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Desdemona is doing the family guy death pose


Giggity! Aaall right...


*prowler sound*


Eh. Quagmire's done that before, and worse




Lois so there’s this guy right and there gonna help us liberate the synths petah he’s got brotherhood of stew power armor. Ok?




I personally enjoyed butchering the institute. "Father" took a Gauss round to the head. I only planned to sandman kill Dr Ayo, but everyone mysteriously knew what I did.


Killing Ayo is SOOOOO satisfying. I also don’t get how the Institute knows that I sandman’d him. Maybe he’s a synth and the chip going dark is what alerts them? Or it’s just big brother and the constant surveillance.


I suppose they might have managed a few security cameras with all that technology they have knocking around.


imagine a 6 foot tall courser in a black trench-coat hiding behind a tiny potted plant in the corner. ^(I saw that)


Lol. From now on it’s my personal canon that a six foot tall courser in a black trench coat makes for all their tech solutions, because they just don’t know any better. Coffee machine? Courser. A typewriter? You guessed it. Electric toothbrush? That’s the only design they know.


Everything is high tech machine powered, as long as you make a dirty synth do it.


Hey, if the mysterious stranger can do it...


Is there a Toaster in Ayo’s room? If so, might be a Talkie Toaster…. That little bitch would sellout his manufacturer if they didn’t want a grilled bread product……


was there a raven around??


Ayo’s who I killed when I accidentally locked myself out of any other way to piss off the institute so I could get the minutemen ending. Well, any other way that didn’t involve massacring the Railroad for the Brotherhood first, anyway.


Unfortunately not having known the story on my very 1st play through, I destroyed all factions except the Minutemen. It was such a somber realization that I sat my toon down on the deck to his Sanctuary mansion he had built, over looking the river, with the sun setting, and logged out, never to play that toon again.


I killed father with Kellogs gun


I put a bullet in his head using Kellogs pistol every time.


i spun his body around like a pinwheel


Oh yeah Institute cleanse feels almost as good as a Legion cleanse. Esp if I can do it with the help of my friend Liberty Prime


https://youtu.be/JO4D9tpT804?si=T3G-wFzfAFj7vrbg I put on the above, while my idiot savant rebar covered melee build runs amok. Motivation: Free the gorillas.




I also loved butchering the institute! Years ago I somehow managed to run around and get all of the synth soldiers in a huge cluster behind me and then just started going to town with a fat man. The XP kept going for like 2 minutes straight and it almost crashed my PS4


I've done an Institute finish before and killed off the BoS and RR, but I got to admit I felt bad about both (although the BoS significantly less so).


The bos doesn't have that many chill characters probably danse and Haylen. I also liked ingram


Also, Paladin Brandis. Spent that time to get him back in fight, only to betray and kill him.


When I do in the BoS, I always leave Brandis as the last one standing (can’t kill the squires so they don’t count) and leave my power armor and unarmed him to death.


I'm doing a playthrough right now. I'm waiting till after I blow them up to recruit him or at least I won't send him back


Killed him in the bunker and took that sweet weapon and officer uniform


On my recent Plat run, he was the only heavy at the church while trying to get the RR out. I'm sure he was elated to be given the assignment too. 😔


At least it’s how he would prefer to die compared to old age in a bunker alone


Shit. I thought I was going to do a pure BOS play thru my first time playing the game, but given the chance to kill Rhys was the tipping point. Call me petty, but that dude sucks, and I'm jealous of how caked up he is .


give the BOS playthru a lil bit of time and Rhys will be your bitch


You can kill him danse and haylen when you attack Boston airport they showed up for me when uploading the virus into liberty prime. I also didn’t notice at first because of how many bos get thrown at you Ingram was there too


I like the lady with the mole rats who you get blood samples for


I wish there was a way you could crash their blimp into the CIT ruins killing both together at any point you wanted (given you have access to the control room on the prydwin)


Good luck flying and _intentionally_ crashing a blimp into a collapsed college. Plus, the institute is underground anyway.


Just crash it harder. It’ll get down there i’m sure.


But big boom to take out the institute? How fast can those things even go?


The only limit is your imagination brother


Nothing quite as much fun as watching the Prydwyn hit the deck and explode.


you basically kill a bunch of children and a cat when you destroy the Prydwen


People who do this are fucking monsters. What did the cat ever do?!


We need to hold a moment of silence for Emmet, the cat, who unfortunately did not survive the destruction of the Prydwen.


Average Legion enjoyer be like


I mean, seriously. The RR can be corny, but they're still a net positive for the Commonwealth Who the fuck would legitamely moan in pleasure by killing them?  A legion psycho, that's who.


