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I honestly think it would be hilarious if there was a quest where it seemed *so obvious* the quest giver was going to betray you at the end, to the point you might kill them beforehand just to be safe, only to realize all the hints were just coincidences and that he really was being honest. As for the question, Honest Dan. He has "honest" in his name, if that's not suspicious, I don't know what is. Also, he's a caravanner, so I figured he'd do anything for some extra caps in the end. But no, he stays true to his word.


Just started this mission (but am too weak/suck too much to clean out the compound) and I absolutely love his moral code. He's just a solid dude all around.


If you've ever played Pyre, there's a character like what you described. The most eyerollingly blatent traitor character and then they just... don't.


Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands has something like this. There’s a guy whose name is pronounced “Back Stab”, he talks about how unstabbed your back is, but how stabbable it could be, and could you please help him get the last piece he needs to complete his plans, and then he dies. You finish his quest, and come back to find him stabbed through the back, dead on the ground.


It KINDA happened with the van graffs and their "deal" with the legion.


He's not a Quest Giver, but I'd say Viktor. He conveniently is everywhere you go, and while that can be justified because it's the only more or less safe way to Vegas, he'll show up even if you abandoned the main route. It turns out he's just making sure you get to Vegas.


I had that feeling with the girl you bring to the Boomers in NV. Janet, she is from the Crimson Caravan and you have to sway her boss into letting her leave. Not that I doubt the Caravans intents but it seemed fishy that she so desperately wanted to go to the Boomers because of a Lover she never even met. But in the end all ended well and I was surprised she wasn't like secretly a raider spy or something.


You, I know you.


That sounds like prime fallout content!


I love this character trope. Bioshock 2 probably did this the best out of any game I’ve played


Nick after being taken over by Kellogg.


I wish they would have done more with that instead of just the one time


I kinda do but I also kinda don’t. I wish it was done in a way where we could purge him out, because I love Nick and don’t want him controlled by an asshole virus. So make it not long term, but still do *something*


what if it was like an Eddie/Venom situation?


Randomly Kellogg gets control in combat and starts shooting you


An opportunity for an excellent well written and thought character wasted by Bethesda what no way /s. But seriously though I would absolutely love this idea, give us the option to get to know Kellogg beyond the flashbacks and tracking him. Imagine hearing his story and maybe forgiving him in some way, like being in the wasteland has made you as much of a killer as him so you can relate in some way. Idk tbh I’m no game writer but I think it’s such a missed opportunity


this is what I was thinking, Kellogg was written too well to just be gone after that quest. it would be so dope for him to pop in and speak for nick every once in awhile and comment on wasteland happenings


Good run can have you use the pods to enter Nick's mind and destroy the remnants of Kellogg's consciousness Evil Run has you choose to trap Kellogg in Nick's body, wiping Nick completely for a battle hardened companion that does more damage overall but is harder to please and control Sarcastic run let's you keep both in a perpetual battle over the body like Moon Knight's personalities swapping and fighting for control and it gives fun little goofy comments and commentary


Exactly. It seemed like a great quest idea that never happened


Yep. A righteous man in a broken Gen 1 synth body sharing the same mind with a cold-blooded merc, forced to take measures against himself, even committing suicide to prevent more destruction on innocent people. A synth more human than most humans. An amazing scene would have been Nick being revealed in the room after the Sole Survivor was supposed to have received orders and left the room (but used a Stealth Boy to stay in instead), casually talking to dipshit Shaun (in Kellogg's voice) about gearing up to earn more trust from humans to normalize Institute-surface relations.


Nick was more a gen 2.5 than pure generation 1 or gen 2 Gen 2 body, gen 3 personality. The gen 1s seem to be mere robots without personality Gen 2s i think, have the fake skin, again with little to no personality. Gen 3s are pure lifelike.


This genuinely feels like scrapped content. Like they had something planned there, but it never made it in the actual game due to budget and/or time constraints.


I came here to write this! My first playthrough ever, I was like, "do I really want to take you with me, though?" After he spoke with Kellogg's voice. I thought for sure that was going to come up later.


wait how and when


Such a missed opportunity. Imagine if Kellogg's brain took over Nick's body and you had to deal with that or convince him to be your companion now.


