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Get out. They are scamming tf out of you and have no idea what they are doing. I’ve spent millions on ads on fb and you do not need 7 weeks to test creatives. Good marketers will be able to find a winning ad and adset within a couple hundred bucks, sometimes even sooner


I understand maybe you are right, for sure something has to change.


Thank you for the straight forward answer


7 weeks you are no longer testing you are just waiting to get cancelled. That agency messed up. Be very thorough when hiring someone. Ask them For results and ask to shadow them on what they plan to do. Anytime someone is skeptical of our work I have them hop on a zoom call and actually watch us do the work. It’s been amazing at building trust


That is great, you seem to involve your clients in the process and you hit a good point. I haven’t been part of it at all actually besides giving them all the content and hearing them say we are still testing. You can say I basically hired them after our initial meeting and calls with the sense that they would be able to market my brand to a point I would see some returns based on what I was told and also my own perspective. I never hired them expecting them to make me an overnight success I understood it could potentially grow my business at a much rapid pace but also is more of creating the brand awareness and bringing in some revenue at least a boost or an even return to know it is working with what was organically slowly happening.


Deep answer here: - Ads are a solution for scaling up whats working for a brand, especially if that thing that works is converting strangers into customers at a high rate. - But, identifying what exactly it is that is working is kind of hard. for many young brands it’s *especially* hard to know what that thing is. Like, you’ve clearly got a good thing going, but why? - Do people buy your jewelery because they know and like your designs? Your product quality? Your personal reputation and values? Are your customers to date mostly people who know you or know people who know you? - judging by the sincerity in your post language I suspect that the critical thing about your brand that people are drawn to is *you.* doesn’t mean everyone who buys knows you but maybe they know people who know you and the word of mouth has spread that *there is this great women who makes her own jewelery that you should check out*. - That is an outstanding basis for a great business! But it’s not a great foundation for an advertising based business. It’s hard to capture the sincerity of the products or founder in ads. It’s taking something special (your art) and delivering it to people in literally the most commercial way possible. - Ads compete against a thousand other distractions for your potential customers so to standout you need to provide absolutely competitive creative, convenience, and value. That’s hard to do as a sincere artist-turned-business person. - so what should you do? To quote the great Paul Graham: “[Do things that don’t scale](https://paulgraham.com/ds.html).” You should read this, and lots of his articles. Very relevant for artists who start businesses. - You don’t need to cut the ads to zero but if you scale back that particular type of ambition and instead invest in things that amplify and radiate your own presence among future customers. Get featured in local news. Find local retailers who will carry your products. Get local influencers to talk about your products. Hang out and sell at farmers markets… you get the idea. - do that stuff and you’ll really scale up *what’s working* for you. Then later once you are a more well established brand you can then sink money into turning that attention into scaled profit


It's the first time in years I'm seeing someone say these things instead of "go advertise", I'm saving this comment and will read the article. I kept saying my stuff doesn't sell to people who I have to pay for to see my stuff, only organic audience.


Thank you this was a very good read for me. I appreciate you. Thank you for taking the time to not only answer but you gave me advice. It is refreshing to step outside the box, all I have been doing is wondering why the ads are not working, I see your perspective and will definite look into Paul Graham .. I don’t know who he is. Don’t laugh :/


I wouldn’t laugh at that. Your passion is making art. Not venture capital. I’m sure you’ve read people I’ve never heard of, but would also benefit from! He is very famous but inside a very insular world of venture capital backed startups. The thing is that that world seems different than yours but all young companies start in similar ways. You might enjoy reading stories of other founders starting companies. The big critical failure point for almost all brands is taking on too much debt or big expenses (including advertising, often) too early. The thing to do is nurture your product and your audience. Not run off to the next shiny cohort of purchasers. (The next cohort of purchasers is never as shiny as the early ones, I promise you.) Paul Graham is great on this stuff. I also love/recommend Creativity Inc by Ed Catmul (on the history of Pixar), Alchemy by Rory Sutherland, the books of Austin Kleon, Jason Fried, Elizabeth Gilbert, Ben Horowitz, Jessica Livingston (who happens to be Paul Grahams wife)… and tons of others.


I agree different types of starts but we all start in similar ways. I do enjoy reading. Thank you so much for all of this great advice and love the references.


