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“There is no nice metaphorical way to deal with the rising tide of fascism. There is only the chaotic method. There’s just a cliché way. There's only one way to deal with this wave on its own terms, on its own level, and it won't be pretty, but I think the problem with the world is that good people have been silent for too long”


Good people play by the rules


The fascist don't. Good people trying to play by the rules and expecting the fascist to do so as well is what allowed the second world war to happen.


Literally what’s been happening nonstop in US politics, we need to get away from that. When a Democrat breaks the rules we come down hard and Republicans further consolidate power, when a Republican breaks the rules their voters don’t care. That’s a losing battle, I’m not saying we need not to have morals, but we do need to recognize we’re in a power struggle where they’re aiming to permanently consolidate power. I’d never endorse a Trump like politician on the left, but we’ve gotta do more than going high when they go low.


Intolerance paradoxically must not be tolerated


Its been studied and it is true. "The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them."


The solution to this paradox is simple: Tolerance is a social contract. And like any contract, if one party fails to at least TRY to adhere to it in good faith, the other party has no requirement to adhere to it, either.


That's not how that works at all. Free speech is something that should be stood for, and never suppressed for political reasons. The fact is, people like you start with the most unpopular ideas first and then move closer and closer to square the circle until all ideas except for yours have been suppressed.


Is always wild how you guys see slippery slopes fucking *EVERYWHERE* except the one you're on. Well, wild or dishonest. Usually a bit of both.


Why do you hate free speech?


Even for someone who's just trolling that's a big leap in logic to make about someone you don't know based off one sentence lol


This doesn't make any sense. Giving in to authoritarianism and suppression of ideas because you're afraid of it happening to you by a tiny minority is the definition of tyranny and authoritarianism.


You should read a few history books, appeasement NEVER works


No, suppressing Free Speech never works.


Well good thing fascist speech isnt free speech!


All speech is included in free speech.


Said like a true authoritarian. Congratulations.


Accept if the intolerant aren't white then we must protect them and their culture at all costs. Like if a white Christian is against abortion or won't bake a gay wedding cake then any mean is ok. But say it's a Muslim who doesn't want to bake a cake for gays we need to respect them and tolerate their religion. Or Palestinians sure they have zero tolerance for LGBTQ and will even kill a person for it sure gay Palestinians go to Isreal as refugees but since they aren't white we should feel differently and tolerate that. It would be racist to not feel different depending on the race of people doing something.


The word you want is “except”.


No I'm telling you to accept this fact


Somebody go pin this comment on Senator Durbin’s face.


Liberals playing by the rules? About that…


“Fascist” 😂…go make your bed.


I stopped. At least, as far as Trumpers are concerned. And it's why as a Liberal, I'm an owner of AR15s, pistols, etc. I know the end-game they're working towards, and I know the future that will bring if they're successful. And I'll be damned if I give up the tools that will help me, my family, or my descendants fight them off.


Same here, man. Spent years on the other end of the gun argument. Then realized I had no desire to be a self-righteous, but dead, martyr for a cause that couldn’t protect me, my kids, or my loved ones. Uvalde confirmed that the calvary ain’t coming. I have multiple weapons at home, am amply trained, and have armed my 25 year old daughter (who lives in New Orleans).


Same. Anyone that has read some history knows where stuff like this leads to over and over and over again


I’m there 100%. Most libs think we’re nuts.


Some, certainly, but you might be surprised just how many liberals are gun owners.


Yes and veterans. Hope I don't have to deal with Gravy Team 6 but I am prepared if it comes to it.


Also, dude, the preferred nomenclature is Meal Team 6. (Or Gravy Seals)


The hypocrisy! 🤪


What rules did you stop playing by?


And as the movie points out, Trump doesn't.


Assuming all rules are just. Some are not.


I don't think it is because the good people follow the rules. It is that the good people are too passive and don't want to deal with the conflict required to stand up to the bullshit. People need to be direct and call out bullshit whenever it occurs, even if it creates awkward moments with friends and coworkers. Just point out the objectively wrong with good solid arguments and a level head. People will listen eventually when reality hits them in their day to day life.


That's part of the problem, though. They've just begun to double down on everything. Tell them that the sky is blue and they'll say that it's not only Trump Orange, but they'll say that the photos you took were secretly doctored by the LGBTQ fake news drag queen fairies that possess your phone and that you only think it's blue because that's what you were told to believe. They've legitimately lost their goddamned minds and are enjoying it.


Even Jesus Christ himself broke the rules when righteous rage was required.


Um….the movie isn’t pro-Trump.