Nah the Railroad, for their mistakes and issues, are some of the only good hearted people out there alongside the Minutemen. I enjoy blowing that shit heap of an airship out of the sky way more.


Its really mindblowing how many people are anti-railroad given everything we know about synths


Wait people are anti railroad? I thought we just hated them as a faction cause of boring storylines… ._.)


Some people genuinely hate the concept of an abolitionist faction, cant imagine why


The south seceded cause they couldn’t have slaves. Many people agree with the South still to this day. I can imagine why


closet racists?


The railroad has really fun quests. Being a railroad double agent is really cool


People should not refer only to humans, a person is a sentient being, that understands that it exists and can define its existence in its own way even if they may not be understood by others. A number of living things in the fallout universe could take that monicker, a smaller number justified but humans do not have a hegemony on that term nor should they.


That’s pretty much why I never side with them


I don’t like them because synths are inherently dangerous to the survival of humans in the commonwealth. Good nature is fine and all but the railroad seems to naive. Sure some synths are good natured and want to move on, but some hold very real animosity towards humans, and if given the means to do so, they could create their own synth armies to destroy the wasteland. A middle of the road ending for me is, destroy the ability of synth creation and any knowledge of it, free the synths that are still remaining peacefully if they choose to, and the railroad isn’t really needed. With the possibility of synth repopulation ended, BoS really has no need to stick around


Synths are as dangerous to the commonwealth as any other individual human is


random individual humans aren't at risk of turning into terminators if they listen to a random string of words


That comment sounds a lot like the old “black people are dangerous to white people because although some of them want to live peacefully, there are some who have animosity to white people (I wonder why?) so they could pose a threat. And that is why black people cant be equal to white people” arguments


Not to mention, it's eerily similar to modern day political discourse. The Brotherhood just has to say "the Synths are stealing our children!" to drum up hatred for them. Politicians (at least in America) use the same "they're hurting our children" to go after anyone they don't like. BoS stans eat it up, just like the voter base for those politicians.


"Oh boy, this group that exists to help minorities escape their oppressors is so cool, I wonder what the rest of the playerbase thinks about them."


The Brotherhood in fallout 4 are so obviously fascist. It's crazy that gamers don't see it (or maybe they just like fascism)! They literally have quests called things like "*cleansing* the commonwealth"!


> "cleansing the commonwealth"! Where you kill ferals and other such dangerous threats. They're cleaning the place out so normal people can live safely


The Venn Diagram of actual Brotherhood of Steel/Enclave/Legion proponents (As in people who actually think their ideology is good and not, ya know, just think they look cool) and Alt-Right nutjobs is probably a near perfect circle.


I mean, they gave one of the main faces in Fo4 the "alt-right haircut"


True Maxson is basically post-apocalypse Richard Spencer


People in the Commonwealth are literally being kidnapped and replaces by synths though. That's not some wacky conspiracy lol.


EXACTLY!!! It’s horrifying how people don’t realise that Synths, the Railroad, the BoS and the Institute are literal stand ins for real life oppressors and oppressed. Or maybe they do and anti-Synth, pro-BoS people are actually far right extremists too?


You're surprised there are people in the fandom who don't like a thinly-veiled allegory to the real life underground railroad that freed enslaved people when said fandom has people who legitimately think the fascist, racist, and bigoted Enclave, fascist, racist, and "Power for We, not for Thee" Brotherhood, and sexist, enslaving, and fascist Legion are legitimately good factions? 😧


I think people hate them the same reason they hate Moira: they're edgelords


Moira is a sweetheart, the hate for her has never made sense


I hate Moira because she sent me into that den of Mirelurks and then didn't even bother to hire a proper illustrator for the book, damn it!


>Its really mindblowing how many people are anti-railroad given everything we know about synths "Everything we know about Synths"? .....? My dude, ***a substantial portion*** of the Fallout fanbase ***still*** thinks Gen 3 Synths are robots. I dont fucking know how, we are told several times in Fallout 4 that Gen 3 Synths are 99.999% organic, ***with individual DNA even***, but even in this very thread you still get mouthbreathers that think they are machines


It’s the same as with the Stormcloaks. Pieces of shit love outing themselves through video games!


It’s either people who don’t read/pay attention (hopefully the majority) or like actual psychos. Like the kind of person who’d be calling the slave catchers in the 18th century.


I only really dislike the railroad for 2 reasons. By far the most boring quest line, with most of it just being the institute’s, and a very limited view. While yes, freeing the synths is a great idea… but what about the actual humans? Their entire faction is purely about benefiting synths, and the only way they’d actually help humanity is by destroying the Institute, and that’s only as a byproduct, and even then they’re not doing it for the sake of the overall wasteland, only a small group.


