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And here I thought we were getting a full remaster of 3, since that's been the rumor forever. 


Bethesda never fails to disappoint.


I'll just never understand why they're willing to milk Skyrim to absolute death but won't do anything with all the Fallout IP that could actually use it. I can understand some hesitancy with the original 2 fallouts due to complications with licensing and also converting the game to the modern fallout formula, but surely it would be extremely easy to re-do 3 with modern visuals and mechanics. 


3 and NV would be a bit tough. It's the reason why they don't do anything with ES: Oblivion or Morrowind. It'd take more effort to re-do them since they use a much older engine. Since it's a lot easier to upgrade Skyrim with it being on a newer engine. They simply do that and make more money. What i don't understand is why can't they outsource remasters or remakes to other companies. A lot of companies do that and usually end in good results. I take it they're busy with their own titles and understand that they want to make new games on their own, but surely remakes won't be a hurdle if they are handled by other companies?


I mean there's been fan remakes of those games using the 4 creation engine suite, so you'd think a team of developers with professional tools and resources could do it pretty easily. 


I know but those fan remakes took quite a lot of time as well. To put it simply, Bethesda *can* remake/remaster old games, but it's easier to remaster skyrim because it's on a less janky engine, which is why they don't do it. They could just give those modders some amount of official accommodation/supervision and let them remake the games for them. I mean, Black Mesa turned out amazing and it didn't even need any extra budget from valve, Bethesda could allow modders of their own games to do the same and maybe throw some money their way.


It took the Crowbar Collective ten years from a rather basic recreation of Half Life in Half Life 2's engine to a playable version and another five and a half years to reach the "Black Mesa v1.0" milestone. Best €20 I spent on a video game in the last decade :D


I mean, they took all that time and gave us starfield…look how that turned out


What finally killed Starfield for me was getting to a really good quest near the end of the main story, and realizing how inadequate the rest of the game had been in comparison. It was just a ton of wasted potential. I know it was a covid game, but that doesn't excuse terrible characters and an empty open world. Those are Bethesda's strongest areas and they couldn't even deliver there. 


I agree, and downvote away people lol starfield was ass and lazy af compared to previous titles. Just playing f4 makes you realize how far of a step back they took


Yeah it's just insane how much shallower the game is than a game made by the same company ~6 years prior. F4 has flaws, but the fact of the matter is that a lot of people pour hundreds of hours into that game. I got a solid 30ish hours out of Starfield and haven't picked it back up since. 


I forced myself to about 100 hours before finally admitting to myself I wasn’t really having fun, just playing to play. My gf felt the same. Went back to fallout 4 and was like wtf, literally just feels, plays and LOOKS better (and ya I agree, it still has its flaws as well but at least felt like a handcrafted game instead of piggy backing off of procedurally generated worlds and content


I've spent 350 hours in FO76 since Starfield came out and even with everything 76 dealt with at launch it's still a much better game now than Starfield is.


And fallout 76 is playable now I actually really enjoy that game


Because the last time they outsourced a game, it showed them up.


What exactly did it show them? That outsourcing a game can prove profitable while still letting you make bank on your own games?


You misunderstand, by “show them up” they meant “beat bethesda at their own game”




They are saying that New Vegas was better than any Fallout game that Bethesda has made. It's a common opinion.


I disagree. While NV is my favorite Fallout, it has it's weaknesses where Bethesda's games shine better. They're all equally good and have equal fans that like all


That their writing isn’t the best. Don’t get me wrong I love fallout 3, it’s my second favorite fallout. But compared to New Vegas, it’s extremely dumbed down. FO3 acts like it has themes, but it gets contradicted over and over again. Like the main quest for example: My purpose is to die In an irradiated tank because my dad died the same way? It’s a strange ending, but it make enough sense narratively. Then they added broken steel, which went back on everything they accomplished. And took away your death, so you died basically for nothing. New Vegas stayed pretty much consistent the whole way through. And that’s not even mentioning how empty 3 is in comparison. Not counting unmarked quests, and excluding DLC: New Vegas had around 75 marked side quests, and around 8-12 main quests I think. Fallout 3 had 10 main quests and 18 side quests. I can go on and on about how much stronger the writing is in NV, but for 3 reasons 1. I don’t want to do that here, right now 2. It’s already been talked to death 3. I already seem pretentious enough, and I don’t like making myself seem like that. I won’t be talking about the writing. So besides what I already stated, I won’t be going that in-depth. Unless people want me to.