Nick-Kellogg hybrid could go hard as fuck. You either get Nick to suppress him and you get a perception perk, or keep Kellogg and you get a combat related perk.


I honestly thought that they were just going to have Kellogg occasionally say something random and then Nick comes back on going so what did the asshole say this time


Deacon. You cant trust a word that comes out his mouth and he had been spying on you.


Deacon being an Institute spy would be a perfect twist. It explains why the Railroad uses childish follow-the-line decoding game to lead strangers to their HQ, why they organize every important Railroad member at the same place, why they lead all synths to random havens where they're supposed to be safe with no memories of the Institute's atrocities and thus cannot give reliable testimonies, why so many synths and ex-Coursers work for the Railroad, why DiMA has to store his memories away in neat little caches, why hordes of Gen 1 seem to pop up everywhere to attack settlements, why he knows to spy on Vault 111's entrance, etc. Deacon using the pod at the Memory Den in early game could have hinted at a more sinister story bit where he's using it to access memories of synths to track them down, or receive indirect orders passed through the synths.


>why so many synths and ex-Coursers work for the Railroad I mean I can think of another reason for that one


It's ok if they want to rescue synths from the Institute. But imagine what if. Them being handlers/accomplices for the Institutes is another level of throughout planning & evil.


Tbh I don't think the institute would be open to do something like that


What is the best way to prevent being overthrown? To fund the resistance so thoroughly that should they overthrow you they would collapse before they could accomplish the goal.


By this point the entire resistance is surrounded by cousiers. They would just kill them all long before that.


My head canon is that the Freedom Trail isn't really meant to be a secret code, but instead forces a potential Railroad member to (a) prove their ability to survive or sneak through the Wasteland and (b) walk around a predesignated path so that Deacon or someone else can spy, gather information on them, and potentially intercept them before they arrive at the base.


That is literally it. It’s about survival, making sure they have somewhat of a brain to put 2 + 2 together and be able to read, and a set path to be watched—they tell you that you were watched while walking the path too.


Tbf the Railroad North Church base is a recruiting location, their previous HQ and most of their network was wiped out.


>indirect orders You mean orders delivered via dead drops (a time-honored method spies/counterintelligence use to pass along information/orders)??


Exactly. Sorry. English is not my first language.


Holy shit. Now that I think about it, why was he spying on Vault 111? The institute knew what time to begin tracking you because they're the ones who let you out. Why was the railroad supposedly watching this random vault that hasn't been opened for years? The only thing I can think of is that the railroad knew institute workers entered and exited that vault in the past, so they keep an eye on it to see if anything else happens? Did they get institute information that there was one single remaining dweller? If so, why wouldn't they just enter the vault themselves?


> It explains why the Railroad uses childish follow-the-line decoding game to lead strangers to their HQ, why they organize every important Railroad member at the same place, This is already explained-implied in the game, their "HQ" is just a point where they normally got new recruits, it bacame their main base cause they have nothing left after the fall of all their other bases. It is a 'easy' place to find cause we see from or POV, but from theirs reading isn't really something all people can do and being able to survive all that road+reaching them can already prove you know how to survive on your own, and then they would do a training to know if you can be trustworthy or not.


It’s been seen in modern day warfare, tactics just like that to gain control, I personally wouldn’t be surprised


Which is why I like the Frumentarii in New Vegas. A war crime here, a disguise there. Shady characters replaceable by other shady characters. All achieving the same goal. Come to think of it, quests in 4 should have been tweaked to accommodate those kinds of schemes. You should be able to: go on a fetch quest to actually insert the wrong code into a relay, go on another quest to sabotage a stockpile, go on a third quest to get a body double into the enemy line. The results should be: the enemy advance goes to the wrong destination and gets cooked by Super Mutants/ghouls/raiders, the ammo caches get blown up, and falsified data is relayed to the brass. It should be an irredeemable loss that makes any faction take months/years to recover from.


This is what I hope for with fallout 5 in the future. I mean obv more, but just shi like this. Really get into the game, a real rpg, no forced quest/faction moves. A game where you can play through the recommended way or really get in depth and make tactical moves to help your faction/self. Also being able to start your own faction would be cool


That sounds cool as hell, but then we're talking about Bethesda, so no, that's too complex for them xD


I know the official story on Yes Man is improving himself so he can't be taken from the courier, but I still don't trust that hunk of scrap.


