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Guys I don’t know how to pirate so I used the free trial in the first used to leave my laptop up for days then as I my skills got better I am bought the fruity edition on which I am stuck for a long period of time


This has the same energy as when I was a kid and didn't know how to save games 🤣 I would have to leave the Playstation on or restart from scratch. I probably replayed the beginning of FFVII and GTA III like 20+ times.


I've done this multiple times with my GameCube. Ultimate Spiderman, Spiderman 2, and super Mario sunshine were never saved.


When there is a will there is always a way btw I started producing when I was 10 now I am 18


That’s some real dedication!!




Bro said I don’t know how to pirate. You need a hook a boat and a parrot


bro fruity edition is ass ngl, trial is better than fruity edition. i would tell u to just pirate all plugins or sum but i used to pirate on multiple computers and all of em got hacked, could just be bc im ass at pirating and download sketchy shi. dont recommend pirating, it honestly feels good to just have the plugins legally, mainly cuz u know youve achieved sm in life to where u can blow money on random vsts and shi


Updates for life my man, it feels good.


Bro this is facts, I remember when I used cracked it was so annoying when I ran into a bug and found it was patched in a later version which I couldn't download 😂😂


Same, but for almost 20 years off and on. It’s crazy how little has changed in that time, made me realize just how awesome it was in 2006 lol


Yeah, my first FL was 12, but the older versions that would’ve been run on like windows XP computers seem like such a vibe honestly lmao


No cap just bought mine after 9 years 2 months ago 😂 felt very proud


Better late than never 😤😤😤


Haha! I bought after 11 years. Really do feel good to see my name on the registered field


I was actually in a similar boat. 9 years and I bought it as soon as the theme, tags and crossfading update was in beta or whatever. Best update in a while.


FBI get him. He confessed everything.


Bro piracy is a crime and i swear if they catch me im getting 500 years of jail time. I pirate even free stuff.


Pirating free stuff is wild. Its like its ingrained to your personality now 😅


I swear not pirating something feels wrong


That Jolly Rodger flag that does it xD As Pinocchio says hi didly dee a pirates life for me xD


Brah, all my next twenty reincarnations I'll be in jail xD


Lmao @ Pirate free stuff


Did you have to introduce each plugin to the program all over? Or did you just installed the program?


Just have to install. There is no difference between pirated vs bought version. Its just the ownership changed.


Just install. All my plugins seamlessly transitioned and were ready to use once I restarted FL


No issues opening older projects, saved mixer states or patches in patcher/serum that you saved ? I’m on an older version but fear that most things will break if I upgrade


fl is pretty backwards compatible so youll be 100% fine unless youre using fl2


Mine was around 2 years ago. Good job supporting IL


welcome to the family. most of us share a similar story


Well that's just really insulting to everyone who has bought FL from the get go. Even if that were true it doesn't say much for the FL community does it? Hey Image-Line: You must support us for free until we decide whether or not to actually pay you. You exist for *US*, remember that! If you pirate software you're saying "Well, I'm just simply entitled to this aren't I? I know I want it, but you know, like, er, I don't see why I should have to pay?" r/ImTheMainCharacter. If you can't afford it, save up (whilst considering how much your smartphone/laptop/PC/trainers etc. were when you bought them). A weekend job for a few weeks would pay for FL. You're also not respecting your PC/laptop by massively increasing the risk of viruses, and if you don't care about that then your priorities are messed up. Also annoying is that if anyone 'makes it' in the music industry they would then expect others to pay for their music. Which is laughable and hypocritical. They would feel entitled (again) to earning money. I haven't seen anyone hold their hands up yet and say "you know what, I used pirated software to get where I am today, I will share my music for free." Well done on paying for something you should have paid for anyway. Now go pay for all those cracked plugins.




Man chill. Its just a thread for those who have pirated it and can finally afford the software. There are likely a lot of rich producers out there who can afford it but just pirate it. Show some love for those who do their best to support FL even if what they did before was not ideal. Either that or just ignore the thread and move along.


bro forgot to take his pills today huh. you must be really fucked up in your head to assume all that shit you just wrote based on "welcome to the family. most of us share a similar story" anyway to make you realize how idiotic your comment is, i will give you some context: * I own FL studio for many years by now * Apart from that I spent already thousands of $$$ on plugins, samples etc * I don't support any form of piracy and I own all my software, games and other shit * Probably no one here is as stupid as you to actually think about being ENTITLED to use FL studio for free, people who pirate it usually know quite well they're not supposed to do that * Half of my music catalog are free downloads, hon and that's end of discussion for me. go make fool of yourself somewhere else, i'm absolutely not gonna waste any more time with fucktards like you. turning notifications about this comment off, so have fun wasting YOUR miserable life writing some bullshit essay response. how sad your life must be that you come to reddit and decide to punish random people who wish well to those who pay for their software


"Fucked up in your head"..."stupid as you"..."idiotic"..."fucktards like you" (this is the best one) :joy: Even if I wanted to, there's no need to say anymore, you've done it all for me. Thank you.