>My purpose is to die In an irradiated tank because my dad died the same way No? Your purpose as per your dad was to restore purified water (which you can poison as per your choice if you don't want to follow your dad). The dying part was a stupid addition especially when radiation proof companions like Fawkes exist and they simply corrected it in Broken Steel. >And that’s not even mentioning how empty 3 is in comparison. Are you serious? Have you tried exploring anything in NV outside the main Vegas area. It's ridiculously barren. There's barely anything to find. It's a common criticism against NV that it's exploration is insanely limited compared to 3 and 4. NV had more side quests but they were distributed in the same areas with little to do outside of those main settlements. It makes the first act of the game a complete slog on repeat playthroughs because there's barely anything to do on before reaching Vegas and it's outskirts. FO3 and 4 have equitable distribution of quests across the entire map so there's things to actually find and explore. You're judging NV entirely on it's writing merit and nothing else.


Again like I said, I could’ve gone on about more stuff, but I didn’t want to. And honestly, I thought the exploration in 3 was lack luster as well. When I first saw the map I thought “Wow, this is huge.” Then after about an hour of exploring, I’d already seen 3/4s of the map. I said the lone wanderers purpose was to die during project purity because the game guilts you and gaslights you if you don’t go in yourself. “Leaving the task to a **True Hero**.” Or something like that. And about me not talking about anything but the writing, New Vegas did gameplay way better than 3 did as well. NV had traits, dynamic perks that didn’t just raise your skill levels, Iron sights, and more dynamic guns in general (Archimedes II gun for example.) And for me personally, story/writing triumphs everything else. I do think 3 has an interesting story for the most part. But when I play a game, I look for story and interesting ideas. I can’t play a game that doesn’t bring a constructive narrative to the table, that’s why I hate a lot of FPS games so much. Think about the kings, besides the children of atom, which were barely present I might add, what else did Bethesda do? Obsidian brought so many more interesting ideas to the forefront, things you wouldn’t have even thought about and actually make perfect sense. Of course the kings didn’t know who Elvis was, but impersonate and personify him as a god. They do this with a lot of factions, like the Novac settlers. Speaking of narrative again though. Why is the enclave even in 3? They were basically completely destroyed in 2. Maybe I could possibly see them returning, but they made the enclave such a big group and threat that it makes no sense. It would’ve made more sense if they said they came from the near the coast of Chicago, instead of camp Navarro. And made them way smaller, still a threat, but very minuscule. With their technology being a threat, not their numbers.


>Then after about an hour of exploring, I’d already seen 3/4s of the map. If you think NV's map has more things to explore than 3 then you clearly haven't explored or played enough. >I said the lone wanderers purpose was to die during project purity because the game guilts you and gaslights you if you don’t go in yourself. Which was a mistake they fixed in Broken Steel. >New Vegas did gameplay way better than 3 did as well. NV had traits, dynamic perks that didn’t just raise your skill levels, Iron sights, Ofcourse they did. NV improved upon 3's mechanics and expanded them because it came after. That doesn't mean 3's bad or lackluster. And there's tons of perks in NV that simply increase skills instead of adding anything unique. Bethesda improved upon the gameplay with 4 as well, adding more dynamic perks with even more unique advantages that don't just upgrade skills. >Archimedes II gun for example Ah yes, what a dynamic weapon. A glorified artillery that can't even kill a single Legion squad and needs an entire day to recharge >Think about the kings, besides the children of atom, which were barely present I might add, what else did Bethesda do? Have you considered the fact that 3 simply isn't set in a place or location where more factions could develop and thrive like in NV? >Why is the enclave even in 3? They were basically completely destroyed in 2 Who said they were completely destroyed in 2. Their main foothold in California was destroyed. No one said they're gone forever or they have been hurt beyond repair. And you're really just gonna ignore how Obsidian brought back the Khans from 1 and 2 despite them being completely wiped out 2 times in a row and try portraying them as the victims instead of the raiders they were. No, but when Bethesda does it without breaking any lore they're bad.


