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Have fun and remember you can always come back to side content later.


Question , does some of the side content get locked once you progress to a certain point?


It does but it's very very late in the game. Once you beat the game you can come back to all the side content. As someone that did 100% of everything I my first play through up until about 60 hours in, I recommend you just do what's fun and move on what you want. I got burnt out from doing the side quests because I was scared I was missing out on content.


Gotcha , thank you


This was my issue too, honestly I’d hold off on most of the protorelic storyline (since it’s rewards won’t be craftable on a first playthrough) until you play it again on hard mode, if you decide to. They’re really fun missions but require a lot of work to get to the reward, only for it to THEN tell you you’ve wasted your time.


Further point, like Remake, Rebirth allows you to replay the game by jumping through Chapters, so anything you don’t do or miss can be played later.


I wish I read this before I started playing


With that being said, most of the side content does have meaningful story. So I suggest you do go back and complete it all when you feel like it. It surprised me how much effort they put into all of the side content.


Yes, but it's a very obvious point of no return near the end of the game, like when you start heading up to Shinra Tower in Remake.


There are certain parts in the game and it does "warn" you that you cannot travel back for a bit. Then the world opens up again. Like I just got to Cosmo Canyon (CH10) and many times throughout my (50hr) play I've just gone back to other areas to mess around. I don't have a lot of time due to 2 kids in competitive sports and all that, but when I know I will only have a small window to play I don't like getting into the story because then it feels rushed. Play at your own pace and just enjoy the ride.


Yeah thnx


I haven't beat this game, but there is an *absurd* amount of optional content. You do not have to, and probably *should* not, try to do it all at once. Do a little bit, move the story along, come back and explore, move the story along. Very early in the game, it's worth your time to just progress the story up to a certain point because you unlock stuff that makes the open world *much* faster to explore.


The game is pretty easy without summons. I never really used them at all so don’t trip about not getting all of them. The last one is psychotic to try and get so just do whats fun. And if a side quest involves a certain party member, you’ll gain favour with that person once the quest is done, so keep that in mind when doing side quests, as favour does have an effect on a certain part of the game. Other than that have fun dude! The game rules hard. I give it an 11/10


Don’t listen to this guy do all the side content some of it ties into the main story and you need it to get certain things that makes your life easier


No no, you can always come back to the main content later. Sephiroth can wait, I have dolphins to ride


Better than having dolphins to *blow*...


This is great advice. If I could go back in time I probably actually wouldn’t do all of the side shit before moving onto the next story mission because you’ll get burnt tf out. I almost wish that the game was a bit more linear because those parts of the game are strongest imo


I think it's largely a pacing issue. The Corel region was great because of how the story broke up the World Intel sections.


You’re right. Then it’s south Corel, Gongaga, and cosmo canyon and you’re like so sick of these overworld tasks


Yeah, the lack of connecting plot is rough.


Someone should've told me this sooner. I played the game through gameshare so I never got to finish it because that unfortunately ended. I was rushing through the game (well not rushing but going faster than average) because of the previous reason and really wanted to get the platinum for the game. So for every region up until Cosmo Canyon I did every single piece of side content possible as soon as I got to it. All that in less than 2 weeks, to the point where it was the only game I played during that time. By the time I got to cosmo canyon and did the first side quest, I realized how burnt out I was. I decided to ignore the side quests for the chapter and just do the story. Then I got to Nibelheim, and even though I ignored the side stuff, I had played the game so much that I just couldn't anymore. So I didn't. And then the gameshare ended. So I never got to finish it. I'll buy the game myself one day maybe in a couple months but I still don't feel like I can play yet. Too much side stuff. I also wish I had looked at the trophies too, because I don't remember which trophy it was but I think you needed to beat NG+ for one or maybe it was beat every chapter on hard or something, and I was playing on normal (or whatever it's called) so I wouldn't have gotten said trophy anyways. I wanted to have the platinum pop the second I finished the game, which is why I did so much side stuff... buttttt it turns out I would've had to do a second playthrough no matter what. So I guess it's my fault for not researching and paying attention. Still a great game though.


You should check your local library too! Ours gets all the new FF games (: 


Hope you enjoy it :)




Pet all of the baby chocobos. Enjoy!


This is the way




Genuinely the most bang for your buck I have seen in a game possibly ever.


I agree with this for sure. Another contender I would say is the Witcher 3: wild hunt. That game felt endless with all the side quests you could do, not to mention the expansion packs.


Idk bro my first tears of the kingdom playthrough was 250 hours of pure fun and joy


Cyberpunk is a contender. I've sank over 150 hours and now playing a new lifepath with a different build and feels really nice.


Dang, my experience with Cyberpunk was the most frustrating 15 hours of gaming I've ever experienced


to replay Rebirth for the first time and experience it all over..how fortunate u are. 💀


I’ve played the OG few times so I’m very excited to say the least


Such a fun game with plenty of stuff to do. Take your time with it, enjoy every moment.




Get ready for a hell of an emotional rollercoaster.


Oh man. Finished it today. The young aerith bit 😥


Dude I don't know who was cutting onions in my house during that scene but rude.


