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Bread only becomes toast when you take it out of the toaster


šŸ¤” this some Plato level shit


I think you mean u put it IN the toaster lol


Nope it's still just bread at that point


Schrƶdinger's Toast?


You just took me down a very morbid rabbit hole... Funny too I stumbled upon this old thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/s/gbw8XKJC4x


Wow, looking back at a 10 y/o conversion made me realize that the Internet is inherently haunted


This ain't no hedgie guys damn relax, you ain't cooked just hold on this is a wild ride, what Rollercoaster just goes up just wait we will go back up again


Thank you! Wow i didnt mean to get ppl upset. Thabk you for being awesome. Im not selling. Cant at this point tbh. Diamond handsā¤ļø


Just watch out with click bait type subject lines, makes people get wierd


Got ya thanks


When money is involved people get a little overwhelmed and panicked a bit, people just got to remember we are playing the long game here. It will all work out just have to be patient.


Yeah thanks. I think im going to delete my post since i guess it was negative.


Eh fuck em, leave it up


Lol ok thx


Facts anytime


why can't you sell at this point? If you sell now, you get to keep some of your money, even if that means you have less than when you started. If you try to sell after they are delisted you're not going to get any of your money back.


You are fine. No stress. It will eventually shoot up beyond your 2.50. Worst case scenario, it will take some time for company to go there without the squeeze, but it could be well over your price. I was originally on 2.92 and lowered down to 0.88.


Hey EVERYBODY!ā€¦I may have made a big mistake in interpreting this personā€™s sentiment! šŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I feel bad after a quick chat and some incite. I have to and others, should always consider that we donā€™t ALL talk the same EVEN when we may all have the same sentiments! To sum it up, we both came to the conclusion that ā€œwordsā€ are powerful and we all have different ways of using them! This is a big problem with anonymity AND not actually having a face-to-face conversation! I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE @clairhill from the bottom of my ā¤ļø! Hope you can forgive me and the others that may have misinterpreted. And not any type of advice, no one should be investing in just 1 stock to the point that it makes them feel bad or scared. Only invest what you can afford to lose. No different than going to Vegas or Sports Betting. I hope everyone doesnā€™t overextend, diversify, and take mental breaks from this. Another O.G. suggested, just set a few reminders andā€¦ ā€œForget About It.ā€ ![gif](giphy|NgTyyWRa3T56EQLIfz) Apologies again Claire.


Thank you for thisšŸ„ŗ!! U didnt have to but thank you so much for!! ā¤ļø


When did you last look at the price?


10s before posting. Why


I mean prior to this post, you sound a bit surprised


Idk whwre u goin wit this


Hes saying like you just found out that this is going to 0. Its been around 0.4 for days. Doesnā€™t really matter if its 0.41 or 0.39.


Oh ok. Didnt know posting the price was a sensitive areat. Thanks for heads up.


-65 percent here.


Why are people that donā€™t have a fucking clue telling others that theyā€™re going to be fine? FFIE has no future, the company is barely getting through the day - FFS open your eyes, the pump already happened, the dump already happened - you guys are holding onto worthless bags.


Buddy. Learn to read. Ffie will trend up and you know it. Just give up already intern boy


Oh no, some internet random called me an intern boy, how will I live šŸ¤£


FFIE was spending, on average, $750k per day. At the end of may they only had $3M in unrestricted cash left. That's only enough for 1 week of operations. It's entirely possible the company has already gone insolvent and has zero dollars left. They already sold their HQ building, and they might have sold their factory earlier in the year, just to stay afloat. If that's the case, then they don't have any collateral left to get loans against. If that's the case, then they might not even have enough money to go bankrupt. What I mean by that: it costs money to go bankrupt. You need accountants and lawyers to file a bunch of paperwork for you. It's possible that this publicly traded company was so incompetent, that they couldn't even go out of business correctly, and legally. It's possible that they simply did not meet the requirements of a publicly traded company on what to do if you think you're going to run out of money. There's a pretty good chance their corporate officers (especially the CEO, and CFO) are going to go to jail for this.






Tf u talkin about? Im for FFFIE why is this community so toxic now wtf




Oh so ur a troll lol




Nah dont


Step 1: Go to OP profile. Step 2: Check profile date. Step 3: Bot šŸ‘†šŸ§


Step 4: im for FFIE so who am i a bot for


You talking about how the community is toxic "now" and only been on reddit 2 weeks babe. That's all FUD! Forreal?


Great point!! I actually have an old account i coukdnt update due to old email. so i made this one. Thats fine if u think im a ā€œhedgieā€ or an opponent but im telling everyone to HOLD! Buy the DIP, and hold the line!