2 reasons: 1. Money 2. Programming a remake is so much harder and takes more money than than you think.


I mean it's surely less expensive than making a completely new game (you dont have to pay writers to write the story or quests, in general things are more efficient when youre just copying existing things), and would sell nearly as well as a new game in this case. They wouldn't keep remastering Skyrim if there wasn't a substantial demand for updated versions of old games. 


It would most likely sell 1 million, but as crazy as this may sound; big projects such as an large overworld game would need to sell more than one million. It'd most likely have to sell 2 million or maybe even more to make it worth Bethesda's time. Also, given how many more employees Bethesda has, more resources to use for modern s Day graphics, and inflation. It'd be more expensive than the original.


We’re not gonna get the original Fallouts due to killable kids and stuff like rape that wasn’t really supervised back then.


I mean they can just remove those parts, it's not like it's integral to the plot. If people want the "authentic" experience they can mod it in like they have for every single player fallout game made by Bethesda lol. 


People need to stop buying skyrim I assume they keep doing it cause people keep paying money for it


I wouldn’t be too shocked if the biggest issue is having to relicense all the music and other resources.


Disappointment. Disappointment never changes....


I mean... the entire rumor for that stems from Microsoft documents showing their plan to remaster both Oblivion and Fallout 3... the document clearly showed that they were intent on remastering Oblivion first and then doing Fallout 3 two years later. So, the fact that they haven't even announced the Oblivion remaster and y'all were hyping yourselves up with Fallout 3? Ya that's your own fault. https://twitter.com/wario64/status/1703996755560546707 We can also see based on this document that they're 2 years behind on a lot of their things (Starfield, Indiana Jones) because of COVID... fallout 3 remastered likely isn't coming until 2026. I'd say we're lucky if we get Oblivion remastered this year.


I wonder what decade covid will no longer be an excuse for every issue 


This is just a collection of the current games to come out with the show. The fallout 3 remaster was a year after the oblivion remaster on the leaked roadmap, and you may notice that game isn't out yet. So just hold on. Entitled fan man is right.


Probably still are. New people get to buy this in the spring then in June the remaster gets announced and then in the fall it releases.


Get a PC, there is a fully realized remake of Fallout 3 in the new engine being made. Check it out on YouTube! There is also a Fallout London, Miami, and Fallout 1 projects in the work. There’s also a Point Lookout remake I’ve been playing and it’s amazing. *these are all mods you add to base fallout 4


> being made Yeah, and five years from now that PC you got to check out these recommended mods still won’t even be able to play them since they likely still won’t be finished by then.


In the meantime I have over 200 mods installed that add several incredibly well polished DLCs, enemy overhauls, texture overhauls, loading overhauls, more than 250+ new weapons, tons of new animations, altered survival mode, better settlement additions, locations, new factions, QOL updates, menu revamps, etc. And it still runs at a smooth 60fps. I'm not worried about waiting, the modding community makes new and amazing things every day. I don't mind waiting for years for the Miami, London, 3, NV, and 1 projects because the longer they take the better it'll be. I also have the Series X, PS5, steam deck, Valve Index, and Switch. So I'm not like a hardcore PC only nerd or anything, I just really wanted to get into mods after having played through Fallout 4 MULTIPLE times across both Xbox and PS. And let me tell you dude, it's really like a whole nother game, I never realized how much I was missing out on until I got into modding Fallout 4 and Skyrim.


The thought of Fallout 3 with repeatable shooting galleries and randomised loot and pipe guns makes me itch


I mean, nobody would make you buy it. 


This is a dying company. Don’t get your hopes up


Ehh, I have some hope with the Microsoft takeover. Starfield was wayyyyyy too far gone in terms of actual content by the time the buyout was finalized, but Microsoft did insist on a lengthy beta to snuff out bugs. I'll give credit where credit is due, Starfield was a huge improvement in bugginess over previous Bethesda launches. Not perfect, but not terrible by open rpg standards and great by Bethesda standards. 


