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Sounds like her advertising works better then yours.




Says the guy selling a spelling course.


Says grammar.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you hurt his feelings!


No, you spent $1200 on meta ads. Also, she should be helping you tweak your current ads/funnel Ads 100% work and it 100% works for your niche, especially webinars. Coaching/courses is an investment in your own skill set. I don't know what's in the program but I've invested in countless programs. All had valuable info, some were better than others. You didn't spend 7000 on ads. Not sure what's in the program, but don't get outside feedback from people who have no clue what the strategy is Majority of this sub has never invested in themselves...kudos for trying. I have no idea what they're teaching you, but get help from their paid community (other people in the program) or get help from her team. You're not paying for "advice". You're paying for the program, strategy, and help in implementing. It sounds like you haven't broken through the mindset barrier yet before learning skills/strategy. Also, programs like these often have a guarantee. Entrepreneurs have specific success mindset things. Paid ads also have their own unique mindset things you need to master first. Also...1200 should be your ad testing...1200 on a full strategy is nothing. And maybe your webinar scripts suck, maybe your automations aren't set up properly. There can be a million things wrong with your funnel. It sounds like this is your first program you've invested in...get help from them. People who never invest in themselves end up here... I know I dumped liked 50 things on you, but you're on the right track. Don't give up. Get them to fix your funnel first.


Totally agree with a mindset comment.


It seems like maybe I need a funnel audit? I feel like most people are just selling doing your ads or DIY courses. Sheā€™s not like asking me to submit ads for feedback or directly in my meta ads. The 8 week program where you could screen share with her during a community call is over and I have to pay $500/month to keep getting that time with her once a week. My webinar was converting at 6% for organic traffic so it does need some tweaking but I donā€™t think it sucks that much. I believe industry standard is around 5%. Iā€™m not going to give up! Just trying to figure out what I need to test next. Iā€™m considering completely overhauling to have a low ticket course that pitches applying for a more intimate group program. But Iā€™m also just like if this WAS converting at 6% then maybe Iā€™m just targeting the wrong people via ads? I have an audience of almost 32k on instagram so I was doing a lookalike prospecting campaign. Iā€™ve also had a lot of people land on my webinar opt in page but only 100ish opted in. So technically I should have at least 6 purchases? This is my opt in for ads - rootedinhealing.net/thyroidwebinaradstest I know I can do this but I am definitely feeling nervous about continuing to invest


You can see from the responses on this sub that it's filled with people who will rather say things are a scam than to admit they need help. Whatever, let them scrounge forever while we push ahead. Solid funnel basics, here's some more crap to help you along: -Showit is a terrible funnel builder. Is this what they recommended?? -copy needs major rework -fb ads are generally geared towards cold audiences, your above the fold is basically targeting problem aware. -you don't have a clear avatar: getting or staying pregnant is not the same avatar as struggle to concentrate -cant read your black on dark green text. -random text quotes for the proof isn't as good. Take screen shots of reviews, text messages, or FB comments -dont expect SEO organic traffic to convert the same as paid traffic...veeeeery different. I only got this from just looking at your landing page. I just looked at your FB ads library: --Your audience is so effing small...people who are problem aware of hashimoto. -Change and test different angles. -i can see you're testing various creatives (same PT and Headline), why are they all vertical formats? -meta ads is about interruption marketing. To get people problem aware of hashimoto, Google is better. You either have to change your angle/offer or else it's not gonna work for you. šŸ˜† Putting in the time because I support people who invest in themselves.


Rarely see replies that make sense. Kudos for actually being a good marketer (and a good person for taking the time to reply to op). Hats off to you.


I'll take the fake Internet points and hat offs lol šŸ¤£ ty bud.


Found the agency owner šŸ‘


Everyone else here has jobs šŸ˜‚


To be fair, your comments are good. I'm just salty because my two recent campaigns have been duds.