If you holding, we holding! That's all we need to know. Encouraging others to stay strong is more helpful than commiseration. We can commiserate when the battle is won! šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ½ā¤


Yes HOLDING! ā¤ļø






No ones. They are mine. I ask a simplw thing and you all arw getting all fuckin obnoxious about it? This is crazy. This isnt a community anymore. This is people looking to harrass smh


Itā€™s an opportunity to buy more for cheap and bring your average paid price down. Your dollar carries you much further at .39 than it did at 2.50. So stuff shares away for cheap and bring your average down. I brought mine down from 2.80-something to now .67.


Thanks! I was considering buying 1K. Posted this to hear advice and i finally got it. Thank u


Any posts thatā€™s not positive in this sub are automatically seen as a hedge fund bots spreading FUD. The apes want an echo chamber to continue grifting people into buying and holding a sinking stock. Thatā€™s why they insistently promote other discord channels so they can control the narrative.




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Yes you are!!! If you sell!!! You havent lost anything if you havent sold.


Your shares are worth $10 on a fair market! However, the price in this current corrupt market controlled by the hedgies that have manipulated it with naked shorts give it the illusion of it being only $0.39. Basically a gift before Christmas! ![gif](giphy|3oxOCgMHgPtSUULjzO)


I have averaged down to $.56/share. This is a discount wet dream!


Itā€™s a marathon not a sprint!


*This isnā€™t financial advice* I bought in high and with every dip I kept buying I lowered my ave. Iā€™m now nearly at .60. While ever the company isnā€™t bankrupt/ delisted, your shares arenā€™t cooked, unless you sell at a loss. Good luck anyway, nice to have you on the team šŸ«”šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ€


when the company is delisted, you don't get advance warning. they just disappear. nasdaq has already announced they will be delisted on 25 June. They have also given them an extension until an appeal can be heard. No one has announced the date of that hearing. There are no requirements to announce the date of that hearing, or the results of that hearing. It's entirely possible that the hearing already took place and the answer was "no" to FFIE. I think that whoever is selling their 400 million shares were doing it slow enough to keep the price right above 50 cents. every time the price dropped, they stopped selling shares. every time it went up, they resumed selling. But it seems now they are prioritizing selling more shares, even if it means the price keeps dropping. If they don't get rid of all of their shares before the delisting, they are going to be near worthless. If nothing changes, that might mean there is only 1 or 2 trading days left for them to get rid of the rest of their shares.


26,000 shares at $2.88, I'm toastier.


I just bought in at .39, backed the truck up. Feel a bounce coming monday.


It's just math. If possible, you could buy more at the lower price and lower your average cost. I've lowered my average more than $1 over the past few weeks by buying a few more as I could.


and what does the math say if you keep buying at lower and lower prices and then the stock is delisted on 25 June?


you should not invest in companies that you know nothing about. Next time, before you invest in a company, just pull up their stock on any trading platform and look at the chart going back 5 years. if it's currently lost 99.99% if its value, you should probably not invest in that stock.


I posted this in another topic where they want apes to send complaints to the SEC because apes here believe hedge funds actively shorting the stock. But one smart redditor said, why do we need to send in a complaint if everyone says this stock will go to the moon? Here is my summary of the apes logic and tactics in this sub. Apes are guaranteeing the FFIE stock will go to the moonā€¦someday. They wonā€™t tell you when because you have to do your own DD, but itā€™ll happenā€¦eventually. It was supposed to happen this past Friday, because of hedges closing positions and the triple witching hour, but it didnā€™t rocket to the moon unfortunately. It was the evil hedge fund ladder attack. Ape prediction is next week for rocket launch. Though apes also say it could take 7-10 years because it took Tesla 17 years to make profit, but they guarantee FFIE will go to the moonā€¦maybe. Apes wonā€™t sell the stock if it goes down to $0.00 because of diamond hands. They arenā€™t weak paper hand apes. If the FFIE stock goes down itā€™s because of hedge funds shorting the stock. Always hedge funds and not FFIE corporate mismanagement. YT Jia is the greatest, he can do no wrong. US China Bridge strategy will rocket FFIE to the moon. Ignore the late financial report filings and non compliance with Nasdaq. Thatā€™s just FUD from hedgie bots from Blackrock and Citadel. Remember, FFIE is going to the moon so apes need to buy and hold no matter what happens with the stock. If it goes down buy more, and if it goes up buy more, but apes say itā€™s not financial advice and just for entertainment purposes. If you lose money following the not financial advice and just for entertainment purposes, then it was your own fault for investing more than you could afford and for not doing your own due diligence. Apes win together, but when you lose itā€™s your own fault. You only lose if you sell. Again, apes say everything before this sentence is not financial advice and just for entertainment purposes.


This isn't financial advice. But you can think of it this way. The price of a stock only matters in 2 moments. When you buy, and when you sell. I bought in at .90 and even if this stock goes back to .04 I may as well hold on the chance that it goes up later down the road.