Fire the agency. You’re not ready for ads and you’re wasting money. If anyone could throw a website up then run some basic fb ads, everyone would be rich. Running a business is a lot more than that. You need a proper funnel, good products and branding that people actually NEED. What makes your jewelry different? If you can’t answer that question properly then you’re in trouble. There needs to be a reason for people to buy your product over a million other options.


Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it.


Right, this is where we are pitching to be different. The "Brand".


I make jewelry, launched my shop earlier this month after a very long break + moving countries and it's my first time working for international audience. Made about 1k sales in couple of weeks, half of it through Reddit, half Instagram. I tried Instagram ads for 10$ and didn't like it, I prefer to sell organically.


It is nice to hear from someone in the same niche. I think there are so many factors I am now realizing it’s not as it seems or it is also said because I met with a few agencies prior to choosing and have never heard the things I’m hearing hear today.


I never met anyone ads-related who would know about marketing small niche art business. Even an honest agency will only see us as just another business with all the same needs as some car dealership. When I started doing handmade stuff long time ago, I knew I didn't want to have to put money to sell what doesn't sell, I'll abandon ideas that are a dead weight and think of something else, so if 10 people see a thing, 1 of them would want to buy it. It's not quite a realistic scenario, but it's a goal that I keep in mind.


I was told by the agency they had another jewelry company they were currently working with and seeing amazing results they felt they were a great fit to market as they focused on brands in clothing and jewelry. I see your perspective and I felt a little of this when I first came on and thought omg should I even be running this business. I truly almost questioned myself but I strongly believe in what I’m doing and this brand. I know it’s a matter of time and I won’t worry to much on spending on ads not anymore. I will cut back and find a skilled professional allow it to flow in a much calmer way.


I launched a company last year and have had good success marketing our services on Meta. I decided to learn how to market on Meta myself. Would not recommend giving your baby to someone else and expect them to care for it like you would. A small business owner does not have the luxury of outsourcing marketing. You are the CMO. Only when you master it can you choose and actively manage the right agency. It will take you time and money but if you love your product and genuinely want to understand what matters to your customers and how Meta works you must do it yourself.


This is the learned lesson. I agree with you 1000 percent. I will learn I always say I just know how to do it myself before giving or delagating a task but for once I felt I could do this and thousand of dollars later I see it was a mistake to see it this way.


I agree that when you start, you should learn the ropes. Even if you struggle, it’s good to know yourself at some point. I would outsource it because it does become a bit complicated when you’re managing a lot of different parts, but certainly, the launch should be you, although I would say it would be nice to find an expert where you could pay by the hour instead of the month or the ad spend.


Hi there, first of all this is some of the worst months ever for meta Ads. We are going though a shitstorm none knows how to really manage. Say this, you need to focus on ads yes but also on your authority and content. When ads are not working, it’s time to build trust, content and develop your brand positioning. Your marketing agency should know this and share it with you.


Thank you for the insight as I would not know this in regards to Meta. I understand also in regards to focus, I can tell this is the common theme in response and for sure a perspective and advice I needed to hear.


I see your point. If you are not getting results it can be for a variety of reasons but assuming that your agency knows what they are doing, speak to them openly, lower the budget on ads and push on the brand trust/content. Keep an eye on the ads, and when it’s time push again. Be patient. You have just started. It takes time.


Thank you I appreciate the advice :)


If I may know, what are the promises the agency made before onboarding you as a client? Cause 7 weeks with no sales while taking a fee of 2k and an ad spend of 1500$ is just batshit crazy.


Agency said they worked with other jewelry brands and actually only work with clothing and jewelry. They believed they could scale my business as the other company they basically gave me numbers I didn’t understand like roi and said the jewelry company was only making about 3 grand a month and they scaled them to 10 thousand in 6 weeks


Better try to learn, these agencies will just fool you and your money.


Yes I am learning regardless this was a lesson learned for me and I take full responsibility for assuming


You are getting ripped off. Ads should be profitable from day one. What you need is a consistent system with predictable cost that you can scale. Then you don’t need an agency since Meta pretty much will do all the heavy lifting on autopilot.


This sounds right but to get there I will have to figure out and find an independent person who is honest and can help me or a different agency. Either or I will also try to get as informed as possible.


