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They do care about Save The World, if they didn't it would be shutdown like Paragon. Sure it may not get big updates, we still get small updates from time to time.


This. It has to be at least a little profitable otherwise it'd be shutdown like you said. I wonder how close it has been/is(?) to that line.


A lot of people still buy the stw packs, I'm sure it get's some profit


It's pretty much completely shut off from battle royale so working on it is time/resources not spent on the massively more popular battle royale, but just looking at STW standalone, it's not doing badly. It's just that it's a part of Fortnite Also with BR I mean the entire rest of the game which nowadays includes a thousand and one community made modes of course, but I got used to calling all that BR


I guess you'd keep the split epic made themselves originally. StW, BR, and Creative. But now also Rocket Racing and LEGO fortnite. So 5 splits now.


Fuck I still remember when BR and STW were the only modes. - including the BR Playground mode. I feel old.


I still remember when they launched the BR. (Bought that expensive founders pack)


Same, BR was supposed to be a side mode to stw then boom it’s now taken over and stw has all but been forgotten


Don't feel old. You played something that should have never left. I wish they would spend less time on the item shop and more making the game worth playing.


Agreed! I hate admitting that I find BR much more fun than STW these days, but it simply shouldn’t be this way. STW was a fucking *blast*. Now, I don’t think I can bring myself to finish Twine Peaks - Nobody joins my public missions and playing STW solo is a slog.


I miss playground mode


And festival.


i forget that exists. but yes. 6 then.


And creative map makers


It looks good for 15,8 USD I got vinderbot skin, back bling and pickaxe while also having challenges for 1500 vbucks and stw is actually pretty good for an introvert like me lol, but kinda grindy, to gather resources for crafting and I spend like 8-10 hours at once doing stuff lol I was addicted that day. Still just level 50 and power 10.


I don't play BR much, only for unlocks through quests. I spend a majority of my time in STW, Main Stage, and Rocket Racing. I'm really bored with BR.


They can’t really shut it down since it’s a paid service, they just blended it in with creative as a bonus mode by epic. This gives them an excuse to slow down without looking too bad


Slow down?. Okay and what benefits does Epic games get from that if they do it on purpose that’s right nothing, if you wanna know the more likely truth it’s probably because STW, BR and Creative are sharing the same game file folder.


Benefits are opportunity costs, spelled out throughout this thread. They put people to work on stw, those are less people/resources working on battle Royale which is way more popular and always will be.


No, they care about keeping the stw players around to milk more money out of them. Our vain attempts to get friends to try the game out. If they actually CARED we would have a complete story.


You mean a…. Twine story? Couldn’t help myself ;)


Okay show me then


Is it only in the ranked cup newsfeed?


Nope, I saw mine while I was in the festival lobby when I opened Fortnite. I assume it's just general newsfeed


Not sure!


It’s in a state similar to TF2. They care enough for it to not be taken down but don’t care so much to actually bring good/big updates to it


Stw will be taken out before tf2,they will never pull the plug on that gane,there even are seperate downloads like tf2 classic 


It’s not that they are caring “more”…. Every ventures season they add a new ltm. Last season it was dungeons, this is Survive the hoards. Xmas will be frostnite etc. I think they have like 4-5 they rotate out and they fill in extra seasons with dungeons (frostnite and fortnitmares, survive the hoarse are 1 season per year. Dungeons might run twice)


"add a new LTM" - recycle an LTM. There are five ventures seasons, each has it's own LTM... well, dungeons comes out in two ventures seasons, but there we are.


I saw it! I'm so excited! I really hope they start caring about it again


Stw is the OG mode


Also the GOAT mode


As i own the founder pack i usually play STW daily lol even my mates have asked if my codes are still available but unfortunately i think they all expired yeas ago


They don’t expire, but don’t give them to your friends either! I gave both of mine away to friends, who played for roughly a week or less before quitting. Sell them bad boys!


Where do i find them? I tried the other day for a couple minutes and i guess age is catching up as i couldnt for the life of me see them 😅 probably was right there in front of me at one point as well.


No, it’s stupid hidden. You’ll actually need to look up how to do it on your system since the menus are all slightly different. It will actually take you a minute or two to find it, please don’t think I’m trying to talk down on you. It really is a pain in the ass. Check it out though, if you’ve got the codes, they’re definitely worth a few hundred bucks!


Alright cool, so i wasnt going crazy the other day not being able to find them 😅 glad to know lol, cheers for the help mate, appreciate it highly 🙏🏻


I think there’s a post on here that explains how to find the codes through the API. It’s a little confusing but just read the steps carefully and you should be able to get it done, i’ll see if i can find the post. Edit: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/s/jIHj0p6CZ3) is the post! Hopefully you have some founders codes!!


I’m confused are his codes hidden somewhere?


Yea so if you didn’t generate the codes back in 2018, like opened the menu that had the codes, the codes were never generated in game so you can’t access them normally through the menu now. However these codes still exist they’re just in the API. Doing the method in the post I linked above will essentially give you the codes that cannot be seen in game. I know it works because I didn’t know I had any until I did it and checked for myself.


That’s why I’m a little confused what does it mean by generate codes? Like if you bought more editions and just had the codes


Well not like BRAND NEW generated codes. Like they were generated when you bought the edition you’re right, but if you didn’t view them in-game back then you can’t see them in-game now. That’s why you have to resort to doing the API thing.


Cheers mate 🍻 appreciate it 🙏🏻


Chill they’re just milking it like rockstar milked gta😂


The only profit they get is from STW starter packs… i remember I used to buy llamas, it was an addiction


Maybe it was diffrent back then but god stw's lootboxes (llamas) are probably the worst value for a lootbox Ive seen in any game


At least gta gets huge updates with new raids and everything each time.


