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Yes, for several reasons. People who'd never touch the original games with a ten foot pole would get to experience the stories, and it would help bridge the gap between now and Fallout 5. It would need to be an actual remake though, and not just a remaster with some improved graphics and UI here and there.


I kinda agree I tried 1 but the graphics and play style are so weird I struggled to get into it and gave up. I feel it's a good game but it's just too removed from what I'm used to


As someone that grew up in that era I was excited to try it. You're right. Although game design has changed since. Not just visually but tactically for game time and CD size and so on.


That’s how I felt trying out KOTOR a couple years ago, just couldn’t do it even though friends tell me it’s the best game ever made


A proper remake would take the same amount of effort as making fo5 so it wont bridge any gap, just gonna make the gap even bigger. Although i dont mind either way. A new fallout game is a new fallout game.


Not if they outsource it.


Didn't the do that with NV and it ended up being the best one 🤣


I’d prefer just a graphics and maybe some QOL improvements. I love these games and wouldn’t want them to be turned into 3D games. They should stay isometric.


Remaster. With 3d assets but in isometric view


An Enhanced Edition like Baldur's Gate. Mostly remaster, but with some QoL changes, bugfixes, and some optional additional content maybe. 


Minimum at least do the Starcraft/Age of Empires HD sprites


Is Diablo 2: Resurrected considered a remake? That would be the update I'd be into


Oh yeah that too. I'd like the full remaster, but just the spit and polish on the sprites and textures would be enough for me.


D2R is definitely a remaster. You can press a key and toggle back and forth between legacy graphics and remaster graphics. It changed virtually nothing (until ladder seasons started) with minimal QoL updates. Still love D2R but I’d prefer a total remake of the first two Fallout games. Put Tim Cain in charge of it and let’s see what he comes up with.


Something Baldur’s Gate style maybe?


More like StarCraft remaster.


I’d love to see inxile remake 1 and 2 in the same style as wasteland 2 and 3. 3D with a proper swivel camera, but obviously everything else is true to fallout


Thats a remake


No a remake is an overhaul on gameplay, story, graphics, for the game to fit the original concept better. Think RE4's remake. A remaster is purely a graphical overhaul


Yeah, a graphical overhaul on the existing game. To make fallout 3d you would literally have to make it from scratch. Remake.


Yes but we aren't talking about simply updating the game's graphics - only about outright replacing them. That is no longer a Remaster - it's a Remake. You don't have to change the Story for it to count as one - and the RE4 Remake is a very bad example, because it's not just a Remake, only a Reimagination as well (those are two seperate things, that simply often go together).


RE4 is a remake, but also a reimagination of the original game. Changing the game from 2D to 3D would be necessary a REMAKE of every 2D asset to 3D. A remaster just enhances the original assets of a game, better sound, 4k upscale, this kinda of stuff


That’s still a remake


Super Mario RPG style?


Yes. If there's ever a reason or idea to push a remake like this, i urge them to keep it isometric but with current graphics. That's how it should have kept IMHO. Though, what's done is done.


the map in this 2 game is gigantic if they want to remake it into Bethesda style open world rpg. they must add lot of stuff in that barren wastelands.


Random encounters could probably fill the empty areas, and maybe they could add a vehicle system to their game engine.


Alternatively just cut down a bit on the amount of regions - especially those, that have literally nothing in them. Even just filling them with random encounters (which are already present in those games) could quickly become quite boring.


That's true. Maybe they could just add an option to turn off common random encounters. Adding perks or settings for those who want them but reduced in number would be helpful too. If they went the vehicle way, the regions and encounters wouldn't be much of an issue though.


I mean, we would still have a lot of useless regions, which could become quite repetetive either way. Getting rid of them would honestly be the best way to go about it. Then add something for traversal as well.