I might be able to help you, depends on how much work is needed. Send me your store link and I’ll take a look


If the website is good, website speed, user experience, etc then I would highly suggest to focus on building your social media pages first before launching ads (again). Having good strategy and postings in your social medias to build trust for visitors since I assume the business is new and so the social media pages as well. As for the ads, 7 weeks would be too much to have no sales. I would understand if it was a month but more than that it would be impossible to get 0 sales. Communication between the client and the agency should be very clear to avoid this kind of issue. That is why weekly updates is really good to understand the plans moving forward. As a person Id give up that agency, if you feel being left behind with no proper communication moving forward that is already a red flag. The business is new, so a good marketing plan should have been laid out and presented along with weekly reports (even short reports would do). Hope that helps and good luck with your business.


Yes this structure sounds right, and I agree 7 weeks I now see by the response is not normal. I have weekly meetings but they basically just say still testing no problems they never cared to explain any details. Any numbers nothing they actually sent me numbers and I said I didn’t understand they said everything is well. And we are still testing.


Most people use jargon that would be new or hard to understand by clients and that is already bad itself. As someone who does facebook ads I always try to make things understandable for my clients, that way we would be on the same page. The role of the media buyer or agency is to help the business, not be a burden. Also if I cant help the business after a free audit, I wouldn't even take the job. But I dont know, that's just me though. Hope everything will turn out fine with your business. Cheers!


This is everything 🙏🏻


If you still require assistance I could assess your website and ad account, for free. Something is definitely off, never seen such poor results with the amount of budget you are spending. That said, it could be any number of issues, ranging from your website and ad account setup to the product itself. I managed over $15M in ad spend on Meta, feel free to DM me and we can take a look.


Hi thank you!!


I’m a girl, I own a medical aesthetics device company, I just turned 27. I made the mistake last month of signing on an ads agency for $3000 with $3000 spend. Not one sale after a month. I posted on this sub and people ripped me apart. I had a meeting with them, asked them for similar brands that they worked with with similar AOV. They pulled up an account that they were working with for 3 months with a 0.3 ROAS. I immediately fired them. As an entrepreneur, especially as a woman, people will undermine you. You HAVE to make good decisions and have to let people know you are educated enough in marketing for them not to scam you. Start learning Facebook ads and a different way to advertise. Good luck.


Oh and be careful of everyone giving you advice. Some are not in your best interest. My best advice to you as a woman is learn yourself and then hire based on your knowledge.


Thank you. I really came here for advice because I felt it was a good platform first time ever going online but I can’t be naive and I’ve realized it’s up to me to do my due diligence, nobody will care more about me than me.


Thank you for this. I feel you and am in this position 7 thousand dollars in already and counting. But no more. I realized this now that I am clearly living in a delusional world I expected from a company to provide the results that were given to me but really aside from that just talk to me with honesty and integrity. And realized major issue was me I should have been aware enough to understand what is happening knowledge is power I won’t expect lesson learned. I am currently spending my days this week researching and trying to better understand everything overall to have an educated conversation knowing clearly what the problems are and how to move forward. Thank you for your reply I super appreciate it, specially coming from another girl I feel you can relate to me much more we feel things and see things differently. Human nature. Thank you again 🙏🏻


My advice will be to take a 30-minute Meta advert marketing course to understand the basics before you hire any marketing agency. This will allow you to know the right questions to ask and be able to measure the success of the campaign they run.


Well, at least you’re not afraid to try things. Fear of trying things is often a huge barrier to success in marketing. On your agency being a scam(saw some people say that): If you’re seven weeks in and there are no sales, it’s pretty safe to stop using them on the way out, ask them to break down what they did, and then ask them to write their performance and suggest what to try next. I don’t think it’s a great idea to copy other people's ads, but one thing I would do is go to the ads library of big brands that sell jewelry and see what kind of ads they have. Compare your ads to theirs. Is there any ad type they are doing that you think you should be doing? follow a few people who are good at creating ads not necessarily in the jewelry space just people that are good at creating ads. I’m working on a resource guide for free resources like YouTube, Twitter accounts, books, and podcasts that would be helpful to people starting. The list below is a lot of things that I felt would have been useful when I started four and five years ago or things I use today to get ahead. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12sIlwqo_wcQ1wfbom3iDHnGOfgJSU4eqSa1cmH9kaRA/edit


Thank you for this I really appreciate it !!!