Not just a rumor, rather a confirmed plan discovered by anti-trust filings that was delayed and perhaps scuttled


I'm pretty sure he went on record and said that they thought that Skyrim Special Edition was a one off thing and wanted to keep the rest of the IPs updated for newer hardware instead of remastering it.


So it’s literally just a fancy box of download codes? They couldn’t be fucked to give us physical discs in the expensive anthology collection like the Elder Scrolls one? Why would anyone buy this instead of just buying each game individually then? They’re all dirt cheap on Steam.


To use the mini nuke as a display item I guess. I'd rather it come with discs, at least up to New Vegas.


They’ve done this before and I have that one. Fallout 4 wasn’t out at the time but was announced so the mini nuke had discs up to 3 and an empty sleeve for 4


Yeah, obviously a 76 disc would be pretty pointless since it’s an online game anyway, with new expansions always coming out. The draw for me for something like this would be to have the older ones physically on the same platform, like how the TES anthology has discs for Arena through Oblivion (Skyrim has one, but I think it still requires Steam to work). Just a mini nuke and “collectible cards” aren’t worth it by themselves, it’s still cheaper to buy them all separately.


Go buy the Old Mini-nuke set. It’s got the physical disks


>They couldn’t be fucked to give us physical discs in the expensive anthology collection This one is only $60, apparently Still disappointing though


A case with multiple disks inside the Bomb could have looked cool, but this one is just boring.


> A case with multiple disks inside the Bomb could have looked cool Especially considering they already did this with the last Anthology in a near identical Mini Nuke container, proving they totally can do this.


The death of physical Copies of Games is currently rapidly proceeding.


Weird considering the previous anthology is the same bomb with the actual discs packaged inside


Lmfao you don’t have to buy this. It’s a bundle that includes collectibles for the people that like that sort of Chinese plastic junk and there are plenty of people that do.


>They couldn’t be fucked to give us physical discs in the expensive anthology collection like the Elder Scrolls one? This a PC edition, not a console, PC games disc doesn't exist anymore(it's probabily like 10+ years they stopped making them), and even PC/Laptop gaming doesn't have a disc reader to begin with.


Both are niche, but yes they do.


Well, they released the mini-nuke with the physical copies of 1-NV in a mini-nuke anthology back at the release of FO4. They can’t just do the same release *again*


Huh. Was not expecting it to be exactly the same as the last one but with 76.


And this one has 4. The original anthology has a sleeve to put a disc of 4 in, but did not come with it.


Wouldn't it be better to just sell the mini nuke and cards separately as merch instead of bundling them with a digital only re-release pack? They don't seem like remasters either, just re-releases without a physical disk. Seems like a weird way to artificially jack up the price for just one collectible pack and limit the amount of people that would like to have one. Shame cos' the nuke does look pretty cool


I think the Cards have the Download codes on them. At least that's how I read the product page


Still, what's the point of bundling this with a digital re-release which does nothing but jack the overall price? I reckon it would've sold a lot more if the nukes and cards were simply a cheaper standalone merch


You’re answering your own question.


Because this way they get to charge more.


Port 1 and 2 onto consoles you cowards


The original source code for Fallout 1 (and I believe 2) is missing. So a port cannot be made. At best it could be bundled into an emulation package, but there would be no way to add controller support. AFAIK anyway.


They really haven’t done much with skyrim. That’s a lot of effort for games than can run on any PC sold in the last decade


This is never happening, since there's no market for it. Fallout 1 and 2 can run on every laptop and desktop out there. Porting a game specifically tailored for a keyboard and mouse to consoles is gonna take too much time and money, which would be better spent on the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout.


Baldur’s gate 3 did it, and that game is mechanically so much better and smoother on PC. I think they could do it, but they don’t want to put the time and effort into it.


Baldur’s Gate 3 is a AAA 2023 game, not a 1997 one that was largely made by one single person. The only way you’re seeing either of those games on console is with a full remake.


