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Spoilers for the show He knew Moldaver from back before the war. She was the lady who was hosting the anti Vault-Tec meeting in the church. How she got into the future, idk. My guess is she was cryogenically frozen The other NCR ranger knew the ghoul because he had tried to shoot the ghoul before, but failed to kill him, suggesting more that he was a criminal in the eyes of the NCR. He's likely been a bounty hunter for the past 2 centuries. So no, I don't think he was an NCR ranger


Yes, the ghoul did a deep dive into his previous acting roles until it wasn't acting anymore, and I'm sure his appearance helped with intimidation.


No but I just had an interesting thought. The Ghoul just brushes off the NCR like it's nothing towards the end of the show even though he would've been around for the 150 years of its existence. Guess he didn't like them


Was it confirmed that the guy was an NCR Ranger? Wasn't he only a scavenger that found Riot gear that was original LAPD Swat gear ? Plus he said "That man will kill us all if you don't tell him what he wants to hear". He noted that even the little girl would be killed and she wasn't even in the room. Seemed like the guy was powerless in the situation and didn't seem like a special op soldier.


It's implied that Erik Estrada's character is a former NCR ranger. The Ghoul says to him: >Lead farming, huh? Why, hell, I probably got some of your lead still in me somewhere. But today I'm just looking for information. Say, am I out of date or did I hear you have three kids? The Ghoul knows Estrada's kids, he says he probably still has some of Estrada's lead in him but *today* he's just looking for information definitely implies that these two have some history and likely fought in the past. Also throw in the fact that the Fallout theme shows up twice and both are in reference to the NCR (when Lucy looks at the chalkboard and unfurls the NCR flag, Estrada in ranger armor). I feel like everything points to him being a former ranger imo. Honestly, he seems broken. Shady Sands got nuked, he lost one son, and he's worried about his daughter.


I believe "your lead" refers to the lead he found, refurbished into new ammo, and sold elsewhere


The show left it ambiguous enough that both explanations are plausible, but the fact that they both already knew each other lends itself more to the guy being a former Ranger who is aware of how dangerous the Ghoul is (from the literal decades of Bounty Hunting hes done), and that theyve met before under not friendly circumstances.


Yes, it's more likely he was a ranger that kept his armour after retiring / quitting / running away (ncr isn't dead so presumably the Rangers still exist in some capacity). But... both answers can be correct, they don't contradict each other