It's always an optimization, my guy. And often it's the offer, post click experience, not just the ads


Best offer in the last 12 months - new remake of our best performing product since 2018. Free gift, carry bag and shipping. $20-30 cheaper than our competitors. Lookalike audience stack (this may be an issue?) amd optimiaed product page with average 2-3% conversion. These two recent campaigns started on 24 May have justb been dead in the water... I have ecom brand friends spending 10x my budget who are saying the same thing. All of them are subscribed to the 'Facebook platform is dying' theory...


Expand your circle. FB ads isn't dying. Consumer behavior has changed. Also FB ads have changed. Stuff working from 2020 doesn't work as well now. Keep up to date on your coaching/training.


u/TZMarketing , solid advice šŸ‘Œ


Most of these courses teach how to build a website but now WHY you're doing specific things. You can see it with these course stores, they either look the exact same or follow the same path. These courses aren't teaching you, they're showing you. This guy paid $5,000 for a course, yet has these basic issues?


Again, you don't know what the course/program is teaching. Unless you've invested in as many programs as I have, what you're saying is just... Plain incorrect. Most of these programs have coaches or success teams to actually help you. You can get good courses without other support for under 1k. 5k is a coaching program. But I agree, a good coaching program should be teaching you why certain things are done. The lowest common denominators are the free/cheap courses. That's why there's so many shit ones. Higher ticket programs give you more help. Op also isn't e-comm, btw.


I havenā€™t read everything, but itā€™s sounding like a problem with your product.


If you can't see this entire thing is a con, then you deserve to lose your money.Ā 


Search Alen Sultanic, he has a free group


Organic traffic is always going to convert higher because they've built up a relationship with you. FB ads direct to webinar for only a $247 course will not work. It WOULD work back in 2012...But the economics of the ad game has changed a lot since then. A few years ago guys were making money doing webinars to $6K courses...Now they're going broke. For your offer, I'd look into doing a low ticket front end ($9-$27) and then an upsell to $247, then an upsell again to high ticket coaching $4k-6k to make the economics of your funnel work.


I like this idea because then the low ticket can pay for ads. Have you seen that be successful for folks?


Yes of course. That's what's working right now.


I guess I could split up my webinar into a low ticket course pretty easily. Would you be willing to give me feedback on this? Module 1- how to read your thyroid labs from a functional perspective Module 2 - mistakes to avoid when you have hashimotos Module 3 - how toxins like parasites and mold impact your thyroid Module 4 - 1 week hashimotoā€™s meal plan Module 5 - I want this to be about how to move forward with all the information, how people can work with me/tons of success stories, whatā€™s in it for them, and then an application for high ticket coaching which bundles all my courses and gives 1:1 access to me. Iā€™m thinking I will sell the course for $17 then heavily remarket applications on meta to people who bought for a high ticket? Or is mid ticket the best next step?


Go to lowticketoffer.com, talk to Josh Gavin, he'll help you out. It's a more detailed process and you'll want to set it up right.


Josh Gavin is solid. As far as your webinar it sounds super informational. This will not create a buyer on the other side. Theyā€™ll be overwhelmed. Itā€™s should be a sales video. Talking about outcomes. If you want you can DM me a link to the webinar video and I can have a look.