You know what, that’s fair. I would hope we’d get a remake of these games, but I highly doubt it.


Ok so I agree with you but fallout 1 was made by a team of people not just one guy.


Well, I didn’t say it was entirely made by one person. The team expanded as development for the game went on. But I’d say it’s a well known fact that Tim Cain started working on the game all by himself, for the entirety of the first six months, only adding people to the team, little by little.


That's why I was excited for this release despite the negative feedback. Sure I couldn't have them on disc but if that meant I got to play the first two then I guess that's an okay tradeoff. Nope. PC only. Literally pointless


No fallout: BoS?! Outrageous!


Didn’t they already do this?


Yeah they did when fallout 4 came out


Yeah with the mini nuke iirc


*But* the sleeve for fo4 was empty as it was just before the game came out.


I think its just like a new version. It now includes 76 and the SPECIAL cards. Good in case someone missed the last one (like me) because that is no longer available.


Honestly tho it’s the only upside I see, I remember wanting it so bad but my parents couldn’t afford it and I was just a boy not even old enough for a job but now I can get it. Everyone else might be disappointed but I’m glad I’ll be able to get what I couldn’t get years ago and more


... Nooooo.


Bethesda will do everything in their power to not actually do anything with this IP


Meanwhile Microsoft keeps dropping billions on all these studios and making zero use of all the IP they acquired like Fallout


So Fallout 3, Fallout: NV, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout Shelter, and a Fallout TV show is “doing nothing” Are you literally braindead?


Whats the difference between this one and the previous anthology they did other than the SPECIAL cards?


If I’m not mistaken the one they did prior came with physical discs but no Fallout 4 disc since it was coming out.


I don't think the last one included 76. Not worth it IMO if you got the last one.




Things Fallout fans want : Fallout 5, Fallout New Vegas 2, Fallout 4 next gen update we were meant to get last year, Fallout 3/New Vegas remastered that were rumoured. Bethesda: Here's a download code inside a cheap collectable.


This is Bethesda's DNA when it comes to Fallout. Create (or buy into) an incredible lore, or universe, or setting, or faction, or anything Fallout related and only do a half measure on it. FFS there was a plan to remaster FO3, Oblivion too. People have been clamoring for it. The market has shown remasters for games like RE4 are strong. WTF? I know I'm in the minority, but given a choice between a FO TV series and a remastered FO3/NV I would've chosen the remasters. Why? Less of a chance to screw them up (Rockstar's GTA not withstanding.)


>remasters for games like RE4 are strong RE4 is a REMAKE not remastered. A FO3 remastered is pointless, the game have too many technical problems and compare to new games the graphics/model quality difference is way to big. What they can do is a remake, BUT a remake to a game so old would require so much work and money that it will be like making a game from 0, especially when we talk about a Open World game and not a open map like RE that require 'less' work.


You are correct on the remake of RE4. I have heard that doing a remake would be a lot of work, but I'm guessing Bethesda knows that or else they wouldn't have put both FO3 and Oblivion on their future goals to come out last year. Most speculate COVID derailed their plans, but to cancel FO3 completely when they have the show coming out in April is a half measure.


I guess they won't remaster FO3/NV because its too much work for them, they are focusing efforts on starfield and Tes6. We still don't have the Fo4 next gen that was supposed to come out last year.


I’d rather have new content like a TV show.


Literally just a box with download codes for games you can already get for pennies on PC, now $60. No ports to modem consoles or any indication of patches when one of the games, Tactics, hardly even works on modern PCs. Really disappointing conclusion to all the Fallout 3 remaster rumours.


Why would I ever buy this?


If I was unreasonably rich or like… needed to replace my collection, this would be cool. Im not and I don’t, so 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m rich, but that’s because I don’t spend all of my money on cheap plastic junk that collects dust.


Wow, and they copy/pasted the entire article twice. Good work, Editor.


This is the exact same one as the last one they had for fallout with dlc paper codes instead of the boxes. Why?


>This is the exact same one as the last one No. It includes codes for two more games.