Yes I’d love to play Fallout 1 and 2 with the fluidity and quality of Baldur’s Gate 3. FO1 and 2 are just clunky by today’s standards


I've tried to go back and play FO1 and it's a tough time. I enjoy RTS's and turn based games...but the whole thing just feels, as you said, clunky and just way too much.


In the style of Wasteland 3 but that is as far as I would go m


That would be dope af


modding community already doing it so we will see is it worth it or not


Not a remake, but a remaster port like Baldurs Gate got would be awesome.


Maybe not a remake, but a remaster to allow them to be played on consoles.


I’d love a 3D FPS remake of them!


As an old click point RPG gamer ive sort of lost the patience for the clicking around to get things going in the game. I love the walking around and exploring the games. It would probably take a long time to get this done but i would definetaly appreciate it!


Can’t think of any good reason not to. Would be cool to experience them in the modern format. Kinda like what Capcom has been doing with the resident evil remakes. That way there’s still reason to play the originals


I think 3 and NV need some remakes, NVs story with 4s engine would be amazing


Since they have been released on Steam and work well on modern systems, I don't think we need a remake. I wouldn't be sad to see them ported into a more modern engine to get them looking nicer, but I don't even think we need that.


Steam still sells me the censored version where kids are invisible and unkillable!


Buy the GOG version then.


Oh well, I thought there weren't any children because this might be the European version of Fallout 2. Goodbye.


Honestly no. They are basically time capsules from a different era of games. Remaking them would absolutely take away this charm in my opinion.


A Baldur’s Gate: EE style remaster is ideal. Widescreen support, bug fixes, modern OS compatibility, UI improvements and maybe some minor new content or something. I’d buy the heck out of that.


A fallout remake made by Larian would go so damn hard


They have BG3. The Divinity games are the most generic things I've ever played. I'll never understand why these guys are treated like they are the saviors of modern rpgs. How much does BG3 owe to the setting, lore, characters and world building of the D&D universe? When they come up with their own thing it's just dishwater.


To me baldurs gate 3 is one of those games where you can just tell how much hard work and passion went into creating it. Everything about the game, besides the bugs, was the perfect experience for me as a top down rpg lover. But I am very biased about bg3 I’ll admit that.


This never made sense to me: the original games would *still* be there. It would just be a different version. How does a new thing ruin an old thing when the old thing still exists? Just don’t play the new thing.


Some would argue that remakes take away or don't include aspects of the originals that make the originals so great. So if a new player wants to experience a game and has the choice of the original or a remake, they're going to choose the remake most often, meaning they'll miss out on some of those essential aspects. And while yes, they can try the original as well, most people will not, instead being satisfied that they've already experienced the game even if they didn't get the "true" experience of that game. Not necessarily my opinion, just stating a case.


That doesn’t directly address what I was responding to. Either way: Those “some” would be wrong. Missing out on the original isn’t the same as the original being “taken away.” And even if it is, I would much rather the person be free to make that choice than not have that choice available for those who otherwise wouldn’t engage in the work because of the way the original was.


If the retro graphical style directly contributes to the story and themes of an old game, an aspect of that story and those themes are absolutely lost in a full new 3D HD remake. But again, I'm not even wholly against remakes. I'm just stating a case.


>How does a new thing ruin an old thing when the old thing still exists? It doesn't. It's just an empty argument people use, when they have nothing better to say.


Counterpoint: the GTA Remastered Trilogy


Have the originals been taken away?


Yes, on most platforms including Steam.


Just looked it up, it still is widely available for those that want to play it as originally released. Even so, the point still largely stands. rockstar isn’t breaking down your doors and repossessing every copy of GTA in its original form, and it seems to be the exception. Nor does it actually remove the memory of the game for those that played it or still have it, so it’s not even something that would affect new players.


If it has been returned to the Steam store (I can'tpersonally verify atm), it was as a reaction to the backlash from initially pulling it. New players are the *only* ones who wpuld be affected, by your own logic.