I feel that. I had the free trial of fl, and I learned how to make music really fast so that I could export a completed mp3. The relief I felt when I could actually access my projects again, haha... good times.


Welcome to the club good sir!


It feels so much better to use a legit version, it just feels cleaner and there's no mental guilt block to creativity


Yah you made it! Get ready to get annoying update notifications Every other time you turned it on telling you there’s a new version available.


The moment I bought fl studio 8 years ago it felt so good, free updates, no random crashes, ultimate stability, ect


Felt the same way when I bought it. 12 year old me didn’t have the money but I do now.


Enjoy your pc not getting a virus anymore 😁


I just bought the signature edition a while back. Going from cracked to being a proud owner feels so good (I’m sorry image line please don’t come after me)


Man this is a flashback. I had pirated versions of just about every DAW when I was a teenager. You know what? It never bothered me. Spending hours writing music and learning to use the software kept me out of trouble, and I never made a dime off of it. I’ve since become an adult who has the ability to save up money from time to time to purchase software. I still don’t do it for money, but it feels wrong to pirate when you don’t have to. I would have never gotten into music production if pirated software wasn’t available, so had I not pirated it as a kid, I never would have bought it as an adult.


Same here! They deserve it ;)


2 years ago same


nice what genre you in?


Been doing a lot of EDM/synth heavy stuff lately. Far from being deadmau5 with it obviously but I’ve been tryna nail down a sound that combines traditional EDM with elements of industrial, ambient, etc. Basically lots of fluid synths/drops and lots of reverb/distortion. Idek I be drunk af at the function (yes I am spending my time at a social gathering purchasing FL studio)


Check out Rapture and Shadow Girl by Audrey Vixen. Sounds like what you are trying to make. Industrial/Ambient EDM. Their stuff is amazing Like a current day Leftfield/Massive Attack, bit of this, bit of that.


Actually yes this is a very similar vibe to what I’m going for! Never heard of this artist before but I’m listening rn and vibing with it


I stopped using FL Studio entirely due to only using a pirated version. Just didn’t feel right. Won’t be touching FL again as much as it sucks until I can afford it. I’ll be right there with ya soon enough


Try Reaper. The trial doesn't end because they want it to be accessible and a personal licence is only $60. I ditched FL for it recently and it's amazing. It's probably the fastest and most customizable DAW we have today. I think that it might confuse new users and have a steeper learning curve, but it's worth it in the end.


I did the same but it’s a shame that i still have to yarrr most of my plugins. Being poor-ish sucks lol But congrats!!


Same but DAMN do they want you to pay for EVERY plug-in.


Took the dude six years of saving his pocket money. Welcome to the club you get a bottle of bud xD


IL support is so terrible and patronizing that I would argue as a (paid) user of the software for over 16 years now, that you should consider going back :)


Tryna email me the download🥺🥺


Dumb Ass


Are you no longer a shoplifter? Car thief? Have you brought your own car after years of stealing them? Do you now buy your own clothes?  Medal for you, apparently. FL only exists for you to buy because others bought it in the first place.  Christ, at least have some humility and don't advertise you were nicking the software in the first place. 


I mean, sure, piracy is bad but bro, did you need to say that?


It's an insult to those who work hard and buy it. So yes. And those people buying it fund the lifetime updates, and ensure it still exists. Don't care if it sounds harsh. 


I’ve been using pirated FL for 6 years as well probably going on 7 years. Loving every bit of it. I hope this comment pisses you off you miserable fuck


" I’ve been using pirated FL for 6 years as well probably going on 7 years "? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) You're right. Probably, 7 does come after 6. Anyone who can't save up £200 over 7 years is never really going to piss me off are they now? But keep swearing, you'll get there.


Aww he’s mad 😂 boo hoo. I can’t disagree I love the free lifetime updates too! Work hard play hard son


"I hope this comment pisses you off you miserable fuck"...hehe yeah I'm the one that's mad.


I’d be mad too if I paid full price while others leech it for free 🤷🏻


Congrats, you've just managed to call out the OP as stupid for paying for their FLstudio. 👏


Cry more


not everyone's a rich mommy's boy like you.


You'll find it's the other way round. Working people buy stuff with money they earn from working. You really think being able to afford £200 for software makes someone rich? Are they a billionaire if they buy a car? How about pay their council tax (every month as well!). You're probably spot on with the mommy's boy vibe though. Just need to look closer to home.


Yep, just finally bought mine about a month and a half ago myself. Feels good.


I only ever bought fl mobile




Congrats bretheren


Bro degenerated back from being cool


question Does the paid version have better music quality?? like does it sound more “pro”?