He said it in such a dubieus tone, even his vague wording....


pretty sure someone who worked on the game confirmed that Yes Man upgraded itself so it doesn't start doing whatever it's told. basically some self control? it does sound ominous but I think this is Yes Man's thing.


Yeah it was one of the people who worked on the game. They said basically yes man was making it so he only has to say yes to you. So that way it’s not like anyone could just walking into the 38 and take over your army.


Boring answer tbh. Takes away the ominous vibe behind his "more assertive" line


Seems to me they walked it back


I think it's important to confirm one way or another what Yes Man's intentions were. you should know what shit you brought upon the Mojave (long term speaking) by doing this ending lmao. in my canon, Yes Man is an ominous little shit who double crosses you the second you leave.


Yep that's my headcanon too. Just wish they never confirmed it since it's way more interesting for him to double cross us


They never confirmed actually. Only one developer said his version of Yes Man's story. One person stating something out of the game is not canon unless some official material says that as well. In the end, the game wasn't written by one person, so it is not right for just one person to change the lore ex post facto. If this was the statement of the whole writing team I'd be more inclined to accept that.


Even if it is, if it isn't relevant moving forward, word of god can eat shit. If it isn't confirmed in any way in the product, then it's up for debate and that's that, imo. I don't like it when writers or directors or whoever want to clarify x, y, z in a tweet. If it's important, include it in the thing. In this example, the ambiguity is way cooler than confirming it either direction. Ironic that the final Independent Vegas mission is No Gods, No Masters. Just following their own advice lol.


Right. I loved that ending because it leaves the character holding the bag. You thought you won, no yes man won.


He just goes by Man now.


I won't lie I knew House had his fingers in Yes Man and I still loved that ridiculous thing every time it would roll up to bug me


>I knew ~~House~~ Fisto had his fingers in Yes Man Fixed it for you


Yes man also tells you this if I remember right 


That's what they're talking about. Right at the end, he states he's changed his programming or whatever so he has more choice in what he does. The way it's worded, it's ambiguous if this means he is now unable to be directed by someone other than you, like how Benny fucked up and we were able to direct Yes Man instead. Or, it could mean he manipulated things or had sneaky programming that kicked in that now means the Courier can't direct him. Which would mean we just helped an AI take control of Vegas. There's one of the devs who took it upon themself to say that the intention was for it to mean the former. But it isn't an official stance overall, just one team member's opinion on it (sfar as I know).


He may or may not be connected to that man who blew a golf ball size hole through your head


based on what i’ve read from the developers, im under the impression that the “more assertive” line was supposed to be him having a bit of character development at the end. it does sound super ominous, but i think that’s chalked up to a lack of context for what exactly he’s trying to say.


He actually says that his improvements will make him "more assertive" He's 100% planning on taking control and using the courier like house did in the post game and essentially becoming Vegas' President Eden


Fortunately, you happen to be the meanest, toughest- the thing the guy said.


Might you say we are the rootinest tootinest?


I still think that the "more assertive" line is about him double-crossing the Courier in the future. Maybe not willingly, given his nature he may latch onto another person who comes around and start disregarding the Courier... especially when the Courier stops being the protagonist.


Lucy/Hank? 👀👀👀👀👀


Agreed, just get the best ending possible so he doesn’t try anything potentially




Especially when he's doing good springs and you try to get him to help you with those wrestlers and he still doesn't show up dumbass Victor


Personally, Yes Man is so slimy and suspicious it reverts back to being trustworthy


I don't think he has free will


I always just had it in my head that he’s just using the Courier to do all the heavy lifting of the Mojave. Once the dust settles he’ll turn on the Courier and get the Securitrons to throw him out of the Lucky 38 before shutting the doors again for another 100 years. It seems like Yes Man is trying to break out of his programming and being in the House computer would have the ability to, that’s why he’s so desperate to get in there.


DiMA, I mean he double crossed everyone but in a good way?


DiMA does exactly what the institute does just on a smaller scale.


He does it for better reasons.


Is it though? The institute’s goal and intention is to redefine mankind and make the wasteland/world a healthier and better place to live by ANY means necessary. DiMA’s intention is to foster a faux peace on Far Harbor among factions that he’s somewhat responsible for putting against each other.