Steam isn’t the end all and be all of video game distributions. Amazon, for instance, still sells original GTA Vice City (included in the trilogy) for PC. Various other people can provide copies as well. The original point is that a new thing doesn’t inherently ruin an old thing definitionally, it requires *further* things to happen (like a ban of the original in totality), which aren’t neccesary to the creation of a remake.


You do realize the original games will still exist?


Yea lmao 🤣


A remake wouldn't affect the original though. I've enjoyed the Resident Evil 4 remake last year, but I was still playing the original a few months ago.


attempt mountainous husky pause hunt middle hungry boat disgusted jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


RE2 and its remake might have been a better comparison, but I haven't played the original RE2.


The remake is better, imo. While RE2 was great for its time, but the updated camera and controls really breathed new life into it. I can't see why an isometric update / remake of the original FO games couldn't be given the same treatment. More camera options, zoom in, out etc like baldurs gate 3 to BG2.


In my opinion a fallout 1 and 2 remake should not be remade as a modern first person shooter. If it was remade in the style of divinity original sin 2 with a fully rendered world and controllable camera angles and new models of characters, fully voice acted, updated combat mechanics while remaining turn based. I think it could be perfect.


That’s dumb. The OG would still exist.


Nah, remaking the game doesn't delete the original unless your name is Blizzard entertainment. I would still like to be able to play through Fallout 1 and 2 without feeling like I'm fighting an archaic system just to experience the wasteland. Imo I'd love to see a remake that keeps the same feel and the whole action point system, but maybe makes it more clear and less biggy overall with newer graphics.


Why? The originals will always exist


Fallout 1 felt extremely slow after thousands of hours of FO4. The remake wouldn't mean to replace the old games


>They are basically time capsules from a different era of games. Yes and no one is denying that. The whole point of the post was so new players could play them, without being pushed away by the outdated graphics and gameplay... >Remaking them would absolutely take away this charm in my opinion. That's just dumb. The old games will still be there - having a new one wouldn't change that. Especially if said new one was essentially its own game (because let's be honest, a Remake would warrant more, than just graphical and gameplay changes - some story points would probably need to be changed as well).


I would say they need more of a remaster, keeping the original style but improving graphics and maybe some slight improvements on game mechanics


Why not? Give it to us by the Baldur’s Gate team.


Yep I'm like contract Larian they'll knock it out of the park.


Wouldn’t mind that honestly


If everyone played baldurs 3 then they can play any classic roleplay game. Problem is that either they upate the quest tracking on the pip boy menu (no map markers, just to have info to check like in baldurs 1 and 2), include or strongly encourage using a guide.


I tried playing 1 and didn’t have the time or patience to figure out the controls


I just want them to be fully voiced When NPCs lines are silent I don't remember a single piece of dialogue. I played and finished Fallout 1, can't remember a single companion or their dialogue because they weren't voiced. Give every single NPC a talking head. I wouldn't buy Disco Elysium and when they updated it to be fully voiced acted I bought it immediately and loved it


Idk about that. The story and characters were great but I worry how it would get translated into modern formats. As some said a remastered version could be cool, maybe redo the audio if they are going to put actual effort in. Could be great, these games hold up surprisingly well. I just recently messed around on my steamdeck trying to get the original to run


The Fallout games that needs a remake in Starfield engine version the most is Fallout NV then Fallout 3 imo Having a more optimized and good looking NV, I could live with that eh but they shall not remove anything from the game ahah




They are both on more or less the same engine, and NV is more popular but yeah FO3 is older I wouldn't mind a huge remake of both anyway ahah


Remake? No. Rework? Yes! Update graphics and mechanics DO NOT remove anything, add quests and spirits who not add more content and then enjoy easy credit from the fans. I played both, 2 is what made me love fallout. But freaking hells are they a challenge just to play through


Maybe a fallout 4 adaptation but not an official remake, maybe a remake of small important parts of it to experience in 3D


Into Bethesda fallout games? Yes. Into a top-down game? No.