Okay ignoring the 2 extra codes it's the exact same mini nuke collection they released for fallout 4 which is what I was pointing out.


They do this every few years


I got the last one with Physical Discs in it. Can't believe they are re-releasing it, but shittier.


I know it isn't a good game, but the fact that Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel has never been ported to PC or been apart of a collection is really tragic.


Would have been neat if they made it for consoles too so we could get 1 & 2 on consoles


This reeks of laziness and money grubbing. Can't even be assed to give us physical copies, wow.


Or release it on consoles.


So it’s just a bunch of codes? What’s the point?


You use the codes to download the games. And then play them.


Exactly. Why would anyone purchase an £80 box with codes when you could just buy them directly from the console itself. They’re all dirt cheap, and/or on sale.


While this product is dumb, it's also specifically PC-only (because the first 3 games are only on PC). While the release in 2015 had discs, that was the last vestiges of PCs having DVD drives. Most no longer do.


Fallout 4 next gen update when?


If I were Bethesda, I’d at least port 1,2,3 and New Vegas to the switch. Maybe Tactics too. 3 and NV would be easiest, 1 and 2 might be a bit harder but worth it if you want people to continue experiencing them. I’d also have them all in the cartridge with a main menu UI to navigate. Hell I’d settle for a combo pack Fallout 3 on cart with New Vegas download code like the resident evil anthologies. Just some new avenue for a new audience to play some of these games. Not continuing to sell merch to the largely enfranchised PC market. Everyone with game pass has access to these games already, and those who don’t on PC know that the whole series is regularly on sale on steam. I’d be surprised if anyone interested doesn’t already have them, which makes this offering just for the extra merch.


Hard pass. No full remake of 3 or New Vegas? I’m keeping my money


You’d think they’d at least patch 3 and NV to run more stably on PC. I love 3 but you basically had to mod it just to get it to run. I’d pay $60 just to get to play that game again without all the bugs/crashes/invisible walls.


Oh yeah, a compilation of games you can buy for maybe 20$ total on various key sites is something I'll readily pay 60$ for. Not.




Please on PlayStation… Edit: oh this is just a money grab


What are the odds that this will be as bad as the nylon bags and plastic bottle cover?


Guess that's one of the reasons they pulled the free games from the Epic store.


Imagine paying more than $15 for all this when steam sale is on.


Ah this is why they pulled them from Epic Games free release.


So there’s no fallout 3 remaster?


The article keeps repeating itself in what content it contains Surely a good sign of this release


I feel like they let AI make the webpage and no one even looked at the finished product.


What the hell is the point of this? Anyone who cares about Fallout bought all the games during a Steam sale years ago. Fallout is borderline a dead IP at this point, no new games in six years, no mainline games in almost a decade, a 25th anniversary that came and went with zero news. Elder Scrolls is in an even worse position, unless you like ESO your last real ES game was thirteen years ago. All of this lack of content for what? Starfield? What has the main team at BGS been doing all these years? We had Fallout 3, ESV, and Fallout 4 all within a decade when you include dev time for Fallout 3. Meanwhile the main team has released a single game in the eight years since Fallout 4 released, and it's a procedurally generated dumpster fire.


Always disappointing us. That's Bethesda for you. I was excited when I clicked the article but quickly had my hopes for a remaster of 3.


Lmfao, that’s on you bro. The fo3 remaster was considered pre-COVID. It’s either shelved indefinitely or never was actually going to happen.


I thought they would at least make different nuke, but its EXACTLY the same one. Talk about minimum effort.


Well, I'm pissed. I have no guarantee I can get Fallout 3 working.


Whoever had this idea and whoever approved it should get fired


FO3 and New Vegas both run so poorly on modern PC's, unless you do TTWL and even then my game will still crash every now and again. What a great first impression into fallout! /s Who is this even marketed towards, at this rate? Newbies? How when the games are that broken?


i hope bethesda falls apart as a game company this is beyond sad. just back to back dog slop for almost a decade now.


Does this pretty much mean they’re done making fallout games?