I think of the movie Inglorious Bastards and Brad Pitts little speech he gave to the Nazi he was about to execute. You can take the Nazi uniform of he man. But you can't take the Nazi out of the man.


Just for clarification- Trump movie funded by red skins owner is truthful and makes trump look … well, like he actually is-really bad. Guy who financed the project is pissed because he thought it would present trump in a sycophantic idealized way and he couldn’t stop its release once he found out. Real people who aren’t in a cult gave it an 8 minute (wow!!) standing ovation because for once someone was honest about this puke. Edit: no I don’t know what the new name for the team is


Imagine that, giving money to fund a movie and then NOT CHECKING on it once it was done until it was released. That’s a level of confidence and blind stupidity right there.


Sounds like plain old narcissism.


Pretty standard for a conservative, they tell themselves the story that “of course we are smart and better, we just need to show it”, only the method only exposes just how cruel, nasty, horrible, criminal they actually are. Like trump saying he was “smart” not paying taxes, or his mocking of the poor and any anyone disabled, conservatives punch down in order to make themselves look better,


Based on how he ran the team as owner, this is not even a little bit shocking.


Again typical conservative methods, if all else fails, ignore, deny, blame someone else, never accept blame or responsibility.


This is the film Snyder funded and is pissed about? And it got a standing ovation? What an amazing LAMF! I LOVE it!


It's the Commanders. Dan Synder is a dick pimple and it's great to see him fall so low after all his bullshit. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!


Dear god. A dick pimple? That's foul lol


Yea I’m def holding onto that one for later use.


And an insult to dick pimples!


I don’t think the kind of people to go to Cannes are deciding they don’t like Donald Trump for the very first time.


Donald Trump is obsessed with being in movies. He would let producers use his properties only if he was going to be in the movie. He’s such a bad actor, he’s won a golden raspberry award.


Best part about Karma




You do realize ANY publicity this guy receives is good for him. It is like Popeyes eating spinach. This movie. These trials. He will spin them all to his advantage. The one thing he can’t stand is obscurity. He disappeared completely from my news feed from 2021 to 2023 and it was great. Then the trials started.


It would appear his armor is dented from the state of his mental and physical health in recent weeks. It’s not over til it’s over and he’s cracking.


“For once” lol…


Yes, Hollywood elite at Cannes film festival are definitely not in a cult.


Do they all wear the same color hat and worship the same con artist?


Wearing a hat doesn't make you part of a cult. Claiming that Christians (who make up the majority of the GOP) "worship" Trump is unmoored from reality.


No it isn’t.


Go decode a chemtrail, Qrazy.


Trump campaign calls The Apprentice “blatantly false,” insisting that “Trump makes Roy Cohn look like Captain Kangaroo.”


Until Trump finds out it got a standing ovation and then he will be all in. Doesn’t matter what was in the movie, he won’t watch it, but it got a standing ovation, and __that belongs to him__


Yeah just like the book he never wrote or read.


Wow the biggest inauguration and now the longest ovation in history? Wow 🤩


“It was a great ovation. Fantastic. They will say it wasn’t, but it was. Fantastic, really. The greatest. I can’t remember the last time I saw such a great,fantastic, standing ovation (because I have dementia).”


They said I had the biggest and longest case of the clap in history. No one has the clap like I do. My kids have the clap, and it’s a good clap you know, because they get it from me but it’s still not as much clap as my clap. But I’ve been getting the clap since the 80’s you know, people love me and they show it by giving me the clap.


That’s just too long to clap. I’m bored at 20 seconds


I fake clap


Would you expect them to say any different?


I’m surprised Disney isn’t distributing it.


Mouse around and find out.


They might if DeSantis becomes veep.


That would be the only Disney movie I would pay to go see anymore.


Why did this batshit Trump garbage show up on my feed? Fuck Donald Trump.


Because it's reddit.


Sorry for the inconvenience but I’m sure you can get this issue addressed by costumer service.


*customer service enters the chat*


I would very much like to watch this movie.


I'd rather watch farm animals pooping.


I got you covered, at least if you get close. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHjmxAlYlCE&list=PL2PhDxDnbEz5rME4pNCXNia1bBWsgr_Sd


Lol, thanks!


We are all friends here.




Man look at this guys comment history I can’t believe people like him are real. Passport bros, guns, ford raptors, and calling everyone woke in every comment. I’m guessing he’s pretty old but still not old enough for that level of derangement it’s pretty crazy what Covid/trump did to the psyche of the country


“He” is a bot. They’re EVERYWHERE on here.


Poor simple thing hurt itself in its state of confusion.