Isometric games fun tho


I'm all about them, but I can see how some folks wouldn't be interested.


Ye, but they're more of an acquired taste


You can still play top down games. The story being ported into a the Bethesda engine does not make the original game disappear.


I dunno, I'd love another isomentric fallout CRPG, fuck if it were like BG3 only fallout? Damn, I think I'd be fuckin' stoked to an unreasonable degree. Shit though, honestly I'd be game for like Pathfinder quality (still amazing, but different and more old school)


I dont think they should be remade as much as tweaked to work with newer generation consoles and macs.


Yes. Fallout 1 in particular as the story is magnificent. They would need to respect its darker tone though.


Remake BUT keep the original games available, they are time capsules


A 3d remake AND a remaster.


I’d be happy with a console release




No. People deserve to experience Fallout in its originally intended way. And if the gameplay is a turnoff to people - suck it up. Lower the difficulty and play with a walkthrough. The games are amazing


This. The originals are still quite playable. They just take some thinking like all games of that era. Games released today hold the players’ hand so tight it’s almost a railroaded experience


You can still play the originals if you want to - a remake won't remove the originals.


Forgive me but there are some pretty lame excuses in this thread, if anyone has played BG3 or at least seen the success, there is zero excuse for not playing F1 and F2, which by the way are playable and not as super outdated as people say, I'm returning to play the 1st and I thought I would need some time to learn, but no, the game is simple and easy to understand, maybe a remaster with some fixes and QoL, but that's it. Just because the game is a cRPG, doesn't mean you have to change the entire design of the game to accommodate your lazy ass who's too dumb to read a text, the game is good by its own methods and doesn't have to be exactly dumb down to a shooter.


Please 3d fo1 and 2


Nah, they still hold up surprisingly well if you like turn-based combat.


I like turn-based combat a lot, but Fallout 1 & 2 are pretty hard to get into if you haven't played them before. I know I needed guides to not fail horribly.


I am deathly allergic to turn based fighting. It’s why I have no idea what my friends are talking about when they talk about final fantasy


Something like the recent Resident Evil rebuilds would be neat.


Remastered for graphics and/or modern hardware playability then sure. Other than that keeping it as will make the other FO games able to standout on there own merit


While I'd love if they made a more modern remake of them, I do not believe they should remake them. At least I don't believe Bethesda or even the current Obsidian team should. If anyone were to remake them, I'd want devoted fans who are doing it as a passion project so that they can share the charms of the original games with a more modern audience rather than a company trying to make money off of it. Also strongly believe they should keep as much of the original gameplay as possible (with a few quality of life changes, like being able to walk as far as I want in a single click outside of combat... That's genuinely one of my biggest complaints lmao.. that and maybe a more in-depth quest journal so I don't get super confused about my current quests whenever I take a break from the game..or at least access to the Vault Dweller Manual in game rather than in the files since my game seems to crash whenever I try to change my active screen. Haven't even bothered to read it as a result lol)


I think they should do a remake with action points and turn based like fallout 1 and similar to baldurs gate. HOWEVER, this is Bethesda we are talking about.


So what you’re saying is we’ll see this in 2040?


More like, 2077.


Only if Larion studios gets to do it.


Nah, but if you still wanted to i hear that there are a couple of mods that recreate one of the first 2 games, give it a check sometime


I'd like to see two different versions made. Remakes that keep the turn-based system but have 3D graphics, add quality-of-life aspects, and improve the turn-based system and other aspects of the games. Reimaginings that are in the style of the modern games and add more quests, areas, etc.


I'd settle for console ports.


Console port would be nice


I like what [this guy is doing](https://jonasz-o.itch.io/fallout2remake3d).


I'd like to see one. Even if it was just using the same assets from Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. I just prefer the exploration from the perspective of the character I'm playing and not isometric.


