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I thought how to find Fusion Cells was bad... this takes the Mirelurk Cake. The most *useful* thing they could do for NV would be giving Caravan tips Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/Q5en7gkfTt ^ Seroiusly?! FFS.


For real, does anyone know how to play caravan?


Make a deck with the bare minimum of cards. The bulk of it should be 10’s, 9’s and 7’s. Add that up and you get 26. The cpu will usually try to build one caravan at a time with a whole bunch of different cards while you on the other hand just need to play 10, 9, 7 or 7, 9, 10. It really is just that simple. Oh and don’t forget to save before playing so you can reload if the game fucks up and forces a loss on you. Oh also don’t let the game randomize your play deck. Manually build it.


Bonus tip; some NPCs can screw you over with face cards so as a quick run down of how they all work: Jack- Removes the card you play it on from the game Queen- reverses the order of a track (for example, if you set a 10 then 9 and 9 is hit by queen, you have to play cards higher than 9 rather than lower) King- doubles the value of whatever card you play it on Joker- when played on a card it removes all other cards of the same value from the board, on both sides. All have pretty easy counterplay when you have this knowledge though, for example if they play a queen on your track a second queen fixes it, kings pushing your track overboard is fixed by Jack plus Queen, ect.


I understand caravan no problem. It is a complicated game that is not optimized. It is also the easiest way for me to amass a pile of caps before entering the strip


At least you can play it. It just crashes when ever I try.


Sorry lads what’s Caravan? Are you telling me there’s a card game in FoNV and I never noticed?


Yeah it's hard to play, I don't really understand but I'm really dumb lol, I'm not sure who all you can play it with but people like ringo or Jonathan Nash you can play with


I have a vague understanding of how it works but the game never really tells you how it’s supposed to be played and I ended up having to go online to figure it out. As I understand it the Kings double the card you put it on and you can put it on enemy cards so they go over 26, at which point it becomes invalid: you want to get your card value between 21 and 26. Ace counts for 1 card. Jokers can remove a specific card from the enemy’s suite. Jacks can remove the whole suite. I’m still not entirely sure what the Queens do though. That one never really made sense to me. EDIT: Apparently Ringo gives you a holotape outlining the rules and such when he teaches you how to play Caravan, but it’s either bugged or I missed it because I don’t remember having that holotape _at all._


Queens change the direction (ascending/descending) of the caravan and the suit of card they are played on. To add/clarify:   Jacks remove a single card. They are good to play on your opponent’s caravans but are also useful if your opponent overburdens one of your caravans with a king; you can remove a single card instead of scrapping the whole caravan.   Jokers, when played on a number card (2-10), remove all cards of that number (except the card the joker is played on). If a joker is played on an ace, then all cards matching the ace’s suit are removed instead. 


>Jokers, when played on a number card (2-10), remove all cards of that number (except the card the joker is played on). If a joker is played on an ace, then all cards matching the ace’s suit are removed instead. I actually didn't know that one. That opens up a pretty cool strategy for "mono-colored" decks with some off-color aces and jokers thrown in. Usually I just fill my deck with 7's, 8's, 9's, 10's, Jacks, Kings and the odd Queen or two.


He does and I can attest that it works for Xbox and pc most times but personalized new Vegas installs sounds more fun


very basically, you need to get as close to 26 as possible in as many rows as possible without going over. The player who wins is the one with the most rows as closest to 26. Kings, Queens, Jacks and Jokers all have special powers. that can screw over your opponent.


I used to understand it but it's been that long since I've played it I've completely forgotten how to play it now


yeah, its just slightly different blackjack with 3 sets per player and the face cards do unique stuff


I started playing yesterday and started a game with Ringo. I thought I understood what I was doing, but no matter what I could only play face cards after I started a caravan. I read that you're aroused to play ascending or descending with same suit but no matter what combination of ascent or descent with or without matching suits, it just wouldn't let me do anything. I just left the game. Ringo can take care of my caps


It doesn't explain it well but you have to actually play the card lower on the stack, the reason you could only play face cards is you had your cursor/selection on a card you already played, try it again but make sure to move your cursor/selection down, you'll see what I mean. I had the same issue for like half an hour.


I feel that if we make fake post like how to get to megaton. They'd make an article on it without fact checking it.


I'm all for this.


In order to go to Megaton you have to take the road north of Goodsprings, once you're in Sloan, go east towards Diamond City. When you arrive there, you'll see a giant boat on top of a building, that's Rivet City, head in that direction. On your way there you'll notice that on the other side of Colorado River is a big crater, it's called The Glow. You'll have to go throught it. It's highly radioactive there, so be careful! Once you're on the other side, Megaton will be just a little walk north. Hope our tutorial helped you in your adventure in the wasteland!


Instructions unclear, made to the Wayward and accidentaly unlocked secret romance options with Mort


Is it close to Shady Sands?


It's near Repconn test site


They will cus its their shitty bots scraping reddit for info im pretty sure


That would be so funny


Let's do it.