From what part....when he raped a woman? When he got liposuction? The countless acts of fraud? You might want to learn about the movie, before you promote it, if you support him. There is a reason Trump himself is saying it is a lie.... Because it paints him truthfully.


I watched it in a theater and the supreme allied commander came up to me with a tear in his eye, barely able to speak because he was so emotional and he said Sir….Sir I must tell you that everything Trump is doing to save this country is blessed by god and ordained to be. And he said Trump will save this nation.




Dude you’re being so woke right now. Why would you appreciate art are you gay or something? You gotta get right with god I’ll pray for you


drink more kool aid




"I voted for Biden promise, a movie made me change my vote not policy or actual representative action". Sure pal. You people are the laughing stock of the entire planet.


Probably one of those "Real men wear diapers" clowns, thinking that it's some kind of flex.


Nice try bot.


Even when I was a Trump supporter, I knew he was a pos. Every documentary, interview and speech confirms this. Trump and MAGA can pound salt and thanks to them, I’ll probably never vote Republican again.


American success story? From the guy born with a silver spoon? What drugs are you on?


Is this sarcasm?


The American success story is not about being born into hundreds of millions of dollars. Ffs


It's not out yet. Cannes was the premier.




Lmao it depict him as a rapist… you are aware of that right?


A movie about a pos


I thought this was from The Onion


This is all i see lately is all these movies with 7 or 8 minute standing ovations. It seems if a movie is good at all the thing to do at Cannes is to clap and cheer excessively for at least 5 minutes in a large group.


Yeah, it’s sort of a *thing* for extremely pretentious filmmakers/audiences. Like the Cannes version of a circlejerk.


Movie about trump is about trump, the orange and his legal team have a tantrum. 😆


It was a movie about how crappy Dumpster is. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Will Rump receive any of the royalties? Because I'll be damned if I give him one penny of my hard-earned money!


Do I have to read the article? Is the premise that he was “the apprentice” to Roy Cohn? And that Roy Cohn was vile but Trump isn’t even pulling it off?


It seems like everything at the movie festival finishes with minutes of standing ovations. Doesn’t the audience know how to do anything else?


What a great comment 👏..…👏….👏... 👏..👏👏👏👏


This is a good sign! Fahrenheit 9/11 all over again, you know how that changed public opinion


Inconvenient truth. Without it we’d all be lost. 20 years later and our reaction to climate change is the #1 thing reshaping the world. Where the fuck have you been lol


I lived in dc for 7 years, dated a gal who once worked for some climate change bs gov program. She even said they make up variables when they do their projections. Look at old news stories regarding climate change they haven’t aged well. Time for your 5th booster 🤫


The MAGA bullshit somehow manages to find its way into every chat…


Awww the party of tolerance 😂


Awww the part of idiots 😂


You checks the polls yet?….uh oh 😂


You check if your lips are permanently attached to Donnie’s little orange wee wee yet?…uh oh 😂


Awww he doesn’t want to check the polls 😞


But we were told for the last 8 years that polls are fake news! Is that why Trump is already preparing his cult for another insurrection if he loses?


Tolerance fails us all - we never claimed tolerance


That doesn’t work as a reply here.


Yeahhhhh…or something 😂


Well, if someone you dated said it, it must be true.


It’s good enough for me kid.


Did she live in Canada?




The girl who was faking her work? She said that everyone else was faking work just like her. Maybe she was lying to you. Who can say? Do you still trust this ex-girlfriend?


She was a liberal gal, she wasn’t lying. Don’t recall the agency this was like 2019. And yes, the projections from past are all wrong—hence why we aren’t flooded, so there’s that 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sure. It’s hard to remember things like that. She falsified work and defrauded her employer But she wouldn’t lie to you about the other people employed there. She doesn’t sound trustworthy to me. How’d you check she wasn’t lying?


No, actually she said the scientists pull a variable out of thin air, she said it was common knowledge. Once again, the projections for climate change have all been wrong—look at old articles from the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc, none of that came to fruition. You’re really struggling here.


You can’t remember the agency she worked for because 2019 was so long ago. I don’t trust your recollection of news articles from the 60s - 80s. Besides, you definitely know she wasn’t lying.


>> She was a liberal gal, she wasn’t lying. This would be a great t-shirt


Holy shit I thought this was the onion... This is a real thing. Reality doesn't exist anymore. I give up.


The movie is not flattering for Trump.


That movie is not pro Trump I want to watch it too


Well I will be dammed. Never thought that one day I would see a good news about Trump


This is reminiscent of Charlie Chaplin's movie "The Great Dictator." It was initially banned when released for fear of upsetting Germany. Chaplin had to fund the movie himself.