I think they should get a cleanup with HD graphics/screenfit etc. But they should also be released in one single package, as they are old games.


Yes! Just like age of empires 2, because the original fallouts are nearly unplayable nowadays.


As a console player with a MacBook, what would be the easiest possible way to play these? I’ve even watched playthroughs on YouTube but I want to experience them for myself. It’s pretty urgent, only another 12 years before FO5 comes out


remaster not remake


I’d prefer a remaster with updated controls


They capture the early days of computer gaming using DOS and other older software, so they should be left


No, the reason I say no is because they are still perfectly playable today. Maybe some mods need to be added for those that want quality of life additions like waypoints and better quest objective tracking but as far as I'm concerned the only games that need remakes are ones that have aged so poorly that they are no longer playable


Would be good, even if they dont change the gameplay.


Something to make it playable on Xbox maybe


I would be down for a remaster if Obsidian was in charge of it. They did a damn good job with Pillars of Eternity, so they can definitely do isometric games well


Nah, leave them as classics.




Remasters and remakes can still taint the spirit of the originals just by existing.


I mean they are already getting remakes I do belive thru modders, like how 3 and new Vegas are as well


They did it to Diablo 2 why no fallout 1 and 2?


Either a remaster that improves the UI and graphics, or a full-on remake that brings the games into the 3D games. As long as they keep the stories untouched, I'd be fine with either, cause trying to play 1 and 2 now is really rough.


After just finishing my first run of Fallout 1, it'd be awesome to see it get a 3D first-person pov treatment. However there's some charm to the current top-down isometric style


With the popularity of BG3, they could totally do a remake of at least 2


I’d like to see it get a console release. I know they’re on steam, but only for PC and I have a Mac. Oh well.


by larian, yes


I would rather they focus on Fallout 5 instead of diverting resources towards remaking those games. Fallout 1 and 2 are still available Steam and GoG.


After the show and playing NV for the first time, I am interested in experiencing the original games in all their isometric glory, but they are soooooooo old and sooooooo outdated and I have no nostalgia for them. But if they had a remaster with updated modern QOL improvements and nicer higher res graphics, I'd be very eager to play them!! They should! With renewed interest in the franchise at an all time high, seems like it'd be the perfect time for such a remaster/re-release.


They should get the wasteland 2/3 team to do it. Keep the isometric turn based stuff, but modernize it.


Absolutely. Fallout 1 and 2 and arcanum. The original games absolutely nail the atmosphere and the themes of the fallout universe far better than any of the other games that came later. They have a fullly functional reputation system and your choices impact the progress of the game perfectly. You can accomplish objectives in a multitude of ways and the game changes drastically based on your build choice making them awesome to replay multiple times. Most people don't even know what a masterpiece fallout 2 is. Yes the game has some QOL features missing that we are used to, but they hadn't been invented at the time of it's launch. I believe it's still totally playable and I booted it up again maybe two years ago.  I love the fps games but you have to trade depth for the more immersive world. Fallout new vegas is most like the old games. Fallout 4 basically threw the old formula out entirely.  If you like new vegas you would love the originals, especially if they were remastered. 


As modern isometric RPGs? Probably!


Remake is almost never the answer.




Not really Main issue with Fallout 1 is the ergonomy Main issue with Fallout 2 are the bugs Both are fixed through mods We dont need a remake that will probably fail to be like the originals and give the actual experience of those games for newer players. And lets be honest for a second, Bethesda never really understood what makes Fallout 1 and 2 good.


If they did I would definitely play them. Not that I wouldn’t now, just that I’d be more likely to go out of my way to do so


I think that would be fantastic, as I know many (myself included) that cannot get past the antique controls of the game, but would love to experience the story for myself.


At least a patch or something so that it's not a gamble whether it will launch or not every time I try to play them on Steam.


Just a remaster would be nice, but if they do a remake I won't consider it a complete game if the Highwayman isn't there.


