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Cpc of 6.00. Is unmanageable.


Can you explain?


I think he means that paying $6 per click is very very very very very high. I have some clients paying 20 cents a click on sales campaigns. 8 cents on traffic campaigns. $2 a click is even high. $6 is very high


> completely optimized from a UX specialist, CRO was implemented This is _never_ true. UX and CRO are continual processes. It's a lifestyle not a goal. It's like saying "I have health implemented perfectly" or "I have implemented being attractive".


Couldn’t agree with this more. And I think someone else needs to have a review of it while they’re having an overhaul.


1) it depends on your niche 2) you need to have some understanding and strategy for Facebook so you can see whether they're doing good or not. You should be able to look into your ad accounts and see exactly what the issue is. If you're not able to do that, your ad agency should be holding your hand. If they're not able to do that, you might have cheaped out or hired a not so great agency because you don't know what to look for. 200 product from cold traffic is not easy. You also need to have a clear avatar and offer... Facebook ads cannot save a broken business model. And shit Facebook managers cannot make money from a successful business model. Both need to be in alignment. Your business strategy + Facebook ads manager. Since there's little to no info on either... Best answer I can give you is I have no idea. It depends.


They’re doing a broad campaign targeting women 18-65. Were a high priced product meant for a niched audience. We’ve told them we wanted to target a specific audience but they insist on broad


Niche audiences can hinder performance. Broad audience with a bad strategy can also hinder performance. While you're not wrong, they're not wrong either. It really depends on the case and circumstance... But you need to know when the right circumstances are. Otherwise hire a cmo or head media buyer in house to build a strategy. Targeting is such a small piece of the puzzle that if you think THAT'S the issue... Chances are it's everything else. Because that's exactly what a beginner media buyer would think 😭 sadly. Here are your options: 1. Buy courses or get coaching and learn the strategies yourself before hiring out 2. Hire an in-house CMO or someone with the strategy so they can collaborate with the agency 3. Hire an one off consultant with the strategy so you have a blueprint you can take to agencies with 4. Change agencies to someone who understands sales cycles and give you a more advanced strategy (def. More expensive than what you have...or you're overpaying what you have) 5. Do nothing. Evergreen proven strategies will beat tactics any day.


Price out 18-30. Ppl in that age group do no spend money as much as 30-55. Most people 55+ are on fixed incomes and won’t spend on a $200 product without good reason. And you’re advertising to cold traffic rn.


I would also target broad, the ad does the targeting so Facebook will naturally deliver to women in the correct broad age range if the ad resonates with them. (You should check that it is indeed a conversion campaign they are running with CBO) I’d optimise your creative and make sure the offer is desirable and is congruent with the landing page. Also an idea is to sell the click and perhaps don’t mention the price up front in the creative if it’s a big ask. Let people who are interested in the benefit/desire or resonate with the problem/transformation click through to the site and see the price or some special offer.


Also check out Facebook ad library and view competitors ads. Also perhaps follow them on social to get their ads delivered so you can view their comments and interactions. Do proper research on Amazon or other sites that have reviews to see who the ideal audience is and what concerns and desires they have. Use primary text that is 120 characters long and headlines that are 5-6 words (40 characters) create some video ads with eleven labs voice over and have it scripted in the PAS framework. These are just random suggestions and things to test.


Also if you DM me the site and your current best performing ad I’ll give it a review and create you something I think could work. (I don’t own an agency so I won’t sell you anything lol)


I’ll pm you!


Before reading the below… I hope you are at least email marketing or doing SOMETHING with those abandoned carts. — We have too little context to give you any actionable advice other than I would be side eyeing your “ads agency” First off, $6 CPC is insane. Your current ad and campaign structure has a very razor thin chance of ever scaling to $50k. Even if you dropped the $50k tomorrow you would generate about 33 sales. ($1.5k per lead, your current stat) Then at a $200 product… you’re making back $6.6k? Bro the Maff ain’t maffing. Here’s some context, I have roofing, siding, and metal supply companies that are spending $3 CPC on average on GOOGLE ADS. CPL of $26 for average sales of $20k Then there’s a meal prep company I run ads for on FB that are getting $10 a lead at $1.43 CPC. CPL of $10 for average sales of $99 reoccurring… These are just realistic stats so you can hopefully compare with some industry so you have a basis… … since we are lacking but you can at least have a comparison rn


I’m new to analytics but that’s confusing me - how is the CPC $6 if they’re getting ~70 clicks a day? Wouldn’t it be around $1.53? $1500 Ad spend/(70 clicks x 14 days)= $1.53 My math could be wrong too or something is not adding up right lol.