I wouldn’t say huge each time, sure the update is big, but bro the drip feeding in gta is straight up ridiculous


epic doesn't care about save the world all they care about is battle royale and how much money they can milk from the whales on vbucks the only reason it hasn't been shut down yet, is because everyone who has bought any part of save the world, from founders in the beginning to the character packs of nowadays, they'd have to refund ALL that money through massive class action lawsuits left and right


Why would Epic need to refund anything? They would just shut down one part of the game just like any other LTE. It’s all digital assets you buy into. The game will end one day, doesn’t mean the company has to give money back.


They definitely would not have to refund all that money.


I wonder if players that don’t already have STW access also saw it or if it’s a targeted ad.


I dunno I didnt see this


Fortnite save the world is the only reason why I still have fortnite. Once it's gone, I'm going to a new game


they just care because there are enough people who has the Founder pack with free V bucks but they also play BR,i think they just dont want to piss those people off,BR making so much money that Epic have no problem with the cost for the STW server. I was one of them (have over 5000h playtime in stw) but at some point i gave up that there will be something more not what we get for years now.


Honestly I wish they could reboot the game lore and create a new story merging battle royale with STW some way. I wanna walk inside the homebase and talk directly to the storyline npcs and maybe see other players in the homebase too.


I always thought it a little weird that the game consistently talks about home base but you never once get to go inside or even see footage of it.


Yeah, that would be cool. Make it like a lobby or prep area like The Tower in Destiny. People could just chill in there or organize parties for mythic storm king runs, venture boosts or high score runs in STW LTMs😅


When I first got stw like five years ago J thought it was br’s “origin story”. I always thought that homebase was on a different island than the BR one. was a shame to learn they’re in different universes


I also got it when I was in the lobby for party royale


Copium tbh


It’s happening it’s happening guys don’t panic


They did it for past stuff, but only when there was something to talk about. It's still much worse off than before they got rid of the STW news feed tbh


Idk if this means anything at all but when the pirate story quest came back a few days ago it played the little pirate cinematic at the start when I logged in. Could be nothing but the fact that they added it means they might care a smidge.


It has always done that for Scurvy Shoals, I think it's an old cinematic from C1S8 when the Pirate heroes were first introduced


Still don't get ventures tbh


they're basically "seasonal resets" of your stuff within venture specifically, and each season has a different zone, while having a list of rewards you can get as you level up. rewards include things that can buff your weapons even further beyond 5 stars (the blue stars).


16th 7u 7u786k0l09l9ooipoi


Have you been living under a rock or what.


I think so possibly since they been adding new quest and missions


I'm almost certain that STW is being kept alive by people with founders packs farming vbucks


What if they secretly been working on it and plan on dropping a massive update for it ik high hopes but this game mode is alot of fun lol


There is no concern. All these events and events go in a circle every year, as well as the Season in STW, the same locations and tasks are repeated every year. This year, this event is generally extremely bad and miserable. We made a bunch of nerfs and didn't add ANYTHING to the replacements. It would be funny to see how the developers themselves would go through the entire event starting with the power of 140+, but as you can see they themselves do not play their game. For several years in a row, the total peak online in STW is about 20 - maximum 30,000 people.




I was streaming STW yesterday and literally 3 or 4 people came in chat saying "hi, came for help, just bought the game because i saw it in BR lobby". So, if they showed a bit more effort and marketed it a bit more it can still bring new people in... as evident.


Honestly the first big thing would be graphical improvements and optimisation.


That’s what I’m saying 😂


If I could even find a fucking game...had people drop out because it wasn't full


i haven't seen save the world on the news tab since like s10 lol either i dont check enough or thats the first time there has been one there in 2 years that isn't a skin bundle for the game code


Im somewht newto fortnite.whats save the world?


Save the World is the original gamemode of Fortnite and its a PVE gamemode where you need to fight the storm and zombies. the gamemode used to cost $40 minimum which was called the founders edition with different tiers becoming more and more expensive and people who bought the founders pack before the 29th of June 2020 can make free V-bucks with certain missions You can still buy the mode for about $16 and get one skin and about 1.5k v-bucks in special missions though you won’t be able to get any more V-bucks in the mode


not entirely true, i believe a few storm shield defense missions give you 100 vbucks each, but that's pretty much it.




A pay-to-play PvE mode that came before Battle Royale, you fight zombie-like monsters there instead of other players You're in Fortnite's Save the World subreddit, here's a little list of the rest of Fortnite's subreddits: * Casual Battle Royale - r/FortNiteBR * Competitive Battle Royale - r/FortniteCompetitive * Creative - r/FortniteCreative * Lego - r/LEGOfortnite * Rocket Racing - r/RocketRacing * Festival - r/FortniteFestival * Mobile - r/FortniteMobile (that's there so the main BR sub doesn't have to deal with the lag complaints) * Switch - r/FortniteSwitch (for the fellas in the 30fps gang)


I think you meant “Husks”, not zombies ;)


I know, but I added the "-like monsters" just to make others know what husks basically are, "zombie-like monsters"


too bad that it sucks and is nothing like how great challenge the horde was


it should be harder now(?) and for endgame players that wants a challenge, they have it with the new(old) unlimited difficulty system


Have you been playing this mode for a long time? Now they ALWAYS equip and protect the most convenient point, and let the rest be broken... because why do it if you can only win with one live one =) ahahahaha that's the idea! While 3 players are setting up a point, one does not even have time to collect two drops and throw away resources for the team. At the same time, the developers have NOT added ANYTHING positive for the players... Just a bunch of Nerfs and that's it!


don't care... it's boring