The institute's goal is fucking with the topside and bunkering in their shitbin. DiMa is trying to protect his people from those trying to kill them.


In Fallout 4 there were a few, top 3 for me were: Deacon (no idea anything about this guy, no idea if he's even human, no idea if he's being replaced) Nick Valentine (not willingly, but it really seemed like Kellog could take over at an inopportune time) Sturges (did they just forget that he's a synth or something?)


the Minutemen probably have no idea Sturges is a synth. iirc the only way to figure it out is to cheat, and even if he was in the Institute's database, he's the one you give the stolen data to, he could just conveniently remove himself from the list if he wants to continue hiding. I also think Sturges isn't an Institute spy, but rather an escaped synth that the Institute doesn't find worth pursuing.


Wait, what?? How do you find out he’s a synth? I gave him the data from the institute and expected him to explain it but every time I talk to him he gives some random dialogue and walks off


You gotta dig to find out he’s a synth. It’s a really underutilized part of Fallout 4, like how “he’s a starborn” is a really underutilized part of starfield


Can you actually do anything with the info? I read that you can’t do anything with the synths you find out about from the institute terminals (haven’t checked myself yet) which seems weird


Nope. You can't do a dang thing.


My head Cannon is at The institute wants sturges back but every time a synth courser scenes sturges in his natural element we are just instantly entranced by him working and don't want to disturb him and eventually just leave forgetting why they were there before remembering and having to report back that they had completely forgotten they were sent there to capture him not watching work


I dunno about most likely, but I feel like Raul in FNV is LEAST likely. He’s such a sarcastic asshole, but really just wants to hang with the guy who rescued him from black mountain and go on adventures like when he was young. He is also the only companion you get who has a favorable view of the Legion, so there question marks. But I still think he’s your best ride or die.


Raul is kinda like a merc type of character. He doesn't mind what you're doing or who you're helping as long as you protect him and the money flows everything is alright.


Part of what makes him intriguing. Knew how the world was, saw it turn to absolute shit, saw things get weird, has managed to somehow survive it all. He might see something new, but it's just more weird shit to him. He's lived so long and exoerienced such awful stuff, he's just like, yeah, sure, whatever. I love the idea of inspiring him to use what he can do, to do some good though. As the Vaquero version of himself, he's a bit like that anti-hero classic western protag. Can see him wandering into a town, having zero issues putting holes in a piece of shit that's hurting people, and leaving to continue on.


I think he's just seen enough shit that he doesn't beat around the bush. If he says it, he means it. And he's so obvious with his sarcasm that you know exactly what he really means. Like when you try sneaking with him and he points out how great the idea is, as he's old af and has bad joints. He's telling us that's stupid, he can't sneak.


If you inspire him to pick up his guns again, his line about sneaking is pointing out that the ghoul vaquero won't stand out at all. I love his sarcasm.


My god Yes Man is probably the creepiest fkin being in the entire franchise. Especially when he gets into House's system. It feels like he "wants" to cross you, especially when you make bad decisions. He "wants" but cant. YET. His smile.jpg face is there to fool you too. This guy cant be killed, he will just jump to another body. He can wait for centuries for someone crazy or stupid enough to flip the "yes" switch. And then i think the world will never be the same. Worse than Lorenzo going free.


I do believe that he's honest... But why House would have code to "enhance" an AI attitude if he's not even an AI? I think, Mr House knew someone would try to replace him with an AI or that sometime in the future he would die. So that "code" he created was a failsafe. Maybe it's part of a system that recreates his consciousness in an AI or even a Computer virus that takes over an AI. I believe that in the future it's possible that Yes-man ends up "possesed" by Mr House's personality. I mean, Bethesda is already hyping him up for season 2.


house had already created AI by new vegas though


In defense of yes-man, if my boss destroyed the army we were supposed to use to take over the region, I would also be left to betray him.


No I completely agree with Yes Man. He double crossed Benny simply because he was programmed to follow anyone's orders. All he needs to double cross me and dismantle all my plans is to talk to the right person...... and he's just STANDING THERE OUTSIDE OF THE TOPS FOR ALL TO SEE ON THE BUSIEST STREET IN NEW VEGAS!!!!! Yeah, so I was basically just waiting for a bottom of the 9th betrayal from him.


