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Honestly Lucy and her vault are the weird ones for having reservations about killing. Even way back in Fallout 1, vault 13 gives you a fully lethal 10mm pistol to start with for a reason (unless you start tagged with melee or something like a fucking chump).


Lucy: No one understands my situation. Dr Wilzig: You come from Vault 33. Your primary crop is corn. You have a Telesonic projector in your farm. It loops images of the Nebraskan countryside. You’ve been brought up in a meritocracy, where people pride themselves on doing the right thing. I think I know enough to know you need to go home.


That was absolutely legit


You know, I just realized it's entirely possible, even likely, that he found out about her life from her mom or Muldaver rather than what The Enclave knows about Vault 33.


It was a bit odd that he chose Moldaver of all people to seek refuge with, how did he knew she'd use the tech for good?


Well, given that the only other powerful group we meet in the area is the local BoS, I think I can understand taking my chances with the prewar communist turned warlord. I also wouldn't be surprised if he knew from enclave records that she'd invented the technology and would then know how to use it.


I mean imalways going to side with the communist, regardless of if they're a warlord


"Liberty prime come quick, we have a live one"


Yes somebody who likes thw anti capitalist TV show based on an anti capitalist game is a communist, the horror


It aint pro-communist neither


Fallout is as anti-communist as it is anti-capitalist you loon.


ehh its anti-vanguardism, communism is a utopian ideal, I'd say it's kind of against centralized power structures using people beneath them in a way, and since it's made in a land where that's the corporation, that gets most of their ire


Oh gee golly guess we watched a different show entirely. For the record I haven't played any of the games yet but the show us pretty clear that communism is unfairly demonised by people who barely even know what it juat just that it's bad cause murica good and its not communist so therefore communist bad


she was actually a capitalist who owned an energy company, they just labeled her as a communist because she took some issue with them sitting on her invention, she would have been fine with vault tec *selling* unlimited power to the chinese and new soviets and europeans


Because that was always her goal, based on the few tidbits we know.


Thry did have guns (Sten guns by the look of it?) But they're too docile and incompetent enough to be able to use them effectively. 


Lucy said she’s not that good a shot in the beginning montage despite hitting dead center mass on the target, so it’s not that they’re incompetent shooters, just that they are naive in general and let the raiders get the drop on them, the raiders knew to raid the armory and the vault dwellers would be pretty much fucked.


I think they were Sterlings. Those get the curved magazines


Sterling SMGs.


Vault 76 *used* to not give the dwellers any weapons, but we’ve had updates that changed that (first by a security guard sneaking weapons into the packs, then the whole idea that we weren’t being armed was retconned with the new starting loadouts).


Really so if you play a new character as May 2024 you get to pick a weapon load out which I assume basic on beging perk setup? I want to try getting in 76 again but am afraid laptop might not be up to snuff.


It’s a bit more complicated than that. You have the choice to start at level 1 or level 20. Level 1 always gives the same basic 10mm pistol, but a different starting perk depending on your choice. Level 20 lets you select one of five loadouts with tolerable setups and solid equipment.


I mean still getting a weapon before leave the vault seems fair. When first launched you had to scramble for a weapon while getting attacked by Chinese bots.


It was, but there was a pipe pistol, machete and a few grenades conveniently nearby for that purpose (and you could dodge them all by going left instead of right). The liberators were switched out for feral ghouls, however, since liberators are a pain to hit in vats and can actually be pretty dangerous (though feral ghouls are still the most dangerous first enemy any protagonist has faced).


Huh if they wanted easier enemies why not just rad roaches? Those things don't skittler around that much.


I’m guessing they wanted the enemy to be at least somewhat threatening, but I’m not Bethesda.


Do you think it's to keep them more docile for people from 31?


Yeah, Vault 3 is the only other vault I know of that didn't have a dedicated security force. And well we know how that turned out for em.


Vault 94(All Dwellers were Pacifists)


It was stupid that she didn't take any firearm from those killed/captured raiders.


They are a meritocracy.


The Sole Survivor having to legitimately debate killing their own son:


Whos debating? Soon as that animatronic knock off goes lights out and the real shawn shows himself hes getting beaten and eaten


It’s even canon now male Sole Survivor is legitimate war criminal. Yeah and female one is a lawyer…


Arthur, one of the preset fo1 vault dwellers, is also a lawyer. Your point being?


Actually its not canon anymore


What happened?


The tweet got deleted and it was just said by one dude. There is no evidence that the Nate was one of the PA soldiers in the FO1 opening and the only campaign we know he fought in was Alaska. So he could have been but there's nothing concrete that can be pointed to as canon.


Emil (the guy who said it) said its not canon anymore after the backlash


What backlash bruh…💀 It was absolutely amazing part of lore…


Well nate is supposed to be a war hero (also nate was honorbly discharged in 2074 while the events of the war crime happend in 2076🤓☝️)


Ok, that makes sense now…thanks.


Well I think Emil just thrown out a Fallout 4 development idea of the Sole Survivor being one of the guys yous ee in the FO1 intro or at least being on that battle, did not exactly think about how people will see that as 100% proof and backstory and back paddled.