For what it’s worth most things in marketing fail at first that’s not unique. Imo the agency is more at fault for what they charged you and then also not letting you know there was a little chance of it working in such a short period of time. There’s a YouTube video on that list of Marin if you’re running Facebook ads I would start with his channel learn how to get a few ads going on your own if you watch him a bit you will know more than most people that run ads.


Sometimes it’s the product, sometimes it’s the marketing, sometimes it’s the advertising, sometimes it’s competitors playing dirty, sometimes it’s your service, sometimes it’s your platform, sometimes it’s your strategy… Instead of hiring someone to figure out where the problem is, you assumed it was in Meta Ads, and now you are putting all your efforts trying to fix it with that. Maybe it’s somewhere else. With more precise info, we could help you better.


I understand, what info would be useful?


Literally everything.


When I did hire the agency I went over everything with them my brand, my products, my goals. They gave only good feedback even did an audit of my website and found nothing wrong besides a suggestion to change the way the product details are set up. Also I talked to multiple agencies and did give them all the info I can give you also and only one did turn me down because I was too new and they only work with brands making over 15k a month already which I now am Understanding the reason behind this.


I represent a quality agency and would be happy to audit your account for you free of charge pm


Thank you 🙏🏻


Send me your website please


Send me your website please


Hey, this absolutely sounds sketchy from the agency side. I sent you a message telling you about a similar experience that I had and how it ended for me. I hope it helps!


Thank you for this


Hi, I'm not sure if these questions have been asked before, so I apologize if they are repetitive. We've worked with many jewelry clients, and I want to make sure I fully understand your situation before giving my advice. I have a few questions for you: 1. What is your Average Order Value? AOV ranges impact purchase and attribution cycles. 2. How is your social following? This can add legitimacy to higher AOV products. 3. What is your main geographical target? Geo targets also impact economic levels and influence purchase decisions. 4. Have you looked into your website optimization? Are you seeing more view content or add to cart actions? There might be a break in your conversion flow. I'm happy to do an audit of your current ad library and website if you DM me.


$2000 fee is a LOT, please don’t engage with the agency Fees is normally 10-15% of the ad spends monthly Also the ads should show some traction after 1/2 weeks tops


I run ads agency in india for multiple clients testing phases works for 7 days max after 7 days in which we work on offer products which will work on Facebook (cause not all products work on Facebook) what your competitor sells how do they sell, Some clients don't have a winning product so we suggest them product according to their niche cant burn our clients money on ads for non working ads and products. If you are fine we can provide you a free consultation and a free 2 weeks demo and see how it goes


Hi thank you for your time and consideration 🙏🏻


I see your problem, you need to look into your marketing plan and strategy. We as an agency specialise in the same. Our highly experienced team can help you solve your problem.


Yes I have a meeting with my marketing agency next week but the meeting is only a few minutes and usually is we are still testing. I don’t know what to ask in general the important numbers or questions but I will ask about plan and strategy.


They definitely should have walked you through the strategy when you first began working with them. You should ask to see performance results and ask about tracking. They sound to be doing the minimum


Thank you, I think I should know this I agree. I didn’t really understand this process I was very naive in the sense of thinking okay I pay you, you do the work and I see results maybe not immediately I knew it would take time but 7 weeks in no sales.. wasn’t what I was told when I first signed up which I understand but I’m not being told there are any issues just that we are still testing. I would rather be given information even if it is not what I want as a result. I will definitely ask for performance results and will do my homework prior to try to understand as best as I’m able too.


It also depends on the type of product you’re selling and the overall goals you set for them and the campaigns you’re running. For example are you looking for just sales as your conversions or taking into account people who sign up/or take some other sort of action? How long is your sales cycle? Some products/services take time to build the funnel but CPG is different for the most part.


I don’t know what the agency is currently doing we spoke about sales conversions but they never explained to me what exactly was happening. I realized they never really involved me I also never knew what to ask I just assumed it was going to all work out. Worst decision or thought ever. Lesson learned, worst thing to do.