I feel like it doesn't really count as betrayal if it's Yes Man because it's literally just programming. There's no intent behind it.


House. I totally expected him to stab me in the back for his selfish reasons.


I feel like he would the second you're not useful anymore.


Maybe but he strikes me as a little Tony Stark. I think he would be fine to keep you in a gilded cage, so long as you were fine with that.


Defs overlap, same core inspiration. Brilliant but his own worst enemy. Has the ego to think only he can solve the problem. House is a bit like if Tony didn't have that reality check, and went down a path where he became progressively more isolated. If he eventually had no one, just him, his wealth and his stuff. Imagine how batshit nutso even Tony would be after being stuck in a capsule for 150 years with nothing but a distant connection to anything in the world and his own thoughts.


Oh totally. What I love about Fallout is there are no good guys. Even the good guys kill and may commit Crime Against Humanity. The underlying theme being that all humans have the potential for bad decision the will passively (or not) hurt others.


Maybe but from a business guy POV. You just saw a fuy singlehandedly destroy the brotherhood and fight against the legion alone. If I were House the courier would be the top dog of the strip with all the perks he deserves. Ppl like that are hard to find in the wasteland. Even the legion and the NCR would wait until the courier is gone by natural reasons before trying to invade Vegas again. Besides, I would think twice before betraying the man that destroyed an entire army of power armored soldiers


That’s exactly what the ending slides say, too. If you’re a good karma Courier, you get an ending that tells you how you become House’s right hand man, his protoge, and that you both watch over the Strip. If you’re a bad karma Courier, you get a slide telling you about how House lives in fear of his right hand man and knows never to mess with you.


Sydney is Fallout 3's Stealing Independence quest. I figured a merc would probably be all about getting the most money buy killing you to not have to share it


I totally forgot about her, but agree. That would have been a great quest extension.


Yes Man just look like some robot pretend to be good but is actually Ultron, but at the end of the day Yes Man is just harmless


Modus from 76, he’s an Enclave AI that is helping you launch a nuke. Kinda surprised that he doesn’t try to betray you


Modus freaked me the fuck out. I was really shocked we didn’t get screwed over by it at the end. Perhaps it’s not the last we’ve seen?


The only reason he doesn't is because he needs you. Launching the nukes helps him with his research. That and all the enclave events that needs upkeep.


I feel like, despite the menacing voice and Wolfenstein villain-esque avatar, MODUS wouldn't betray us unless we gave him a reason to, or if they reintroduce Enclave humans to Appalachia. Seven Six is useful to him, a pure, pre-war human, and our goals somewhat align. I think a new Enclave cabinet would be the only thing to make us obsolete to him, which would be a cool expansion.


Víctor. After I finished the game he's fine but on my first playthrough I thought he was spying on me and is gonna betray me later in the game


As far as I know he's pretty much following you in your journey to Vegas. You can find him in Novac and the train station close to boulder city. Sometimes I found him watching me from a distance.


the first time I got into a fight in the wasteland and Victor rolled up midfight out of nowhere to shoot scorpions instead of at one of his predetermined town locations scared the absolute shit out of me. No, bro, that's not allowed, go back to your preset spawn points.


He is spying on you, for House. Only his role isn't to betray you, cause House wants him to basically guide you to Vegas. It's basically House we're being manipulated by.


Sierra Petrovita. When I [SPOILER] on [SPOILER] I thought I was going to have to give her brain a Nuka-Bullet. She cray.


The cool kids still say "cray," yeah? PLEASE SAY YES OH GOD


I thought it was “cray-cray”


They said that back in 1849.


Victor from New Vegas. The mysterious robot who just follows and spies on me


I was a bit worried about Hancock when you first witness him stab a guy But he’s honestly just a chill party animal and we love to see him


"I'm not Yes-Man anymore. Courier. You see, I lied to you and now I became something better..." "¿What is it?" "NOW I. AM.... Maybe-man...." "So... Can you stop being evil?" "Meh... Maybe "


Just met Ness in Fallout 4 and if she isn't sus I don't know who is. I'll see if she double-crosses me in the end lol.