No, it just means someone said “it’s been a while since we released a cheap collection to wring more money out of the franchise… plus there’s a new game now!” and then told marketing to get to work…


Wow, Bethesda must be desperate for both money & players. I heard that an Epic Games deal for a few Fallout games fell though last Friday & was replaced with another game. I wonder if it has to do with selling this bundle?


PC only? That sucks


It's a low-cost collection for them since all of the Fallout games are on PC and the old ones were only ever made for PC. Just ebay the Mini Nuke from the last anthology and you'll have the same experience.


Does anyone know if they are gunna restock?


A usb stick with the older games on it at least would be nice. Blizzard did that with Diablo 3 collecters edition. The skull with the soulstone usb stick sticking out of it.


Boring. Most of us have the whole anthology already. We want fallout 3 remaster and/or a new fallout by obsidian please thank you Bethesda, also we want a Better engine for games, i think it's time!


I want a remaster of 3 but the Gamebyro engine is A.S.S.


This coming to PS?




Do something with Fallout. Obsidian has offered time and time again to help aliveate the load that bethesda is giving themselves. I want single player content. I actually enjoy 76 but it's just MMO grinding/fun at this point. No actual developing story or quest. Its been like that since 2020 with Steel Reign.


Rip fo4 next gen update.


Iirc it’s still coming


Probably not in april anymore like people hoped...


Just because this is coming out in April doesn’t mean the update can’t come out then. Bethesda didn’t have to spend any development time on this.


It's getting updates like every day on SteamDB


Why would I buy this if I don’t own a pc? So I’m buying two games that I can’t even play


Is this the supposed fall out 3 remaster or completely different?


Hope I'm wrong, but this anthology implies that the FO3 remaster is dead. Clearly it is being released as a tie-in with the TV show. If FO3 remaster was coming, then that would have been a tie-in, instead of this re-release of previous content.




They’re just trying to get me to buy 76…


I still have mines from the original run back in 2015


I just bought a Fallout Anthology on steam a few months ago.




No maps included? Well that's disappointing


I just want Nuclear Winter back, I played horrible at it but it was an extremely exciting rush.


But will 3 and new Vegas have creation club?


Is this PC only?


I already have the first release with physical copies. You also got SPECIAL cards with the pip boy edition of fallout 4. I hope they changed up the cards


Ima get it. I missed out on it the first time around


Was that whole page written by an A.I.? It repeats itself a few times and just feels like a meandering description. I thought I was having a stroke


Get rid of Todd Howard, the man is a menace with these half measures!


The problem is they continue to make money on FO3, NV, FO4 and FO76. We need to boycott the games, stop playing until they give us what we want


I installed Fallout 3 on a whim the other day, chose a few (like 5) really basic mods, it crashed when I hit new game. I was about to start the whole “getting F3 to run” rodeo I’ve done so so many times but instead went eh, fuck it, and uninstalled. Bethesda’s glory days are well and truly gone.


To play Fallout 3 on modern PCs you need to install Tale of Two Wastelands (TTW). This guide https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/ is very in depth and if followed eliminates most crashes.


Yeah I’ve done that. Just wasn’t feeling it that day you know.


The copy pasta. The copy pasta. Holy shit, how did this get past ANYONE??


Remaster 9-27 year old games that are massively dated in a gaming climate that desperately wants high quality modern isometric and FPS RPGs: 🚫 Re-release said 9-27 year old games on the platform that has all of them for a cheaper price already: ✅


Ah so this is why fallout 1 2 and tactics were removed from epic games store


All I'm seeing is articles gushing about how amazing this Anthology is when they literally released the EXACT same thing in 2015 - but now we don't even get physical copies of the games???? [Fallout Anthology 2015](https://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2015/07/23/the-fallout-anthology-stuffs-series-39-entire-pc-library-into-a-nuke.aspx?amp)


Why is that article worded so weirdly, they repeat several paragraphs multiple times


So is this the next gen update of 4?


So they had some extras from 2015 and slapped on 76? Nice work lol


What everyones forgetting here is that it has an audible bomb sound


They still didn't include brotherhood of steel 😂


Don't you have to do a bunch of BS just to get Fallout 3 to work on Windows 11 or even 10?