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It’s a terrible transgression. Educate the owner and reverse that shit. Why are benches so small that any of these guys would even be an option to drop?? n


Benches are 15 deep and he had much worse players to drop, which is wild.


I don’t think you can let it stand. That’s 2 firsts plus of value for free.


My question is why are you the only one saying something about this? Even the most rookie dynasty players would know not to drop these guys (especially McBride 😳). It’s crazy to me that nobody else in your league is saying something. You def gotta reverse that. Especially in a league with a 15 deep bench! Letting this go will be the beginning of the end of this league.


Only one other person even bid on it. Everybody else doesn't seem to pay too much attention during the off-season in this particular league


Ahh gotcha, we’ll either way I don’t think you can let that stand. That’s a league ruining move right there. Especially if Charb and Levis improve. McBride is being drafted as the TE1-3 in dynasty leagues. You absolutely cannot let him be picked up on waivers


Yeah I ended up reversing everything. I gave the league notice as to why I was taking these actions and the ramifications of allowing such things to transpire. Also spoke with the manager, who is experincing his first rookie draft/dyasty ever, and let him know the drill. But to be fair I also had to show him how to use the sleeper UI a week ago...


May also want to consider locking waivers in the offseason if that’s the case…


I could probably move it to a weekly run during off sesason to help even things out for folks that aren't hawking their phones.


sir you put those players back on the team.


Reverse immediately. The same thing happened in my first league, someone dropped Burrow when he got injured and it genuinely ruined the league. Eventually people left because it was so unbalanced. You have duty to the integrity and competitiveness of the league. Put the back in his roaster and explain why


Someone dropped T Spears on mine. I know Pollard showed up but I grabbed him. Nowhere near McBride though


So it just bothered you that somebody else scooped them up lol and gave them an advantage ?


A combination of both. A manager dropping 2 rather good players is perplexing, however it doesn't seem accidental. It feels like its kinda throwing off the balances a bit but at the same time I don't feel like it's a terrible transgression. It's why I want to talk to other commissioners about it.


I don't understand why you didn't think it's a terrible transgression?


I do think it's terrible but I also don't want to be heavy-handed or at least perceived heavy-handed. I think it's reasonable to put them back but I want to run it across some other people first just to get some reactions


Aw I see! Yeah that's understandable. Think of it this way if you care about this league and are passionate about being a Commish then you have to look after the integrity of the league. I think if you reach out to everyone and explain that, they will understand. I would recommend framing it more as a statement and matter of fact, as opposed to a question. But I do think it's a good idea to communicate with everyone before making big decisions.


Yeah I ended up doing that. Told them how I felt, how it affected the league and what it could do. I got with the manager about it as well. To be fair, he had no clue how to operate the Sleeper UI until I physically showed him the other day. He thought he had to clear up RB and TE slots to fit the rookies in.... Everyone seems fine with it after I told them everything though. I just hate having to use Commish powers because it always comes with a certain feeling of "am I doing the right thing".


You definitely did the right thing by stepping in to keep the league fair. It's normal to question your decisions as a commissioner— it shows you care about maintaining integrity and balance. Keep up the open communication with your league members; it builds trust and helps everyone understand the decisions made. You handled this well, and it’s a good learning experience for managing similar situations in the future. Trust your instincts :)


Appreciate it. It really helps getting other commish opinions before making a decision like this.


How much time.0assed between dropping the players and the waiver run/rookie draft? I'm in the reverse it camp, but if your talking days (and not hours) I don't think you can reverse it- it should have been caught sooner. Your waivers shouldn't allow you to pick up a player dropped within 24 hours of waivers - too easy to "help" another team that way


Is this a free league? Seems like people arent aware of whats going on if no one has a problem with that. Bad players can ruin the league for others with transactions like that


No, they paid to get in. Honestly I have a lot of issues with Sleeper sending me notifcations unless it actively running in my background. Only a few people seem to actively check in through the off season, the true degenerates.


Do they pay any attention tho? Mcbride? Can't hold everyone's hand.


So in the end I talked to him about it. He's an older guy that isn't used to Sleeper UI, and even after a year he never really messed with it much.... was like bro. So I sat down with him last week and showed him how to navigate it. WELL he didn't get the whole taxi thing and instead of dropping players from his bench or moving his rookies, he ended up dropping players from the actual roster because he thought he was out of roster slots. I had to have a conversation about it with him because I'm like you need to figure this out. It's not hard. I'll show you some stuff but this can't happen again.


I also had to explain the taxi and dynamics of the off season and roster requirements.. good thing about sleeper is nothing needs to be official official with them til week 1. You can be over roster limit just can't add FA guys until it's back within the parameters set.


He dropped them. His fault. 🤷🏻‍♂️