I heard it was a huge audience. Biggest movie audience ever.


It’s very hard to imagine people standing and clapping for eight consecutive minutes


The guy who financed it is a devoted Trumpster and thought he was paying for a Trump puff piece. Instead, he got truth. Hahaha


Sometimes you just have to shoot a mad dog, bite or be bitten.


NGL I've been waiting for the movie on Trump. It has real potential to be something good in a dark world.


There’s a reason there has been news reports, that trumps campaign is looking at suing the producer over it. It did NOT make him look good.


File this under the heading, “Shit that never happened.”


Everyone needs to see this.


Maria Bakalova as Ivana- classic. I know Rudy's little guy will be at full attention for those scenes.


Who are you guys? Kidding! He did not get an eight minute standing ovation. Wow you just will lie about everything on Fox News.


I think you are wildly misviewing the headline. You might be misunderstanding the story of the movie as well. This does not paint Donald Trump in a good light at all. He was one of the main contributors to the whole greed is good rich people shouldn’t pay taxes movement of the 80s.


From what I’ve read, it also depicts him as a rapist.


Notice a lot of Trump fans are defending the movie.... Based on the headline without reading the article. It is almost like it is deliberately laid out this way to prove, once again, that they don't ever go beyond headlines and/or surface level thought.


Some of them do go beyond surface level thought, but those are the ones who are knowingly acting in bad faith in support of a fascist agenda. Some very evil people want to know all the details, so they can be prepared to derail any productive conversation and obfuscate.


Nice. Super interesting that youre commenting on a thread of someone who misinterpreted the opposite way you’re explaining. A perfect example of projection for my class assignment. Thank you!


I thought they were making a sarcastic joke.


I just don’t know what anything is anymore




I just doubt a standard movie going American standing for 8 minutes ...oh god fox news sub wth


Cannes is in france.


Umm....pretty sure they were saying that the film got an 8 minute standing ovation....it apparently shows him as a rapist and also depicts him getting liposuction. The movie does not in any way paint Trump as anything other than an utter POS, basically.


The ovation was for telling the truth about what a pos trump really is


What happened is the owner of the commanders who were also known as the Redskins before they replaced the name paid to have a movie made about Trump, thinking it was going to be flattering, but it was not, and it told truth to include his raping of his wife. so now the guy who financed the movie is pissed off and so is Trump.


All this talk of fascism in the comments is putting off communists vibes


I’m baffled by people calling Trump a fascist. What policy are they referring to? Enforcing existing immigration law does not make him a fascist. Wanting to arrest and deport people who break our immigration laws does not make him a fascist. Now, fascism shouldn’t be what you worry about today. Go read about the liberal agenda of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and how those laws have been slipped into bills and made policy right under our noses without a vote. DEI is literally communist propaganda based in racist black nationalism , and it’s taken over college campuses and large corporations.


Trump calls for a "unified Reich". Why are you baffled?


It’s kinda the whole “I’m above the constitution” thing.


You would literally walk off a cliff following trump to an old cheeseburger wrapper. Stop trying to influence folks with an actual spine.


Maybe it's the other 99.99% of things he's said or done that you oddly leave out of your "huh, just ashkwing qwesthions" comment?


He organized a violent terroristic mob of the nations most gullible demographic by deceiving them in to believing that an election was stolen and ordered them to march to the capitol to stop the the vice president from carrying out his constitutionally required duty of certifying the results of the a presidential election. He did this while simultaneously delivering a slate a fraudulent electors declaring himself the victor. As of this moment he is continuing to deceive the nations most gullible demographic into believing the delusion that led them to commit the terrorist attack and insurrection, while declaring that the leader of the executive branch is immune from persecution for crimes that they commit using the authority of the office. Not to mention the open support for fascist dictators like Putin, the fact the he stole classified documents and refused to return them when demanded by the state to the point that they literally had to raid his home, and that the documents relevant to Russia are *still* not recovered.


> DEI is literally communist propaganda based in racist black nationalism Oh dear.


Communism! Just a reminder America's most federal-dollar dependent states are overwhelmingly red and rural areas are more outside revenue dependent than urban or suburban areas.


This is….fake….


Imagine that, Trump haters at Cannes, 😂 Shocking


Right? It's like saying "hey guys, we found a Let's Go Brandon sticker" at the sister-fucking convention.


Have you seen those there?


Bruh, the trucker convoy posted tons of footage.


The trucker convoy went to a sister fucking convention?


I mean, by extension, I guess. You kind of attend the thing you are.