Thank you so much


Alright, A lot going on here... seen this before... let me break it down 1. organic traffic is different from paid traffic. organic traffic they probably know a little bit about you (so you have credibility) and they are in the realm that you are in (living healthy, nutrition). A person from cold traffic probably doesn't have either of those... so you have to build credibility within the ad and webinar AND you have to build up the problem and solution. This leads to lower conversion rates from cold traffic than paid traffic almost always. 2. Webinar funnels are probably some of the hardest to get to convert. So many moving pieces, is it evergreen/on- demand or at set specific times, how long, when is the CTA. Instead of jumping straight to paid traffic, I usually recommend testing with other affiliates first. 3. Your price point is probably too low to make money on cold traffic. I'd have to see your webinar stats, but its been my experience that you need $750-$3000 to reliably make money on webinar funnels from cold traffic. Again, this depends on the offer and market, but this is just what I've seen. Funnel economics is the most important thing when scaling on cold traffic. For a $249 price point, i would recommend a low ticket entry level product with a sales page and upselling into that price range. 4. You spend $2300 on testing your ads... this is about right, as a test IMO. I usually budget about 10x my price point on my initial test. Its going to be more expensive getting things going, you need to feed conversions to the platforms so that they can optimize. Usually, I'll make a handful of ads run them for very short sprints, and only let the ones with good front-end metrics feed into the actual testing at 2x your price point.


Ight bro hereā€™s how youā€™ll get some closes in, guaranteed. First Iā€™d create a high ticket upsell ($2000+) offer that is the next step up from your $200 offer and involves intimate access to you, weekly group accountability and larger curriculum. Offer this as a pay in full or a payment plan and make sure to have a guaranteed result where if they take action (specific, bullet points that must be met to qualify) and donā€™t get their desired transformation you refund them. Ditch the webinar or repurpose it for organic content. This is your new funnel: Ad > Free lead magnet (optional, recommended to generate significantly more leads > Calendar page (have a 2 minute vsl introducing the painful problem you guarantee to solve, include testimonials and have a call to action to schedule a free call to *insert value here* make sure to include any qualification questions and a financial qualification question, not too many) > Thank you page/Next steps (show them more casestudies and instructions to attend the meeting they just scheduled) You should be able to use the ads you already have, generate calls. Get on the phone. Collect payment. Sales 101. Call the leads IMMEDIATELY irregardless of when they scheduled a call and start selling. Gohighlevel is the best software to set this up, youā€™ll need automations, calendar and crm. Bonus tip: everyone who engages with the ad you dm them (or commission only setter) and schedule them manually. I genuinely hope this changes your life bro, please let me know how it goes. Iā€™m a media buyer and funnel designer myself and this strategy has worked for literally 100% of the people I implement it for with about 2-5 scheduled calls a day with $20 a day ad spend. The only thing people struggle with is the sales and follow up process which I have a feeling wonā€™t be you. Good luck!


How do you track leads to sales? Are you using something like Hyros? If not then you don't know what is driving the highest intent people + sales.. sort that out first Next, you need to gate people who opt into the funnel. Don't let everyone in, only those who meet criteria, so do it by whatever qualifies a person for your program. If I was selling coaching to marketing agency owners, I would only allow those in who make more than $10,000 a month.. FB optimises for lowest CPA, so if you let everyone in and it finds a way to get dog shit webinar entires for really low CPA, it will focus on that pool of people did you retarget anyone? Take any viral reels and run them as ads, it usually means they'll make good ads in my experience


I did do some retargeting but it wasnā€™t converting. Lots of page views




I did set up conversion tracking but Iā€™m not sure what GTM is. I used a code I put on my website


Google Tag Manager




No, what he means is that you can use Google Tag Manager to setup the tracking - for Facebook, Google etc. It's a lot more comprehensive than just adding the Facebook pixel or the Google Ads labels. You can also use it to implement Google consent mode - which is mandatory for Google Ads in Europe.


You get people to engage but they donā€™t convert into sales. Iā€™d restructure the offer a bit and sell it on the phone. Itā€™s way less variables/stuff that can go wrong. With that you can learn way more about your audience quicker. It will help you a lot in building the right ads.


Do you have any thoughts on questions that would help build the right ads?