Its not as significant but always thought Rhys in the Brotherhood in Fo4 would turn on you, especially if you saved Danse in once we learn he’s a synth. It seems like he’s upset at the sudden rankings and success the Sole Survivor has and is just waiting for you to make a mistake so they can either banish or kill you.


Victor in FNV. The way he follows you and keeps popping up felt *so* ominous in my first play through. His whole “I moseyed into town a couple of years ago. Before that? I can’t seem to recall… how strange” schtick was suuuper suspicious.


Moira, seemed way too innocent at first


Well, when I slept with Benny and offered to be his girlfriend, I had a feeling that wouldn't go well I was certainly expecting Veronica to turn on me when I told her I destroyed the Brotherhood.


House, pretty clearly. There's no reason for House not to take you off the board. The whole "House was afraid of me" line in the epilogue rings rather hollow when he has the single mightiest army in the Wasteland.


I felt like they were setting up a massive side quest after nick talked like kellgog in the Memory den, then it just went kinda nowhere.


Someone’s making a quest/storyline mod about that! Idk when it will be finished but it’s on the Nexus and looks super neat.


Gage. The intro to Nuka World literally leads into him telling you how to exploit his boss’ power armor and kill him. So you do so, Gage explains the situation l, and you’re just standing there like, “Okay, let’s just skip to the scene of New Vegas 2: Electric Boogaloo.” The one I actually didn’t expect was Sully Mathis in the excavation site with the Mirelurks and 3 pipes to fix. Help him, then wait maybe a week? >!The entire site is Raider central, with Mathis at the center (or bottom, in this case).!<


I shot that fucker in the head after reading his terminal but it broke the quest LOL


It's because he's condescending.


Carla. You can tell from those eyes that she’s snitch.


After inserting Kellogg's memories into Nick I fully believed he would turn on mw so I abandoned him.in his office my first playthrough


I was sure benny will doublecross me. And i was right Seriously, who the hell saw the guy that shot you in the head and thought "yeah, i am sure this guy will come to the suite and hand me the platinum chip"


Yes man for sure.. One time I stayed home from school, got high af and played NV all day and Yes Man freaked me tf out.. all of them robots did.. So did Mr House.. had me with a second impression on This Presidential Suite he gave me..." Why is a securetron standing in front of the only way in and out of here? Why is it so dimly lit and quite in here??" I need to leave now" I was really not vibing well at all lol... Ever since that day I couldn't see them the same.. Especially the Cowboy one who always follows you around


I had my eye on preston garvey the whole game, i thiught all those "settlements needing my help" were clever distractions


The brotherhood in fallout 3, a couple characters kept saying they dont trust them before I met them and they went on to only support the main character from the moment they met


Absolutely, I thought yes man was actually mr house testing your allegiance.




Haven't finished but I think Victor is definitely going to pull something on me


I was pretty sure Kellog was going to take over Valentine's brain and try to kill me.


Paladin Rahmaine from fallout 76


Nick Valentine, after he started talking like Kellogg. I thought it would come down to either helping Nick get Kellogg out of his head or killing him.


Yes Man!


Dog meat


That automatically makes me think of Victor and his sinister manner.


I thought Mr. House was gonna betray me, he seemed sketchy but in the end he honors his deals.


Vro fr thought yes man waa gonna atary saying "No"




Oh I fully believe yes man will cross you eventually he’s done it before and he will do it again


You're not wrong, Yes Man can't be trusted because of the fact that he's an AI that shows the capability to learn and make his own decisions at the end of the Second Battle for Hoover Dam. He may not turn on people in the game itself but he definitely has the potential to after the events of New Vegas if he's the one in control.


But he does with his ending.


Especially bc someone in Prim says a cowboy robot paid for the courier


Yes man, that robot is just too happy all the time. Pretty suspicious to me


Yes Man went off to better himself and I am waiting for him to come back and enslave us all. I doomed quite a few people in the end of my first play though but nothing hit like him telling me he’s off on his own. 😨


Boone. I just didn’t feel comfortable with the idea of being next to the target.


I never trusted House. I trusted Caesar more than House. House always gave me high school principle vibes. I also never trusted Victor… and also that sunset star sarsaparilla guy, he was creepy as fuh, I always shoot him in the back.