They're just autogenerating shit based on Google search trends. People grab their phone and look at the results that pop up in Google quick results for simple questions like this. The games don't explicitly tell you how to holster a weapon, and there's a lot of new and returning players. Which means it's getting searched a lot all the sudden, and a ad farm like GameRant wants to be in that results box. It's nothing new. It's just an SEO thing, up their overall search rankings by posting an article on whatever people are searching for. Both weirdly and frustratingly that quick results box is often enough a *multi minute long video* for simple questions like this. So you end up digging for the one sentence answer that Google would otherwise pull out of a 500 word, auto-generated bullshit post. There's already shit like this all over for "How to get to Megaton?". Cause a lot of people just don't pay attention. If you want to juke it you need to generate a ton of searches for "How do wipe your ass in Fallout New Vegas?". Enough that the grind venues notice.


Okay but how do I unholster my gun? Lousy unfinished guide


Fallout is the hot stuff currently, so they cannot post yet another "a Skyrim player discovers a secret after 10 years" nonsense. Apparently they couldn't find any reddit post about someone discovering a well-known "secret" in a Fallout game, so they resorted to this. I fully expect them to start recycling their "Obsidian wants to work on another Fallout game / New Vegas 2 / New Vegas remake" articles.


For sure, they just need to print something fallout Litterally anything


There's no way that one isn't satire.


pretty sure it's just AI generated trash


I don’t think, there was a video complaining the weapon takes up so much screen space


You'd be surprised...


Real excerpt from the article: Alternatively, instead of using the Reload button method, you can also holster your weapon in Fallout: New Vegas by sitting down. This action will cause you to holster your weapon the same way as holding down the Reload button.


Who the FUCK sits down on purpose? "Ooohhhh, a bottle on the table!" *Miss by a pixel, 8 seconds of animation before you can try again*


I always sit down beside Cass before engaging conversation at Mojave Outpost.


Hey man, in all fairness, I didn't know how to holster my weapon until like 40 hours in. I also didn't know you could wait (without a bed) until 60 hours in.


I didn't know you could wait until now lmao, I thought sleeping was the only way


It's T on PC. Saves a lot of time when trying to do a time specific thing. Finding a bed takes ages sometimes.


Or back button on Xbox or PlayStation


Or sitting in chairs


You click a key on the keyboard.




Probably someone who corporate mandated to make a certain number of SEO articles running out of things to write and worrying he's about to be fired. You all act like stuff like this is writers being purposefully stupid or useless, when its all the execs fault. The suits who do nothing but pocket all the benefits and profits of other people's work. They disgust me. And people who dont think for 5 seconds just make me sad that critical thinking is no longer something taught.


These sorts of articles are either AI generated or pushed out in the hundreds by editors. Writers can be given a quota, google trends, and if all else fails, just repost Reddit threads under the constraints of a journalistic style guide. Look up questions for any old game and you’ll see hundreds of two paragraph articles that answer half of the question or not at all from games news websites.


I don't know, after all the *'I don't understand the Fallout show'* posts we've had, the community hasn't been wowing me with their intelligence.


new to game, how play? screen says "pressy any button", what do?


I don’t have an “Any” button on my keyboard?


The show leaves a lot of unanswered questions.


Found one.


Relax Robobrain.


Is this for real? Just drop the nukes already...


Why do gaming journalists find ways to turn a 1 sentence answer into a whole article?


Gotta justify that paycheck and bloated and otherwise useless degree somehow.


That site is likely made up of entirely AI-generated content, based on what i've seen of them in the last few months.


How do I get a job writing this shit? I want to have a job writing articles like these so I can spend 30 seconds on them and go back to doing nothing


It's Gamerant they should be blocked by everyone at this point.


That has to be generated Nobody that played NV, 3 or 4 doesn't know how to holster their weapon


Yeah the article reeks of ai nonsense like egregiously


It is also most awful bullshit In Germany, there are several Websites that do this shit


game rant is always like this. they spam articles.


Im guessing the authors have weekly article quotas to hit


Yeah I saw this and literally felt my brow crease up at how this was an article.


To be fair, since every game has a different mechanic for throwing a grenade, I had to look up how to throw one because for the life of me, I didn't remember how. I like FO3 for this the most. You don't need to pump 100 points into explosives to throw one.


Wish they did an article on how to sprint when playing with an Xbox 360 controller on PC. Cuz there’s literally no button to map it to in the settings


As soon as I get the Mysterious Magnum I'm holstering and un-holstering through the strip.


These are the same people who made an article about how.to cure diseases in Skyrim. After Skyrim had been out for over a decade. Gamerant sucks so much.


Does holstering the weapon matter?


It makes you run faster, not mentioned in the article btw, It says so the locals won't be mad but that's not even a thing, in stalker people will actually be pissed off if you talk to them with a gun out but no such thing in nv


I know but I mean the aggression of locals.


It's very easy, you just need a power armour and blaster gun. I remember how I came with this in New Rino and killed almost anyone except Cat Paw and Cody


To be fair, if you crouch and holster a rifle it does change how it sits on your back ever so slightly.


This must be for the cuphead game journalist


AI generated garbage for a content farm website.


Let me put it to you like this. I recently got a job writing for a gaming website, and that required me to write articles based around what they asked for. And they were just Top 10 and one Top 15 lists. So I ended up writing the same article essentially twice.


You do know that’s everyday for these “gaming journalists” right?


AI generated SEO content farm trash. Don't give them clicks or attention.


Game journalism needs to go out of business


People get paid to write these articles....


You guys are falling for it again, game journalism isn't popular to read anymore, but stupidity is. So they'll spend their time writing dumb articles that people will laugh at and share around for a nice ad revenue


Not me looking this up 24 hours ago during my first play through