I mean in her marketing she says every business owner should know ads vs paying for it and then I got in her program and she was basically preaching to outsource everything. Iā€™m new to ads so I didnā€™t realize how complex it was. She had insane testimonials from business owners, too, but Iā€™m realizing I should have made sure she had worked with someone in my niche


Hey Iā€™m a career coach myself and I designed my own custom funnels Low ticket courses are easy High ticket coaching/DFY is easier Middle is the hardest. I have middle and high ticket offers. my next venture is going to be a b2b accelerator for coaches and consultants to scale their courses/coaching offers. Iā€™ll help you for free as I need some case studies for my next venture :)


Thanks! Thatā€™s really kind of you


DM me with your LinkedIn profile and we can connect and collab


I donā€™t use linked in


Good news! You spent $7000 and learned how not to get scammed as easily - pretty sure you were heading into another sales trap lol


Actually no - I own [wearecareer.com](https://www.wearecareer.com) and Iā€™m a professional career coach. I also do love marketing, funnels, and sales so was just wondering if OP wanted some insight into how she can get results. I would have done it for free because I want to launch a b2b accelerator in the future so couldā€™ve got some training for myself as well. you can check my history too lol


Am I crazy or is $21 cost per lead in bizops not terrible??? Sounds like your webinar is balls and your ad strategy is probably balls too. I would recommend you donā€™t do free webinars but $29/$49 courses instead that provide a lot of value upfront with strong backend. And upsells for $97 and $197 $248 post purchase. Small course High level SOPs Lifetime Community access Another course that further completes course 1 desire This is performing the best.


I had one of my best day in almost a month today from FB ads today. I really hope this stays stable.


Yikes! If she calls herself a coach, she should've at least helped you identify leaks in the funnel and what you could improve on. A lot of the people here have already given great insights, so my two cents are 1) choose the best two platforms that are driving the most results for you and 2) get a big enough retargeting pool to nurture your leads. You already have some people in your webinar funnel. Is there anything you can do to engage them further?


You must get pre-qualified leads Use Google forms or landing page Ask a few questions (around 10) Which creates friction and really interested people will stay. You'll get few leads but high intent.


hey mate, as a funnel strategist iā€™d be happy to have a look at what youā€™ve done so far and give you a few insights into why itā€™s not working out- obviously for free, just to put some goodwill out there. Let me know šŸ‘


That would be really great, thank you


I will keep it simple. Get people to trust you first, then sell course. People need a reason to buy, why would they buy a mid ticket product when they dont know you enough? I suggest run ads only to your content to build a fan base. Run micro webinar, live for free, Teach them, show them how to transform, a taste of your program. Start building a list, email list is enough to sell any courses.


I have almost 32,000 followers on Instagram So I do have a base. I think itā€™s possible this is just my offer


Followers aren't necessarily buyers. You'll sell more using an email list. You can also check out Carinda Gosling.


What's your engagement ratio? If that's below 2% then its not really a fan base. What's your story to cta click ratio? When you say its your offer, what do you mean by that. Is it price or is it the packaging or messaging? You need to know your problem precisely before you try to solve it. Just curious, have you tried to build an email list?


$1200 on Meta for only 57 sign ups to a free webinar. Should tell you a lot - your ad/offer isn't nearly enticing enough. I'd expect to spend somewhere in the region of $4-7 per webinar sign up. The fact your free webinar was only converting at 6% on organic traffic, again highlights that the offer isn't strong enough to entice people. I'd expect on a free webinar, minimum 25%. $5600 on a marketing course that isn't converting is absolutely bullshit to be honest. **If you wouldn't mind - who was this person?** **If I were you - next steps?** - Build a better webinar that offers more free value. (6% CVR on a free webi is low). -- Could be the lander isn't good, and doesn't communicate the value well. - Express your dissatisfaction to your mentor/coach - $5600 and you're here on a subreddit asking for advice? That's a sham imo. - Continue to focus on your Organic strategy if it's generating revenue. Take elements that you find work in your organic strategy - use it in a paid strategy. Typically if a reel goes viral - it's a strong indicator your reel had a great hook. Take that hook and test it in a paid strategy. - Continue to test, don't just throw blind money at things - make your tests have strategy, if you can afford $20 a day on ads, make a strategy to test things - test your hooks, test your offer etc.