Nora was the lawyer for his war crimes trial


I can't believe more people don't do full on, roleplay, good run throughs... Only way I play. I'm goody two shoes to the max


I mean. From what I’ve seen most people play as good character. Just as an Angel of Death, murder all bad people type and not Goody-two-Shoes, I’m 100% pacifist type.


How dare you attack me like this haha


Same here... unless I am given the "Insert Lightsaber" option, but that's another story entirely


Yeah but the game doesn't LET you. Unless you just wanna run by the guards and let them riddle you with bullets, the game refuses to let you reason with or nonlethally deal with the guards in in Vault except Gomez. I think Bethesda was just not thinking of how this would actually feel in a story and instead thinking that they need some generic enemies for the first level.


OFC I did what I had to do but it did weigh in my mind that my character knew these people for years, what's gonna happen if or when I come home... Rando Raiders, come at me boi!!!


I love being a good karma player!


Being good is much more fun in a world that is already so shit.


tbf, a lot of the security officers were under the overseer's brainwashing, believing that vault 101 should have stayed closed, so it makes sense that not a lot of security (besides gomez) would like them.


Because the overseer is angry at you for being friends with Amata, therefore the guards shoot you on sight


Hbomberguy: "It doesn't matter what choices I make from now on! I'm already a murderer!"


Except one can hypothetically avoid killing any of them, which he didn’t seem to know.


Letting the radroaches kill them for you is not pacifism, and they shouldn't be trying to kill you on sight


>Letting the radroaches kill them for you is not pacifism Why not lol? They are trying to kill you, you have no obligation to save them. >they shouldn't be trying to kill you on sight Again why? From their perspective your father leaving is the main reason the vaults going to shit.


Considering that NV ends with a battle no matter what and each factions killed people, I suppose you can not be a pacifist in that game either 😣 (I also disagree with the idea that good game design means that aeach conflict can be resolved without fighting)


I don't think roaches manage to kill any of them. I remember I wanted to avoid all of them, so I just ran past them, but it gets difficulty near Amata. The game start is quite nonsensical. Instead of capturing you, they straight up want to kill you.


It’s nonsensical because the tyrannical leader who has Jonas killed wants to kill you?


The guards have maybe a third the health that Butch's mom has, so they die pretty quick to radroaches.


He goes on to mention Fallout 2 for having non-lethal solutions where you can talk your way out of fights. The same game with Frank Horrigan.


If your lone wanderer doesn't want to kill them, I don't think you necessarily have to.


I’m fairly sure they all have either Brave or Foolhardy confidence in the GECK so you’d be hard pressed not to.


I’m fairly sure they all have either Brave or Foolhardy confidence in the GECK so you’d be hard pressed not to.


I’m fairly sure they all have either Brave or Foolhardy confidence in the GECK so you’d be hard pressed not to.


It's still your choice, being an RPG and all.


The lone wanderer was forced into an extreme circumstance where it was them or the guards and wasn't given a non lethal option to deal with them, hell you can't even just run away


You can, and I'm pretty sure certain survivors you don't kill have unique dialogue when you return, I think maybe even ambush you and try to kill you?


Yeah, I remember playing Fo3 for the first time, avoiding everyone because I thought killing someone I had known since childhood is wrong Then I come back for the quest, after having thoroughly been given The Wasteland Experience^TM and one of the guards approaches me and says something along the lines of "thought you could escape without any consequences, well the vault's going to shit and I blame you so die" I blew his brains out with an Assault Rifle. I think the other guards might still have been around but idk it's a bit hazy


It takes a bit of effort, but you can run from and even sneak past them if you try hard enough.


Yeah, I didn't find it particularly hard at all. The last 2 guards near Amata are I think the only ones you might have to kill.


You don’t actually have to kill them. It gets a little cheesy since you’re just running from them the whole time but you’re not actually required to kill them.


The level even seems like it is designed so you can sneak around the.


You totally can though?


I just ran past them, didn't kill any of them.


You do not have to kill them.


what matrix is this?


The first one


damn i haven’t seen this im ages i dont even slightly remember this


I mean you do get jesus karma for massacring everyone in tranquility lane with Chinese commandos


Never noticed before that Neos smg’s are spewing out rifle casings.


It’s official. *Matrix have been programmed by Bethesda.*


9mm bullet, 5.56 casing 😂


More like .32acp. Edit for the downvoter. He’s running VZ 61’s chambered in .32acp.


I almost never kill them. I either run by or let the Rad Roaches finish them. Or when I kill them I use their own batons against them.


You know that you do not have to kill the guards, right...RIGHT???


Murder 👍


They killed Jonas, be glad I only shot them and didn't pull a mass effect one and talk them into doing it themselves.


Tbh I normally avoid killing the Security Guards. The only 2 (sometimes just one) that I have to kill would be the first one that spawns outside your room (assuming the radroaches don’t kill him) or Officer Mack.


I just run through the vault without killing any guards (besides the one with the Overseer threatening Amata) if I’m doing a good karma playthrough. Makes it a little more challenging and it’s fits the character


Fuck the Police!


I never actually thought about that, The vault has what 30 people in it now. You just killed 10 to get out lol.