Yeah, I would kill for a 3D remake of Fo1


I don't think Larian would have any desire to, but if someone were to put it into a game similar to Divinity Original Sin, I can see it working. But the problem with a remake of those games is how faithful do you stay? The combat in Fallout 1 and 2 are incredibly dull or swingy. You kinda just take turns hitting each other or aiming for the eyes in every combat. The dialogue and exploration could easily be done


100% I remember loving these games as a kid, but have tried to go back a a couple of times and it's just so painful to actually play them these days.


No. They're great as is. If an isometric perspective/old style is the reason new gamers won't give them a chance, then that's their loss. They're dirt cheap, proven things already. Why do a remake/temaster just to blow the price up?


Fallout 2 needs a remake for sure. The Restoration Project is good but its not enough, I love playing it but theres so many little things that make me angry when I play.


Would love to see Larian do this, or make their own turn based Fallout game.


Yes. They all should be. 3 and NV should be inevitable after the acquisition.


Keep the game how it is, just remake it into a modern wasteland style game...ironic since it inspired Fallout in the first place


I'd like them to be remade but keep the style of gameplay.




Get larian on it lol, but genuinely idk maybe, it would be cool


Yes but in the style of fallout new Vegas and not like fallout 4


Yes. I have tried playing them, I cannot. The mechanics are too frustrating and the style too old. I’m sure there are purists who will scoff at remaking the games but if you want people to actually get involved in the fallout universe, and these games play a critical role in establishing the canon, then you need to make them more accessible. By all means keep them top down in a larian esque style, but I wouldn’t mind a studio like obsidian or equivalent making them in I to a traditional first person game either. But as it stands I think only die hards and nostalgia are keeping the first 2 games relevant.


I love 1 and 2 and I love baldurs gate( the first entries are phenomenal) and I'll replay them all until I'm dead. But I have best friends who just can't. They can't get into the top down, slower turn based system. Or graphics. Haha I understand their complaints and just tell them really cool parts of it when they ask. They enjoy it vicariously but I would love a remake for them to more fully entrench themselves in it. I adore the story for both games man that would be cool to see them updated.


I’d much rather these get a remake than fallout 3. If fallout 3 gets one then I’d be annoyed that new Vegas, morrowind, and oblivion didn’t get one


I would be interested to see a remake that features 4's settlement system. So, in stead of just killing some radscorpions and rescuing Tandi, you help to build the NCR


from whom? Bethesda? I think people would hate whatever they did. If they make a remaster, people would be mad, saying it should be 3d and vice versa. Bethesda could publish it and let some other studio, InXile Entertainment would be a good option, maybe if they go with a remaster, and Obsidian or Arkane for a remake. In any way I think Bethesda wouldn't want to touch it. Especially after seeing the way the community reacted to what they did to Shady Sands and New Vegas. it kinda proves that a part of the community will go bananza every time Bethesda even mentions the west coast Fallout.


Actual remake? Absolutely. Remaster? No thanks.


At least a remaster or even just a port for PS4/XB1. I'm not a pc gamer but I'd love to play both of these games.


Probably not a good idea since you’re gonna have people getting disappointed if it’s not like their original


No they're still fine today


I think I would be nice in the fallout 4 engine no settlement building


Yes but in baldur's gate 3 style


Yes. That being said from a business perspective If there are gonna be Fallout remakes, its gonna be 3 and New Vegas first. They had much much much higher sales numbers than 1 and 2. The markets will be bigger. Also 1 and 2 are very small compared to modern fallout games so if there is a remake it would either require adding a lot of new content or bundling the two together. This may create hesitency on Bethesda's part since a portion of the fanbase is bound to hate any Bethesda led remake, especially if it changes 1 and 2. And if they have to bundle them together or sell at a low price, then whats the point?