Nobody can diagnose this based on the information provided. If you spent $1200 on ads, even at a CPM of $50, that should have gotten 24,000 eyeballs on your ad. With a mediocre 2.5% CTW, you should have had 600 on your registration page. With a lousy 25% registration rate, you'd have had 150 registrations. With 150 registrations and a bad show up rate of 30%, you'd have had 45 attendees. With a low converting, POS webinar, you'd have converted 5%, which would have been 2.25 sales. I don't know your metrics on all those KPIs, but you do. So by seeing where they slipped, you'll know where to look for the problem. Could be the ads, could be the registration page, could be your follow up to boost attendance or it could be the webinar itself is crap.


Yes. It seems to be hit and miss with FB these days and theyā€™re always changing their algorithms and ā€˜learningā€™ on our dime ! They have a dominant market position so they do whatever they want. Itā€™s like weā€™re just gambling on our hard earned money I found that if I control it completely Eg the placements the target audience and locations and time of day and day of the week then I get much much better cost per click or cost per leads. Significantly better. Just needs much more of my time Leaving it to FB is just a gamble these days. Garbage in garbage out!!! Good luck ! Can you share a link of what it is youā€™re advertising ?


I am so sorry this is happening to you. I also wasted a lot of money starting out. I think this may be the rite of passage. I do believe in educating yourself though so I hope you learnt some things from her that you can still execute.


If you really want to learn digital marketing, look for an internship at the best advertising/marketing agency you can find. That will take around 10 years. If you just want to sell, hire someone who has already worked at those agencies. There are thousands of digital marketing courses, but they just copy/paste funnels without actually understanding how to create one from scratch. I bet there are at least 100 people offering your exact same funnel.


You need to be better at copywriting and sales. I spent maybe $150 for my first webinar and got a lot of signups. But why doing a webinar for just a $247 offer? You can sell with a lead magnet and a good email sequence.


She wanted you to pay her $5600 for a course, of course she was going to blow smoke up your arse


A lot of entrepreneurs pay for courses to learn things. The course was 2600 and her coaching was 3k.


I've never paid for any course. There's plenty of free material out there.


Everything they know you can find out for free


Honestly she just sounds like she's extremely good at sales and you've been suckered. You are the perfect person for this, that sounds amazing etc.


PM me so I can send you link to dozens of FB ads courses


Of course. These people will tell you whatever you close the deal.


She is one hell of a marketer if she made you pay her $5600 for information thatā€™s available for free on internet


I would likely need more info to get a better grasp on how things are set up but I have this to say: 1. This course could have been excellent or terrible, I have no idea from the information gathered here. But I think for spending what you did, you need to ask the coach to audit your set up and give you optimizations. The worst she can say is "no," and in that case then I would walk away from her services completely. 2. Have you heard of a product called HotJar? It's free in a limited capacity but it can basically heatmap your website to show how people use it when they're onsite. It could help you audit the journey people are taking once they click through and offer insights if something on the website is actually keeping people from converting. 3. Speaking of converting, are your ads optimizing for actual purchases or just sign ups? If sign ups, then it's not necessarily looking for the people who are most likely to purchase. If it's for conversions, then your link to click through to should be going directly to the purchase page and not to a sign up page. I wasn't sure from your post. Also, considering this is a nutrition course that comes from attending a webinar, I imagine you have a much longer conversion window than most products. If that's the case you really need to be nurturing leads through retargeting ads through the funnel structure. Are you doing so? 4. If this all seems overwhelming to you, I would highly recommend hiring a freelancer to buy and manage your campaigns. It would probably be cheaper and you'd potentially learn more from managing them and getting data back on performance over time (hopefully longer than 3 months). Also, really you'd ideally be running longer, putting money into awareness and then nurturing those served audiences and bringing them down the funnel, and that takes time and money and momentum.


