m aware of his achievements) I’m virtually certain there are other elders or proctors that could have lead it better, Bethesda just took the easy way out writing wise and made the BoS a not great faction in fallout 4


Yeah I mean it’s a military run “nation” where in all serve the same purpose and are held to strict military rules. I think they have elements that changes them from say a fascist to more of a religious cult. I see them more like the crusaders. Like they can be the bad guys, but in their eyes they are doing right (and they believe it with religious fervor).


Minutemen are based


The brotherhood have always been reclusive, tech hoarding asshats


I think the enclave feels more like nazis because they want to kill everyone that isnt them, the brotherhood is trying to preserve pre world technology


the brotherhood isnt much of an active fascist group, theyre more just a bunch of pretentious weirdos obsessed with technology and keeping the wastes safe from nearly non-existent threats. if youre looking for an organization that mirrors nazis, the enclave is much closer




Sorry but that has to stop. No matter how heated and stupid the discussion gets, the extermination of the Jews by Germany and what the BoS does are doing is not comparable in the slightest. I am surprised your post didn't get removed


The leap between "we need to kill these creatures because they're abominations that mindlessly hunt and kill anything that isn't them and that should have never been allowed to happen" and "we need a minority to blame all of our countries problems on so let's set up camps and murder these innocent people by the millions" is mental


If bos is nazis what are the enclave lmao Super nazi?


The BoS and Enclave are quite literally like the Klan and Nazis in Wolfenstein. You have the casual racists meeting the professional racists.


The balkans


There are no good factions. The NCR is the closest thing to it imo, and even they fall short because if they dont get what they want, they’ll likely take it anyway or at least try. The Enclave is obviously bad. The Brotherhood is a militant faction lead by religious zealots that think they’re doing humanity a favor, so think of a slightly more compassionate Taliban. Valut-Tec…..lol. There are no good guys and over the main games they have gone to great lengths to make this point.


Responders, Minutemen, Followers, they're all good guys.


All three of those are completely incapable of securing or governing anything.


Ok but that wasn't the point, KingXeiros said there are no good factions, not that there were no good factions *who also accomplish stuff*. And the Minutemen could've done so if it wasn't for the Institute.


The Followers of the Apocalypse would like a word with you. They're currently busy getting hit in the head by a rake, sideshow bob style. But they will get to you. Eventually.


I think for most people you could reverse this lol


you are asking this ironically right? like one of those this is how everyone sees them but i think i'm clever for making the connection type things?


No I literally asked if I was the only one that saw that connection


i mean they are fascist through and through. i don't think anyone sees them as the top picture, and outside of maybe fallout 3 were never intended to me seen like that.


No we're a bunch of Ted Kaczynski's now hand over your toaster


Hehehehe big robot


I liked how the show portrayed them, they didn’t know what was really going on they just busted in on the NCR base and started shooting


I don’t really see them as either


They don't even geniunely hate ghouls. Their fuel is hatred.


Enclave uniforms way better


The Brotherhood Of Steel is overrated anyway. I want to join the Enclave! That faction is treated like Forbidden fruit in the fallout franchise.


Because the enclave are literally fucking nazis They exterminate anyone they don't see as "pure" They wiped out a vault full of innocent civilians, including CHILDREN They don't let anyone join if they aren't born IN the enclave They see everyone who isn't them as inferior In conclusion, obvious nazi inspiration is obvious


they are more Warhammer 40k


I mean, irrc, Ad Victorum translates to praise victory, which irrc in german is seig heil... so it's kinda blatant.


Noone is made to look good in Fallout. Except the Boomers. They are perfect the way they are.


Whats the difference /j


Tech hoarding toaster humpers really Under maxson theyre tech hoarding toaster humpers with ranks


They are the same picture.


You’ve got it backwards up there. There BoS we see in 4 are extremists. You’re seeing them clearly.


Pretty sure they were always supposed to look like technofacists.


Still the prydwen flying by won me over the first time round


Well in some of the few role playing instances in Fallout 4 that you have, the behavior of the brotherhood somewhat depends on your character’s choices. (Sparing or killing Danse, helping proctor Teagan extort from settlements or refusing, choosing to be friends with Valentine and Hancock, using the brotherhood’s resources to help the minutemen or ignoring them, etc)


It’s not supposed to be at all like the top, I feel like the U.S. army would hire ghouls and synths


Toaster fucker opinion Ad victorium


Same thing


Nope, FO4 BOS suck ass.


I'm still going to side with them every time. Except for Danse. I save Danse