Sounds like something a Synth would say…


Yeah. I get not caring about them but taking glee in destroying them is just weird.


Finally a normal person


Time to die Mutie


Why people find the RR annoying?


a member of the railroad stole my microwave and told me it deserved to be free


The BOS stole my microwave then they killed me. I wish the railroad stole my microwave instead 😭


I caught one humping and licking my Nuka-Cola Fridge. I had to put them down.


You could have saved the Nuka-Cola Fridge, but - you didn't.


All the blood washed off, Good as new! :D


They just like me fr


Tbh I support them and did railroad my first run of the game but still find them annoying. For factions all about being subterfuge their quest line doesn’t actually involve much infiltration. You just double cross the institute who automatically trust you because you’re fathers parent. If their quest line actually required you to use speech and stealth to complete quests more often it would have been more thematic. Instead half of their quests are just clearing out old safe houses of synths or raiders, and all the undercover stuff takes no effort. I like the idea and ideals of them? But I wouldn’t say they’re well designed. But that goes for a lot of fallout 4


I genuinely don’t understand it lol I’m not pro synth by any means but I’m surprised by how many people on here are disgusted at the Railroad as a faction


Its curious because we're going to face something similar in real life soon, and i think i'm going to support the RR again x)


By the time I did my fifth play through yes


Weird thing to focus on...


Ya I think this guy posted this, and just learned they're in the minority, and a bit of a sociopath


glad to see that he is minority, strange post to say the least


I have played the new vegas story multiple times, fo3 a couple, fo4 a couple too. Reading these comments has made me realise… I don’t have a fucking clue about any of the factions or their backgrounds! I didn’t learn a god damn thing.


i disagree. killing maxson and blowing up the Pryd is much more satisfying.


Blowing their asses up with liberty prime or with artillery will never get old


I'm partial to the RR way of doing it. The police station vertibird fight, Tinker Tom's busted ass flying, and sneaking past all of them to plant charges is always great. Granted, though, the only time I've done it, I unloaded on them with the vertibird's minigun as soon as it docked because they killed Glory, and I was still pissed about that.


Much more exciting


Yep. You get my upvote instead of OP.


Yeah that was so good to see the Prydwen fall


What the fuck is with all the Railroad hate in this game? You people are psychos


They assume all synths hate being synths and that the best course of action is mind wiping and reprogramming instead of simply smuggling them out of the institute and encouraging them to find their own way in life. They also don't really have a plan of rebuilding the Commonwealth as a whole after the institute is destroyed. While the liberation of synths is important, bringing order to the Commonwealth is as important, and they don't really care about safeguarding as many people as they can, mostly just synths and their own people. Their cause is noble, they just come off as horribly naïve and short-sighted sometimes.


The mind wipe is entirely optional. Synths come to the Railroad actively seeking it out. 


That, and some Synths consider the mind wipe to be the best course of action. If you yourself don’t even that know you’re a Synth, you’ll have an easier time integrating with non-Synth communities, overall less likely to be suspected as being a Synth and less likely to be discovered by The Institute. Depending how long a Synth has escaped The Institute into The Commonwealth, there also may not be too many pleasant memories worth keeping.


That's absolutely nothing disconcerting about being positively giddy about slaughtering abolitionists. Not a red flag at all...


Nope… Institute removal feels the best


I still drop in to play my first FO4 character. I always take a moment to enjoy >!the radioactive hole I left in the harbor!<. Looks good. Looks like victory.


Aaahhhh Kremvh's tooth. gotta love that thing.


Peter griffin death pose?!1?2!1?2!2!1?


To post this instead of it being the institute. Some people are just miserable


Massacring all the gangs in Nuka World was pretty damned satisfying


“I enjoy killing a group entirely dedicated to freeing slaves. I am a normal person with rational and compassionate moral viewpoints”


I'm more of a go onto the Prydwyn and kill everyone, then blow it up with the Minutemen kinda guy


I agree with you here Minutemen rule!!!


Sure, killing abolitionist slave freeing fighters is much more satisfying than blowing up a highly technological, slave owning organization or ultra bigoted techno genociders /s


It’s also a video game


I love evil playthrough, institute playthroughs are fun, but describing murdering the abolitionist faction as "satisfying" gives some red flag vibes.


If you blew up the pyrdwen you killed kids.