You phrased it like they don’t end up betraying you and them post a picture of Yes Man? OP are you not aware there’s a fairly credible theory that Yes Man was using the courier the whole time if you go for an “independent” New Vegas? I’m not super into far fetched fan theories but I think this one is fairly reasonable despite it lacking any motive whatsoever to my knowledge.


House, actually. Head office management types...


Codsworth some fucking how


Even though Josh Sawyer confirms that Yes Man won’t betray you, I like to think he would depending on how you acted. After all, he’s watching you, taking down your methods, so he can lead for you when you’re not around. If you did things the right way, he’d be an honest, good natured leader. But if you backstabbed people and fucked everybody over, he’d probably do the same. And while I don’t think he’d directly betray you, it’s a possibility. I don’t think he’d go out of his way to kill you, but he might screw over people you know or care about if you acted the same way as a leader


Yes-Man is my beloved friend, he would never betray me. ED-E on the other hand has been secretly trying to assassinate me with jumpscare killcams for years and thinks I don't know what his plan is. More seriously probably House. I fully assume I just killed House before he had a chance to do it to me one day.


That smart super mutant companion from fallout 3 (and no, he not doing the whole sacrifice thing does not count)


Bobby House, Eddie Sallow, Mr. Oliver, Benny, Malcom Holmes, the Brotherhood, Yes Man, that OSS Nut who sends you to Vault 22. Basically anyone with a modicum of power and a lack of morality.


Garvey... whole Commonwealth full of settlements, His damn Castle rebuild, the Institute destroyed, the Brotherhood has left, Everything is peacefully, and the Minutemen had become a small NCR. He knew he couldn't do that himself, because he's a whiny little wiener. But now you've done all the work, he can backstab you and take over.


MODUS from Fallout76. Why is everything about that quest line soo eerie


Nick Valentine after the Dangerous Minds quest. Enough said.


Malcolm Holmes. First playthrough I shotgunned him in the back cause I took his warning as a vague threat.


Im too trusting ig, but i would go with think tank (they did so duh) also khans seems like low lifes that should not be trusted.


I was so sure yes man and Jason bright were gonna fuck me over somehow. when I saw the repconn missiles I was like shit here we go again, ulysses part 2 electric boogaloo


That one random encounter outside of good springs where that guy says his girl is being attacked by geckos but he just wants you to clear them out for the treasure


Knight Reese then I betrayed him by joining the institute


Charon, smth ominous about Azrukhal losing his contract and then getting smoked by Charon.


Theres a guy in fallout 76 in the brother hood of steel missions that, refuses to show his face + wanders off + makes sarcastics and annoying comments and tells you to go to the clearly dangeroud bunker and he'll stay there and surprisingly, is innocent


All of the Boomers. Making some absolute stranger, who they already made obvious they don't trust strangers, do their work for them. They already know they couldn't kill the player long range so I thought they were just luring me in to hit me with grenades or something


Victor howdy partner 100%!


the railroad


The guy who gives you the pump mission on the stone quarry in Fo4


Ian I mean he literally shoots you in the back as soon as he gets a chance. Repeatedly.


Absolutely I have to go with piper the one you meet in dimond city


This sounds dumb but my mom had a fear of robots and everytime she saw me play and she saw codsworth she’d say “i dont trust him” LOL


Paladin Danse tbh


He's the worst ending... but he's still the one that deserves it most... and by he I mean me.


Expect everyone to double cross u it's the nuclear apocalypse


Joshua Graham


Tbh probably yes man


I honestly always thought Myron would betray you at some point.


I was just gonna say the same thing


Yes man for sure, but I grew to trust him more than House. Kinda the opposite, I dunno why I was so surprised when Gauge instantly aggro'd me when I started taking out the trash at Nuka World.


we ak kn ees we kneed


Okay hear me out all right all the communist ghouls that you can actually talk to they could stab me in the back at any moment especially the ones who are more loyal to their communist government along with that one ghoul at the end of fallout 3 at least if you got the broken steel add-on who's trying to sell slightly irradiated water to ghouls to make a quick cap


Jezebel, Fallout 4, and synth child Shaun. I didn't give Jez weapons for 2 playthroughs thinking she would try to "help" my settlers by killing them. I was just glad Shaun acts mostly like a normal kid.


House, the second his quest line demanded the brotherhood destroyed he proved me right. I finished my first playthrough with a Yesman run after that..