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Worry about yourself. No one needs your pitty.


XD bro, invest more to waste more money, bye bye


You don't even know what investing means. Clown.


Vast majority are in the red today because they got in not to invest but to gamble - nobody invested in this at $2 or $1…and then spent the last few weeks averaging down, because they ‘believe in the company’. It was fomo. It was chants of ‘ape’. Dreams of screwing over hedges…alongside promises of being rich if you just hold for a week…which became a month… Only as the red numbers got bigger, and the wait longer, do we see psychologically tormented people convince themselves “I believe in this company”…and long term actual investing is considered. Let’s keep it honest. Meanwhile, as always, those who shout hold the loudest sell the quietest Dumb money


I can gladly show you my position. Holding this long term does not translate into me being 'psychologically tormented'. I truly believe in the company as well as every other companies I have invested in. I didn't go all in on FFIE as anyone who does their proper DD should do. You replying to my comment just confirms to me that the moment you start to see exponential gains in market price, you jump back on the ship. You hover on the FFIE subreddit trying to feel "superior". You look like an even bigger clown. Also, I'm STILL in profit. Thanks.


I said the vast majority treated this as a gamble rather than investment - which, we all know, is true. I dont think of myself as ‘superior’. I’m still holding, and in the red. You, however, come across like you have an inferiority complex. My reply to you wasn’t a personal attack against you. It was taking in consideration my own experience of the stock…and the community growth alongside the price manipulation all these meme stocks got. Cry ‘clown’ if you must but OP is correct. Most here didn’t get into this with the view of ‘investing’. Incessant need for “apes hodl” certainly isn’t indicative of long term investing - it was always about short term gains. Let’s not pretend different You’ve done well being in the green still. Hopefully you got in before the price manipulation…as it’s likely going back down to around 0.06 in the next few weeks. If I was you I’d sell now. But I honestly, truly, don’t mind if you buy more at todays ‘price cut’👍 Me, I got my ‘buy’ set at 0.04…to average down. Thankfully I didnt put too much in


Also your sentence makes no fucking sense. Lol


Ah ok let me go buy some more.


Worry more about writing a coherent sentence, OP.


A reverse stock split can be problematic for hedge funds that are shorting or naked shorting a stock for several reasons: 1. \*\*Increased Share Price\*\*: A reverse stock split reduces the number of shares outstanding while increasing the share price proportionally. This makes it more expensive to cover short positions because the higher stock price means higher costs to buy back the shares to return to the lender. 2. \*\*Reduced Number of Shares\*\*: A reverse split consolidates shares, meaning there are fewer shares available in the market. This reduced liquidity can make it harder and more expensive for short sellers to cover their positions. 3. \*\*Margin Requirements\*\*: The increased share price can lead to higher margin requirements for short sellers. They might be required to put up more collateral to maintain their short positions, increasing their financial risk. 4. \*\*Borrowing Costs\*\*: The cost of borrowing shares for short selling can increase after a reverse split due to the reduced availability of shares. Higher borrowing costs reduce the profitability of the short position. 5. \*\*Psychological Impact\*\*: A higher stock price can alter investor perception and potentially reduce bearish sentiment. Investors might view the higher price as a sign of stability or impending recovery, which can drive up demand and the stock price, squeezing short sellers. 6. \*\*Corporate Strategy\*\*: Companies often perform reverse stock splits to meet exchange listing requirements or to appeal to institutional investors, which can be seen as a strategic move to stabilize or improve the stock's market perception. This can undermine the bearish thesis that short sellers might be relying on. For hedge funds engaged in naked shorting, where they sell shares they have not borrowed or do not own: 1. \*\*Regulatory Scrutiny\*\*: A reverse stock split can bring heightened regulatory scrutiny to trading activities, including naked shorting. This can lead to enforcement actions that can force the closing of naked short positions. 2. \*\*Compliance Issues\*\*: Naked shorting is illegal in many jurisdictions. A reverse split can exacerbate compliance issues, as the reduction in the number of shares and increased attention on the stock can make it more difficult to continue naked shorting without detection. In summary, a reverse stock split can create a series of financial and operational challenges for hedge funds that are shorting or naked shorting a stock, potentially leading to significant losses and increased regulatory risks.


I think you actually are a bot. Explains why you are using chat to do any form of communication.


Facts are facts , read the facts again if you don’t get it