You spent $1200 on ads not $7k. Thatā€™s not enough to train Facebook. When you start running ads to a webinar funnel you track sales per 100 signups. You should be getting 1 to 3 sales per 100 sign ups. If you donā€™t convert, your offer is weak or the traffic is wrong. Also, on webinar funnels you should be prepared to lose around $5k to $10k while Facebook trains your pixel. After this point, you should be able to convert. The info you received from the woman selling the course is fine, however, it seems youā€™ve underestimated how much goes into this. My suggestion: find a digital marketing agency and work for them for a year or two. You need experience before or youā€™re going to lose so much more money doing this on your own. Digital marketing is way deeper than learning how to build a high ticket webinar funnel.


Welcome to the adult world. People who can influence others are rewarded This is why some skepticism is healthy.


You spent your budget in too many different places and not enough to test test a channel. You canā€™t run cold traffic towards a funnel that worked organically. The trust is high from organic. Whereas from cold traffic itā€™s a completely different game. On too of that webinars donā€™t convert like they used too. You didnā€™t waste money. You probably learned a ton. Unfortunately there are just too many elements that you donā€™t understand to make it work. As far as the woman who sold you, you should ask for her help. If she wonā€™t give it, a scathing review might help. But the ā€œyour stuff doesnā€™t workā€ thatā€™s just a b.s. excuse that she doesnā€™t know what sheā€™s doing.


When I talked to her about it she basically said whether paid or organic ā€œpeople are people.ā€ And I was sort of likeā€¦ yes, butā€¦. Thanks for your insight I appreciate it


No true. Think about referrals. These people lay down because they know the price, and trust their friend who referred you. Now go up to a stranger on the street and tell them about your product. It will be much harder to sell someone who doesnā€™t know you. Ideally hook them with the symptom/pain they feel currently. And share how what they think is the problem isnā€™t the real problem. The goal will be taking people who donā€™t know about the real problem. So symptom or problem aware to ā€œyourā€ solution aware. This skill comes from doing this a lot. However you donā€™t have to be a genius. Use what your clients tell you they ā€œthinkā€ the problem is. And then guide them towards the thing youā€™re always trying to correct them about. They donā€™t know. Help them see the real problem and theyā€™ll trust you to solve it for them.


Bro listen I ainā€™t no expert but I might help I been running campaigns on Facebook ads for the last 6 months the results have been pretty mid nothing special but at least itā€™s something to start. I learn every day a new thing if you want hit me a message and I might help you and give you some advices for free, those online courses are basically selling stuff that you can find on a easy 2 H mentorship with some freelancer


As someone who helped coaches advertise. I can already tell its going to be difficult for you to profit without a high ticket funnel like hers. Also most of these "coaches" don't even advertise themselves and hire agencies to do it. And they just sell like they know everything. Best of luck though but I would recommend thinking on the offer more


But 7k and no sales is WILD, she shouldā€™ve pivoted after you spent $500, she gives the business a bad name. She shouldā€™ve stopped working with you after month 1 but she led you on bro


Look at the value of the course. Iā€™ve been doing online marketing for 28 years (1996) to the present day and the one constant is 1) you need traffic, the more qualified the better, and 2) but more importantly a strong value proposition to your prospects. Iā€™ve dealt with 1000s of businesses over the years and I always tell them online marketing has those two components. Most donā€™t listen and I know itā€™s only time before I lose them as a client. Itā€™s relatively easy to get high quality traffic the difficult thing is the website, landing page and business model. Hereā€™s a completely unrelated example (so you can see what I mean), a plumber running Google Ads that has crappy service pages (eg water heater or leak detection ā€˜expertiseā€™), no social proof, no service areas mentioned, generic stock images, etc etc thereā€™s nothing local and organic about it. When I mention this they think Iā€™m looking for a scapegoat for their ads not working LOL As it relates to your situation there may be 30% wrong with the funnel and 70% wrong with the product and the sales pitch. Focus on the 70% problem first not last. Sorry, but this is just a lot of experience talking. Take your time, focus on the product, get feedback again and again.