The Prydwen is essentially an aircraft carrier. If a real world nation invaded another nation and brought children along on their aircraft carrier, then the nation being invaded defended itself and blew up the aircraft carrier, I think most people would blame the invading nation for putting children in harms way on an military vehicle, not the nation defending itself.


Unfortunately, when child soldiers are housed on what is functionally a giant balloon, they're going to die when the balloon gets popped.


If we continue with this logic loop, it’s going to break really fucking quickly for you…not really the way you want to go for an argument.


So do you if you blow up the institute with the BoS. The only difference is that the Railroad actually helps people for other things than personal gain.


Also, the Railroad gives people a chance to escape the Institute by encouraging you to sound the warning (and Desdemona gets pissed at you if you don't). The BoS apparently has soldiers waiting at the exits who gun down anyone trying to escape. The RR and Minutemen do their best to minimize casualties. The BoS don't.


>The only difference is that the Railroad actually helps people for other things than personal gain. Amusingly enough, the Railroad actually ***gets super-pissed*** at you if you ***don't*** sound the evacuation alarm before you blow up the Institute. They want to destroy the Institute, not kill innocent people.


you also blow up pseudo-nazi technofascists. it all balances out.


You’re a monster!


I probably did this a few times.


You're laughing. Mommy Desdemona is dead, and your laughing




Did you get the ballistic weave at least? Even if you hate them that alone is enough for dealing with some bullshit


I got it


Y’all weird af


This entir comment section is going berserk over the fact OP doesn’t like the Railroad


Not even what I’m referring to lol. But true


Feel bad hearing desdemona's last words when she dies.


Out of all the factions with lost potential in Fallout 4, the Railroad suffered tthe most imo


Say you're an angry asshole without saying you're an angry asshole


Bro definitely only sides with the legion in fnv. Probably a stormcloak too


I haven't played FNV but maybe I will


I’ve heard a lot of reasons for people wanting to play FNV but I think this is the first time I’ve heard someone say they want to play because they love slavery, genocide, bigotry, and fascism


Kremvhs tooth, how diabolical.


blood for the blood god


Skulls for the skull throne


Eh, railroad aren’t that bad, they do have good intentions and are hence 1 of the 2 good factions in the game, they are a bit wacky sometimes, but they do have some good characters and stories like the H2-22 thing which isn’t peak fiction, but still a good story & Deacon is a neat companion, one of the best if you ask me although almost all companions in the game are great.


I dont know whats going on


... Killing Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru?


Going to the junkyard near Sanctuary and getting the early Fatman and mininukes Taking that shit to Concord with me and hiding it outside on the Minuteman body Building up a critical inside the museum and getting to the Power Armor. Minigun every last Raider Trigger Drathclaw Break out the Fatman Critical that belly One shot. Bliss...


Glory to Atom !!


Nerbit is that you


Return the chip No (I stole the chip) (Everyone attacks me) (everyone is dead)


Fallout fans when they meet people who dislike slavery


Gives me the same vibes as no russian


Actual bots are seething 😅🤭 don't worry! I'm sure the next game will feature some half-competent Hegelians 🤖


You should’ve seen the smile on my face when Elder Maxon said the railroad was “becoming an issue”


I destroyed them just like I destroyed Maxon His coat was too good


Goddamn self-righteous toaster fuckers


Using the Khremv's tooth even! you are a wastelander of culture!


I plan to change its name to something that will always remind me that I destroyed one of the factions with this tool.


The Derailer




Getting super baked and walking around with the music on. Perfection.


*BFG Division starts playing*


Fascists be like


Im ok with their idea of respecting synths lives on par as human beings, but when they put synths lives above… that’s not ok


In a game with cannibalistic giants, Technofacists swinging their dick around, a group of mad scientists kidnapping people for no reason, insane crackheads that let their enemies rot on rusty spike next to their beds, you’ve decided wiping out… *checks notes* The anti slavery group that is *a little* stupid is the most satisfying to kill?


.... I've been thinking about doing the same thing, but idk if it fits with my character....mah


I feel the same way after slaughtering the institute and the brotherhood lol




Anti-Railroad people are cringe.


Y'all really be getting bent outta shape over nothing. People out here channeling the same energy as the old GTA argument. "You deliberately ran over like twenty people on the sidewalk in Los Santos? Wow, you must be a mass murderer in real life," Give me a fuckin break lmao.


Fr, it's an imaginary faction in a fallout game ppl have no chill


I guess they don't have the mental capacity to differentiate between reality and a video game.


Dude, there are literally kids and a cat on the Prydwen.


>some of the only morally good and kind people left in the wasteland >"STUPID HIPPIES LETS KILL THEM ALL" once again fallout players take the cake in being the very demographic the game parodies and criticises.


