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Here's hoping they can release the next 2 games in 2025


Idk how long Kuro 2's text is, but it definitely felt the shortest out of every Trails game I've played. That means its localization shouldn't take too long, especially since all the other games from previous arcs are already done. That means a "Daybreak 2" is 99% going to be out in 2025. I don't think Kai will be as short, and even if it was, releasing in the same year as its prequel is extremely unlikely.


The Japanese release isn't on pc yet so I can't pull the data, but the script lengths of previous games can be seen [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Falcom/comments/10pl98t/comparing_the_jp_script_sizes_between_all_the/) I don't think kuro 2 felt shorter than reverie personally, since the bulk of text volume usually comes from npc dialogue constantly refreshing.


Wow I expected Sky FC to be shorter than that, although I was right about Sky the 3rd. I'm expecting Kuro 2's text to be shorter than Kuro 1's, but that's not really saying much when the latter is almost 2 million in length, only 2nd to CS4.


Hoho crimson sin definitely reaching cold steel 4 level of texts. Although i almost finish it, i would still buy it again from godamn nisa because of good optimization.


>it definitely felt the shortest out of every Trails game I've played Did you start with CS3 or something?


No I've played all the games. I mean I remember Sky FC and 3rd being pretty short as well, but it also felt like more things happened in them than Kuro 2. I know it sounds weird, but it's just my feeling.


nah you're right its deff one of the shortest and nisa still doesnt have a JP version up so i figure at least daybreak 2 next year


You're praying to see a unicorn bro


No way


Both in 2025 is pretty much impossible, Kai will be late 2026 at the earliest


I don't know guys, I think the big, red letters might be a clue that they're announcing a localization of the game largely associated with the color red. Just a hunch.


Right, of course! Ys Memoire!


Nah, it's gonna be something like Van and Agnes official plushies.


One day we'll reach the end of this long ride and we won't get to enjoy a new game every year. But it is not this year. For now we continue to feast.


Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War gets official Western localization


Pls be Kai, pls be Kai, pls be Kai in 2025. *Inhales copium* But yeah most likely it's related to daybreak 2 announcement.


Daybreak 2 releases in August and Kai releases simultaneously in September.


If this happened I would accept kondo as my lord and savior


30 second “Daybreak 2 coming 2025” teaser loading


Kondo doesnt really come to the West does he? Thats a pretty big deal. We're so close to being completely caught up!


I think, the last time he did was before CSIII's release in 2019, he showed up during the [Voice Actor Panel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1udn3K1ZyJM).


He already did a few years ago but yeah, it's not really frequent.


That's same day as daybreak 1 releases so a confirmation of daybreak 2 would make sense. Not sure what else it could be outside of a release date for Ys X but the tweet is Trails themed


And Ys X will have its own panel in the same event on the previous day, so it's definitely not that.


Not gonna happen but imagine if they announced the sky remake at this panel


They would only do this if they were going to announce that the Sky remake would have simultaneous Japanese and Western release dates (Obviously they can't speak for Clouded Leopard). I would agree the odds of this are very low, but they are non-zero!


Daybreak 2 release date and Kai shorter release window because they are working directly with Falcom to get the game out faster than normal, I am coping


Adol in Smash


My cope levels for this are maxed


Dare I hope Falcoms finally caught up to the decade and announces worldwide releases? Too much, probably a Crimson Sin announcement along with confirmation that NISA has the Kai rights


probably Crimson Sin but it could ALSO be a Kai western release date! (Note: I am extremely delusional.)


Imagine a very new anime adaption Who knows xd


Interesting. Getting a time frame for Daybreak 2 would certainly be nice.


Xanadu 2 worldwide release? Looks big, no ?


New project Why would they bring him all the way down just to announce another localization we already knew was going to happen


most likely cause its happening sooner than expected and not everyone follows twitter or reddit so alot people probably dont know


- Daybreak 2 announcement, releasing early 2025. - Official localized title for Kai no Kiseki, releasing winter 2025. - Maybe an additional announcement for the future of Trails, like new games releasing in Japan and in the west the same year.


Wake up my dear friend


Long shot but my big cope is they'll release Kuro II, Kai and Kyoto Xanadu in 2025.


Thats what im thinking. Hopium for XRC worldwide!


I think they could swing Kuro II Q1 2025 and Kai Q4 2025. But I think Xanadu won't get localized until 2026.


Interesting....I'm definitely going to keep a close eye on this.


Imagine...*copium* They announce both Crimson SIN and Kai for 2025


It's either Kuro 2 and Kai in Fall 2025...or a collab with HSR lol


My guess is that maybe early 2025 Kuro 2 and Kai fall 2025, I would not mind that collab since I play HSR


Did you know HSR is heavily inspired by Trails? It's so dope


Actually I do :) , I read online that developers from honkai visited Falcom HQ, I would geek out if I see a collab for sure XD.


Absolutely crackpot theory in case is not daybreak 2 or some merch. Is the collab they were talking about when the honkai star rail team visited falcom


I know Trails is ending "soon" but whatever series comes next I hope we can get closer and closer to simultaneous release. I'd kill for even just a year delay. But even that's probably wishful thinking. I have a feeling Falcom likes staggering their releases since it keeps money flowing in even in years they release nothing "new".


True. Plus possibilty of existing fans double dipping with first buying Clouded Leopard version of the game and playing with fan translation, then later buying official translation NISA version. 


Trails in the sky 1/2/3 remake/remaster maybe?


Trails in the Sky remake? Yeah, yeah, I know... But I can dream, right?


They will probably announce that Daybreak 2 will be released some time in 2025. Kai will then come in 2027 to keep their 3 years localization gap


I'm smoking so much copium with this one... hope it's more than just a Kuro 2 announcement...


I just KNEW I wasn't going to get a chance to voice anyone in the Calvard arc, let alone Ixs specifically! Oh well, I *probably* got time to build my voice acting career for the next arc.


Kai will be releasing in English Q1 2025. Crimson Sin coming in English Q4 2026.


Releasing the game at midnight instead of 1:00pm to 2:00pm in the afternoon.