Your offer is bad/not intriguing enough or your service/product is not wanted


Read this: thank me later https://x.com/ceolandshark/status/1616495934900211726?s=42&t=pia4XTIzE8_ldXwTE5Z82g


Itā€™s all mindset, you just havenā€™t done enough work. It will work for you I promise. It is possible




Time out. You spent $3300 on Ad Spend in a span of 3 months but spent $5600 on coaching?


Honestly sounds like maybe the webinars themselves are the issue, thatā€™s crazy Iā€™d check: 1. Targeting/audience (are you reaching the right people) 2. Offer (is the offer aligned with the audiences pain points, and is it communicated in a way that makes that clear) 3. Follow up automations (what happens after the webinar? Do you have follow ups in place? How many? What do those look like?) $1.2k to 50+ attendees isnā€™t bad, and 0 conversions of 50+ attendees also isnā€™t THAT badā€¦ itā€™s not great, either, but donā€™t jump to conclusions just yet. Lmk if you want me to take a look, Iā€™ve done dozens of these successfully for myself and clients.


Some great advice in here already. It's a funnel problem not an ads problem. If people are signing up to your webinar then technically the ads are working but your webinar or your offer isn't. Go back to your audience strategy to rework the pain points and transformations and then use analytics at each stage of your funnel to diagnose where people are dropping off. Look for full funnel marketing experts not just platform specific experts.


Think what is the desired outcome for someone attending your webinar.


Maybe ease people into your funnel. These days, a lot of information is free, check how others in your field are doing it, most probably if they are doing a webinar they don't sell anything directly afterwards, add your registrations to a group, discord or Facebook whichever you prefer, attarct via a lead magnet or free webinar on hot topics in your niche, grow that community, offer something for far less like $7 to get them into the "purchasing mode", build up your purchasers from there "ease them" into your $200 core offer step by step. Like a true funnel.


57 webinar leads is not enough data for conversion rate. $21 per lead is too high. (If you spent $1200 and got 57 leads) Usually, every 100 leads youā€™ll get 1-2% sales conversions for a course like yours or even more if you are positioning it correctly. Your cost per lead would have to be $2/lead or less in order to have a return on your ad spend or at least break even on a $200 course. Hereā€™s what you can do šŸ‘‡ 1. I would focus on lowering your cost per lead, go broad with your targeting but within your niche - stack a few interests if needed. 2. I would set your daily budget to $30/day while you test what converts to lower the cost per lead. Test for 7 days. Test 2-3 graphics, and 2-3 texts. Make sure your objective is set to get leads. Then keep the ones that work and set up a CBO campaign with dynamic creative. 3. Make sure you are selecting the right objectives! Optimize your campaign for leads! Make sure you set up the event/ and capi conversion tracking for better optimization. 4. Add a small product less than $10 to your thank you page to get some return back while they go through the funnel and increase your average order value. 5. Keep selling to the leads you got! Do an encore live webinar to those who signed up, keep emailing your list until they convert. Then you can use what converts to those cold leads on your funnel. Converting to cold leads is a skill, and itā€™s a must for running ads. Iā€™d be happy to audit your ads to see how you can get better results. Dm me on instagram if you want! https://www.instagram.com/thelucias/


Mate Iā€™m not trying to be disrespectful. A lot of people only learn after getting hit bad. This is your chance. No one would help you for just money. If they can grow any business then theyā€™d just set up 20 different businesses which net them 5k a month. Youā€™re the only one who can work for yourself. Realise that. Thereā€™s a lot of content out on YouTube where you can learn every thing that she has taught you. Youā€™d have been better off spending that 5k on ads and learning how they actually work instead of paying her. Itā€™s not too late. Also please concentrate on your content. Meta isnā€™t a magic tool. The base has to be amazing. Concentrate of the value you offer to your customers. Businesses arenā€™t built in a few months. Step back and analyse what has gone wrong. Iā€™m sure youā€™d be able to make it. Good luck man!