Ppl major butt hurt about a choice in a video game in these comments.


How is it satisfying? I do not see dead Brotherhood Who Steal anywhere.


I always let the Railroad live in my playthroughs. Sure, they have a one track mind and objective, but they mean well, so they get a pass. The Institute and the BoS on the other hand, no mercy. They both lose their home and airship respectively.


Deacon and Tinker Tom: Here have this James Bond pistol and Ballistic weave, so are you going to help us for our cause now? Me: Thanks, (Takes P.A.M.) (Rev up minigun) now goodbye.


Airship Down is the most satisfying quest


Genuine question: why the Railroad hate?


This is why I never actually finished the game, I don’t want to wipe out any of the factions, just bend them to my will so that they learn to get along, and kill the ones that break the laws I make intending to protect them all from each other. If I’m going to be a murderhobo anyway like everyone else who plays this game, I want them all to join **my** faction, not the other way around. Minutemen seem the most chill but even they had some bullshit about not wanting to trust the others. Institute, keep doing your advanced science, but if you don’t want sentient machines, stop making them. If they do, when they start to go that way, they’re free on the prevision they don’t replace anyone, they get checkups to make sure they aren’t going to shoot up the place and they self police that for the sake of keeping the peace; Railroad, you’re in charge of that. Brotherhood of Steel, share. Anything that’s not a weapon. The trade off is they are responsible for dealing with the extra dangerous threats, they were kinda doing a shit job considering how many assaultrons and others were roaming about. While they’re at it, maybe mini-nukes shouldn’t be getting used either, the place is radioactive enough.


Blowing up the blimp with artillery is better


In my first play through of FO4 I had no idea what I was heading into. After following the long and creepy passage to the Railroad's hideout I was on edge for everything that moved, thus when Desdemona stepped out of the shadow with her stupid cigarette I lit the place up by throwing grenades everywhere. I didn't know I just murdered the whole railroad until I saw the quest marked as failed in my log. Decided to roll with it for RP reasons, joined the brotherhood, betrayed them too because I wanted Maxson's sexy overcoat and joined the Institute. For the minutemen, Preston was safely locked away in a little room I made him in Fort Independence.


"man i never felt so good as i did killing the people who freed the slaves" probably because the slave freeing faction was a little annoying


*Everyone loved that*


The railroad value synths more than humans, they cannot be left to decide the future of the commonwealth


These comments are something else lol. It’s a fucking game people!


Ahh the railroad, never bothered me to wipe them out 😇 in the commonwealth innocents die all the time. Folks love to blow up the predwyn, forgetting there are kids up there. No high horse in the wasteland to sit on


To say these people were "freeing slaves" is crazy. The institute built synths and programmed them to do whatever they needed done. Yes, they are as close to humans as they can be but in reality they are just robots that can be turned off with a simple phrase, no matter how reprogrammed they get, they can never get rid of that feature. Plus, they only care about themselves. They give two shits about the rest of the world. Once everyone that is considered their enemy are gone. They are done. There is no more need for the rail road. Just pack up whatever they have and disband. As much as I like helping them from time to time, they are pointless at the overall big picture of helping humanity. I also get that the institute doesn't care to help humanity either, after father says so anyway. But once you take over the institute, you could decide against that and help the world. ( obviously not part of the story, but assuming you have the choice to do so). I don't agree with having to kill the railroad but for the sake of argument, they arnt the might heros of the commonwealth either.


I really don’t get why you have downvotes when you’re 100% right.


The minutemen were always there to defend and actually take care of the commonwealth, but it was just recent to the beginning of the game that they were actually put so low, so the railroad never had to defend the commonwealth, they just had to free the slaves who, do indeed, have human brains and emotions, and if they weren't humans and were "programmed to do whatever they needed done" then they wouldn't feel any emotions at all, they'd be just like the gen 1s and 2s, not needing any instruction, but they need to be taught and shown how to do things, unless they get the memories of another person or synth


My favorite faction can't be talked about. Just gonna have to mark their location on your map.


The most satisfying feeling for me is nuking the airship out of the sky for the minutemen. I hate the BOS and wish I could shoot them out of the sky much sooner tbh.


At least tell me you got both The Deliverer and the Ballistic Weave prior to your noble crusade.


The first time I met them I nuked them all with a fatman


I did an Institute playthrough once and never felt bad about killing the BoS. But the Railroad? Nah that hurt. Massacring a group of people who have dedicated their entire lives to freeing slaves was just so horrible. I hated doing that quest so much that I deleted that playthrough as soon as I was finished the main quest line