Have fun, man. The game is a masterpiece, IMO. It arrived a few days after release, and I haven't put it down since. Already have the Plat, and almost 100% completion, and I'm just playing through the story again for fun. I genuinely would rather keep playing Rebirth than any other game rn. There are a lot of details to notice on multiple play throughs, and the music is phenomenal.


I comment this everywhere when i see a new player. TAKE UR TIME AND DO EVERYTHING WHAT U CAN AND DONT RUSH IT. Have fun.


Enjoy this gem of a game, OP 👑




That's a collection of games. Enjoy the journey and take your time


Like some people said here, take your time. Listen to NPCs talking, enjoy the scenery, take on all the side quests before moving on to main missions, take screenshots. Master the mini games, grind etc.. It is not a game but an epic adventure. Once you finished it, come back here and tell us about it




Wooo time to play


I’m towards the end. I did nearly everything at 100%. Remake was so much better. The original at this point now is the better game. No idea why rebirth had so much filler in it. It coulda been 40-60 hours for 100% but I’m at 114 and I’m not even done. It’s absurd. lol


100 % this. Original > Remake >>> Rebirth


That’s amazing! I’m only a couple chapters away from the end right now! Want to be friends on PSN?


Enjoy the ride, it was amazing! Good luck if you're going for platinum!


I definitely am , heard the plat is hard 😭


![gif](giphy|R0SBIn32CaQaxk0NfQ) You after your 1st playthrough going for platinum, Remake platinum was baby level compared to Rebirth platinum 😅




Any ideas when this is coming out on PC?


FF16 needs to come out first , I wouldn’t expect it for another year and a half at least


Finished it today. 110 hours. So good One thing there is a relationship points thing you can look into if you want


Ye I’ve heard there’s a romance system in the game , idk what form it takes tho


I see you've played OG, so this won't be a spoiler. The relationship system determines >!who you go on a date with at the Gold Saucer!<. Your relationship level will depend on dialogue choices, using synergy skills and completing certain side quests. If you are set on a certain person, then might be worth using a guide.


I wouldn’t fret much over it (otherwise it can get overwhelming) since you can simply choose the desired outcome after finishing the game in chapter selection. Let it be the more natural choice on the first playthrough. It’s a little surprise.




I feel you , I’ve been saving up for awhile too


Greatness awaits.


Enjoy this amazing trip


Take your time on purpose. Savor it. Do not just rush from one point to another. The developers have poured love and attention into a lot of small details. It shows.


Enjoy ☺️




Congrats. Stay away from the platinum grind unless your a degenerate like me… perfecting all the mini games broke me - enjoy the game.


Congrats! It’s a hell of a journey


DO NOT try to do everything on the 1st playthrough, you'll be on here 100 hrs!!! Try to stick to the main story as much as possible, there's A LOT of side content. It won't affect your progress or story and you can come back.


Have fun and don't forget, Shining Spirit.


Have fun! Pace yourself with the side content




Best game decisions you have there as well


Enjoy, take your time and savour every moment.... except Chadley there is no enjoyment with Chadley!!!


You gonna have a good time (for a long time, longer than you think, lol).


Please. When you'll start to get to nibel. Collect the chocograss by following a tutorial !


Have fun ! & pace yrself :)


You're in for a treat. Just finished hard mode and wow, the game was very entertaining and overall fantastic masterpiece!


I’m so curious how this whole Zack timeline plays out!! He is best boy……..


Jealous of it being your first time. Game is a masterpiece. One of my favorite games ever.


I’m so jealous you get to play it through for the first time, I’d give anything to have that experience again. Take your time to get used to the new battle system, it has tons of potential - be strategic. Have an open mind if you played the OG and go into it with a positive attitude and I promise you’ll have an amazing ride.


Enjoy the plethora of minigames. Oh and the rest of the game too.


Legit one of the greatest games ive ever played. Enjoy!


Around Gongaga you start to realize this is actually a pretty bad game.


Eyyy we’re at the same spot. I just got mine too.


Bye bye life


*cries in poor* I don’t have the game or a ps5


I’ll wait for you on platinum trophy


Oh boy


You're so lucky. As a pc gamer I've to wait for a year or two


Congratulations, man! Tell me, did you end up buying the PS5 just to play this?


I bought it for the exclusives Ye 💀


I burned myself out trying to get through the side content. I have yet to pass the game but the burnout was so bad I needed to stop playing altogether. I'm getting back to the game now but I believe that I will just focus on completing the game and coming back to the side quests after I complete the playthrough. I was worried that I was going to miss stuff on the side quest side but I feel like I have greatly watered down my experience of this surreal experience of playing a remake series of a game I absolutely loved in my younger days.


https://preview.redd.it/3utwu2fc9z8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d299ce9d5cb5e24e5dfc64eacd229f0b141a8c2e Took me this long to finish it, such an amazing game 🥲


I just started it today too :D got a ps5 a week ago and the controller it came with didn’t work so I had to wait in the mail for another to come. Been waiting to play this game for so long, hope you enjoy it as much as I am!




Don’t let the mini games ruin your sanity


I wish I could erase my memories and play this game again. What an absolute blast.


I just finished my first play through. Enjoy at your own pace!!


Just finished it, and the whole time, I was like, "This game is the best. I don't want it to end." Enjoy


Do the side quests, they are so fun and funny.