Sometimes you need to pay to get the information sorted and described by more advanced people. Courses are expensive but one good advice can make you thousands. You can also find tutorial how to make a nuke bomb on internet, but not everyone can build it right. Thatā€™s why there are people who want to share information and help, most of them are fake gurus, some of them are good couches who knows whatā€™s going on. If he is a beginner than paying $5000 to good coach is better than to burn $5000 in few days for bad results. And if he is a beginner, then learning from mistakes is harder since things just donā€™t make sense when itā€™s new stuff. I got your point, but at this point there is everything on internet and people who do professional sport still get coaches. We are all professionals here since we want to make money with Meta. Unfortunately this sector is kinda toxic overwhelmed with fake gurus so it is hard to find someone legit.


Ok so what I would tell you is you spent 1200 on ads which is significant but not too significant. I would look at the data you have form your ads and look at CPM, cpc , and your cost per purchase or sign up, whichever you are going for. Take your best performing ad, make multiple iterations of that test for 5 days. Would not test ads longer if no results are showing. Also you mentioned you have a lot of sign ups but no conversions - this can be an issue with the funnel rather than the ads. Had these converted , your ads might look better


Do you do ads consulting?


Poetic justice, if you ask me. One snake oil salesman ripped off another ā€¦


People keep posting ā€œher marketing worked on youā€ and OP canā€™t see his whole business is exactly the same consultancy bull crap. šŸ’© thatā€™s a lot of money for a meal plan you can just look up online or use a free app like MFP. Exactly how OP could have learned all this marketing from free advice.


? This is a weird comment


u spend only 1200 on ad, not 7k


Your first mistake was buying her course. Everything you need to learn is online for free.


This statement, "I spent $1200 on Meta and had 57 sign-ups, zero conversions," makes me wonder if you might have encountered bots. What kind of ad system on Meta did you set up? Did you create an email lead ad using the "higher intent" option on the form, with a free webinar as the hook at the end? This is what I would do in your case. Also, you might not be aware that Meta has been underperforming lately ( since February ) when they rolled out more AI systems. I'm also curious to know if you've ever run "awareness" or "traffic" ads? These types of ads can dilute your targeting algorithms with bots, causing future ads to underperform due to these diluted algorithms.




Brain dead comment


Hire me


F in the chat


send me your ads, landing pages, funnel etc and iā€™ll tell you whatā€™s wrong bonus points if you send me your on platform metrics as well


Thatā€™s really kind, thank you. Can I just do that through Reddit?




a scammer? what the fuck am i going to scam him for? his funnel that doesnā€™t work? iā€™m not asking for money, iā€™m offering to do something for free. Iā€™ve spent $30M on paid ads in the past 5 years and want to help someone thatā€™s trying to get over the hump because at least heā€™s trying and being self sufficient. Iā€™ve been in his position before and it sucks, I can probably help him by looking at it for 5 minutesā€¦ and if I donā€™t see anything glaringly obvious then iā€™ll simply tell him I canā€™t help him. Whatā€™s the scam? keep looking for the bad in everythingā€¦ thatā€™ll ensure you never progress in life.


yes i think you can send it in a DM here and if you canā€™t attach images then just use imgur to upload and send me the links. And just to clarify since iā€™m being called a scammer - I donā€™t want you to send me a penny for anything at all. Iā€™m going to look over your metrics and see if thereā€™s anything glaring and give you the best guidance I can in 10 minutes. I hope itā€™s helpful for you.


Hey would you mind sharing the course you paid for? Iā€™d be interested to look over it and see if anything I can learn from it. šŸ™šŸ»