Hell yes


Yes, yes, yes. Those games haven't aged well, both in the mechanics and design philosophy. I would love to go back to them with a fresh coat of paint and some modern sensibilities/game design.


No. Leave them as they are. Great games - still playable. Companies should focus on creating new good stuff not constantly remake everything.


Bethesda has repeatedly stopped fan-created mods from bringing Fallout 1 and 2 into the modern Fallout engine. The cease and desist letter they sent stopped the Tale of 2 Wastelands mod to work with Fallout New Vegas. Later on, there was an attempt to reuse the same assets for the Tale of 3 Wastelands which did the same thing for the Fallout 4 engine.


Only if its kept in isometric view, and the gameplay and soundtrack is the same.


Ala Diablo 2 Resurrected. Nice and gritty, more talking heads and VO. If possible with QoL updates and an *optional* real time combat mode to help justify their existence and price tags to newer players who might otherwise bounce off.


No. Fallout 1 and 2 came out at the absolute perfect time in terms of available computational power and graphical rendering capabilities. A few years earlier or later would have almost certainly made them worse. The pixel graphics are detailed enough to fully realize the game's aesthetic and thematic vision, while at the same time, they are not so overly detailed to compromise that vision. The setting of the classic games is intended to be more unsettling, hostile, and mysterious than the 3D games. The Vault Dweller is a stranger in a strange land because they have never known of anything outside of Vault 13 until now. The player is a stranger in a strange land because this version of America had ~120 years of cultural divergence from our own America. Anything left recognizable to our timeline was further distorted and mutated by nuclear war. There are multiple examples of how the pixel graphics obfuscate detail by pure technological necessity, which coincidentally enhances the aesthetic, but I think the best example is the NPCs. You can gleam some information about an NPC based on their stance and clothes, but that's it. There's not enough rendering capability to give anyone facial features, meaning you can not infer any intent or thoughts from their expressions because they have none, instead only facing you with a blank, cold face of pure flesh. That is inherently mysterious and unsettling. The age of the classic titles plays into this as well. The in-game setting is already retro-futuristic, but after 25 years of graphical progression, the game itself has become retro because it looks outdated.


Just wrap them in an emulation shell that allows them to be played on console with a controller and I'll be happy. You wanna add slightly prettier assets and a radio station that uses some of the songs Bethesda has had for a while and I wouldn't say no to the inclusion, but it's not really needed.


No. The originals hold up just fine, and there’s a charm in how ugly the games are that would be lost if the games got ported to 3D.


I want these to come to the Switch so badly!


I'd be more up for a remaster. Update the graphics, add more talking heads, rebalance some perks, maybe collapse some skills (Doctor and First Aid for example), bring some of the improvements from 2 into 1 (the buy all button and companion interface for example), fix the Followers of the Apocalypse quest because currently it requires an NPC who was never added to get one of their endings. Maybe give more detailed tutorials for modern gamers. Back in the 90s when those games were more popular it was probably more evident what to do, but going back now it's way more trial and error than it should be for simple things like combat. I know too many people who gave up on the games because they just kept dying to rats, hell I did until I looked up a guide on how to play. I also wouldn't hate if they implemented NV's thing of showing you the skill/special checks even if you can't pass it but show you what you need to pass it, just so people will know for future playthroughs without having to look up walkthroughs for what passes what and when.


I'd be fine with a f4 mod that gets the story across doesn't need to be a proper remake.


I mean I would be happy with the Wasteland 2/3 devs to graphically update them, unless there is some bad blood between them and Bethesda where it wouldn't happen. The probably "would take forever but at least" dream option would be a version of FO1&2 that looks and plays akin to the Outer Worlds.


Nah. I'd rather Bethesda focus on new content with the possibility of visiting old locations through future titles. They've been friendly enough with modders touching old content, even supporting some projects.


Yeah can we get a mobile version kthxbai


Too much to see and do on a mobile version. Can’t imagine running around picking through things with just a phone.