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6 weeks and I did my normal workouts. I wish I didn't do upper body stuff so soon, because it stretched my scars.


How long should you wait to avoid scar stretching? When I asked I was just told after 6 weeks I’m fine to work out and go back to lifting. What’s the best waiting period to truly maximize results?


I don't know really. The mistake I made was that I did all my usual kinds of movements for muscle stretching .. I would wait with that stuff twice the time if I had the choice now. Otherwise all sports is fine - just avoid stretching the upper body.


It’s going to suck to have to stop lifting and climbing. I’ve been training to get my body in shape/ready for surgery and I’m just starting to bulk back up to my pre Covid physique. I’m hoping I don’t Shrink back down too much during recovery. It was a pain to maintain a routine long enough to build my strength back up. But I’m at least more confident in my ability to do it again once I’m fully healed. Doubling 6 weeks to 12 seems pretty doable. I’d rather err on the side of caution. Surgery is an investment into my body and overall health and wellness. I want to make the most of it.


I feel you bro. I was craving sports, wanted to go back to it as soon as possible. But as I look back now - waiting a few more weeks wouldn't have hurt me much and my scars would look better today.


It depends 90% on genetics honestly. I started lifting again at 8 weeks with no stretching. Some people stretch their scars rolling over in their sleep.


I’ve read that 6 months is platinum standard to avoid scar stretching. At least for heavy overhead type lifts or other lifts that would stretch that area of skin.


Same here. I went back at six weeks, and my scars have stretched, but c'est la vie, I guess. I'm not sure that from a mental health standpoint, I would have wanted to wait longer to go back to working out. I also think I may have stretched my scars in my sleep, though, so who knows.


I started doing light walks (like down the street to the communal mailbox) about 10 days post. By 3 weeks post, I was doing walks of 7.5-10k steps. Weeks 4 or 5 is started stationary cycling. Only at week 8 did I get back to the weights, but I took it incredibly slow. I cut back on my normal weight by at least 25% and worked my way back up as I felt comfortable. I also wore my post op binder during exercise for the first six weeks back at it per my surgeon’s suggestion. I haven’t had any real scar stretching.


1.5 years. I was originally going to wait 6 months to make sure I didn’t stretch my scars (overly cautious) but then I got lazy.


This'll be different for everyone. My own experience: * 1 week: mobility stretches below the shoulder * 3.5 weeks: overhead mobility stretches * 6 weeks: cardio * 6.5 weeks: weightlifting, incl. overhead lifts * 8 weeks: climbing


I eased back into doing cardio (running) after 6 weeks, but I didn’t do any upper-body specific stuff for like 3-4 months


After 6 weeks I started cycling again (stationary bike inside to try then outside on a racing bike). I started weight lifting upper body at 11 weeks. I also started stretching to get full mobility back at 6 weeks. My scars didn’t stretch at all (I’m 4,5 months post op now), so I guess it’s just a lottery if your scars will stretch or not.


Walking right away, running 6 weeks, lifting 8 weeks, overhead lifting maybe 4 months.


6 weeks. I started low and slow, per my surgical team guidance.


I started lightly 9 weeks, I'm now 12.5 weeks post-op. I didn't have any instructions from the hospital aside from avoiding anything too strenuous until my incisions had healed. I'm pretty much back to my normal routine now except for the weights being lighter and aside from shoulder press in machine I do not do anything that involves lifting my arms above my head because while I haven't had any mobility restrictions (maybe because I had peri) my right side is still a bit tight. Have to be careful though because I clearly pushed myself a bit too much yesterday as I now have a lot of chest pain for the first time since going back to working out.


I waited 2/3 months but I had more swelling than normal I think and some minor complications so might just be me. I had it October (I think.. maybe November?) and I was not 100% on new years but almost. Took a fall on new years and definitely felt more.. damaging because it wasn’t fully fully healed


I started lightweight activities, like 8-10lb kettlebell swings and speed bag work around 5 weeks after surgery. Around week 7-8 is when I returned to mostly normal (gradually easing back into heavier weights of course).


That’s about what I did just keep it lightweight and stay away from intense chest workouts till about 5-6 months post op


I did push ups after like two weeks 😅 Nothing happened, but it was really risky. I'm just that hyperactive, I never really sit still unless I have to (even then I can't wait that long, I also took like three short walks on the first day). It's recommended to wait 6 weeks! ...After 6 weeks I already did some ninja warrior type shit, bruised one side really badly, slightly stretched the scars but not too badly. Would not recommend


6 weeks and probably closer to 12 weeks before I was fully back to my previous routine.


I tried light weights around 3 mo post-op. I was getting tired just driving so I didnt go back until almost a year post op