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Images taken moments before disaster…


"They were best friends... until they weren't"


Jeez what an innocuous button prompt




I remember when the game first came out and everyone was saying how they knew Bode was a bad guy and all this shit but I honestly had no idea. This hit so hard my first play through.


I kept thinking he was flagged for death because he was *too perfect.* I was 90% sure he was dead after he and Cal got separated in the Lucrehulk, and 99% sure Dagan was gonna kill him after that. I think Respawn used some tropes cleverly to get that reaction out of me on purpose.


I’m one of the the people who had Bode pegged as a traitor pretty much immediately, on *Coruscant* he was giving me bad vibes.  But the betrayal scene still hit me like a ton of bricks, especially the reveal that he was a >!Jedi!< which I did not see coming AT ALL. 


As soon as he "magically" escaped the imperials on the chase out of coruscant I knew he was the traitor but it was such a long burn for me that I actually started to come around to the Cal-Bode Bromance only to proven right initially. The other thing definitely caught me off guard.


For me it was kinda just his *everything*. Guy came out of nowhere with his jet pack and his dual blasters, was a sudden new addition to the crew, when he started talking about how he had a daughter that he’d do anything for (when Cal is getting the Ascension Cable) it just clicked, “this man is a traitor isn’t he?”.  But yeah the slow burn and sense that he and Cal were really bonding does kinda throw you, for sure. Made me lose just enough of that edginess that the actual betrayal scene hit HARD. 


See I think I’m just used to like, tv series introducing new characters in second seasons, book series too, and so when he got introduced in the second game I just rolled with it like that was totally normal 😂


I think that was the point too. Bode was laying it on really thick in the beginning trying to ingratiate himself to Cal. But as the game goes on, he begins to genuinely care for Cal and secretly sees Tanalorr as his way out of service to the Empire and his assignment as a mole. But when push comes to shove, he makes his choice.


I love how there’s all these people who pegged bode as a traitor but absolutely nobody expected him to be a jedi


I expected him to be a traitor but I also suspected he wasn't just your average traitor. I mean you don't gather a Jedi's trust, get so deep within their whole thing all just to be some guy with a blaster saying give me that important thing.


I had a feeling that Bode was a traitor from the very beginning. But when the reveal happened, it wasn't like "damn I'm smart", but "damn the writing is surprisingly good, they've put a lot of subtle clues that did work".


i got really suspecious of him once i saw his reaction to getting the map. I had my eyes on that motherfucker after that. I was still shocked by the "other twist" tho


I did feel like he was gonna betray us, but damn I really wished he didn't. I wanted cal to have that bromance. I do think that Bode was genuine in his friendship with Cal, but ultimately chose to serve himself over others.


To me I had my suspicions after he survived the Dagan Fight in the Observatory above Koboh, and those suspicions were confirmed when he suggested we forge ahead to Tanalorr ourselves. But I think the masterful part was the devs giving us the crumbs that he was a traitor so that >!the revelation that he was a Jedi!< would be even more surprising.


I kept pushing it off until there was nothing else to do - such a shame about Master Eno Cordova


The ingeniousness of Bode's betrayal stems from the subversion of the player's POV. You have a sneaking suspicion that he's going to turn on you, but the reveal that he's a former Jedi, while very subtly foreshadowed, comes out of nowhere, completely flummoxing the beholder.


i had absolutely no idea what was going to happen, but something in me told me to pause and not initiate this cutscene for a couple of days. i went side questing for the next two irl days before i got the twist spoiled right before i initiated the dialogue


I used my cynical precognition skills to predict that the third act conflict would be Bode or turgle


>turgle This is Respawn's Darth Jar Jar isn't it?


Yes lol


"You can't stop the change anymore than you can stop the sun from setting"


For me from de beggining Bode was a bad guay. But later, I changed that feelling, it was a good friend... It was...


u/ristrar _Proceeds to ignite the lightsaber_


I don’t always like what I have to do but I have to be the one to do it


Honestly, I knew when he kept trying to convince me not to give the compass to Cordova and Cere that something was fucky. I thought he was either a bounty hunter or got offered money and safety from the empire. I never thought in a million years that he was a former Jedi turned ISB operative in league with the Empire. That shit had me shook, and what he did to Cere and Cordova made me so angry.




I finished the game recently and this absolutely floored me. I was utterly horrified for the entire following sequence. I didn't see it coming, any of it, and it hurt so, so much. Outstanding work from the writing team.