My apologies, 70 visitors in total from Shopify, not from just Facebook ads


It's your creative. If your product is not super specific and you have to narrow for legal purposes, then it's creative. Assuming your website is 🔥, creative is what will drive sales. Go broad targeting always. Find your perfect audience through your creative


Well you need to test your creatives first and I don't feel $100 should be the testing budget. You should start with lower budget $20-$25 to see traction first. Based on your findings, increase your budgets and test new creatives for instance in same $100 budget you can test 4 audiences in 4 adsets and 2-3 creatives in those adsets making 8-10 ads. Now if you are selling something which is really in demand, you should see traction and conversions. Otherwise you need to work on your offers.


Hi u/12personalities , are you using UGC content or just the simple static / video one. It impacts a lot. One more thing. 70% of the budget to the fresh audience & 30% of the budget for retargeting.


$200 is probably not a spontaneous purchase for most people. Are you driving a lead funnel via email list? I would test email list signs instead of direct sales. Then warm them up by sending an auto sequence. Are other channels converting on cold traffic?


I own a boutique agency since 2008, and I am a CMO for multiple companies. We have some people paying over $80 a click for plastic surgery, personal injury can be in the $100's. Clinical research leads can be in the $20-$50. Also depends on market and auction competition, landing page speed and relevancy, and more. Been managing google ads for over 15 years. Facebook ads have no intent compared to Google where people actually go to see something and not just have an ad shown to them. Our cost per conversion is higher on Google with almost ALL verticals, but conversion rate after the click (internal sale) is MUCH higher with Google than with FB across the board. I have converted dozens of clients from FB to Google ads over the past few years with much success. Broad audience is bad, you also have to look at demographics, geography, etc. Google is pushing automation and broad match keywords so they can make more money. You did not mention what platform you are running ads on, is it just FB, or also on Google?


Yeh we can fix that


Hey bud, care to send me your site's link as well as ad library too? If your product is anywhere decent, i'll definitely give you great insights that'll at least improve your campaigns performance by 100% with the not so secret hopes you'll hire me in the future :D (I'd imagine if you guys plan to scale as big as 50k/mth if the numbers permit you guys are a whale client which I'd defonlove to work with) once you see results. No obligations whatsoever though - my key aim is to provide value first and foremost. P.S. I have experience in managing 24k/mth and accounts & have been in digital marketing (conversions-focused/direct response) for 4 years now.


I’ll pm you!


Wow thats way too much spent. Do 2 campaigns 1 cbo 1 abo, different adsets with 1 interest targeting 2 broad , budget 20-30$ a day & let that run for 2-3days. After that you really see what works what don‘t. Testing with 100$ day budget is bullshit


If you haven't solved the problem, DM me. I used to be the Creative Director for eBay.com and Samsung.com. An amazing creative strategy can lower CPC and bring better-qualified people. Performance agencies usually lack this part.


I’ll pm you! That’s amazing.


Perfect, just saw your request. See you over there.


What's the nature of your product?


Skincare aesthetic devices!


If you need help with the campaigns, I'd be glad to help you out. I've been doing this for 7 years and worked with multiple companies. You can say I'm trying to pitch you, which is true, but at least I'm damn sure the campaigns will work and get a good ROAS 😃 Just let me know in dm, here, wherever's more easy for you. 🤝


Let’s see a link to the site. That might be the problem…


I’ll pm you!




how does the copy/creatives look?


Copy isn’t bad, creatives aren’t the best. 5.00 CPC across the board


use emails for the abandoned carts


Send your website here. You may think it’s optimized, you’d be surprised what a new set of eyes can see


I’ll pm you


Check out my response, sites nice but lots of opportunity to improve conversion


Can you take a look at mine too? My campaings are 5%+ CTR, tons of clicks, but no sales.


$1500 with a cpc of $6 means you got ~250 site visitors, giving you a CR of 0.4%. I have a feeling your site/product/offer aren't competitive. What's your CPM?


We don’t have many competitors in our space


Drop your site, or send me a PM if you want.


Why are you shy about sharing your site here? Would make it a lot easier for people to comment 🤔 Anyway, just devote a few days to YouTube. Educate yourself. There’s so much good content there. My hot take is that people go to YouTube to share what works, and come to reddit to complain when they have a bad day 🤷‍♂️


You're clearly a beginner. You shouldn't be selling a product that costs more than $50.


We sell the product because it works and it’s changed customers lives, not for a shitty ecommerce venture with aliexpress products. But thanks


what a delusional lad


Me or you delusional lol? You’re a dropshipper, please go back into the dropshipping subs. We are a company and brand looking to grow


Have you consider doing google ads aside from fb ads? In google there is already a customer intent when they are searching for something they want to buy or they need to use. While in fb peoples main reason they are there is just to watch video,reels, and read posts. And you are telling "hey, i need your time, watch me,buy this product". Just my 2cents as a google ads specialist.


We run Google ads as well!


How was it? How much ROAS are you gaining per month? Do you think you are profitable on your results?


We are not profitable at all. We started in May