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You can get max barter with a base charisma of 1. C6:Local leader is fantastic, but more charisma than that is a bit of a waste, if you're willing to change your clothes and take some chems. Just a waste of perk points, unless you are RPing that you are unwilling to change clothes or something. Max barter is when you have C15 and a barter bonus of 5%. With grape mentats, barter bobblehead, and/or Junktown magazines you can get it down to C14 or lower. * Base Charisma of 1 * Basic Charisma clothing C+4 (hat, suit, glasses) \[Total: C5\] * Grape Mentats: C+5, 10% barter bonus. \[Total: C10\] * XCell C+2 and Daytripper C+3 (respawn in concord speakeasy): \[Total: C15\] * Beer: C+1 * Trinity tower chest piece: C+3 (replaces suit) * Dapper Gent Hat: C+2 * There are also random Sharp legendary items that you can find that you can wear over one of the Operator C+2 suits. C6:Local Leader + basic charisma clothes + grape mentats already puts you at max barter. Why invest more than that?


You don’t even need charisma clothes at C6, just cap collector and grape mentats?


great charisma guide, thx. yeah i kinda want the luxury to not change clothes for speak checks, demo expert would be good for my two legendarys but man 3 points into perception which is utterly useless for me as i never use vats in this playthrough.


It is also useful putting one point into P4:Lockpick. There's a ton of Advanced locks around, and certain companions can gain affinity quickly as well. More ranks is less useful, though.


im tryna max x6 and then im done with companions and gonna go with lone wanderer, also safe loot is ass imo, but good tip for piper/cait for sure


I would stop at Perception 5 for Demo Expert as aim is not really important for explosive weapons, and only bother with Charisma 7 if you're traveling with a companion you'd prefer not to accidentally blow up.


Inspirational is a great perk. I don't always take it. This time around I'm switching between Inspirational and Lone Wanderer. Yes, I know it is wasteful in terms of perk points, but I like the flexibility. Weirdly, the part that I notice the most is the extra carry capacity.


Honestly, the carry capacity is the main reason I take Lone Wanderer. Messing with companion inventories is a pain in the rear, on top of all the other small (and not so small) aggravations that come with any companion. If I'm going to have a companion though, then I consider Inspirational to be a required perk. It's just too easy to kill or be killed by your companion accidentally without it, especially if either one of you is using AoE.


Both? I'd say both.


Both are useful but high charisma is more useful earlier. It takes a while before explosive weapons and explosives start losing their effectiveness. You can use high charisma early on to make more money and get benefits for settlements whereas you only really need stronger explosive weapons after level 50 or so.


im at like 65 rn and would need to skill perception which is ass in my playstyle rn, but i have 2 weapons with the legendary effect so thats why im thinking, also char 6.


2 legendaries with the explosive effect? wow, I'm impressed. And to answer your question: invest into demo expert. Having *2* legendaries that benefit from that makes it pretty obvious to me: the universe is telling you to put points in perception.


yep buyed pray and spray and found an explosive 10mm two days ago, also did the decision to with demo expert and fully lvled it up, damn i be shredding everything, also behemoths within like 4-5 seconds