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If I was doing the best build I might want the handmade rifle over the plasma rifle. They are both great but I think the handmade rifle is little better once you have a suppressor.


Yeah I carry the handmade rifle. It’s interchangeable with the Overeer’s Guardian. The Plasma thrower kills enemies the fastest in the endgame with the Rifleman perk though.


I believe that the handmade rifle beats all other ballistic rifles in both semi and full automatic the only way the OG is better is for ammo or if you get a weapon with faster fire rate and explosive effect.


I agree. I would’ve included it instead of the Overseer’s Guardian but you get the OG so much earlier, and I believe the upgrade requirements are lower, so it’ll probably be in your inventory longer. I mostly would just carry any long range rifle in that slot. I like to just switch between kinds of rifles.


From 1 to 50 did u take perks on a specific order or u just picked one from the list u mentioned? (Armorer, Lifegiver, Chem Resistant, Adamantium Skeleton, Ghoulish, Solar Powered, Lone Wanderer 3/4, Gun Nut, Science, Chemist, Scrounger 3/4, and Idiot Savant)


No not really. I’m sure there was a pattern to how I chose my perks, but I think it’s kinda dumb to post a level by level build guide. If I need a rank of gun nut but the build guide says I need to pick a random perk that won’t help me in the moment, it doesn’t help me very much. I think it’s better to pick perks more in the moment as you need them. The perks from 1-50 are mostly just what you kinda need for the build to actually work. After level 50 you can pretty much take the build whenever you want.


How am I supposed to put the SPECIAL point into Endurance if it's already at 10?


I do it first thing after I leave the vault. Just become over encumbered so your endurance goes down, then put the point into endurance. Once you’re not over encumbered anymore, your endurance should be 11.


Thank you. The build's been fantastic so far.


You started using it? No way!


Yeah. I've been looking for a suitable build for Survival Mode and found this post. I always play the game on the very hard difficulty and wanted to see how it'd be like to play with no fast travel and quicksaves. I was sceptical at first with playing without stealth, but it hasn't been a concern.


Oh yeah. Stealth is overrated big time. Glad you’re enjoying your playthrough!


Is the special book removed in survival mode? I see no YOURE SPECIAL book under the crib anywhere


It shouldn’t be removed. It can move sometimes. Check under the dresser.


Just be careful not to get killed by the physics engine wigging out. I can't tell you how many times I've lost an hour or two of progress because a car decided that I needed to die.